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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Chris, I am glad to hear that everyone arrived safely to CO. Things are falling into place one piece at time. How are you feeling? Thanks for the smoke alarm input. I just have to get mine up now.

    GB praying that all of your tests will go off without a hitch and you will get the green light to proceed with your surgery. I know it has been a test of patience and trust for sure.

    I know probably many of you have had experience with contractors doing remodeling or renovation inside your house. Is it typical for them to promise what they cannot deliver. I can't quite figure out my contractor but I am getting really upset with him. He blew off my apt today even after I texted him yesterday evening to be sure he was coming. He was supposed to have sent me samples of things and that didn't happen. I got up early just to be ready for him and he texted saying I won't be there today. No explanation. I fired back a text that gave him a not so subtle clue that I was NOT happy and that he had promised to show me samples last Friday when he came and he had nothing. Then today he said I will send you samples by email by noon. I never received anything and then he finally returned my texts and said it didn't send from his phone and he would have to get to his computer once he got home. We are supposed to meet again on Wed. Is this typical or is this guy just not reliable? Any input would be appreciated because I came very close to telling him I am done.

    God is teaching me patience today one challenge after another. One of those days.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Intolight, your word of the year TRUST has really stuck with me. I had to think on that a lot yesterday. They easily cleared me for surgery (didn't even do any testing), but the entire escapade went from 2:15 to 5:30 pm. They had a call out and I had the world's slowest intake RN which put me to the bottom of the line for the NP eval. I was tired and headachy, and had to sit in the waiting room for way too long with coughing, poorly masked people. I thought about calling the patient advocate and complaining today, but the NP said it was too long and she would have words with pre-op today. I can't do anything about it but trust that God has this like everything else. If I get further illness with more delay I have to trust it's all part of his plan.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2022

    Nancy, I think your experience with the contractor has become the norm and not the exception. I've had similar recent experiences with a painter and a repairman. There's so much work available and not enough skilled workers that contractors can become choosy or lax in their efforts. They know demand is high, and the public is more willing to wait or put up with customer "no-service." Until the supply chain issues resolve and people return to the workforce, we consumers are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2022

    Nancy, I've heard the same, unfortunately. I think that when we, personally, are so careful (I can't think of the right word) to keep appointments, be there ON TIME, and to follow through with our promises, that when we encounter someone who doesn't do the same, it can be really upsetting. I will be praying for peace for you today and through this whole process.

    gb2115, I'm sorry you had such a long process yesterday. I don't like "waiting" and to be in close proximity to coughing/sneezing people would make it even worse. I'm glad you had the word TRUST to hang onto.

    Chris, I'm glad you and your belongings arrived safely in Colorado.

    I was stressing a bit yesterday about all the "what-ifs" my estranged sister might do in the future. Suddenly, I felt this overwhelming peace. I said, "Thank you, God. Could you keep giving me more, please?" Worrying about all the "what-ifs" is totally pointless and a tool of the Devil to distract us, right? God must just shake His head with me sometimes, and think, "How many times do I have to tell her, 'Whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, WITHOUT DREAD OF DISTASTER'?" (my emphasis). Sigh... I get it - some of the time...

    Wishing you all a blessed day.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    Thank you ladies. God is not finished teaching me yet. Yesterday I finally got a date for my release pulmonary testing date for February 8th. This is way later than we had planned. It means staying here another month and delaying my next cancer treatment, etc. It may mean I can fit in my cataract surgery and we still have things that need to be done in the condo before we can rent it. This is where trusting in Gods timing comes in. I also had a slight return of my coughing. We are hoping it was because my DH lit a fire in the fireplace to try to warm up our empty condo and the smoke irritated my lungs. I also took my first long walk yesterday and may have overdone it. This also just may be telling me I am not healed yet and to trust in the timing.

    GB, I am sorry about your long wait and am praying you will be ok. Everything seems to take longer and be more uncomfortable now.

    Nancy, I don’t know how to respond to your contractor issues. I had an amazing one who even sent a small team out last month to take down a specially made wooden valance he put up for me. It had to come down to replace the windows and he didn’t even charge me. Of course I spent a huge amount of money with him the past couple of years to remodel two bathrooms and the kitchen. I prefer to actually visit the materials design centers to see and feel the materials before I buy them. Even Home Depot or Lowes usually have some samples you can see that are similar to fancier centers. Just a thought. I bought my knobs, faucets and sinks from Home Depot and love them and they were cheaper in price but the same thing

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    GB, I am sorry you had to wait so long in the waiting room for your pre op eval. I am praying you will be able to have your surgery soon with NO MORE obstacles. You have had a time for sure. I am glad Chris's word TRUST resonated with you. I think it did for all of us.

    Hershey, I gave my contractor the boot today. I realized that he had been lying to me all along and I was too trusting and kept cutting him slack. If he would have simply said I am swamped and I have not had a chance to work on your samples yet I would have bent over backwards to be flexible but I got to the point I really didn't trust him at all after yesterday's fiasco. I did leave it opened ended in my text and I said if you can get your act together for my job then text me otherwise I will be looking elsewhere. I sent that this morning and haven't heard anything. If he shows up on my doorstep tomorrow at our tentative apt. it will be awkward for sure. Thanks for sharing your experience. I have had to put off other projects because of the supply chain issue and I live in HOA neighborhood where we have to have the outside of our homes up to acceptable standards. I couldn't get materials to rebuild my front porch railing last summer so am hoping by spring materials will be there.

    Carol. yes I understand what you are saying. I am a retired teacher and I can tell if someone is trying to buffalo me as I have heard every excuse in the book from my students about why they couldn't practice their instruments. If an adult is lying to me I just have such a hard time with that as I want people to have integrity and of course that doesn't happen with many unfortunately.

    I am glad you felt peace after going through the what if scenario I am sure we have all done from time to time. The enemy wants to steal our peace and he sure had me going yesterday. It almost became comical at all of the little annoyances that crept up all in one day. When we recognize the enemy and how he is orchestrating things to pull us down then we have won half the battle right there. Our sword is the Word and I love to use that along with worship to defeat him.

    Chris, I am sorry to hear that you will have to stay longer than you figured. I keep praying that you will not push yourself too much. I hope the coughing was just due to the fireplace. You have some very big things to use your word TRUST in the next few weeks. We will continue to pray for you.

    I have had wonderful handymen in the past but I have not had anything that you would call a remodel other than painting. I have had some big outdoor projects in building my patio and again it all went pretty smoothly and I was happy with the result. The lighting is the top priority in my bathroom and my neighbor who installed porch lights for me in the summer told me he could also do my bathroom lights so I will probably reach out to him. I do pay him so I am not just having him do these jobs for nothing. I use Home Depot all the time and have looked extensively on their website and I visited in person this weekend. God is in control and He made that very apparent yesterday when everything seemed to be out of control and I could do nothing to change it.

    Ladies, I am getting ready to do a 10 day detox through this doctor that took over for my alternative doctor who died in Sept from brain cancer. I am having a zoom meeting tonight and a Q and A session probably with many, many people from all over the country. I am to start this on Monday but as with many other hitches I have had lately my kit has not arrived and I ordered this on Dec. 21. So my doctor's office is reaching out for me and hopefully I will have my kit in time. There will be monitoring with medical people helping us through this so I am glad about that. I just hope I will be able to tolerate it without any problems. I would appreciate your prayers that I can successfully get through this program feeling better in the long run.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2022

    Nancy, I will pray that your detox program is successful and you feel better as a result.

    What is involved in the program? You've made me curious. A new nurse practitioner is joining my health and wellness clinic. Detoxification is her specialty, but the clinic's website has not yet posted any related documents or her profile.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    My nerves are plucked. I can't stand being at work these days. So many coworkers are sick with who knows what. I've thought about just quitting, but without a back-up plan....

    I just hope surgery doesn't get delayed again. But if it does, it does. :-(

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    Father, I lift up GB right now in prayer. Fill her with peace at work and surround her with a protective bubble of wellness. Move any mountains that might prevent her surgery and guide the surgeons as they use their skill to bring her to wholeness as you heal her. Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Hershey, I am going to give you a link to the zoom meeting I had as a part of this program. I am impressed with the whole concept.

    GB, I am praying for you that the Lord would envelope you with His peace and comfort. He knows your struggle and is right there for you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    May the Good Shepherd fill every need and every void in your heart today and this weekend. As I have prayed for each of you for some who don't often share their needs I simply ask that God would meet you at your point of need.

    I have been pretty overwhelmed the last couple of days as my Detox kit came late (fell between the cracks) and therefore I got all of my information late and it takes several days to prep for the beginning of this so I have been busy absorbing all of the things I can and cannot do. I am off to Whole Foods to spend my whole paycheck Loopy on my needed items. This is a ten day detox starting on Monday which can be elongated into five weeks. I may do that if i can tolerate the ten days. I am very impressed so far as this is run by doctors and nutritionists and I have already had my health coach reach out to me to answer some of my questions. We will have zoom meetings regularly so the coach who is a nutritionist can guide us through the process. I am looking for weight loss, less fatigue and more energy and less pain. I would appreciate your prayers in this.

    Have a great weekend everyone.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    Nancy, I will pray your detox works for you. Glad you have good support.

    After over two months, my fridge is finally fixed...we think. It won't be completely cold until tomorrow.

    I have caugt the cold that is going around. It is not Covid...different cough and symptoms. Hopefully I can get over it in the next couple of weeks before all my appointments so we can leave. This battle just seems to rage on. But I am still trusting in God's timing.

    My daily prayers are for those who continue to battle work issues, medical hurdles, and all the daily traps that try to steal our joy. Now more than ever the world is watching to see what makes us different. I look for the small blessings and miracles that God sends to remind us we belong to Him.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2022

    My husband had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. He forgot to take his phone AND to wear his mask. He didn't realize any of these things until the appointment was over and he had walked back to his car. Not one person said a word to him. I guess this is what COVID trauma does to a person and to people. Thank you, Lord, for the weekend. We all need rest.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2022

    Praying for you GB that the Lord will guide you around each obstacle at work, and insurance and all the other obstacles you face. May you continue leaning on the everlasting arms. And Nancy I am praying for a very successful detox program, it does sound like a big step to great health! Your prayers, bible verses and pictures are an encouragement to us all! Chris I am also praying for your health and recent cold to go away quickly. You are so right about looking for the small blessings to remind us that we belong to Him. I thank the Lord for all of you!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Chris, I am so glad to hear your fridge is finally fixed but so sorry to hear you have caught a cold. I know I may sound like a mother hen but please don't push yourself. Your immune system has taken a big hit and you may be more vulnerable to all sorts of germs out there. God has all of those myriad of details swirling around in your head under control. I look back to just a week ago thinking of the things I was concerned about and God has put each one of those things in place for me which I am grateful. Like you said, looking for the small blessings and miracles God sends our way is His way of keeping us hopeful and trusting in His path for our lives even when we cannot see past the fog in front of us. Thank you for your prayers for my Detox program.

    Hershey, I sure hope your DH doesn't catch anything. I saw a woman at Wholefoods today without a mask and as I look back on that it could be that she had just plain forgotten as well and no one said anything. The only place I have been that I actually saw the receptionist speak up and tell someone they needed a mask was at my dentist office a few months ago. I think most places are probably afraid to cause a stir knowing that some may just be waiting to engage in a battle over wearing masks. I keep praying for your Mom and I hope she is only experiencing mild Covid symptoms. I appreciate your prayers for my Detox as well.

    Wheatfields, it is good to hear from you and I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your nice comments. Also thank you for prayers for my Detox. Yes, it is a huge step and definitely putting me outside my comfort zone. I did a six week program in 2012 and it was somewhat similar but very difficult because it was a four day rotation diet and I was really into making healthy smoothies at the time and it was so difficult not having any food unless there was a three day avoidance of it before having it again. This is very restrictive but I hope more manageable.

    GB, I hope you can rest this weekend as I know you have needed a break from all of the stress. I do pray you will be able to have your surgery very soon.

    I had asked for prayers for my sister several weeks ago due to a collapsed lung. She finally got in yesterday to see a pulmonologist. My sister had texted me that she had a collapsed lung and when I mentioned it yesterday in a text she said it is a collapsed lobe not lung. I think she didn't check her talk to text at the time so all of this time that is what I was thinking. I did know it was one of three lobes in the right lung that was blocked and collapsed. Anyway the doctor thinks this is Histoplasmosis which she was diagnosed with quite a few years ago. He also thinks she may have asthma. He will be treating her with meds and then recheck the scans in a few weeks. With all the Covid going around the test she needs she will have to wait for four or more weeks to even get one. I am relieved there is no surgery but I don't know if that will be ruled out or not. I am praying the meds will work and her future scans will show improvement. Thanks for your prayers for her as well.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Thank you for the prayers. Trying to relax, taking Monday off work because I just don't feel like dealing with it. There's a winter storm coming in today. Yuck.

    Still have this rib cage pain that the pre-op NP said is probably inflamed cartilage from covid coughing. She said it can take a really long time to get better. I wonder how that will fare with surgery. It's not affecting my breathing but sneezing doesn't feel great, and twisting/bending certain ways hurts. With the ALND incision and drain on the right, and port removal incision and rib cage pain on the left, I've already warned my husband he's going to have to literally lift my upper body out of bed!!

    Surgery is Tues. I'll find out what time late afternoon tomorrow.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    gb, will pray you have some relief soon as it all sounds so painful. Taking Monday off sounds like a good idea.

    Nancy, also praying for your detox routine and that you tolerate it all well. And for your sister as well.

    I am just spending the day resting again trying to get over this cold. Finally slept a few hours last night sleeping straight up. Gb I feel your cough pain!

  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited January 2022

    Hello ladies!! I’ve been scrolling through and praying for you all. I just have not posted in a bit.

    Today we are having snow, but if any of you live in the South then you know that means maybe a couple of inches, maybe 6 inches, or maybe nothing. 😂 it really is true if you don’t like the weather in the southern middle Tennessee just wait and hour it will change.

    I’m doing good! I’m 10 weeks post DMX with expanders. I am feeling better every day. I will have to have radiation because of the size of the tumor even after chemo. They did get completely clean margins and most margins were greater than 2cm. I had no lymph nodes involved which I am very thankful for. I’m not looking forward to radiation but not dreading it as much as chemo though.

    I’m still some days battling the mental aspect of all of this. I am now in that “what if it comes back” feelings. I’m praying that this feeling gets better with time.

    My oldest daughter and her family all had covid. Well except her 4 year old. She never did get sick. She is living her best life. 😂. My daughter was hit harder because she had the flu too. She is still weak and not feeling great. But her quarantine time is up. And my son in love is already back at work. So I’m so thankful they are on the road to recovery.

    I’m praying for everyone today. And praying for all sickness to be gone.

    Enjoy your Sunday my friends

    Love and hugs.


  • sajescents
    sajescents Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2022

    I love this...sends chills

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Welcome Saje. Thank you for posting this video. One of my friends from college sent this to me as we were both music majors and love good music. This groups harmonies are flawless and the video and the surroundings are so beautiful. As a retired band director and now amateur photographer I really love everything about this. I hope you are doing well and that your cancer is in the rearview mirror now. Please feel free to post anytime.

    GB, I am glad you are taking off tomorrow. We'll be praying for your surgery on Tuesday. I hope you will have some days off to rest and recuperate as this has been one long and complicated journey for you.

    Chris, thank you for your prayers for my Detox. I am ending up spending a small fortune just so I can do this the right way and see if I can feel better and get in better health. I am praying for complete healing for you. I am glad you took the day to rest. Coughing is so exhausting. I am glad you found a way to help you sleep even though it sounds challenging. I have been praying for your daughter and Bria as well, as they adjust to their new surroundings.

    Shannon, I have still been praying for you and glad to hear you are doing well. I thought you were going to have radiation and I hope that will go well for you. I'm sorry to hear about Covid in your daughters family. Having Covid and the flu at the same time sounds rough. Hopefully they will all get through this without any lingering symptoms.

    Have a good week everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    Let's remember to pray for GB as she has her surgery tomorrow, Tuesday.

    I have prayed for each one of you today and I pray that you will all have a good day.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Thank you. I'm anxiously waiting for the call from the pre-op team to hear what time I need to be there. The paper days they'll call between 5 and 6, but to call after 6 if I don't receive a call.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    My surgery is at 11:30, I have to be there at 9:30. Drinking my clear liquids now. :-/

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2022

    Thank you! My specific prayer requests for today are, beyond the obvious good outcome, are that they appropriately medicate me for nausea and vomiting. I had a terrible time after the mastectomy, then chemo. I'm concerned that I will be discharged and then be super sick at home.

    Also, I had a surgical infection on the port last time. Today it's port removal and ALND with reverse mapping.

    Thank you!!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2022

    GB, praying for a good outcome, successful mapping, and proper medications.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    gb, I am praying for your specific prayers. Thank you for them. May God also grant you peace during the process and recovery and healing.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2022

    GB praying that your surgery will go without ANY problems both during the surgery and in post op recovery and when you get home. Praying for NO infections or complications and a completely successful surgery that will destroy any possible cancer in your body.

    Teka, great to see your post. How are you doing?

    I have survived my first day on Detox and am considering extending it to the five week program but getting the product to some people has been an issue so I will want to decide by tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2022

    trust...God is still teaching me. Yesterday I received the phone call of the dates for my Cataract surgery of Feb 3rd. My limited faith thought this wasn't going to happen before we left but God knew better and placed it perfectly timed. My cold and cough will be gone and it is a week before my final pulmonary tests.

    God is good!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2022

    gb, I'm praying for a successful surgery and that they will pump you full of anti-nausea meds.

    Nancy, I'm praying for an "uneventful" detox, if that makes sense. I'm hoping you don't feel ill during the process.

    IntoLight, God is indeed, good. Will be praying that your surgery stays on schedule and that you will continue to find peace through the process.

    We spent the weekend with my dad, as he moved into his short term rental (until mid-April) after the sale of his property in the Napa Valley. He's doing well and we're praying for God's presence in his temporary home. DH and I were talking about a video we saw years ago called, "The Pineapple Story". I started watching it again last night and am thinking of taking back out to my dad's place to watch with him. It was a life-changing video for both of us. Have any of you seen it?