thread for middle age to older Christian women.

spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

I would like to start a forum to meet other middle age or older women who have bc and love the Lord.  Try to live your life for him, walk the walk and talk the talk.  Of course we all fall from grace because we are human but we are covered by the blood of Jesus.  Also this forum is for people who has a large enough vocabulary that they don't need to use profanity to explain theirselves.  I will start.



  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    My name is Sherry, I am 58 years old.  I love the Lord and try to do his will for me.  I love crafts as everyone that knows me is aware.  I make hats and send to childrrens and adults cancer centers.   I broke my leg in October and it is only 20% healed so I am using a walker and a wheelchair.  I have 3 grandkids, ages 8 to 19.  I have a wonderful husband that I love so much and he is so good to me and I guess you  could say we are soul mates.  I am a nurse and retired from the state in 2007 and love retirement.  I like to make jewelry also but mine is just fun costume jewelry.  I have a lot of Christian sisters that I hope will post here and keep in touch.  I have 2 things I for sure want to do this summer and that is a road trip to Illinois and learn to play golf.  My best friend from grade school is stage IV bc and her and her husband love to play golf so I am doing it for her.    I have a lot of loyal friends and in return I am very loyal.  I love peace and harmony.  Come visit and lets get to know each other. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2010

    My name is Barbara and I will be 52 in May. I have never questioned God as to "why me" during this whole journey. Why not me? I wear my scars with pride knowing that I have passed some earthly test. I have a great comedic relationship with God as He has a very funny sense of humour! I will be in a hurry to get to a meeting and will find myself going southbound on the highway instead of west! I take joy in nature and my crafts. I like to have at least one "Oh God" moment every day, whether it is a sunset, a bird's peeping or a cat's purr.

    I am expecting my first granchild September 15th with my daughter and my step-daughter is due 4 days later! There's that heavenly humour....

    I do not have a network of friends, but am lucky enough to love my job. My husband IS my soulmate and again I am blessed. My kids live about an hour away and I don't see them a lot, but thanks to Facebook and email my close relationship is held tight.

    I have various health issues that leave me in a lot of pain and I am on very strong narcotics just to get through my day. Anyone else would be constipated and the pharmacist and my doctor keep asking me. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome as one of my health issues so I am not constipated. There's that heavenly humour again!

    I look forward to meeting my other spiritual sisters. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Barbe, thanks so much for posting.  congrats on going to have a new grandbaby, they bring so much joy when they are little.  Love the smell of new babies and cuddling them, rocking them.  That irritable bowel syndrome is some nasty stuff, I have a church friend with it and she has to be really careful sometimes what she eats.  So glad to meet another woman that loves the Lord.  I am one of those that enjoys an Oh God moment too, sometimes it is the birds all fluttering around the feeder or a beautiful sunset sitting out on the deck.  Just the simple things in life.  A beautiful flower or a bee getting pollen.

    I just got back from the dr. and it wasn't very good news.  White blood count was way up, had fever, chest xray showed infection.  Started coughing and threw up in the mask they put on me and then in their trash can so they weren't real happy and neither was I.  She also said there was something on my chest xray that she didn't know what it was which kind of scares me but I have an oncology appt the 30th so will talk to her about it.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Spar, can you get that onc appt moved up to next week?  I'll be on pins and needles waiting for her thoughts/ideas, etc.

    PM'g you separately.

  • C130sunshine
    C130sunshine Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2010

    Hello, I my name is Kim, I am 41 years old (young).  I am also a Christian, trying to live my life for the glory of Him (I am a work in progress).  I am also a nurse but I am in the Air Force.  People think I have not dealt with my diagnosis of never upset me.  I always felt a calm.  It is amazing how when I look back on issues that at the time upset me, now I see God's hand in it.  I was passed over for the rank of Major the first time.....well I am glad that I was.  If I hadn't then I would have been passed over the Lt Col.  I am waiting for the should come out next week, but I am not worried.

    I was diagnosed while I was in Korea....during treatment I moved to California (actually I moved here for chemo).  It made life interesting....I was lucky that I have a very strong parents where with me the entire time (from surgery in Hawaii through all the treatment in CA (chemo/rads)).  Plus I found a great Church.

    I am now of the leaders in my Churchs' Women's cancer ministry.  Everyone...even the founder has had (or have) some type of cancer.  Plus I worked in the surgery clinic for 6 months...."they" had a rash of people being diagnosed with cancer.  I was able to give them support.

    Barbara - congrats on the soon grandchildren.  Babies do smell great...that is until....well you know. Laughing

    Sherry...sorry to hear about your test results.  I am with Patoo...can you call your oncologist to get in sooner?  You will definitely be in my prayers.  Keep us infromed.

  • treak
    treak Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010


    My name is Tresha and this is the first time I have posted on this or any other forum. I am 61 years old, been married for 40 years, 2 grown 'boys" who are single and have no grandchildren. I have been looking for a site where the participants love Jesus and depend on him for strength and comfort. I was diagnosed with stage I breast cancer in 1/2010; had a partial mastectomy on 2/25/10 and just returned from a checkup with my surgeon. The news was mixed and I am not sure what to make of it. It appears that even though I was told that the cancer was removed with clear margins, a portion of the margin was very small, .07mm. The surgeon says he tries to get at least 1 cm. Now there will be choices to make again. More surgery to obtain a larger margin and or try to burn it out with an extra strong dose of radiation. I had just about decided to refuse radiation, now I am not so sure. Maybe I am being naive, but to me an "inch is a mile" if it is gone- it's gone! I feel so, so truly blessed to be in good health. I had no problems with the surgery, got up and made dinner after having surgery in the morning. ha. I am just tired of being messed with. I feel as if God has taken care of everything and now "they" won't let me be. I feel guilty even bringing it up as I read the severe problems other bc patients are experiencing. But does this sound familiar to anyone. I would like to get input from a Chrisitan woman who is not in the medical profession. Sorry to go on and on. I will pray all the other women on this forum.

  • Susie123
    Susie123 Member Posts: 82
    edited March 2010


    My name is Susie, I'm 49 and I am a Christian. Thank you for starting this thread! When I first started visiting, it broke my heart to see the "anybody else an atheist but me" thread and the fact it had so many posts. I don't know how people get through this without the Good Lord. I know without a doubt that all the prayers that were said for me brought me through this and I give him all the praise and the glory for it!  Our Heavenly Father is SO Good!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Hi ladies .. both familiar and new (to me).  I am 63 years old and single.  I never married or had children so I don't have grandchildren.  I cannot believe so much time has passed.

    My family is just a little odd (okay they are a lot odd!) in that my mother gave birth to me very young as her first child and my grandmother had her last child 3 months after I was born.  Ergo, my uncle is more like my brother.  We grew up together so I have special feelings for his kids and grandkids (kind of live vicariously).  When I held his first grandchild (the love of my life) as I was holding him, realized I held his father as a baby which seemed like yesterday!

    I am a Christian but, sadly, have not been pew warming for a time due to a variety of illnesses.

    I, do, however have my home teacher and visiting teacher come by each month and the missionaries show up from time to time.  In addition, a strong and abiding faith has held me together this past year.  The Lord definitely felt like I needed a little reminder - in my case a knock upside the head, which generally gets my attention.

    Spar ... thanks for this thread as the other one was getting a little "adult."  For goodness sake, do you have pneumonia?  Please call and get an earlier appointment.  If it is pneumonia, the sooner you get some antibiotics in you the better you will feel.

    Many blessings to all of you.

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2010

    Hello.  My name is Mary.  I'm 56 years old, married for almost 37 years to my high school sweetheart and have 3 adult sons.  Oldest is married, but they have chosen to have no children.  Middle son has a girlfriend he is very serious with and she has two children 2 and 4 ergo, surrogate grandchildren.  My youngest is not married.  I am a medical social worker and work at the local VA hospital.  I am truly blessed to be able to minister daily.  My husband is the head chaplain there also.  Like Barbe, I never asked why with the bc as my mother (who was one of strongest Christians I know) and her mother had bc.  When I was diagnosed, I hoped to go thru this journey, no matter what it meant, for others to see Him in me.  I prayed for His strength and courage to do this. 

    This is a wonderful thread.  Thanks for starting it.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    Hi, guys!  I hope I'm not too young to join?  I'm 38 but I have been in love with Jesus since I was 15 when I first gave my heart to him!  I have served Him full time as a church admin to a very large church for 20 years or so and now work for the Christian school...well, I'm on "furlough" until all this BC healing is fixed up. 

    JO--I never knew you worked in Sunday School for 40 years!  WOW that is so cool!

    Right now, I am seeking the Lord for His next steps for me.  I will serve Him whatever way He wants.  Toying with not going back to work and just ministering to people as they come up, or continuing ministering at the school...or some other route.  

    I dont LIKE that I got BC.  I sometimes think it's not fair that this is God's plan for me, especially when all my friends are healthy and moving on with life.  I feel pretty lonely when it comes to bc except for my cyber friends!  But I surely know that God works it out for good, for His glorious plan, and I gave my life to Him so many years ago, so I dont have a life is His life.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2010

    There's a saying: "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!"

    I had my double mast 6 days after diagnosis. At work before the surgery another department manager came up to me and asked how I was so calm. I told her that I have a very strong God holding me up. SHE started to cry and left.

    I hope I have taught my kids how to act with grace in a crisis. Everything is possible with God on  your team.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    I don't ask why me, I ask God what I need to learn from this experience.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Most of you know me from other threads.   Can I join?   Although I confess I have used some "strong words" - I am not perfect and God knows it.  I too am a work in progress.

    I am 64, dx May 2007, 3 weeks before my only son's wedding.   Widowed 4/2/2003.  Moved from House in Pittsburgh after 36 yrs there to apartment  closer to my son in Virginia.   Moving to another apartment complex first week of April - a bit more downsizing and making life simple.

    Over the years I have served as President of church women's group, and other offices as well.   Taught Sunday School to third graders, usher, library coordinator, bazaar chair person many times, Ordained Elder and Deacon, funeral helper, etc.   My faith continues strong and i believe in God's mercy and grace.   I have questioned it at times, but always got an "answer" in the form of a new friend or some unexplained "event".   He give me the peace only He can give.

    Hugs and Blessings, Nancy 

    P.S.   Dear (((spar))) thanks for this thread. 

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2010

    I have walked (sometimes more rocky than others) with God for a very long time.  Got my bachelors of social work at Oral Roberts University.  God has allowed me to learn many things and many have been extremely hard.  My middle and youngest son had to be placed in rehab for alcohol/drug addiction.  With God's grace, they are clean and sober today.  My oldest son disowned me for several years during this struggle.  Worst mother of the world award.  Truly, that journey was far more difficult than bc.  Because of God's hand in our lives, we are a reconciled family today.  BC played a part because the boys realized they could lose something important to them and needed to get beyond themselves.  Mind you, I stayed at home for 12 years raising these boys in the church and homeschooling.  I never thought these things could happen to me.  God has knocked me down many pegs.  I am humbled.  Today, I just reach out for what it is God wishes for me to do or sometimes just be.  I try to do that for the day.  My spirituality includes the wonders of God's birds and flowers.  I have very moving spiritual moments with that.  Live on a lake in Florida, so I am blessed.  We are not strongly involved in church.  We provide those services all week long in our ministries.  We use our time to rejuvinate and refresh on the weekends to go back out there again next week.  God bless you all ladies.  Find hope and peace this weekend. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    When I got on bco and read these post I got goosebumps and a few tears running down my face.  I am so thankful to be making some friends with people that love the Lord.  Not feeling too good right now so will post more later but wanted to say welcome to all, no one is too young and no one is too old.  So glad to meet all of you.

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2010

    Hi there! My name is KIm and I am a 42 yo Christian mom. Diagnosed in 9/08 stage 4 fromt he get go. I have been married to my wonderful dh for 21 years and have 7 kids...ages 6 to 19. No married ones yet or any grandkids, but dd1 is dating a really good guy and I could see that happening.

    I am so thankful for this thread.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Running out for the afternoon so haven't read all the posts.  Will catch up later.

    Spar, hope you feel better.  Rest and relax.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    Mary, WOW that must have been so hard to go through with your sons!  I have 4 children ages 13-7 and they are so sweet right now, but I realize that things could creep in that are out of my control like drugs that could ruin them and break my heart!  It is hard when you have to do your best but leave their own decisions in Gods hands.  I am so glad you are all reconciled.  Bet they'll THANK you someday for being such a great mom.  Homeschooling is like the ultimate sacrifice!

     lovinmomma--WOW (2nd wow, LOL!) I've seen your screen name around the boards, and didnt know you have 7 kids!  How cool is that!  I have a friend who has 10 kids and they are all such great kids who love the Lord.  Her oldest son just got married. 

    Hey, patoo, great to see you here too!

  • C130sunshine
    C130sunshine Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2010

    Spar2...hope you feel better.

    Welcome all....I am so happy to see a thread for Christians.  I place where we can support and prayer for each other.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    Well, I already have a prayer request if you guys dont mind.  My oldest daughter's best friend, age 13, just found out she has a brain tumor!  She was fainting in school, so they did an MRI and that's how they found it.  They are waiting 3 months to see if it will grow, which I think is ludicrous, she should be at the Philadelphia specialized hospital or something like that!  But anyway, please pray that God would heal her.  She is the sweetest 13 year old you could meet and both of them love the Lord.  My daughter just lost her grandpa, her grandma has metastatic colon cancer, I'm dealing with cancer, and now her best friend has a brain tumor?!  What up with that?!

    Her bff's name is Allie.  I'll keep you posted as I hear stuff.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2010

    Hello friends, just pulled out my old Bible to check the date, raised in a Christian household, but as an adult, I welcomed the light of the Lord into my heart on Sept. 4, 1983 wow 27 years ago.

    spar you posted this wonderful video on the KWWH thread last year.  It was a nice gift, hope you don't mind if I share it here ~ stethoscope

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2010

    Spar, take cae of yourself, rest and be at peace.

  • leapfrog39
    leapfrog39 Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2010

    Hi, My name is Wanda.  I was raised in a Christian home and became a Christian when I was 12 years old.  Had some very difficult times, but God has always proved Himself faithful and full of grace. I'm very grateful.

    I am 40 years old and single.  I was diagnosed last March, stage IIa.  June 23 is my last treatment and shortly after that I hope to have my reconstruction surgery.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Barbe, I love what you said about God and his sense of humor.  He will laugh if you tell him your plans. He changes them for the best though.

    Patoo, I am feeling a little better.  Glad to see you posting here.  I know how much you love the Lord and you have certainly been through some trials and kept the faith.

    Kim, I have to say WOW I have always wondered what it would be like to be a nurse in the service.  My son was in the air force for 9 years.  Can't even imagine being in a foreign country and being diagnosed there.  So glad you have your family as a support team.

    Tresha, Do you feel in you gut that you are healed?  Did you not want a mastectomy, do you have a choice between mast or rads?  what are you feeling about it all?

    Susie, I know what you mean about the heartbreak over the atheists thread and so many members and I have friends that are atheist, they don't like it but I pray for them in secret.

    Mary, what a wonderful ministry to help the people who have served our country.

    Cakeisgreat, praying for Allie, what a nightmare for a child to go through, praying for your whole family.

    GramE, good to see you here, welcome

    Mary, it is so hard what you have been through with your sons but you give me hope and inspiration.  I have a grandson that is an addict.  He hasn't been out of rehab very long.  I really  don't think he is clean.  I pray for him and he gets upset, he doesn't believe in God which just breaks my heart.

    Kim, I have seen you around awhile and so glad you came here to post.  Wow, I didn't know you had 7 kids either.  What a blessing in so many ways.

    Groundhog, love the stethoscope video, thanks for posting it here.  Thanks for posting on the music thread too, it sooths my soul looking for songs to post.

    Leapfrog, wow you will be finished up with treatments in June, is that chemo or rads?  What kind of reconstruction are you planning?

    JO, one thing JO didn't tell you about herself. she makes beautiful professional looking jewelry and she is the hardest worker I know.  She gardens and cans in the summer to prepare for winter to have fresh healthy food to eat.  She has so much knowledge in that brain of hers and I do admire her so much.

    God Bless all of you.  Big hugs to all of you

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited March 2010

    A few of you already know me from a couple of the other threads, but this is my story.  My early years were spent in a Baptist Church.  This was the late 40's and 50's.  I learned so really love the older hymns -- like "Bringing In The Sheaths ". and Amazing Grace and the one that can still take my breath away in some parts "HOW GREAT THOU ARE".  I won't bore you with all the details, but only to say my life and a lot of ups and downs and I went through a rather long desert period where I felt lost and alone.  It was only the way God got me really ready to recognize that I was ready to accept him and my spirituality.

    I and my husband as well are Gnostic Christians.  That only means that we recognize that it makes no difference what religion you are....if you love the Lord, and keep the Ten Commandments and do what you can, when you can to enhance your spirituality, and try to bring only light every where you go or are, you will achieve what you seek.  My church is anywhere --- in the streams, in a field of flowers, in my loving animals and the creatures in the woods where I live -- I can feel the presence of my Creator almost everywhere. 

    I was very surprised to learn I had one in my family had.  But, after a few hours of crying and wondering about it, I set my feet and plunged in.  Won't lie, it wasn't easy, but I knew I would make it.  Despite losing 38 #'s during chemo, I have not had near the problems others have and most of my txs were relatively un-eventful.  I was able ( a little dicey a few times ) to continue to go out in the cold winter and frosty air and keep feeding cats at the feral cat feeding stations ( thank you God and I know the cats  were thanking you ) all through chemo.  I always came home feeling much better than when I left. 

    So, my church is a meadow, my song an old fashioned hymn and I am fairly un-orthodox in my beliefs as many have come from several years of spiritual study. 

    I try to live my life doing as little harm as possible to any thing or any person and try to be mindful and thankful for all that I have.  I have so very, very much. 

    I don't know how often I will be here, but I'm here because of so many of the others that I have learned to easily love and respect.   Spar, Patoo, Jo, Kathleen,Melissa.  You bring light everywhere you are.  May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You All. 


  • leapfrog39
    leapfrog39 Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2010

    Spar -  I finished Chemo in October...Rads were not recommended in my case.  I was put on Herceptin for a year, which specifically targets HER2 positive cancer.

    My surgical Onc didn't want me to have another surgery until treatment was finished. He is referring me to a highly recommended PS in this area, but I probably won't meet with him until some time around May, so I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do as far as reconstruction goes.  I've had a large persistent seroma since the BX so I'm a little concerned about another surgery.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2010

    If there is righteousness in the heart,
    there will be beauty in the character.
    If there is beauty in the character,
    there will be harmony in the home.
    If there is harmony in the home,
    there will be order in the nation.
    If there is order in the nation,
    there will be peace in the world.
    So let it be
    -Scottish Blessing

    This is one of the Celtic blessings that I find touches my heart.

    Today is Sunday here and we have had a wonderful day. Took our GD to church with us which does mean that I don't get to concentrate on the service but it was great to hear her at 16months saying Amen.Both my husband and I are elders in the Church - Presbyterian and are very involved in all aspects of church life. DH is on the governing council of the Church.

    Then came back and finished making somethings for a family lunch which was much larger than I had thought but as usual we had so much food. Little Bea was wonderful with everyone and so good. I fell so blessed having her so close and being able to take care of her while her mother sings in the Cathedral choir. 

    I have had to rely on God so much throughout my life. I was ill as a teenager and then when having my children. And of course over the last three years with BC. As in the footprints poem God has had to carry me a lot of the time because I wasn't strong enough to walk myself.

    There are many times when I look for the 'thin Places' which in Celtic Christianity are the places were we feel especially close to God. So Jackie you find your thin places in the open, they can be anywhere.

    I will come here now and then seeking a 'thin place' where others are wise and know the Lord better than I.

    Blessing of God be with you.


    PS forgot to say. I am 60, well alright 61 next Thursday, have been married for nearly 38 years and have 3 grown children with one little grandaughter. I retired from teaching at the end of 2008 - was just too tired to carry on. Have been involved with the church always and did things, like take Sunday school for many years,organise children's productions, lead the Young Adults and now run the Playgroup for mothers and babies. Was a Girl Guide (Scouts) leader for many years and involved in other community things. So that's a bit about me.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Alyson ... is that March 25 or April 1 (your birthday)?  That is a beautiful blessing if we could only make it true.  I guess we must each do our part and maybe the rest of the world will follow.  When I first read "Footprints in the Snow" I was taken aback.  I've spent too many years looking one way of doing something.  That poem taught me there are many ways.  You just have to get a better perspective.

    Jackie ... that sign says it all!  To me it is "shut up and listen."  I sometimes ask my self --

    How could God talk to you when you won't stop talking?

    Barbe ... you are truly an amazing woman!  I also believe God has a sense of humor!  I find that I talk with God rather than pray to him although I pray too.  I just make HIM part of my everyday existence.  By that I mean when, for example, I fell and shattered my shoulder.  After I got through the pain and had enough pain medications on board ... in talking with God I ask "Was that really necessary?"  Or, God I don't ask for much (okay I do) but I know it is His will be done not mine.

    Spar ... continue to heal that leg.

    Cake ... that just breaks my heart.  I will pray for Allie.  I don't understand why they are waiting either.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    Thanks for the prayers for Allie, guys! I'll keep you posted.  kmccraw, I agree...I think they are in shock.  I'm going to gently ask them something like, "So, are you planning to go to a specialist in Philadelphia or NYC?" just to put it in their head.  We BC girls have learned to be our own advocate, right?  So I hope by asking them the above it will get the wheels moving.  I wonder what goofy doctor would say, "Wait" after she's fainted so many times and the doctor wont let her go to school because of the fainting spells, but he's saying to do nothing and see if it grows?  What a DUH.  Sorry...

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Cake, will pray for Allie.  Did you post on the prayer thread as well?

    Reading through all the posts has truly moved me.  It's a blessing to have so many of my sisters here who love and follow the Lord. 

    I am 61 but was not raised in the church.  A friend introduced me to the Lord (she has since become a backslider) and I finally got into a healthy church around 2003, after following a wolf in sheeps clothing (a toxic church) for about 6 years.  However, I've been in a true Bible-believing/teaching church where I have grown tremendously in my relationship with Him.  Started 2 ministries this past year - one for older (50+) single/widowed people to fellowship (lunch after Sunday service once a month) and take day trips (theater; boardwalk; etc.)  and the other is for the congregation to help one another with small projects in and around the house so we don't have to always pay big bucks for minor jobs (paint a room; change a lock; patch a hole, etc.).  Yes, Barbe, God does have a huge sense of humor because these 2 ministries require you to be outgoing and I am the biggest introvert going; a natural follower and He has me in a leadership position - go figure!