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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    LoverofJesus, I am sorry to read this news about this loss of a friend. I will pray for peace to fill the hole this loss has made. May God grant you peace not only from sorrow but also in trusting in your healing.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    Just a quick update: I am still in San Diego but the surgeon approved me for the cataract surgery next Thursday. My husband and I are both fully recovered from a cold and praying all goes well so we can join our family in Colorado in two weeks. It has felt like months... We are isolating ourselves as much as possible until then. I have poor internet so I read and pray but don't post much.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Headed to the doctor this afternoon because I managed to knock one of my toenails completely loose yesterday. I thought maybe it would be ok but now I think it probably needs to be removed. I'm thankful I'm still off work today but I really need to go back tomorrow. I hope I can wear my shoe tomorrow, because I can't get away with open toes where I work. It's the pinky so maybe it will be ok in a sneaker.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Hi dear friends.

    I have been off for a few days with a lot going on. My next door neighbors had a domestic violence episode. I saw the paramedics stop right in front of my driveway and saw several police cars so I knew it couldn't be good for whatever I imagined had happened. The man went to jail and the woman had to go to the ER and is in an arm brace and was beaten badly. These are friends of mine so it has been really upsetting. He has done work for me and was supposed to install my bathroom lighting when and if the lights ever come in. They both need prayers for alcohol addiction. They have two children too and thankfully they were both at school when this happened.

    Also my detox has taken up a lot of my time and energy. I am doing okay but experiencing some stomach pains today. Haven't had that before.

    Shannon, I did see your post and I have been praying for you even when you haven't posted for a while. I am very sorry for your loss and for your friend's mother's diagnosis. God has brought you this far and He will not abandon you. Hang on to Him during these times the enemy would love to use this opportunity to pull you down. When do you start radiation?

    Chris, I knew you were having your surgery on Thursday and I have been praying for that. Another dear friend from BCO is having a surgery the day before your surgery so I have been praying for both of you to have a successful surgery. Praying all things fall into place as you prepare to move soon.

    GB, I am sorry about your pinky toenail. Ouch!!!! I hit my toe months ago and my pinky nail is still black. I hope this won't interfere with your plans to resume work. Prayers for you for all things.

    This week of detox is an optional week of having mainly veggies. I am going to attempt this with a little fear and trepidation. I would appreciate your prayers.

    Have a good week dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2022

    LoverofJesus, I'm so sorry for all the grief you're having to bear. Am praying for God's comfort and peace for you. The words to "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" came to mind. That and "Sweet Hour of Prayer".

    IntoLight, I will pray that your surgery goes as scheduled and that you can join your family in Colorado.

    gb – OUCH!

    Nancy, I'm sorry you had to witness your neighbors' situation. It's so, so sad. I hope your stomach pains subside and that your detox continues to go OK.

    We spent the weekend with my dad. It was his 89th birthday on Friday. We went out to the RC (Remote Control) flying club on Sunday where he and my husband are members. Such a great group of guys out there. A few were flying RC jets. Wow! Those things are fast and loud. They sound and smell like real jets. It was a perfect weekend.

    My blog is slowly coming together. I'm fine-tuning my second post. There is so much writing and rewriting, but I love how it is stretching my brain. The best book I've read is titled, "Blogging for God's Glory in a Clickbait World". It's written by two pastors. What I love most is that the emphasis is on bringing glory to God and not "how to make a gazillion dollars in 5 days". What would I do with a gazillion dollars?

    I wish all of you a peaceful week.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2022

    Nancy, what a scary and troubling situation for you to see. I sincerely hope your neighbors get the help they need and that their children are safe.

    Chris, I pray for a successful surgery on Thursday.

    GB, it's good that your nail is being examined. Hopefully your doctor can bandage the toe so wearing a shoe is not too uncomfortable.

    My mom has recovered from COVID and is no longer in isolation. Other than feeling a bit tired, she has no lingering side effects. Thank you one and all for your prayers.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Nancy and LoverofJesus--sorry that so much is going on. :-(

    The podiatrist cut the nail back for me, said it's still attached on one side. If it's bothering me in 2 weeks she will take the nail off. I like it when doctors are conservative. So I can manage with a band-aid tomorrow at work.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2022

    Oh, gb, that sounds good. I still get the willies when I think about your toe. Hope it heals soon.


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Haha, I felt that way too!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2022

    Hershey, glad your mom has recovered.

    Sunshine I am anxious to read your blog.

    GB I shake at the pain of your little toe and pray everything is going well at work for you.

    Nancy, praying you are feeling stronger and doing well.

    I am still waiting an actual surgery time for Thursday. Apparently they call last minute but I also know they want a Covid test and they haven't called for that either. I am a bit stressed about it and learning to practice what I preach about trust... Tomorrow I have a PET scan to see if the cancer is quiet or at least slow until I can get to Colorado. Sometimes it gets a bit too much to handle, but then God sends me a blessing.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2022

    Chris, I pray everything falls into place for your surgery this week.

    Wishing you comfort and peace for today, tomorrow, and Thursday.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    Work was ok. My new manager is nice, so that's good. Nervous about my toe though. I hope it doesn't get infected. I'm waiting right now in the long pharmacy drive thru line to pick up the ointment she prescribed. The pharmacy kind of gave me the runaround on it but apparently it's waiting for me. They had to order it, then they couldn't find it earlier today. Lol it had better be on the other end of this drive thru or I might struggle to be patient with them. It's take them like 8 minutes a car ..I've been here for 20 minutes so far....

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2022

    gb, hopefully we weren’t one of the cars in the drive through pharmacy line. We were picking up my Ibrance. 😝

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    HI all,

    We are bracing for a one two punch with a whopper of a snowstorm so everyone is frantically getting errands done before it starts tonight. I had a hair apt which is right next to Walgreens and I saw a line of cars at the drive thru. GB I can understand your frustration. I am glad your day at work was ok and that you have a nice new manager. Praying your toe will not need anymore done. I have had a partial nail removed. If it comes to that be sure and tell your doctor that you want a lot of whatever numbing agent they use.

    Hershey, I have prayed for your Mom at every one of my prayer times along with you and your family. I am glad to hear she is now out of isolation. Praying she doesn't ever get this again and that she will have no lasting side effects.

    Carol, I will have to check out your second posting in your blog. Is it up now? I have been praying for this for you as well and praying it will be a mutual benefit to you and the reader. Glad you got to visit your Dad last weekend.

    Teka, I bet you have had a ton of snow by now. I have a good email friend for Syracuse and she tells me about her son's cabin in the woods and the two feet of snow that she fell in when visiting.

    Chris, I am praying for complete peace going into your Pet scan tomorrow. Remember your word "trust" and hang onto Jesus before, during and the after part which is probably the hardest part. You may be so laser focused on all the details falling into place with your move this might be a good distraction.

    The drama with my neighbors is only increasing. She calls me and talks for long periods of time so this is stressful for them and for me too. I think they are both petrified that their kids might be taken from them. The kids are the innocent victims in all of this. He has a restraining order of protection so none of them are allowed to speak to him even by phone. The police have been on guard for the last couple of days monitoring the situation. She went to the grocery store yesterday and apparently they followed her there.

    I am doing okay. I thought this was veggie week on my detox and last night at our zoom I realized I goofed which meant I had no food to eat so I had to run out late last night to get food. The stress of my neighbors I imagine came into play in me getting this mixed up. I am doing okay on it but I have quite the headache today but I think that is more because of next door than anything else.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    Sunshine, LOL. Hopefully you weren't the lady in the blue car that cut me off!

    Whew, I made it. I sat in the car for 45 minutes, but I have my ointment. It's betadine ointment. She wanted me using that instead of the polysporin I was using. I thought about walking into the store, but I didn't want to walk extra on my sad little toe. It actually doesn't hurt that much, but it looks weird. It was awfully traumatized, for sure.

    Yeah, work was ok. I need to get back into the swing of seeing my patients face to face. It still concerns me, I'm perpetually afraid of catching illness. I always was, but now going through all of this, plus so many upcoming appointments that I don't want to reschedule, it's very difficult. My surgeon reminded me that I'm not immunocompromised anymore, so it's ok to get back in there. But still, the patients still have to come when they are sick, so it's not without risk. But, that's the nature of the medical field. As time goes on I will probably calm down about it all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2022

    Nancy, I'm praying that you keep safe during the coming storm. Thank you for checking out my blog. I'll probably post the second installment early next week.

    gb, we were in my DH's green Tacoma pickup truck, so fortunately it doesn't sound like we were the ones who cut you off. Glad it wasn't us. We actually drove right up to the window with no one in front of us. I'm glad you finally got your prescription.

    Speaking of traffic and cars, when we drove home from the desert (Palm Springs area) on Sunday my DH was commenting on the light traffic. Then we realized that the LA Rams were playing their play-off game during that time. Of course, there'd be no one on the road. They were all home watching football.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Carol, thank you. I have some great neighbors and my neighbor who suffered the abuse the other day and had her arm in a brace dug out my snow blower from their garage. It hadn't been used for 14 years or so. The arrangement when they moved in was they could use my snow blower if they used it on my driveway. They preferred to shovel so I paid them when they did that. Then I had contracted a snow guy and he found another job so I was stuck. So between her and my other neighbor they got the snow blower up and running so I am so grateful. I am hunkering down at home and working on my taxes. Right up there with getting a root canal!! We got clobbered with snow which started late last night. God bless my abused neighbor. She started after midnight and used my snow blower in the wee hours of the morning and then told me this afternoon she was going to take a nap. She said she was in pain when I asked her and I felt so badly for her that she was having pain doing my driveway. She was able to use it for their driveway and another neighbors so I was happy to hear that and glad my hardly ever used snow blower was getting a good work out. We are expecting another big snow tonight into tomorrow so it is not over yet. I had a PT therapist tell me he didn't want me shoveling and then when I bought the snow blower and it hurt my back even using that he said I don't want you using that either.

    Chris, I am praying for your eye surgery tomorrow. I think you will be amazed at how quickly your eyesight will improve. Also praying for peace in waiting for the results of your Pet scan.

    GB, my pinky toenail is still black from the summer so just be prepared for it to do that as well. Glad you finally got your prescription.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    I noticed this morning that the nail is awfully yellow, and that got me worried for a second (super fast fungal infection?), then I realized that it's probably the Betadine ointment she has me using!!! That would definitely stain yellow...

    It's sore today, but I guess it probably should be. I'm watching closely for infection.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Chris, I am praying that you are home resting now. Praying for a very successful surgery. I imagine you have to go back tomorrow for a checkup. I pray that you will be delighted with your vision after this surgery.

    I can't remember if my eye was bandaged but I seem to think it was. If you had both eyes done I am not sure how that works so you may not be able to see anything until tomorrow.

    Know you are loved and prayed for.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2022

    Nancy, my Cataract surgery was moved to the 8th. So I am waiting They did not get it scheduled right. So they worked to fit me in. I am thankful they are making it work as they bypassed a lot of people in line ahead of me. But it was their mistake. I have the results of my PET scan. It shows that my lung issues are resolved. I am praising God for that. It also shows my cancer progressing.. I expected this as I have not been on treatment since I went into the hospital Dec 14rh. This is data to take to my oncology team in Colorado. I would appreciate your prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Chris, I am so sorry that your surgery had to be rescheduled. My surgeon got sick the day of my first cataract surgery so I was up early to get ready and got the call. That alone is disappointing but with all the other things you are facing it is a lot to deal with. I am very happy to hear your lung inflammation is gone. I have already been praying for your next treatment to work well without any disabilitating side effects. We are all praying for you.

    Teka, how many feet of snow do you have up in the North Country? We have more than usual here and very cold. I guess it is winter after all! I am ready for spring. I have been saying that since the first day of winter!



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2022

    Chris, I'm so sorry that your surgery has been pushed back, but like Nancy said, I'm glad your lung inflamation is better.

    Teka, that's so cool (says the So Cal lady who doesn't get snow wheres she lives).

    Waving to Nancy and all the rest of you lovelies.

    Carol :)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Teka, my sister just texted me yesterday saying they got 11 in too. They are thee hours downstate from me in IL. We didn't get the second big storm as predicted but they did. I think we got over 7 inches. Nice pictures. I can see the glistening. There is something very peaceful walking in the dark in the snow. It is quiet and beautiful and COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slogged out to my backyard today as the heated birdbath doesn't last long in the cold. A couple weeks ago I had a big flock of robins all fighting to get to my birdbath. I have never seen that before even though people say there are wintering robins hear I have never seen them until this year if that is what they were. It was too early for them to be migrating back for spring.

    Stay safe and keep warm.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    Nancy, do you have a bird feeder up too? We put a feeder in and it's been a joy learning to identify the birds and watching their antics. We also have a bluebird family that has adopted us and regularly comes to sit on the windowsill and peer into our dining room.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    GB, yes I have fed the birds for many years. I used to have quite a few different feeders but as my trees got older and branches fell off I don't have as many as I used to. I am down to just two. I have a safflower feeder and a niger thistle feeder. I get a pretty good variety of birds but I have never seen any bluebirds. So your bluebird family would be something special. They are so beautiful. I have a hummingbird feeder in the warm months and I really enjoy those too. Yes, it is a wonderful and fun hobby. I consider myself a backyard birder and I am into bird photography but I am no where near the level of birders who keep track of all of there sightings. I also have a lot of squirrels and I finally have a system that the squirrels have not been able to hog my bird feeders. There is plenty of food that ends up on the ground that they can eat. They do enjoy drinking out of my birdbath. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your feeder. It is a very relaxing and fun hobby. Is this your first feeder?

    Carol, waving back at you and everyone.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    It is our first feeder, but we've had a bluebird house for a few years. At the feeder we have mostly Carolina chickadees, Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, cardinals, and woodpeckers--downy and red-bellied. Some nuthatches too. Every once in awhile flocks of dark-eyed juncos and red winged blackbirds will stop in the yard. And of course the little blues. We normally see 2-3 hatchings in a season. Last year we got to see some of them fledge, and then the babies eventually come to the window too. We're going to install a bluebird feeder next, hopefully soon.

    I'm new to birding but love it. I've been using the Merlin phone app to record and identify bird song. I can now identify the Carolina wrens and the titmice, at least some of their singing. The wrens are noisy in the morning!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Chris, praying for your surgery tomorrow. I sure hope this goes smoothly without any unexpected obstacles this time. If I am remembering correctly weren't you supposed to see your pulmonologist on Feb. 9? If so did you have to move that apt. I think it is usual for you to have to go back the day after eye surgery. I just hope all of these things will fall into place for you. I have been praying for the Lord to give you comfort during this time.

    GB, now I get it why you have bluebirds. Having a bluebird house is the reason. I was looking up bluebird feeders and I didn't realize they eat mealworms. My sister downstate would have Titmice but I have never seen them at my feeder. They are so cute. I don't see Carolina wrens either. We have a lot of Juncos which we call snowbirds. I have common house finches (they are red), goldfinches which in the summer the males are bright yellow and fade to a light green in the winter. I have nuthatches for the first time this year and our usual variety of mourning doves, cardinals, chickadees, finches, woodpeckers. I had a flock of robins a couple of weeks ago all trying to get to my heated birdbath. That was very unusual for January. My parents loved feeding the birds so it has been a long history of watching them and I love it. You will have to get yourself some nice binoculars and start venturing out and having a blast trying to identify what you hear. Going out in nature is such a therapy for me and I bet it would be for you too.

    Take care everyone and have a great week.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2022

    Nancy, yes I have a post-op appt the 9th and see my pulmonologist the 10th. The 9th was canceled. Thank you for remembering. We hope to fly to CO on the 12th if all is cleared although I won't be able to lift anything over 10 lbs.


    We have seagulls who nest on our fourth-floor roof here in San Diego every Spring. You do not want to feed them as they are scavengers and we would soon have a hundred of them. There are a couple of them who hang around and watch us almost everyday throughout the year. We named them "Hecter and Heathcliff." The babies have dark feathers and it takes them almost a year to turn white and black, but they grow fast and are almost adult sized quickly. We also have doves and crows this high, and the occasional hummingbird visit our balcony.. Other, prettier birds stay lower in the trees. We also get many coastal species like terns and egrets along the shore but a few venture up to us. I will try to show a picture if I can. I know there are many different birds in Colorado, and the deer pass through the yard where we will be staying. We saw a baby deer just born next to the house the last time we visited. I enjoy watching the birds and look forward to new views. Sorry these are so big. I am still learning how to do this from my phone.


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2022

    Titmice are very fast--they are easy to miss at the feeder. We joke that they like fast food. They swoop in and you'd miss them unless you look for the peach patch on their midsection as it flies by in a blur. Ours quickly grab nuts and fly up into a tree to eat. The chickadees also eat in the trees...we have a tree I named "chickadee tree." I do need better binoculars. I have a set but I can't get it where I can see in focus with both eyes open. They are probably 30 years old, so there's that.

    I could talk about the birdies all day. I'm in the parking lot at oncology waiting to go in. I got here too early, wasn't sure of traffic coming from work. Today is my first zoladex, discussing the osteoporosis I appear to have, and really really hoping she's ok with how surgery only took out one more node. Sigh. God can work it all out, somehow and someday.

    Ugh, I'd better go in. It's pouring rain too. I hope my bandaged toe doesn't get wet...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2022

    Chris, we get seagulls that apparently think our parking lots are water. Then of course at the lake I see them. Some of them are huge. I can see where you would not want to feed them on your balcony. It would soon look like a clip from the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. After seeing that movie anyone who sees birds lined up on utility wires will probably always think of that movie. I bet those gulls in the pic are big. Is that Hecter and Heathcliff.Happy The egret is cute and interesting. It looks smaller than our egrets here which are sometimes called Great Egrets. I know there are cattle egrets and snowy egrets and I am wondering if that is one of those possibly. I don't think I have seen any with black bills and I do photograph them quite a bit. I would love to photography all the birds you probably see. Wow, you are leaving soon. I am glad to hear you are flying there. Praying all fits together perfectly like a puzzle. I do hope you enjoy your new home.

    GB, I spoke too soon. Today I looked out and my safflower feeder was on the ground and the little squirrel I thought was so cute falling asleep yesterday in my tree was down by the feeder having a heyday!!!!!!!!!! I splurged a couple years ago and bought expensive binoculars to help me with my bird photography. The problem is they are so sensitive and I can't keep my hands steady enough when it is zoomed far out. I just use my cheap ones inside the house. I have had them for years.

    I hope your oncology apt goes well. I have been praying for your toe and all matters regarding your surgery.

    Well I have a date with my vacuum cleaner. Got to go.

