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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Dear sisters, my family is in need of prayer. My sister texted me this morning to tell me that her stepson had rushed his almost 9-month pregnant wife to the hospital this morning because she was bleeding. My sister said they lost the baby. His name was Theo. Everyone is in shock. I'm stunned and can't even imagine what my nephew and his wife are feeling. I don't know anything else right now.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Carol, I am so very sorry to hear about your nephew and his wife losing their baby, Theo. I am sure that it is devastating to lose a child but to carry him almost to term is truly heartbreaking. My prayers for this family during this huge loss.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703
    edited August 2023

    Carol, my condolences and prayers for your nephew and his wife. This must be so very, very sad for them. I will keep them and your family in my prayers.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Carol, so sorry to read of this loss. Sending prayers to your family.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    Carol, many prayers for you and your family in the loss of a loved one. We will keep you in our prayers.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180


    Have a Happy Birthday today! We are praying for you and the pain you are having from your recent almost fall.

    Love, Wheatfields

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy this special day.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Nancy, I'm wishing you a very happy and blessed birthday!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Thank you all for the Birthday wishes and for your prayers. My former pastor would say many times from the pulpit that this day many are having the worst day of your lives and many are having the best day. That dichotomy of this time is just that. Birthday celebration among a tragic death of an unborn is exactly that.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703
    edited August 2023

    Happy Birthday, Nancy! I hope your day and year are full of many blessings.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Thank you Hershey.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Teka, you are forgiven!!!!!! My sister remembered after midnight last night so you are in good company.

    Thank you.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    It has been very quiet here. I hope everyone is ok and just muddling along!

    .@Nancy how is your knee? I have been praying for you.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    intolight, I was thinking the same thing.

    How is everyone?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Hi everyone,

    My knee got really bad and I was in excruciating pain with movement. On Sunday I couldn't get up from the toilet and I didn't know what I was going to do. I saw my surgeon on Tuesday and I got a cortisone shot. He did not mention PT at all as he had in his message to me. I totally forgot to ask as I only had 10 min with him and wanted to know what surgeries might be in my future. He thinks that my falling backwards perhaps tore the other meniscus. He is extremely conservative and didn't really see the need for an MRI right now as he said we already know that there is a torn meniscus. I don't think he believes I need a total knee replacement since I told him I was very active prior to April with the first injury but he has said a meniscus repair surgery may not help me. So it is wait and see right now. I am much better than I was. I have been using a cane to get around. I am getting into a really busy time with some of these home improvement projects coming fast that were already on the calendar. I don't know if I mentioned that after waiting all this time for the new locks for one of my windows it was not the right kind. They want to facetime with me so they can see the issue. I didn't have time to do that today when they called. Cammie has an apt and I have an apt. This whole experience has been really scary for me living alone. I am so relieved to be out of the horrible pain I was in. The cortisone shot is supposed to take 2-5 days to take effect.

    How are things with all of you.

    Wheatfields, I know you have your surgery next week. Praying for that.

    Carol, did you have your visit with your kids? How are you doing? Any word on your motility test?

    Chris, how are you doing? Any more work on your deck happening?

    Praying everyone is doing okay.

    Got to run. I appreciate your prayers and you have mine.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, so sorry to read if your pain. Praying your dr can find a solution for you. Hope Cammie's appt goes well.

    The deck workers started at 8:00 this morning… they usually dink around and don't start until after 9:00 so I am happier. They just need to jump in and get it done so we have some summer left to enjoy it! My DH and I are not complainers but I am ready to say something to the owner if they don't get more work done each day. I find myself with a shorter fuse these days so I am working real hard at staying quiet. The problem is I keep it all inside and that is not good for me either. I had a dr fifty years ago tell me I need to yell at my husband more (or other people.) He must have been a soothsayer who could see the future and knew medically I would pay for that someday. He was right!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703
    edited August 2023

    Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry your knee was painful this past week. It's disappointing that the surgeon did not write an order for PT. Would it help to message him with a request?

    Chris, waiting around on contractors can be so frustrating. We need some outdoor work done on the house, and only one contractor has returned my husband's phone calls. I guess jobs are very plentiful and contractors are more choosy.

    I ended up in the ER on Tuesday night and was diagnosed with a hemorrhagic bladder infection. I saw my PCP this afternoon, and she wants me to go back next week for a urinalysis to confirm that the antibiotics have worked. I think Carol once wrote, "It's always something." Isn't that the truth?! ;-)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Chris, I could tell by your comment that your crew usually dinks around until 9 was a BIG statement for you. That told me you were ticked off. I am like you. I don't speak up when I should. When I left a message for my windows company I said more than usual and pretty much said I am getting fed up with this process taking four months to correct. I also told them I did not want that same guy back who goofed things up. Maybe we are both learning. I sure hope you can get this finished before the summer. I imagine your fall can be pretty chilly.

    Hershey, I am sorry to hear about you ending up in the ER. I have never heard of that type of infection but obviously you must have been miserable to go to the ER. I sure hope your antibiotics works quickly to knock out this infection.

    Today before Cammie's weigh in I was feeling really nauseated and I was profusely sweating and it wasn't all that hot. I don't know if it was a reaction to my cortisone shot which I have had a reaction in the past. It eventually passed but it took a while. On a more cheery note Cammie is weighing in at 10lbs which I was sure they would say she had lost weight. So that was a pleasant surprise. She goes back next week for sedation and her annual shots. I am considering arthritis injections for her which would be once a month. I would not have her sedated and it may be impossible for them to do without it. I would have to take money out of savings to do this but I can't stand the thought of her suffering if I could do something to help her.

    Yesterday I was so pleasantly surprised that I got a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers from my church. They smell so good. I was emailing them regarding a technical issue and in that communication they asked if I had any prayer requests. I told them my two big issues and then I got a call from one of the staff who prayed with me on the phone. I think the fact that I have been going to that church for 45 yrs was a factor in receiving the flowers. I will post a pic or the flowers. This pic doesn't at all do justice to how pretty they are. That lifted my spirits.

    As we all deal with our individual challenges I know that our Lord understands what each of us is going through and He loves and encourages us through all of our challenges as He is right there by our side in all of them.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703

    Nancy, such a beautiful bouquet and thoughtful encouragement from your church. I'm so happy they lifted your spirits. I've not heard about arthritis injections for cats. Perhaps a similar medication is in the pipeline for us older adults.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    @bandwoman1234 Nancy, the flowers are beautiful. Your church does things right! Glad Cammie is doing well but I worry about your nausea. The workers did a good job yesterday on the deck and cleaned up things well (tools, wood bits, etc.,) but I haven't seen them yet this morning. They must not be planning on coming. If they would work like they did yesterday it would be finished in a week!

    @hersheykiss Sorry to hear of your infection. It sounds awful! Praying it clears quickly on the antibiotics.

    Praying for a good weekend for everyone. God is good!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, ladies.

    Nancy, how are you this morning. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain with your knee. I wish I had a magic potion to make it better.

    hershey, I hope they can get your infection under control.

    Quiet day here, hopefully. I have a friend coming over later this morning for a porch visit. I'm looking forward to it.

    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    I had a nice visit with my Bible Study leader. She dropped off the workbook to my house at her insistence when I said I haven't been to church the last two Sundays because I can't walk that far. She works for a Christian TV station and took off work to spend some time with me. I did some work in my yard yesterday because I have this weed which I swear is from the devil. (Canada Thistle if you must know) You can't pull it up because it will sprout several other plants as a result. It has stickers all over it too. It has an underground root system that can go 20ft down. Maybe if I bulldozed my whole yard it might help. Mine were out of control and I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't get on my hands and knees so I just stooped over and snipped them off. I watered too. Today I am paying for that so that is a bit discouraging.

    Hershey this injection for cats is new but one of the vet techs told me they had another one they used but it wasn't as effective as this one. Besides cortisone shots for people they have Synvisc injections for the knee. My Mom had those many years ago and I think it was fairly new at that time. My Bible study leader told me she gets those. My surgeon never mentioned that as an option. How is your infection? I sure hope your test will show that the AB has knocked it out of your system.

    Chris, I was pretty surprised at the flowers. I don't ever remember such a wonderful sweet smell to flowers like this. The huge hydrangeas even had a nice scent to them besides the roses. It was truly lovely. Now that I am the contact person for our landscaping company I was really watching them today as they only trimmed half of our neighborhood last week and they were supposed to do the other half today but so far not seeing it. I know that will translate in complaints and more work for me. I so understand your frustration with your crew who didn't show up today. We had a period of rain this morning so our landscapers will use that as their excuse and it could be they trimmed where I can't see from my house. Your crew sounds like ones who are simultaneously working on different projects for different people. That would make me crazy!!!!!! I sure hope they finish next week if not before.

    Carol, I have more pain today so lesson learned from pushing too fast. How are you doing? I do hope your porch visit will be uplifting and encouraging.

    Not to scare anyone but this is just an FYI. I just heard on the news today that a study of proton inhibitors such as Prilosec that just came out was disturbing in that there was a 33% increased risk of getting dementia for those taking it over four years. However a prior study showed no link so don't throw out your pills without consulting your doctor.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    Chris, you are right I'm just muddling along :) Praying that you are doing well and feeling better. Nancy, we are praying for the pain in your knee and that it would subside. Also, for you Hershey that your infection is gone and the AB are taking care of it. I am anxious for the hand surgery on Friday, for I'm limited in what I can do right now with my right hand. I like to be freezing peaches and blueberries, this time of year and also cutting up some zucchini for the freezer. My best friend (who was a nurse) is having some health issues, and I appreciate your prayers there also. Besides the recent A Fib heart issue, she hasn't been getting a good nights sleep, in part because of hot flashes, but also the need to go to the bathroom, she says anywhere from 4-6 times a night. So she says she just doesn't feel good a lot of the time, and I suspect it would be from not hardly ever sleeping well. I think some of you might be thinking, "yes". So there are several appointments ahead, tomorrow to the heart doctor, and the 6 of September to a urologist. I'm going along, because even though I don't hear all things, once I'm told, the chances of my "remembering" what was said are greater, at the moment, than hers. She had a urogram last week of kidneys and bladder and that came back normal, and we were praising the Lord for that. Take care dear ladies, you are all in my prayers!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Wheatfields, we will be praying for your hand surgery on Friday, Aug. 18. Praying against fear and for peace going into it and for a successful surgery. Prayers also for your friend who is having multiple health challenges. I pray that her many visits to the bathroom will be an easy solution. I hope her heart doctor visit goes well and she gets a good report.

    I just had a frightening experience. I was laying in bed and my bad knee was locked in the bent position and I couldn't move it was so excruciating trying to straighten it. I was crying out to the Lord to help me as I couldn't get up. I didn't want paramedics breaking down my front door but I knew I had to do something. I felt like the Lord was saying just wait and then trying inching it down to a straightened position. That is what I did and then it was okay. I have a thyroid ultrasound on Wed. and so many important things these next two weeks. I need wisdom and the ability to get through these next two weeks. I would appreciate your prayers. My knee had been doing better.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, Nancy, that sounds so frightening! I will lift you in prayer for you upcoming appointments.

    Wheatfields I will also be praying for your hand surgery on Friday.

    Love to all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331

    Nancy, that does sound scary. Thankfully God heard your prayers and helped you through it. I will pray for your friend and your thyroid ultrasound and many concerns the next couple of weeks.

    Wheatfields, I join with the others in praying for your hand surgery and for your heart doctor appointment today.

    Sunshine, praying for continued progress with your swallowing. Are you able to eat solid foods now?

    I have my monthly shots and tri-monthly Zometa infusion on Friday. They always leave me a bit achy and weak for a few days afterwards so I am not looking forward to the weekend. It has been cool here, it will barely reach 70 today. It is better than the fires in Hawaii and the bad storms in the east, and the heat in the south so I should be thankful.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 703

    Wheatfields, it is such a blessing that you and your nurse friend have each other for support and encouragement. I will pray for your successful surgery on Friday and good medical reports for your dear friend.

    Nancy, what a scary thing to experience first thing in the morning. I'm so thankful that Jesus guided you through the situation. We will be praying for good results on your ultrasound this Wednesday.

    Chris, your fall-like temperatures sound wonderful to me!

    Carol, how are you doing?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Thank you for your prayers. When I look back to this morning God knew exactly what I needed to do. That was amazing. I also realized that I can't have surgery after the cortisone shot for many weeks. I was able to get to the grocery store in a torrential down pour. Trying to maneuver my umbrella I dropped my cane in all the water. I managed to get home in one piece with groceries in tact. I washed my sheets and just now put them back on. That is hard for me normally and Cammie got a little testy with me when I tried to get her to move. I guess that must be a cat's instinct to jump on the bed when you are putting clean sheets on it. LOL

    It is past 8pm and I still have to fix dinner. I have spent the last hour or so printing some pictures to send to my sponsored child in Ethiopia.

    Carol, how are things going with you? How was your visit with your kids? Swallowing any better?

    Hershey, how is your infection? I know you were going to have another test to see if the infection was gone. We have had some cool weather but it had been so humid. Today we got a ton of rain. One less thing to do today……….water my flowers.

    Chris, we'll be praying for your shots and infusion on Friday. As much as I hate to see summer end I do love the cooler temps that will be here before long.

    Wheatfields, is your nurse friend no longer working in the nursing field? Did she recently leave because of her health issues? Will she be able to go with you to your surgery? I wish I could help you and lived near you. So you are into canning. You and my niece would enjoy chatting with each other. They used to have bees and had the best honey as well. I am praying for perfect peace for you. I bet when you are all healed up you will be amazed at how much better your hands and fingers will be.

    Teka, I sent you a PM but I have a feeling you are not on. I hope you are doing okay.

    GB, How are you doing? Insurance issues? I hope there is some improvement in all of your areas of concern.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 180

    Nancy, how scary not to be able to get up, and so thankful the Lord gave you direction in what to do. Praying that your knee continues to improve with the cortisone shot. My friend is a couple years older than I am, and retired about at the beginning of the virus. We've been friends since in our 30's meeting at our church singles group and now we are 70 and 72 (oops) I just turned 71 the other day, but have always liked round numbers 😊. She will be able to go with me Friday to the surgery. Her heart doctor appointment yesterday went well, and we both liked the doctor. He suggested for now staying on the blood thinner and the beta blocker for a blood pressure pill. He also suggested going to a pulmonologist to check out sleep apnea. So we are going next Monday.

    Chris, we will be praying for you Friday for the shots and infusion and a warm and beautiful fall in Colorado.

    Thank you for your prayers and praying for each of you.

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872

    Happy Birthday to Wheatfields!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad you were able to go with your friend to her heart apt. Sounds like things are going well. I hope she can find some solutions to her insomnia. I am glad she will be able to be with you for your surgery on Friday. Praying for you and for her.

