thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2021

    Nancy, you and I had very similar salvation experiences. I too grew up in a church where my dad was a councilman and both parents sang in the choir. I was baptized and went through confirmation at the age of 12, but the salvation message was never preached and no one was encouraged to read the Bible for themselves. I went to a Billy Graham crusade at age 12 or 13 and wanted badly to go forward at the invitation, but in such a huge stadium I knew I'd never find my way back, and neither parent was going anywhere. I met James at age 18 and we were drawn to know the Lord, so attended a teen Bible study where I first felt the Lord's presence and it was wonderful. He became real to me. James & I married at 21 and continued seeking Him together. Finally in our mid thirties we attended another crusade and prayed the prayer to give our hearts to Jesus. It took us a while - but it took. I have to say that since the move 9 years ago from Ohio to Texas we have endured trials far beyond our expectations, from cancer to heart attacks to great financial loss, to an extremely hurtful church experience. But through it all God was - and always is - faithful. He deepened our walk with Him and our love for Him more than I can describe.

    I have such compassion for all of you going through so much pain and trial in your own lives right now. But I just want to encourage you to know the Lord is still with you, in you, and for you, no matter how bad things may look now. He will never leave you or forsake you - that's His PROMISE to you. He has brought you this far and He's not about to let you go. Draw near to Him, pray about everything, give Him praise and thanksgiving in all things, read His Word, and listen for His still small voice. His love for you is higher, wider, and deeper than you can imagine. We will all meet on the other side some day, and rejoice together that this part is over and we are healed and in His presence forevermore.

    God bless and keep you,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2021

    Nancy and Ade, my salvation experience is quite different than you both. I was saved at the foot of my kindergargen Sunday School teacher at five years of age. I know I was saved-- It was very real and I experienced God's continual presence and leading all throughout my childhood. I was fortunate to grow up with Godly parents who lived out their own salvation at home and work. I did rebel as a teenager, but was sanctified at the age of 17 once God showed me He stood by me not to condemn but to save. I met my future husband a few months later and we have been together ever since serving God however He asks. God has never failed me and becomes more real every day. I am far from perfect and am still running the race towards the prize. I have had my failings, but God always teaches and heals. His blessings are new everyday and His love abounds far more than I could have ever imagined.

    I am so thankful for this BCO site and the connections I have with you all. No matter what I face each day, it is a blessing to know you are all praying and caring for each other.

    Love, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Some of you ladies who have been around for a while know that for maybe three years I have been dealing with this mystery of burning face and wrists. I have mentioned it to practically every doctor I see and no one had any answers. This would almost always happen while I was eating breakfast. Well, right now my face and all of my arms are on fire worse than they have ever been. I saw one of my doctors last week and she wanted me to not take any vitamins within four hour window of my thyroid meds. It is proving to be a difficult task but something I have to do. I just took all of my usual morning meds just a little while ago. A few minutes later this flare on steroids happened. So it is apparently a reaction to one of my supplements but I take a bunch of them so I have no idea how I will go about this. The odd thing is this is a much more severe reaction than in the past which also tells me that my vitamins may have not been absorbed well with the thyroid med and vice versa. Just a thought for some of you out there that might take thyroid meds and vitamins. So this change in my pill schedule may have been a blessing in disguise.

    So Esther I may look redder than you are at this point. This flare usually takes about 45 min to go away. I have prayed for your cousin. What a horrible thing to go through. I have prayed for you as you only have three more boosts to go. The light at the end of your tunnel is getting brighter each day! So was the netting a big fail or are you just dealing with a very intelligent and persistent flying object!!Bawling.

    Ade. thank you for sharing your salvation story. It sounds like it was a process for you over several years to come to the reality of what intimacy means with Jesus. I love how you and James seek the Lord together. My Mom and Dad would pray together every night. My Dad went through so many health issues and I know that God gave them both strength to endure as you have found in all of your trials. Right before my cancer diagnosis I had gone through the usual progression of tests and ultrasound etc and I just knew when the Lord gave me this scripture when I was taking a bath and it was the same as you mentioned. I will never leave you or forsake you. It was like I had an immediately knowing that I was going to be diagnosed with cancer which the next day I was but I had that assurance from that Scripture that I would be alright. I was not used to hearing messages so clearly like that in the past. Our church offered this free several day course on How to Study the Bible. I had conflicts and could not attend but it is now being offered online for our church. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I played some of the video very early this morning. I think it is going to be a real eye opener as this teacher is excellent in history which is part of his intro into this course.

    Amen to your post about meeting on the other side. I don't know exactly what that will look like but I believe we will all get to meet in heaven for those who have experienced salvation through Jesus one day. It will make this life seem like a blink of suffering and challenges compared to eternity with peace and joy and NO MORE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chris, you were so fortunate to have come to the salvation experience at such a young age. I had my experience the summer before my senior year in college. We are all works in progress and thank God he is patient with us as we fall short which I know I do daily. He is quick to forgive as we ask Him. We are all lifting you up as you start on this new chemo drug. You are loved by all here and we appreciate your grace and strength as you deal with all of your health challenges.

    Take care dear sisters. I have prayed for each one of you. Have a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2021

    Dear Nancy and everyone who has prayed for me, thank you so much. I am on another new medication and I thought I was making great progress but had a setback today. My depression is getting better but I had an awful anxiety attack today with HBP and racing heart and shaking and the worst part was I was driving on the busy highway not far from us. Some of you may know I have 10 grandchildren and one of our granddaughters is getting married the third week in October and I don't have a dress yet. I've searched the internet for hours with no luck so I decided today I was actually going to go shopping at the big mall about 10 miles west of us. I was okay until I went to the second big department store and started to feel a hot flash and SOB. I Managed to find a dress that might work if I can get the right size but got very tired walking back to the parking garage, so sat a few minutes and then got on the big highway to go home. I made it, but by the time I got here, I was a nervous wreck and my BP was very high. So, I'm asking you all to please pray for me and my DH, not only am I concerned about this anxiety but the wedding is In Idaho and they have the 2nd worst vaccination rate and a big Covid surge right now. I really wish they would postpone the wedding but I don't think they will and how can I miss my first granddaughter's wedding? Just to add another worry, DH just found out his carotid artery is about 80% blocked so now I'm concerned he will have another stroke. The doctors seem to think he can wait and check it again in six months, they say he's in the “grey area", surgery or not. Is it any wonder I'm having anxiety? I know God must have a plan and it will be okay but it's so hard to wait. This note below was in my daily devotional emails yesterday and seemed to be there just for me. I think it will speak to many of you so I am sharing it.

    “There are few people who teach as passionately about love as scientist, scholar, and Franciscan Sister Ilia Delio. At the CAC CONSPIRE conference in 2014, the audience was able to witness and share Ilia's enthusiasm for, and trust in, the "love energy of God," which makes any of our typical notions of hell quite impossible. She said:

    Everything that exists speaks of God, reflects that love energy of God. But God is more than anything that exists. God is always the more of our lives. We can't contain God. If we try to control God, that's not God; God always spills over our lives. So, God is our future. If we're longing for something we desire, it's that spilled-over love of our lives that's pulling us onward, that's luring us into something new. But we don't trust this God [of implanted desire] often. We were pretty sure that God's there, [and] we're here, and we just need to keep [on] the straight and narrow path. . . .

    What Francis [of Assisi] recognized is God is in every direction. That you might arrive, you might not arrive. You might arrive late; you might arrive early. It's not the arrival that counts. It's God! It's not the direction that counts. It's just being there, trusting that you will be going where God wants you. In other words, God is with us. Every step of the way is God-empowered love energy. But we tend to break down and start controlling things: "If I go this way, I'm going to get lost. Well, what if it's wrong? What will happen to me?" Well, what willhappen to you? Something will happen. But guess what? Something's going to happen whether or not you go; that's the whole point of life. So, it's all about love.

    So, it's not like we've got this, "Here's God; here's us. God's just waiting till we get our act together and then we'll all be well." That's a boring God; that's not even God. God is alive. God is love. Love is pulling us on to do new things and we need to trust the power of God in our lives to do new things. . . . We need to unwire ourselves to recognize that the God of Jesus Christ is, you might say, the power beneath our feet, the depth of the beauty of everything that exists, and the future into which we are moving. . . .

    Every one of us is written in the heart of God from all eternity, born into the stars, born, you might say, into the galaxies, born on this earth in small forms, developing and coming to explicit form in our lives, given a name. It's a fantastic mystery of love."

    I've been absent for a long time and I'm sorry, but I always pray for all of you and try to read as often as possible. I feel so fortunate to know that I have you as my prayer warriors. Thank you all so much for being here. I can often feel that your prayers are working.

    I've gone on too long but I guess I just needed this outlet. I will try to be more faithful in writing in the future.

    Love and prayers for all.

    Faith (in the future

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Dear Faith, I visited the butterfly house for the last time and was just getting ready to post some butterfly pics and I saw your post. I am glad to hear that your depression is better but I am so sorry about your anxiety attack on the road. Oh my. I had a really bad low blood sugar episode at the mall many years ago and I didn't know what to do. I just found a bench and sat. It was very scary so I can really appreciate your fear and anxiety. So did you buy the dress or were you too sick to do anything at that point? Driving around here is very scary under normal conditions. I am glad you made it back home safely and I hope that after calming down your bp went down as well. I am so sorry to hear about your DH. Has he fully recovered from his knee replacement? I know it can be overwhelming going from one health challenge to another. I know how much you want to go to your granddaughter's wedding. I will pray that everything will work out for you both to go. I have thought of you often and I pray for you at every one of my prayer sessions. If you never got the dress but know which one you liked I would be glad to drive you to go get it and wait on you to try it on to get the right size. Just send me an email or PM and we could get our schedules together. Really. I sincerely would like to take you if you want.

    I will continue to pray for you and your DH. God loves you so much. I hope you can feel that love surrounding you always.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2021

    Faith, thank you for your post. You are right, sometimes I am so consumed with waiting until everything is just right I miss what God is really trying to do. I have been praying for you and am sorry to hear of your anxiety attack. Shopping is stressful enough without the added pressure of buying a special dress for the wedding. I will pray for your dear husband too. You need some peaceful time and some good news right now so I pray God opens the right vessels so there are no problems. Please don't worry about writing too much or not often or not. All our lives are filled with unpredictable things. Sometimes I just sit back and observe without responding, and sometimes I am afraid I will say the wrong thing so I say nothing. We have all been there. Sometimes I feel isolated even though I am surrounded with people. Sometimes God makes sure I am isolated so I will listen. I am thankful He knows what I need when I need it.

    Love and hugs, Chris

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited September 2021

    Faith, I am praying for God's perfect peace to come upon you. Nancy, Chris, Ade and all the others who are so faithful here, thank you for your posts and for sharing God's goodness.

    I don't post as often as others do, and I'm certainly not as good at mentioning all of the concerns and requests, but know that you are all dear to me and I appreciate the reminders of God's faithfulness to us.


  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited September 2021

    Faith-840— I totally understand how you feel. I have always been type A personality and high anxiety at times. After my diagnosis though I have been all of that times 10.

    I don’t have many anxiety attacks. But I do wake sometimes in the mornings in panic of what my future holds. Sometimes that spills over into things that should be bringing me joy.

    I’m praying for you!! And thank you for being real.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Carol, you are welcome. I imagine you are back in your routine at home now. I hope your three weeks with your sister will give you many memories to keep close to you.

    GB I have been praying that you will have no reaction to your 1st Covid shot today.

    Have a great weekend everyone. We have turned the calendar back to summer according to our weather.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2021

    Dear Nancy, thank you so much for for the generous offer to take me to the mall. That is so sweet and kind of you. But, thankfully I was able to pull myself together and bought the dress. I really like it but it may need some alterations. I’m just too short, I always need petite sizes and they are hard to find. I’m going to look online some more and see if I can find the dress in a petite size. The good thing about going and trying on dresses, is I know what size I need. Now, I just hope I can find it.

    Chris, thank you also for all your prayers, you always find just the right things to say that make me feel better. I pray for you always that God will heal you with these new meds. I’m also praying that you have a wonderful cruise to enjoy and relax and have some quiet time with just your DH. I imagine you enjoy having your DD & DGD living with you most of the time but it has to be hectic, especially as you were home schooling her too. It’s hard to really relax when others are around. I’m sure you and DH need some alone time and that’s what I’m praying for.

    Carol, as you know, I don’t post as often any more either and I used to feel guilty about that but I’ve come to realize that whatever we can do is okay with our dear friends here and I know we are all praying for each other.

    Lover of Jesus, thank you for sharing your bouts with anxiety too. I’ve always been reluctant to share about my anxiety, especially with my friends and family. I just don’t want them to worry about me as they have enough to worry about. That’s why it is so good to be able to to share with all of you here.

    Love and prayers to all of you and have a beautiful weekend, the weather here is great. Hope it’s the same wherever you are.

    Faith (in the future)

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2021

    I didn't have an allergic reaction at the vaccination center!!! I was displeased how they weren't enforcing proper mask wearing though, and some guy wearing his mask under his nose was coughing near me. I hope I didn't catch anything from the vaccination center. Trying not to think about it too much since I can't really do anything about it.

    Weird skin infection (small) on the side of my toenail now. Thought it was maybe a toenail getting funny, but yesterday the NP at the oncologist said it didn't look like it, and said chemo does skin things like that sometimes. I have a topical to use but a back up oral antibiotic prescription that I can fill if I need to. I hope I don't need to.

    First Taxol is on Thursday. I think work is about to get funny for me, with weekly treatments and other things going on. I might have to take a lot more time off.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2021

    Faith, there's a lot of love and lifting you up to the Lord in prayer here. This is where you CAN freely vent or cry or rejoice with sisters who, for the most part, have been through what you are dealing with. Please never be concerned about going on too long. You may just voice the very thing so that we can pray for you more effectively. I think ALL of us, wherever we are in this cancer "adventure" have felt extreme anxiety more than a few times. I just can't drive in big city highway traffic so I give you BIG TIME credit for attempting that! I panic to think of my husband having another heart attack or a stroke, knowing that the only real medical care is 3+ hours away in a big city. Like Nancy, I have hypoglycemia, and if the blood sugar gets too low I am in big trouble too. We have so many similarities here and that's why we bond. We feel one another's pain, fear, anxiety, and it is a blessing to intercede for one another. never a burden. I guess the best word of comfort I can give to you is that we have an Intercessor right now at the Throne of our Heavenly Father Who intercedes for us. He know exactly what we need when we need it and has the power to carry forth His will. We are His and nothing can snatch us away from His love. Jesus is as close as your very next heartbeat. Lay your burdens before Him and rest in His care.

    Just a quick praise - James was letting the puppy out the other night. You have to go through the garage to let him out into the fenced yard. James was barefoot and felt he had stepped on something. (Ugh I shudder to think of this!). That something was a live scorpion. He smooshed it so it didn't sting him. ( I can't even imagine if that'd been me! ) Anyway I praise the Lord for keeping him safe from a non-lethal but nasty sting. God is good!

    God bless and keep you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Faith, I am glad you bought the dress. Now I will pray that you kind find the right size if you need to exchange it..........or that you can have it altered to perfectly fit you. As Ade said, there is a lot of love and lifting you up in prayer. I hope you can feel that as I hope everyone on this thread can feel the same when we pray for each one of you.

    Shannon, you are certainly not alone as you can see. We have all experienced the what ifs and what nows of our future. It is only human nature for us to wonder what tomorrow holds. Jesus wants us to trust Him day by day and He doesn't show us the big picture because frankly we as humans could not handle it. He wants to build our trust in Him and that is an ongoing process for each of us. Some days it comes very easily and others it is anything but that. You will get through this time and I believe your faith will be strengthened in the struggle.

    GB, so glad to hear you had no allergic reaction. I have heard of different reactions to chemo like that and I am glad your NP put your mind at ease that it was not an infection but glad you have some meds just in case. Praying for your first Taxol treatment next week and will be praying for your work as far as taking some time off if needed.

    Carol, you are a part of this little community even if you just read and post when you want to. We are glad to have you here with us.

    Hershey, I hope your new schedule works out well for you. I am still praying for not only you but your Mom as well.

    Jean, I hope you have a good weekend. It is nice to have you pop in when you feel like it.

    Chris, I am praying that your new treatment will work. How have you felt on it so far? Always praying for you as you go through this.

    Ade, I love all of your words and our heavenly Father does know exactly what we all need. Praise God for that. Now I wish I hadn't reread your scorpion story right before bedtime. Singing

    Esther, two more radiation treatments to go. You are almost across the finish line. Woooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited September 2021

    Faith, I am so happy you have a dress for the wedding. I'd think the store would carry the dress online in your size; otherwise, I pray there is a local seamstress to make the alterations for you. Driving highways and freeways is scary for me, and I'm thankful you made it home safely from the mall.

    Nancy, thank you for your prayers for my mom. This summer her assisted living center started a baking club for the residents. My mom was always a good cook, but baking was not something she especially enjoyed. She decided to join the baking club in July, and she loves it! The club meets every other week and has baked patriotic cakes for July 4th, lemon bars, banana bread, and apple pies. I'm not sure if it's the actual baking or the camaraderie she likes, but I'm thankful she's found an activity that gives her enjoyment.

    Ade, thank you for your uplifting words of encouragement. So appreciated.

    Prayers for a blessed Sunday for one and all.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2021

    GB, yay for no reactions! Any good news is special right now!

    Hershey, I am so glad your mom has found a group to feel she belongs to. That is so important. I am thankful Assisted Living has improved over the years. I remember sixty years ago my parents had a friend who had a very large house and was able to take in people who needed assistance or help as they aged--probably before major regulations. I remember fondly going over some weekends and helping out with the yardwork or baking or other small tasks. Of course, as the youngest and a girl I ran around giving out hugs and smiles. I can still remember a few special people...those who were ambulatory always perked up when they had something special to do or someone to talk to. I even remember one old bed-ridden man who had a drawer full of hershey bars and of course he would always give me one for a hug!

    I am doing well on my new meds so far, five days down! I am also hesitant as it sometimes takes a week or so before it builds up in the system. I had a rough night Thursday night but that was partially my fault trying to regulate myself. This morning I am baking bacon and my DD is making pancakes, a treat and a good start to the morning. The tourist season is waning and it is peaceful outside. God is so good!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Love, Chris

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited September 2021

    Chris, I'll bet that your house smells wonderful!

    I was able to get my COVID booster and flu shot on Friday. No ill effects, so far, other than a slightly sore arm on the COVID shot side.

    It's very pleasant here today. Partly sunny and around 70 degrees. DH went for a hike this morning and I'm working away on a baby blanket for my MO. Her baby girl was delivered prematurely last month and will probably stay in the NICU until October. She showed me a picture of her during our video visit last week. She looks adorable and perfect.

    Have a blessed day, everyone!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Hershey, I am so glad to hear about your Mom joining the baking club and enjoying it. That is great. My Mom loved to play Bingo but would not feel comfortable playing without me so I would try to make a point to join her so she could be out with people. Having that connection with others is so important in the senior facilities. Actually having that connection is important for all of us and that is why this thread is so special.

    Chris I bet your pancakes and bacon were yummy. I never eat pancakes except once in a blue moon and I have to eat gluten free pancakes at restaurants but I haven't been inside a restaurant since the pandemic hit. I have been so hungry for pancakes for weeks which is strange. I guess I'll have to live vicariously through yours for now. I have been praying that you will not have bad side effects from your new chemo pill. I will continue to pray specifically for that.

    Carol, I'm glad you got your flu and booster shot. Your MO will be so touched by you making a baby blanket for her little baby. Our oncologists are worth their weight in gold for sure and having a baby in NICU has got to be so difficult for her. She will be blessed.

    If I may share my most joyful time in the summers it is when I am visiting the Butterfly House. I found out they had an addition of a several new species and I was thrilled. Some they mentioned I just had to go for the last time. I usually can't take the heat unless it is in the 70's but on Friday it was very hot but I didn't care. I wanted to see the Blue Morphos so badly. Chris, I don't have a program that makes them display as yours does but I will show you a few. I hope this brightens your day as much as they did mine. God's unbelievable creation is so evident in seeing all of the varieties of butterflies and how beautiful and unique they are.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.









  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2021

    Wow Nancy, those are breathtaking!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Thank you Chris. I had to laugh because as I was going through my pics on my computer I knew I didn't have any really good pics of the Blue Morpho with it's blue wings opened up and I had a surprise. I was taking some pics of their charts so I could ID some of their newer species and guess who photo bombed my photo. A Blue Morpho. It was blurry but it still made me smile. I had a Malachite that got very friendly with me and wouldn't leave my arm. I finally took my finger and it stayed on my finger and I pulled out my camera phone and took its pic on my finger but I am not very good with two hands on my camera phone let alone one so it was also blurry. I can't wait until next year when this place opens up again.

    Have a good rest of your night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Hi dear sisters,

    This banner is for anyone who needs peace today. I am guessing that would be all of us.

    You have all been prayed for. Have a great day.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Congratulations to Esther who has finished her 33 treatments of radiation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited September 2021

    Thank you, Nancy! That is so cute! I am SO relieved to be finished with radiation. And thank you to each of you dear sisters who have been praying for me. I am praying for you, too!

    Much love in Jesus, xoxoxo


  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited September 2021

    Hi beautiful ladies!!!

    I need some prayers.

    My daughter and her husband are having some marriage issues. I know life is hard and I believe they can work it out. But he is frustrated because of his job and then comes home and feels overwhelmed with two small kids. He's just snappy and so much daughter feels she is the problem which really isn't the case. They have talked about it and he apologizes but then tends to do it again. He is a good Christian man. I think they both just need to talk calmly about what's going on. Just please pray.

    Please pray for my MIL. She has stage 4 colon cancer. It's just so hard for my sweet hubby dealing with his momma and me with cancer.

    Pray for my mother. She has some back issues and she is 81. Her leg is kind of numb and makes her unsteady when she walks. They have steps in their home. Which scares me. But I can't get them to sale it. There are some nice patio homes in our town. They could move there. But I can't get them to sale.

    I know this is long tonight. I have been battling depression lately. I'm sure it's all about my diagnosis. But I really don't want to take anything for it. But I want to get out of my head a little and feel more happy too.

    Thank you all for allowing me to just vent. I have to have somewhere to let it all out.

    Love you all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2021

    Congradulations Esther. Shannon prayed for you and your children. Lots of forgiveness needed during stressful times. Been there! Also for your mother, husband and Mil. For you to find joy in gratitude for simple things like sunshine, or a hug.

    I and hubby are quarantined till Monday. Battling a mild case of Covid. So grateful for being vaccinated.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited September 2021

    Esther, let me join the others in congratulations for finishing your radiation. I pray there will be no residual affects and that everything is clean and you are feeling good.

    Shannon, I am praying for your mother, MIL, and your DD and family. There is no surprise that with this burden you have some depression and I pray God relieves you of that.

    Jean, I am sorry to hear you are battling Covid but am thankful it is mild thanks to the vaccination. That is why we do it!

    I am still doing pretty well on my new medicine though I am struggling to find a routine. I struggle with not sleeping and my body not being regulated, but that is mild and I gladly accept it. I have more energy than I have had in awhile and have been taking advantage of it by cleaning out drawers and closets, etc. I had put this off for some time but the impending termite tenting has lit a fire under me... I am not required to do it, but it is for my own peace of mind. I am a proactive person and we are also eating down any surplus food in our pantry and freezer. That is a good thing too and the menu is beginning to get creative...! I am also starting on my Christmas list as I have no idea how I will feel in two months. Part of me just wants to relax and let life come, but that is not me.

    Take care dear friends.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Good Friday morning.

    It has been a wild time the last few days. My internet was out but it was definitely the ISP as they notified us. My bank which is only a few blocks away from my house was robbed and the robber ran away on foot and our neighborhood was notified to call the police if we saw him. One of our high schools the same day as this other stuff could not go to school because of a bomb threat. That was one day. Then I have had car trouble and currently without my car. I knew the starter was going out but the dealer techs had to hear it for themselves so they kept my car overnight after I waited for quite a while. I have a dentist apt out of town today and the dealer is going to pick me up and take me back to get my car which thankfully didn't start for them this morning so they could hear the screeching noise and they are installing a new starter as I type. Thankfully this is still under the new car warranty so I am really grateful for that as this would have been a chunk of money for sure.

    I have been able to read all of the posts and have been praying but don't have time to post too much now.

    Shannon, Jean, Chris praying for you.

    Esther, I imagine you have a ton on your plate at this point. I remember having many confusing emotions when I finished rads. Praying for you as well.

    Got to run. I am praying.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2021

    Just spoke to the health department. We are out of quarantine on Monday. We are both feeling better and mu hubby's blood sugar is finally back to normal. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited September 2021

    Shannon, I am praying for your daughter and her marriage. Praying for your MIL. I am sure this is difficult for her and your husband and you. Praying for your Mom as she needs to be very careful not to fall. Praying for your depression. It is normal and as we deal with this disease it sometimes turns out to be more handling emotions than the physical part. When you get through your treatments and your hair starts growing back in things will start to look up for you I believe.

    Jean, I am sure you will be glad to get out of quarantine on Monday. I am glad you only had a mild case of Covid.

    Chris, you sound like you are doing pretty well at this point. I am so glad to hear that. Hopefully once your body gets used to this med you will have better sleep. Good for you for all the cleaning and creative cooking in prep for your termite tenting.

    I am a bit hesitant to share this but I do feel led to do so. At the dentist today I had my hygienist who I have had for many years. She is a Christian, single for many years with no children. She is hilarious and usually we would end up laughing till we both were crying during my cleaning. Today she was very subdued and I wondered what was going on. She eventually told me what had happened. In August her sister was murdered by a neighbor woman who she knew well. This sister has a 6yr old daughter and no Dad on the scene. So J (I will call her) is in the process of adopting this child. She is in her late 40's or early 50's. She is a very, very strong woman who is now really admitting that she is having a hard time being sure the little girl is doing okay, dealing with lawyers, detectives and her own grief. She said when do I get to cry and when do I find time for my grief. I didn't realize she lives in my same town as my dentist is quite a bit out of town. I told her about my grief class at my church and I told her I would email the teacher and see if it would be okay for her to come to our class if she wanted to. So she gave me her info and I emailed the teacher and she said she is most welcome to come which I figured she would say that after hearing her story. So we texted tonight quite a bit and she said she is really going to try hard to come on Sunday. J is used to being the tower of strength for everyone around her and now she needs to take care of herself so she will be able to raise this daughter. She is in the process of trying to adopt her now and all of a sudden the Dad wants to have a part in her life where he has been totally absent in the past. So my prayer is that God would come into their lives in a mighty way and help them to find the path to healing in a very difficult situation.

    Thank you for your prayers in advance.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited September 2021

    Dear sisters

    You are always on my heart and each individually in my prayers. I am lifting these up tonight. I am so tired. Today was "one of those days."

    Sleep well----

    Much love,
