thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2021

    Pleasr pray for my sister Dottie. She is undergoing testing for Multiple Myeloma at Sloan Kettering this coming week. She has tremors and very great weakness in her legs a lot of fatigue and has also been diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis. Jean

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Oh Jean, I am sorry. Praying now for Dottie! I know we all will be praying.

    Love and blessings,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Jean, I am glad you are doing well and thanking God for your husband's freedom from anger issues. However, I am very sorry to hear about your sister. I pray that her upcoming tests will not be what they suspect as I imagine she is already dealing with a lot.

    Chris I know you have your MRI this week but not sure what day. I am praying for that. I have my brain MRI tomorrow and would appreciate prayers for my claustrophobia as I choose not to be sedated. I have not felt well for a few days. I am dealing with unexplained fatigue. One of my neighbors died of kidney cancer he battled for 24 yrs .He was an inspiration to our whole neighborhood Coming home from his visitation last night I had just terrible stomach pains out of nowhere. I really don't want to reschedule this MRI as my neurologist is much sought after and it would be hard to get back in.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    Oh, Nancy, I'm praying that you feel better from your fatigue and stomach issues and that you are peaceful during your MRI tomorrow.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437
    edited August 2021

    Jean, I am praying for Dottie this morning.

    Nancy, my MRI is scheduled for Friday at noon. I am praying your MRI tomorrow goes smoothly and that you will not have any issues. I usually do fine with an MRI, and since it is my abdomen, they will probably put me in feet first so my head won't be in the tube. I have not felt well for a week. This past week is usually when I feel my best as it is the rest week off from my meds, but it was rough this time. I am praying it is something not related to why I am getting the MRI but only God knows. I know God does not want us to live in fear and that He holds my tomorrow in His hands, but lately I am struggling a little. I think the constant fatigue, continually feeling unwell and the struggles fighting this disease for the past five years is beginning to wear me down. Covid has not helped! I am surrounded with a host of good family and friends like you all here so I am assured I will come out the victor. I am purposefully going to try to get out more in spite of how I feel. I know that will help.

    Blessings on you all today. Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2021

    Nancy and Chris, I'm praying you both feel better soon and the MRIs proceed without a hitch.

    Chris, you are spot on about COVID. It has thrown a monkey wrench in people's lives. My local school district started in-person classes today. Late yesterday the superintendent emailed employees and parents a revised "COVID Rules and Supplies List." Teachers, staff, and parents were left scrambling. What a chaotic start to school.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Thank you Carol, Chris and Hershey. I appreciate your prayers. I know the enemy is fighting hard to knock me down. I came home today and my garage door would not open. I don't know why it happened but I was able to go inside and get it open and it seemed to work fine. It reminds me of seven year ago right before I had my breast surgery and my garage door opener died. I got it fixed but I can see how the enemy wants to defeat us. Right before my surgery in December so many things went wrong right up until the day before my surgery. As I may have shared in the past one of my pandemic hobbies that emerged was growing orchids. So the day before my surgery I dropped one of my orchids on the floor that I had just soaked really well. I had also just mopped my kitchen floor. The floor was a disaster with wet bark everywhere. Everything came out plant and all and I was sure it would die because I just shoved it all back in the pot as fast as I could. That same orchid now is growing new leaves and new roots and I thought that is exactly what God does for us when the enemy tries to kick us when we are down. He and we will be victorious.

    Lord, I pray for Chris as she is being worn down by this awful illness that we all have intimate knowledge whether we want it or not. Lord your word says that your strength is made perfect in our weakness. I pray that you will lift Chris up and envelope her with your love, your comfort and your strength. May you give her hope in the midst of doubt. May you fill her with your strength to keep moving forward. May you make something beautiful of her years of suffering. May you give her courage as she faces another MRI on Friday. I pray that you would give her peace as she faces the unknown. I pray that she would be able to look forward to her cruise in September and that it will be a wonderful vacation and a pleasant distraction. Lord, I know you love her so much and may she feel that love surrounding her and may she feel the love of the dear sisters on this thread surrounding her as well. We asked this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, how are you faring with the new chemo? I know your eyes are on the Lord yet I know this is a difficult time. Are you doing OK with side effects? I am praying all is well.

    Chris, I feel honored that you share exactly how you are feeling and are trusting us to keep you in prayer. I"m so sorry for the fatigue and not feeling well during a week that you would expect to feel better. Your trust in Jesus is steadfast.

    Nancy, you've been on my heart all day. Jesus is with you and the enemy's tactics (with the garage opener) are nothing for Him. You are fully protected from the enemy as you keep your eyes on our Savior as you always do. You probably already praised Him for fresh batteries. Some of His most incredible work is done in the midst of chaos. Everything is just as He would have it, and you are walking in the Spirit. The Lord has given you the gifts of encouragement and shepherding and the enemy is threatened by that. No matter... Jesus is your Shield and He will always protect you. I'm sorry for the loss of your neighbor after his valiant battle. I know your neighborhood is blessed to have you! I loved your story about the lovely orchid plant. That painted such a beautiful picture of the beauty that God can bring through something that was broken.

    Let us know how it goes tomorrow. Jesus will be in the MRI with you and you can sing to Him while in there. That's what I did during my last MRI. Every time I hear that song, I remember being in there with Jesus and how safe He made me feel. I pray all goes well.

    I have 9 of 33 rads sessions behind me. Doing ok so far. Mondays and Wednesdays are high dose IV vitamin C days, Wednesdays are lymphedema PT and Fridays are EDTA chelation days (I have 6 toxic heavy metals to chelate on top of the radiation damage). It's a lot of extra appointments but is proving worth the investment. I'm also hoping to avoid lymphedema since I had 11 nodes out. My doctor has a large patient base of cancer patients undergoing chemo and radiation and I meet them every other day in the IV lab. She loves Jesus and I feel blessed. She says there are many doctors like her at

    Praying tonight for you and for each one in our beloved little group,

    Love and blessings,


  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited August 2021

    Hi all!!!

    Nancy and Chris praying right now for your MRI to be good results!!!! I have been listening a lot to Charis Bible college Healing is Here conference. You guys should go listen. It has been such an inspiration to me!!

    Esther- thank you for praying for me! Today went well. Taxol was not bad at all. In fact I feel better after it than I did ever after AC. They give you a lot of Benadryl by IV soooo I was super tired. But other than that I really do feel good.

    Pray for me guy as the past three days I've been really scared. The devil has gotten in my head and just had a hay day. I have been rebuking thoughts and quoting scripture over my mind and body. I even asked God to please give me 30 more years. I just want to see my kids and grandkids grow.

    I'm 50 by the way. And I always thought turning 50 might be tough. But I never. Thought in a million years it would be this hard.

    I have some specific prayer request.

    I need prayer that I will have complete response to chemo. So when surgery is done there will be no cancer!!

    Please pray I will NEVER see this ugly disease again ever

    And pray for my daughters and my cousin. I have the CHEK2 gene. And so does my mother. Please pray i didn't pass it to my girls. They will have to make some tough decisions of so. My 24 year old daughter will get tested on the 7th. And my cousin will test on the 8th.

    I love you all and pray daily for you. I beginning to journal. I think I need an outlet.

    Love and hugs to you all


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    Nancy, I'm thinking of you this morning and praying for you as you have your MRI.


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2021

    Turns out the spot is a thrombosed cherry angioma, on my eyelid. I wonder if all the dry heaving I did with that first chemo cycle caused that to happen. But the derm wasn't concerned at all. She has a low threshold for biopsy, so I'm resting in her opinion.

    Wish I had thought to ask her about this ongoing rash around my lady parts. It wasn't bothering me yesterday so it didn't occur to me to ask her. But it's still there. Guess I will tell oncology about it tomorrow when I go in for chemo. It's non itchy (thankfully), just kind of there. Weird.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437
    edited August 2021

    Nancy, I am lifting you up in prayer this morning and I prayed for you several times last night. God hears our prayers.

    Shannon, I understand about your fears and am praying for complete healing for you, and for good reports for your daughters and cousin. When I was first dxd with Stage IV, God sent me an overwhelming sign of 5 years. I did not know exactly what that meant, but that was five years ago this past June. Now I am asking God to help me make it to my 50th wedding anniversary next June. (I am 68 years old.) Perhaps that is why I have been struggling this past month more than before knowing the 5-year mark is passing. I know this is strange, but I had no doubts. It could mean anything but what it did was keep me from focusing on my immediate death and stretch my eyes to see what I could do for the next five years. Now I am more focused on what I can do today, and perhaps for the next month. That is ok with me. Whatever God wants of me I want to be available for Him for the time I have left. Perhaps that is the message here.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Dear sisters,

    Thank you ALL so much for your kind words of encouragement and for all of your prayers. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I have to share something funny that happened this morning. I was downstairs doing some of my morning ritual which involves heating up this solution I have to use as a nasal rinse everyday. I didn't have on my glasses and was about to take a bath.

    Cammie, my cat was downstairs as well. I had in the kitchen and my cat was in the dining room. All of a sudden I heard this noise and it wouldn't stop. I thought maybe my piles of bottled water had fallen in my utility room but the noise just kept going. In the nano second I was thinking if some animal had gotten into my house. Then I saw what all the commotion was. My neighbors had given me a gift basket of a fruit bouquet and it had a helium balloon tied to it. That balloon had been resting at the top of my ceiling in the dining room but somehow it floated into my ceiling fan in my living room. I kept trying to reach it and it kept getting hit by the blades. I have a remote to the ceiling fan and I couldn't quite see the numbers without my glasses but eventually I got it turned off. I looked for Cammie and she had apparently taken up upstairs and was peeking down at the top of the stairs. I laughed and laughed and as the Bible says laughter is like a medicine and it really was. When I got up today I felt better than I had in quite some time. I was totally relaxed and the good laugh helped as well.

    I made it through the MRI with only a little hitch. They have a terrible time with my veins and can only use one arm. This young tech was so sweet and so determined she going to chase down this rolling vein and I knew that was not going to end well. Finally she found a vein on the second poke which is a victory in my eyes. I was very calm and collected inside the machine and I didn't even have to do my mental gymnastics as I have done in the past. Afterwards I asked the tech if this was the large machine. I don't ever look at it. She said we only have large ones. Since the pandemic I have been going to a different location. She said why come here in the future. I had ear phones for music which at the other location said I couldn't. I think because I was in their small machine which was scary for me. So God answered all of your prayers me and I am so grateful for all of you.

    When I got into the parking lot which was very full when I got there I headed to my car thinking I didn't remember it being so close to the entrance. So I get up to my car and I did notice this elderly man sitting in the car next to mine. I am very careful about my car and try to keep it in good condition and clean. In fact I just had it washed yesterday. I noticed there was something on the car and before getting in I am trying to get this stuff off the car. Then I noticed what looked like a chip in the paint which I had never noticed before and I am rubbing this spot too. Then I go to open the door and it won't open. It was only then that I realized it was NOT my car. It was the same color and make as mine but my car was a couple of spaces over. If that man hadn't been right next to me probably watching the whole I would have laughed out loud but I kept the laugh to myself.

    So God not only got me through the day but gave me a couple of laughs along the way.

    Shannon, I am so glad that your first Taxol was better than your AC treatments. I can understand your concern since you have this gene. I had no family history of breast cancer but now I am the history for my sister and my niece and I feel bad about that. Praying your other family members will not have this gene.

    Esther, I am glad that you have already 9 and probably 10 treatments down by the time you read this. You have a lot going on but I am thankful that you are allowed to have these other treatments going on while doing rads. I am not sure if that would fly with my RO here. Thank you for your kind words. YOU are an encouragement to all of us and we appreciate you.

    Carol, I hope you are having some pleasant distractions as you visit your sister. I know God knew you needed that. Thank you for your prayers.

    GB, as you face another chemo treatment tomorrow praying all goes well for you.

    Ade, and Teka, I owe you both a PM and I am sorry I haven't responded yet. Thank you both for your prayers.

    Chris, you have been on my mind for quite some time. I have prayed this prayer for you SO many times. Lord, give Chris many more years of good quality life on this earth so she can spend more time with her family and her new family. I don't know what that five years means but I am going to continue to pray that prayer for you. You are a dear sister to all of us and we love you very much. You exhibit such great qualities that reflect Jesus inside of you. Praying for your MRI on Friday.

    I probably won't find out results until next Thursday when I see my neurologist.

    Have a great day.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Chris, as you face your MRI tomorrow we are all praying for you. This banner is for you and for all who are going through challenges which is probably every single one of us.

    GB as you have another chemo today praying it goes well.

    Esther, praying for smooth sailing as you have another radiation treatment today.

    Praying for recovery for Bookpusher and Elizabett.

    I got results from my MRI already in MyChart. The medical jargon is way above my understanding but it appears that the tumor is stable. Hallelujah for that. I am a bit concerned as there is some disease of the small arteries pointed out which I think is normal in aging but it concerns me as dementia can start with this disease. I will discuss with my neurologist next Thursday. Thank you again for your prayers.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437
    edited August 2021

    Thank you Nancy, for your thoughtfulness and encouragement. I am thankful your tumor is stable and will pray the disease portion is minimal and is also stable or goes away completely.

    I am also praying for those in treatment and/or recovery. I am praising God for the small steps. "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

    I did some retail therapy yesterday with my DD and feel a bit better today. My DD bought a jacket to wear for future interviews but before we even got home, she received a call for an interview this morning. God is moving!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Chris, that is AWESOME that your daughter has an interview already. Now she will have a nice new jacket to wear to it. Getting out of the house and doing normal things which we all have taken for granted before the pandemic is now a privilege and a treat. It is therapeutic just getting out of the house and sometimes getting away from our thoughts and thinking about clothes or whatever and giving us a break is a good thing.

    God is able. He is our portion. Apart from Him we can do nothing.

    I 'm praying.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2021

    Prayed over all as I read just now. Jean

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Nancy, I"m so glad to hear that news. You and Chris were on my heart all day. I'm praying for you all tonight, including Dottie.

    I loved your fan story, and Cammie's response, too. I can just picture it! Here's one for you all. I am going to rename the "June Bug" the "August Bug" because they are living well beyond their named month. They like to dive bomb us in the back yard every morning during coffee. I know they are harmless, but they are huge and buzzy! I always end up running for cover and spilling my coffee. They are just curious, I know. They chase me into the house, like, "Aw, you're no fun. I didn't mean any harm. I just came to play!"

    You are right, my oncologists did not know anything about IV therapies. But, they have come to know me by now and they are liking the results, so they really can't argue with my MD and her biochemistry degree which has been of such benefit to me. I was thrilled to find that Journal study that IV C twice weekly during radiation greatly reduced inflammation and had other predictive benefits. Did you ever find out what befell your integrative doctor? Are you going to replace him? It's so hard to find a good one. I feel really grateful to God and blessed with mine. She loves Jesus so much. She is nearing 70 and says she will never retire. She says she will go to Jesus on the day He calls her, but she will be here caring for her patient base until that very moment.

    I'm grateful for your good report. Did they give you any information on helping reduce the symptoms of fatigue? Do you take a good magnesium powder? It's funny, my berry Neuro-Mag powder is my only sweet other than stevia in my coffee since I don't do sugar anymore except for an occasional exception. Has anyone tried "bulletproof coffee?" How does it taste?

    Before I forget, brain circulation just came up in Dr. E's session yesterday. She always mentions that EDTA chelation improves clogged circulation in the brain as well as the rest of the body, and that she has seen it help prevent dementia in her patients.

    She also trialed a supplement called Bright Smart. A study of seniors who failed their drivers exams but then took Bright Smart, 85% then were able to pass the test. She sees her patients go off of it after awhile, thinking they don't need it anymore, but then after a short time, they're back on Bright Smart.

    Speaking of fatigue, today was #11 and I am quite tired tonight. I'm going to give my body a rest. Sleep well, dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Chris, I have been praying for you a lot the last many days I hope that your MRI is over now and you are home and resting. I know that waiting period is so stressful and I do pray that you will get results quickly. I was surprised I got mine so quickly.

    Esther, you sound like me with ANYTHING that even has a hint of buzzing and I am running to get away. LOL I did look up photos of June bugs as ours here in IL are not very big. I was shocked to see all the different photos that were all totally different. So I am not sure what gives on that front. Our June bugs are usually something we see at night and they are flying around the porch lights. I am guessing your species may be a bit different.

    Is your integrative doctor the same one on the video that you posted recently. I am a bit hesitant to say much about my doctor so publicly but I may not be seeking out a replacement. I don't know why he abruptly retired and I imagine that I never will.

    I do take a supplement at night by Ortho Molecular which I know you mentioned that brand before. I have fibromyalgia and this supplement which does have Magnesium in it I have taken for years. I am not sure for how long I will be able to still order my supplements from this doctor's office.

    When I was doing the nutritional IV's I think that Vit. C was purposely left out of the mix for me and it had something to do with heart issues if I am remembering correctly. I do take high blood pressure meds and did back then as well. I just started taking Glutethion (sp?) as I remembered that used to be an ingredient in my IV cocktail.

    I am taking a pretty expensive supplement for brain function which is one of the last supplements that my doctor wanted me to take. I think diet and exercise for me is key and I do expect that I will feel much better when I can get those things happening. I don't walk outside when the weather is this hot and humid but I try to walk inside. It is not the best but it is better than nothing.

    I normally deal with fatigue because of my fibro and I know when I was having my consults with my RO before I started radiation I was really concerned if I would be able to drive myself as my clinic was out of town. My RO said she thought I would be fine. I was a swimmer and was sidelined because of my shoulder injury son. I took up walking again. I had stopped that because of a foot condition. It all turned out well and my walking seemed to help with the radiation fatigue so I was really faithful in doing that. I know you have a lot going with your other therapies as I did as well with shoulder PT along with rads. It all worked and before I knew it I was done. I was supposed to have 33 treatments and the last few were boosts and when I got near near the end they said I didn't need to do the last couple.

    How are you dealing with your Mom since you mentioned you are her caregiver? I was not able to help out my Mom during my treatments. I was living with her downstate for three months out of every year but she was three hours away so I couldn't help out. My sister was in the same town as my Mom so it's not like my Mom was totally on her own even though she was living alone once my Dad died.

    I will continue to pray for your treatments and that your other therapies will help to counteract any negatives from your rads.

    Take care.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437
    edited August 2021

    Nancy, I already have my results back...took only 4 hours! It is on my portal. I know my oncologist will call soon as she usually does. Anyway, it looks like my liver has multiple tumors. There is also evidence of mets on my spine and illiac. It is what we expected and verifies that my present medicine is failing and I need to switch. Thanks for your prayers as I have been extra stressed. Now we need to pray we find the right new medicine depending on the biopsy results whether it should be another oral one or chemo. I know God holds me in His arms.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Oh Chris, I am so sorry to hear this. Were you still on Xeloda and is that the med that stopped working? I can only imagine what this feels like to get this news. I know that I will be praying hard that God will give your oncologist wisdom in choosing which treatment to go with next. I do hope your oncologist calls you soon and that she will give you hope that there are other treatment options for you.

    I will be lifting you up as you absorb this news. I wish I could be there in person to give you a hug. I pray that your family will be there to comfort you and the the Lord will comfort you during this time.



  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021


    You have been on my heart all week. I can't even begin to imagine. I too wish I could give you a hug. I will continue to keep praying for your next treatment option to be more successful than this one. You are one of the sweetest, godliest women I have ever met here. You are soooo cherished by the Lord. I pray that He brings encouragement to your spirit as you take your next steps. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all weekend.

    Love and blessings,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021


  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited August 2021

    Ok I'm about to ask a very shallow, vain, question.

    Do any of you feel very very uncomfortable with your husbands seeing you bald? He has told me time and time again that he loves me no matter what. And that he does not look at my hair. He loves me with it without hair. And I know he does. But I look in the mirror and think "how in the world could he be attracted to me now?" I know it will grow back. But you guys I am just being very raw here, it hurts my feelings. I hate looking at myself in the mirror without a wig. I won't even wear the beanie things around the house. I get up every morning and put on my wig just like I do makeup. ( I’m old school ( I don’t leave my house without makeup) it has to do with the way my momma raised me lol.

    I am just having my own pity party tonight. I know I’m colorful when I express my thoughts. 😂 I just want you guys to picture what I’m thinking.

    I feel so bad for my hubby. His mother has stage 4 colon cancer. She has been on treatment for a long time. And now me. I know he has to be hurting. My sweet hubby has the patience of Job! He is kind and sweet and would do anything to help anyone. It breaks my heart some days that I am wearing out the “in sickness and in health” vow.

    Ok I won’t stay on my pity potty. I will go pray and get off it. But you all I know understand and I just needed to let it all out tonight. I’m scared and I’m sad. Sometimes I just wish God would give me a sign. In fact I asked Him for one the other day. I was in my bedroom crying out to Him and saw a box on my dresser that says “Believe” and it says “Miracles Happen” I feel like He was speaking to me. Maybe that sounds silly to some. But I know He still speaks to us. Not audible, but through His word, and people. That is why we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

    I pray you all have an amazing week ahead. I pray blessings and healings over us all.

    Sending hugs and love!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share your feelings here. I have not gone bald, yet. In the five-plus years of my stage IV diagnosis, I have been on two oral treatments. At one point during my first one my hair got very thin and I did not go bald, but I bought and wore a wig when out and about when I saw others. Now that I have progression it is very possible I will go on an IV treatment and lose my hair. I think I understand how you feel as I have that same feeling bubbling up in the midst of my other fears. My husband is also very supporting, and tells me often he doesn't care what I look like, he loves me for who I am. Those words are reassuring, but I still won't leave the house without makeup. I am happy I have hair right now and even still dye it now that it is thick again.

    I also believe in listening to the whisperings of the Saviour, and in miracles. God knows your heart and how you think. I encourage you to believe God is with you every step of the way. There are nights when I pray through my tears that He will just help me have no stomach ache the next day because of someone I want to go and be with, and He answers that prayer. This has happened to me many times in the past five years. I believe He answers our small prayers and our big ones too. I trust God to know when my time to see Him face-to-face is the best time according to His will. In the meantime, it is ok to cry and have all the emotions that accompany this horrible disease because God knows how we are made. He knows what it is to hurt. He loves us and our families through it all. Chris

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, I'm so sorry for all you are experiencing right now. Losing our hair can be so hard. I've never liked mirrors and rarely feel "pretty" even though my husband tells me I'm beautiful.

    I remember a woman who used to attend our church. She was rather large and probably not what society would call "attractive". Her skin wasn't perfect, her teeth were in bad shape, but she was BEAUTFUL! I remember telling her that one day at church. She had a BEAUTY that just shone through all the exterior trappings. That's what I want for myself.

    I pray that our Father in heaven assures you that you are his beautiful child - with or without hair!

    Love and blessings to each of you today.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, I am glad that some others have weighed in on your post. I can't speak from any experience on any front as I have never lost my hair and I am single and have always been single. I can identify with your belief that God is showing you things along the way. I most definitely believe that to be true in my life. I have to agree with Carol (Sunshine99) in that what people see as beauty is the inward beauty that they see. We have probably all known some really beauties out there that are not quite so beautiful on the inside. The fact that you speak so highly of your husband and he picked YOU to be his bride tells me that you are beautiful on the inside and the out, bald or not. We all have emotions that bubble to the top in this cancer journey. We have all had times of struggling with this disease. God is certainly not surprised what you are going through and He knows what you need as He created you with all of those emotions as He experienced as well. Be honest with Him and tell Him your fears and your hurts and struggles. He is waiting with outstretched arms to help get you through this time. Reach out to Him because my bets are on the One who created the sun, moon and stars. He is able and will get you through this if you allow Him to have a seat right by you always. I will be praying for you as well.

    Carol, I hope you are getting some R and R with your sister and some pleasant distractions.

    Chris, you have been on my heart all weekend and I am praying that you and your oncologist will have a plan in place. It sounds like you may have already discussed IV chemo. I am praying for you dear one as well.

    I have to go to my eye appointment so I have to close for now.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited August 2021

    I was awakened by my smoke alarm going off around 4:15 am. My ears are still ringing. No smoke just alarm. It is hard wired so I got it off the ceiling and took the battery out. I just had this newly installed a few months ago and thought the issue was fixed. Apparently a new issue. Hopefully just needed a new battery. I had trouble falling asleep. Sigh. Okay back to bed. I thought I would post this while I am still shaking. Shocked


  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021


    You poor thing, I cannot believe that happened to you. Just when you really need your sleep, too! What a terrible scare. I hope you are able to catch a nap today.

    I am a night owl like you but I am trying to change my sleeping hours to get into my circadian rhythm. Not there yet :)

    I love that quote. Thanks for sharing it and always being such an encouragement. You are all brightening my days more than you know.

    Love, prayers and blessings to all,
