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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Carol, I did look back. If I am understanding you it is tomorrow, the 13th. Praying right now for you.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I had my swallow study this morning. Nothing too alarming and I don't appear to be aspirating. One "pill" did get kind of stuck partway down, but I couldn't even feel that one. The speech therapist gave me some exercises to help relax my throat when it spasms. My next appointment is for the brain EEG on the 21st and then I'll see the pulmonologist on the 26th.

    Thank you so much for the continued prayers. They are SO much appreciated.

    Love to all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Carol, so happy to hear your good news. One down, two to go. I will keep praying!

    Blessings, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Carol, I was not able to log in for some time. The problem has been resolved and BCO was good about telling me the problem and when it was resolved.

    Am I understanding your post that your esophagus test did not show anything of concern. The fact that the speech therapist gave you exercises to help sounds like that is the case. I sure hope so.

    Praying you will be able to breeze through your next two apts with hopefully good news from them as well.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you, Nancy. I truly appreciate the prayers. The biggest take-away from the swallow study is that it did not show any aspiration. It did show some constriction in the esophagus as evidenced by the barium "pill" getting stuck partway down. The funny thing is that I couldn't feel it. What has been happening lately is that I feel like my esophagus squeezes really tightly and it's impossible to initiate another swallow until it relaxes.

    I know it's not my trachea, because I can still breathe. Last night, right after I swallowed a magnesium capsule, it spasmed so badly, I thought I was going to get sick. I didn't, but it was a minute or two of panic. I need to make notes of exactly what happens so that I can report it to the GI doc. The fun just continues, right?

    How are things with you? Are your issues with your "lower GI" improved? How's Cammie?

    Hubby is getting an MRI of his spine this morning. We're hoping it at least shows something that can be addressed.

    I'm off the grocery store to get chicken-tortilla soup ingredients. June Gloom is here. It's cold (well for San Diego) and drizzly. Good soup weather.

    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Hi Carol,

    I remember having the barium swallowing test. They could "see" the problem when it was happening but never could solve the problem. I didn't have obvious spasms like you have mentioned but I have tried to swallow a pill that wouldn't go down so it came back up. I know that panicked feeling and it is not fun. Mine usually happens only with gel type pills. I can tilt my head and swallow on one side but again my issues sound different than yours. I do hope the PT exercises will help with the spasms. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else but relieved it was not another cancer issue.

    Have they ruled out any hernias in the esophagus? I have a small hiatal hernia at the bottom of the esophagus but I don't think that is causing my issues. My Dad had a really bad hiatal hernia and I remember being at restaurants where food would get stuck and it was pretty awful for him until he had surgery.

    I know you are so tired of everything and I can certainly understand why. You have had a lot to deal with. I do hope after you see the neuro and the pulmonologist that you will have a more restful time without so much added stress.

    Unfortunately my surgery complications (which is what I am calling it) has actually gotten much worse. I really don't know what I am going to do. I can't imagine having any type of scope because that could make the tear worse. I have reached out to two other doctors and I guess my gastro will be the next one but I am really avoiding it because I think he might want to do a scope and I think that would only make things worse.

    Cammie lost weight at her weigh in last week and she is just not eating very much now. I am very worried. I will have to call the vet if this persists. The vet doesn't see her when I do the weigh ins so I don't get any feedback. Her two previous weigh ins were great news but not this time.

    I am still dealing with contractors and tomorrow my windows guy comes to fix the issues that cropped up after my installation. I will be very glad to hopefully close that chapter. I do love my new windows and patio doors.

    I did get to the Butterfly House for the first time this season last week. I haven't had a chance to go through the pics and edit yet but I will have to post some of them soon. I am hoping to get there maybe again on Friday.

    Is the June gloom a usual thing or is that just more of this crazy weather? We are in a drought so my backyard looks green because I have two big shade trees and my front yard looks like a hay field!!!

    My yard is just about complete now with flowers and fountains. I now have three fountains. They are a lot of work and maintenance but I love them so much it is worth all the effort. The birds love them too.

    Hang in there and take one day at a time. Enjoy your soup!!! I won't ask how cold it is. LOL



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear your GI issues are worse. That must be a horrible thing to deal with. I pray for you everyday that God will heal you or you will find a doctor who knows how to improve things for you. I remember Cammie too. I look forward to your butterfly pictures.

    Carol, continued prayers for your esophagus issues too. That would be scary. I remember too well the June gloom in San Diego…love tortilla soup! I am praying for a good report from your DH MRI and that they can find the problem and have a good solution.

    I saw my oncologist today. We are continuing to hold off on the oral chemo but I will need a spine MRI as there is some new growth seen from my PET scan. We should be able to know whether to return to the oral or move on to IV chemo once the results are out. I am still weak but am not in near as much pain. This is good as my son and his family are due to arrive within the hour. The workers are here installing my new deck so hopefully the kids will remain safe, and it will still take a couple of weeks to be completed. We have had so much rain it delayed things a bit. Two days ago we had four inches in just a few hours. This is unusual for Colorado Springs and of course flooding is everywhere although we don't have rivers to overflow like some communities. But Pikes Peak got a couple of inches more snow. The kids are going on a train ride to the top of the Peak next week so it will be a cold ride, but still should be fun.

    I trust everyone has a good summer full of lots of great outdoor activities.

    Love, Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723

    Carol, I hope your doctor or therapist is able to pinpoint the cause of the spasms. Keeping a diary sounds like a very helpful idea.

    Nancy, the GI issues should be getting better and not worse. Something is not right. I'm glad that you've reached out for a second opinion. We are all praying for your complete healing.

    Chris, I read a news report this week about Pikes Peak having a blizzard. It must be fun to see a snow-capped mountaintop in mid June! I hope your family enjoys their train ride to the summit next week.

    The city sprayed our neighborhood last night for mosquitoes. We've had a lot of rain this year, and the mosquitoes are having a banner start to summer. I hope the spray knocks back their population a bit. I'm a mosquito magnet. :-(

    I’m praying for you, my friends.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, ladies.

    Nancy, I’m sorry you’re still having GI “issues.” I do have an appointment with a GI doc at the end of August. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they scope me to see what’s going on. If they do it under sedation, I should be fine. I have a very healthy gag reflex and want to be “out” if they’re going to shove a pipe down my throat.

    It’s hard when our lives feel like they revolve around our bowel habits. Your comment about the gel type pills was interesting. This one is called a “veggie cap” so I guess that means it’s a gelatin-type. The tablet I tried caused the same reaction. I may try the magnesium liquid, but that is really nasty tasting.

    The Butterfly House sounds amazing. I can’t wait to see photos.

    June Gloom is usual for San Diego and now we’ve added May Gray to the mix. When we go out to the desert, it’s hard to remember that it’s going to be HOT out there. Then we come back to SD and it’s COLD!

    Your yard sounds beautiful and peaceful.

    DH’s MRI showed stuff going on with his spine and disc. He has an appointment with the neurosurgeon on Monday. He’s really hoping to get some answers and some relief so that he can get back to his normal activities of running, hiking, climbing, surfing, backpacking, etc. I don’t think his PCP realized how active he has been all his life.

    Chris, thank you for the continued prayers. I hope you can get some answers soon with whatever is going on with your spine. Weather seems to be so weird everywhere. Our son went skiing at Mammoth this week. The top of the mountain got a lot more snow. The trip up Pike’s Peak sounds like fun. Are you going with them?

    Hershey, my DH is a mosquito magnet, too. No fun.

    Love and

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Hi ladies,

    My windows saga continues. Yesterday I noticed the locks on my bedroom window were not working so I quickly called the company and asked if the guy coming today to replace a sash and screen could deal with that too. Long story short I need two new locks. UGH Oh well. It is under warranty so no money out there. Just another apt to schedule and another strange guy in my bedroom. 🙄

    Chris, I know your son's family is visiting. I hope you have a wonderful time and feel well enough to enjoy their visit. I am sorry to hear something new showed up on the Pet scan. Hopefully when you return to the chemo that will knock it out. I have to claim total ignorance when it comes to mountains. I have been in Denver but during the summer. Is it unusual to have snow on Pikes Peak in June? I am guessing that it is.

    Hershey, my GI issues (which I do have) is not exactly what this is. It is a rectal tear in the tissue that my surgeon claims he didn't even do surgery in that area. However when I watched a video of the prep for a hemorrhoidectomy prior to my surgery that could have easily happened then. I am not going to sue anyone so I don't care at this point how it happened I just need relief as my bathroom visits are almost unbearable at this point. My two other doctors I saw were actually dealing with fungal infections near that area and I was hoping that maybe by some miracle it might make inside less painful and sore thinking maybe I had an internal fungal infection as well but it didn't work out like I had hoped it would. I don't want anyone coming near me with any kind of scope because I can envision the tear becoming worse that it is now. So that is the problem. I have to be sure I am eating plenty of fiber but that doesn't always translate into an easy time in the bathroom. I need a miracle of healing. Mosquito magnet……..Yep. me too.

    Carol, I hope your DH doesn't have to have surgery. Hopefully more conservative measures might work like PT. He is obviously very active and I would venture to say more than most men in his age group. I forgot to tell you how I take my gel pills. I swallow a lot of pills so I am sure to have a gel pill to go down with a regular capsule and that seems to make a difference. I don't understand why but it does. I would never take one all by itself because I know I would be asking for trouble.

    My backyard is fun to watch. I do my Bible study in my dining room and I can watch the birds in my fountains come and go. It is very peaceful. I just want time to stand still during our warm months but they go by so very fast.

    Regarding the upper endoscopy it is a piece of cake. I have had several. The thought of it is awful but you are out and won't remember any of it.

    I hope to visit the Butterfly House again tomorrow. Butterflies are definitely my top choice in photography subjects. I find them so fascinating and they flit around as if they don't have a care in the world.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Carol, I hope your DH can get good solutions to his spine problems. Here's hoping his history of an active lifestyle will help him here. Smile through the June gloom because a beautiful summer is coming.

    Nancy, so sorry you are still struggling with your windows. I guess we were lucky in that we only had one problem when we had ours installed and that was quickly fixed as it was a gap between two windows that needed a piece installed between them, and they caught it as they were installing them. (At least I think that is all—the renters have not said anything.) I pray daily for a miracle for you believing it will happen.

    Hershey, I am a mosquito magnet for sure remembering it even from when I was a small child!

    It is not unusual for Pikes Peak to get snow year-round, but sometimes it will clear for a couple of weeks. June is usually the dryest month but not this year! The average high temperature for June is 39 degrees and August is the warmest month with 48 degrees. I enjoy looking at the Peak webcam.

    I won't go with the family because the altitude is over 14,000ft. My oncologist did list my oxygen problem as being "unable to process oxygen at this altitude because of my history of chemo drugs." So basically I am wearing out and living at 7200 ft doesn't help! No surprise there! I am feeling better but we are unsure whether it is due to being off the chemo drugs or that the pneumonia and UTI are both gone. Growl…it just keeps coming!

    Love to you all. Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723

    Nancy, I am so sorry that you are in pain. A common bodily function shouldn't be painful. It is entirely understandable that you are apprehensive about the doctor using a sigmoidoscope to examine the rectum. I would be very apprehensive, too. Is a less invasive procedure such as ultrasound an option?

    Chris, thank you for posting the Pikes Peak image! It inspired me to go to the Visit Colorado Springs website and bookmark the Live Webcams page. The zoo cam of the giraffe enclosure is great! What are people feeding them?!

    Carol, I hope that physical therapy can successfully address your husband's spine and disc issues. I'm a firm believer in physical therapy, and a good PT clinician can work wonders.

    Well, I'm not sure how beneficial the mosquito spraying has been. Less than 24 hours after the city sprayed, it started to rain and hasn't stopped! One of my neighbors is quite motivated around this issue, so I'll leave it to him to follow up with the city.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed weekend!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    It was quite a coincidence that the very same day we were discussing June Gloom, on the weather report our guy mentioned the San Diego June Gloom. I was doing something on my computer and missed the context but I had to smile thinking to myself………I already know about that. LOL

    I did make it to the Butterfly House. Oh my. Everyone must have had the same idea as me. It was so crowded I sat for a good part of the time as there was no easy way to be polite and get pictures with everyone sitting all around the area. I did get some good pics in spite of it so once I have a chance to do some editing I will post some of them.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day of honoring the Dad in your family this weekend.



    I flew to San Diego just to write this in the sand😎 I made it in record time. I just hopped on my private jet I have been saving up for and voila.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    teka, YUM! How was it? Did you have it with ice cream?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited June 2023

    Teka, your pie looked delicious? I haven't had it very much and have not had it with cheese. I am trying to think of what other pie people would put cheese on. Could it be apple pie? At any rate I bet it was a hit.

    My neighbors showed me last night they are growing some dill and they have some dill caterpillars on the plants. The grow into a black swallowtail butterfly so I hope to take pics of the different stages.

    Well it is very late and I need to get to bed. I have started another project in my master bath this time. I am doing things as quickly as I can so that my handyman who is so good and will be leaving for Florida sooner than I would like. He is eventually coming back.

    I did call in for a refill on the suppositories I used in the winter as a treatment for this rectal tear. It is intended for fissures and my surgeon said it is not a fissure but a tear. I don't know what the differences is. I figured it was worth another try.

    Take care dear sisters.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723

    Chris, I hope you and your family are okay. I saw news reports of golf-ball size hail and street flooding in Colorado Springs yesterday. That sounds so scary, and I pray that you and your family are safe and sound.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Hersheykiss, thank you for your concerns. We are fine. Where we live on the east side we only got pea to marble-size hail. I thought it was going to break the windows! But we are positioned fine to not flood although it rained a lot in a short period of time. The lightning storm went on for a long time and was amazing. Thankfully I don't have to go out today so I don't have to brave the street flooding.

    I did catch my granddaughter's latest cold…arghh! Thankfully my son and his family have left so I don't have to worry about them and me not feeling well. We tried so hard for me to stay well, but it was not to be. I have my monthly anti-hormone shots tomorrow and an MRI next week so I am praying this gets over quickly.

    I am praying for you all as well. Psalm 91:1-2 (NLT) ~ Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.

    Love, Chris

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, sisters. I'm cross-posting this from another thread, but wanted to add on to let you know of an amazing thing that happened last evening.

    DH asked if I wanted to go sit on the front porch with him and I said yes. Neighbor after neighbor "happened" to walk by and we ended up having the most amazing evening connecting with them. One couple had moved away but they were back in the area for a while. It was the most amazing evening and we ended up talking with everyone for about 45 minutes, or so. When we went back inside, we just shook our heads and thanked God that He had sent us out to our front porch at just the right time. I'm still basking in the love we get from these dear people.

    Here is my post from another thread:

    I was able to get an “Urgent” referral to GI today. Yesterday and the day before really sucked. On Monday after taking my Ibrance and Arimidex and having a sip of coffee, my esophagus started spasming so badly that I was choking on my saliva and started vomiting. It lasted a couple of hours. DH was about to take me to the ER.

    Then yesterday, I thought that I’d skip the coffee and just take the Ibrance and Arimidex. Did that about 7:15 am and then at 7:40 we left for my EEG appointment at 8:15. Started spasming on the ride up there and started vomiting again. Fortunately, my stomach was mostly empty, but there was lots of mucus. Sorry for the TMI.

    I arrived at the clinic, walked in, and then walked right back out to the Urgent Care Check-in to ask for a barf bag. They gave me one and I went upstairs to the EEG check-in and ended up cancelling my appointment. Vomiting during an EEG isn’t a good thing.

    The schedulers were really nice and got me rescheduled for next week. Next step was to try to move up my September 1st appointment with GI. They said they couldn’t do that without an Urgent or Stat referral. So, finally this morning, I was able to get the stat referral and have an appointment on June 28th. It’s a video visit, but that’s OK because I have a list of all the stuff that’s been happening.

    I can’t believe I’m hoping for a endoscopy, but I really need to get to the bottom of this. I skipped my morning meds because my housekeeper is here today and I don’t want to be barfing in the bathroom while she’s cleaning. I’ll take them after she’s gone.

    I also skipped my Tylenol PM last night hoping that I’d sleep better. I did take some Z-quil which I think helped. I woke up coughing a couple of times, but it was a dry cough and didn’t last too long.

    So far, so good this morning. I’m not looking forward to taking my Ibrance and Arimidex later today, but we shall see. I’ve lost about seven pounds because I’m afraid to eat. Mashed potatoes, soup, and Ensure seem to go down OK and I did manage to enjoy my coffee this morning without any issues.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. I tried to break up my paragraphs to make it easier to read. I’ll probably cross-post in a couple of different threads, so if you see this exact post in another thread, you’re not “seeing double.” LOL

    Happy Thursday!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Carol, chatting with your neighbors sounds great! What a blessing God has surrounded you with these friends. I am so sorry you are struggling this way and will pray next week they will decide to see you in person ASAP and get an answer to your situation. Our bodies are wearing out from all these chemicals and I pray God calms your insides and sends you peace.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Carol, I am really sorry to hear what a time you have had. I am glad to hear that you will be able to see the GI doc next week. Praying that there is an easy solution to these spasms. The Lord did time your front porch experience with friends to uplift you. I am learning that in the spiritual world there is no such thing as coincidences. I will certainly be praying that you will not have to endure any repeat performances. I am glad you were able to reschedule your EEG.

    Chris, how was your visit with your son and family? Did you get any of the hail that Hershey mentioned? I hope you are feeling much better.

    I was awakened today by what I thought was a very big and loud truck who I figured had to be going 70mph in a 25 mph zone. Then I could see from my bedroom window a yellow plane that looked like it was going to land on my roof. It kept going back and forth over my house. I knew that crop dusters I had seen in the past were yellow but there are no crops near my house. I did find out later they were crop dusters spraying for Gypsy Moths which are renamed Spongy moths. I have big mature trees around my house so that may be why they were so low. It was truly frightening initially. I just found out through the Nextdoor app what was going on,

    I got to have lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in quite some time so that was fun.

    Have a good night. Praying for you.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Nancy, I can't imagine having a plane that low over my house. We have helicopters fairly often due to being near several hospitals. We often have police helicopters flying over, too. It just adds to the fun of living in the city.

    Thank you for your prayers. I'm looking forward to my appointment next week. It will be a video visit with a PA. I happen to love PAs. I will have my list of "symptoms and events" and hopefully that will be enough to get an endoscopy scheduled.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Carol, someone got a video recording of this yellow plane and it was on a loop. I was not imagining the plane being so low. In this video it looked like it would crash into this house. I forgot to mention my whole bedroom smelled like perfume after they sprayed. Very interesting as it was supposed to be pheromones to fool the spongy moths. I thought it was my neighbors new landscaping I was smelling. LOL

    Carol, I loved my PA in oncology but she moved to a new office. I did look up treatments for spasms in the esophagus. It does appear there are meds to treat this condition. I am praying that it will be an easy solution for you. I can only imagine how awful that must be even now not knowing if you will have another episode. I think I would pack a bag just in case and I don't mean a suitcase!

    Off to bed very, very late.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    Teka, last year I contracted Covid the very first day of summer so I was in quarantine this time last year. That feels like a life time ago.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924

    I am praying that for all of us.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Hi All. My DH got bit by a large dog on his leg yesterday. It is not serious but he did go to the ER because one of the bites was a puncture wound which would not stop bleeding. He also has a severe cold and no voice. He was attending a HAM radio outside field day at the time which he had been looking forward to attending for months. I feel so bad for him but he is resting today. I would appreciate a quick prayer so he doesn't develop any infection. We know the dog owner so there is no fear of rabies. So far I am virus free… The monsoons have stopped so maybe the hail has also. We were fortunate to only get pea-sized hail (three times) and did not lose any windows or have any car damage like so many others in CO Springs had. Maybe we can get the construction on our deck finished now.

    I am feeling ok…just some residual effects from my monthly anti-hormone shots (aches and pains). I have an MRI on Wednesday and see the pulmonologist on the 5th. Maybe then I can get the insurance to approve a mini oxygen concentrator so I don't feel so house-bound. I have been trying for two months but the oxygen company keeps finding things wrong with the paperwork which are excuses as the paperwork from the pulmonologist is fine. I think they just don't want to provide one as it is expensive although Medicare should cover it. I don't know what else to do at this point and I don't understand their reluctance. I call them every week. If I can't get one after my appointment, I shall change companies.

    We had a new fridge installed yesterday after our old one broke, and it has a large scratch/dent down the side. Another problem to work through. This has not been our weekend, and I was doing so well after my son's visit.

    Sorry for the book…lots of info about me…thanks for letting me vent.

    Carol, I am praying for your appointments next week.

    Blessings, Chris

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Nancy, the song with those words immediately came to mind when I saw your post. Thank you for that.

    Chris, I'm so sorry that your husband was bitten by a dog. How scary! I will pray that he does not develop any infection from it and will pray for your upcoming appointments.

    I posted these on another thread, but thought you all might enjoy them.

    Photo 1 is DH with Jeeves, Photo 2 is Jeeves and me in the park on a foggy morning.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723

    Carol, your second photo looks like a scene right out of a Tolkien fantasy novel! That tree is stupendous!

    Chris, I'm glad that you're keeping a close eye on your husband's dog bite. Animal bites are notoriously "dirty." Was he given a prescription for antibiotics at the ER? I will be praying for no infection or complications.

    We have decided to list our condo for sale. The tenant moved out last week and left it a mess, so we have a lot of cleaning and several repairs to make before contacting a realtor. Thankfully we have a hard-working, able-bodied handyman to help us.

    Nancy, GB, Wheatfields, Teka, Ade and Faith — I hope you have a blessed week!

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194

    Chris, we'll be praying for no infection in your husband's dog bite. So thankful there is no concern about rabies. And thankful you have been feeling a bit better and able to enjoy your son's visit. Thank you for the view from the Peak webcam!

    Carol, thank you for your pictures and I'm praying for your upcoming appointments. Hershey we'll be praying for the sale of your condo and all the work that needs to be done. Nancy, thank you for your banners of encouragement and we are praying that your continued issues with pain will be resolved easily and simply.

    I have 15 steps up to my condo, and last Wednesday evening on the way to church I fell down the last 4 steps. I'm not sure how I managed that and don't like the fact that this is the second time in the last month. I never have had good balance because of my hearing and of course it doesn't get better with age. I landed pretty much on my knees and got by with one skinned knee this time. My sister was in the care center a couple weeks for evaluation and my brother in law had a meeting with the person in charge of the care center and memory care. And they basically said they would not take her because she doesn't listen, or follow rules and does her own thing. So she is back in their apartment and he is still the "bad guy" and he is disappointed in the "system" that promised they would take care of every need as you age. I'm thinking isn't that what dementia is all about, you don't listen, you don't follow rules and you do your own thing. They generally don't appear to listen because they cannot reason and put it all together, and don't follow rules because they don't remember, and all there would be left to do is your own thing. Thank you for your prayers!

    Praying for you all and have a blessed week!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,451

    Hershey, I am so sorry you fell but glad you weren't hurt worse. Falls are always scary! I also agree with you that it sounds like your sister's non-compliance could be part of dementia. It makes no sense that they didn't discuss this part with you. I will add her to my prayer list! Also, selling a condo (or house) can be stressful. I will pray it sells quickly once it is ready.

    Nancy, how is Cammie doing? I also am concerned about your continual pain. I can't imagine what you go through everyday. I complain with a little stomach cramps!

    Thank you for your prayers for my husband. His wounds look good today and are healing nicely. He also has no pain which we believe is a miracle! My cold went away after one day (so far) so that is another miracle.

    I am sure in the next couple of weeks I will need to decide whether to go back on my oral chemo meds or switch to IV chemo. My MRI on Wednesday will help determine this. I appreciate your continued prayers.

    Love, Chris