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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Ronna, forgot to comment how sorry I am to hear about your hubby and hope you heal well!

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    The blood supply goes with the Lat muscle to the chest that is why it has to be tunneled under the arm so how can just a portion be used....if some muscle is left behind where does the blood flow come from to keep it alive? 

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    My PS indicated he uses the entire muscle.  He said it's more work on his part, but his belief is it results in a better outcome.  I, too, am having a hard time wrapping my head around a "muscle-sparring" approach since I agree with Linda that the blood supply remains attached to the muscle that is moved, so what happens to any muscle left over?  I'll have to ask my PS about this when I see him on Friday.  Inquiring minds want to know.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Linda, it might be that there are multiple arteries to the lat, and some stay behind with whatever pieces of the muscle are left in place.  Just guessing. I know my PS said something about it not mattering whether they used all or part of the muscle as far as function goes.  I just can't remember why he said it doesn't matter. 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    My lat flaps both used the entire muscle as well. 

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    My PS uses a part of the muscle.  It is a large muscle and no need in most surgeries to use it all.  The muscle that stays attached has it's blood supply as well as the piece he brings around and tunnels under arm to breast. 

    There are several techniques for this procedure. The newer ones call for taking only the necessary muscle needed to create support  or to fill in chest area.

    This is according to my PS. He is a relatively young surgeon. I saw today and asked.

    10/20 I have phase 2 for lat flap and 2b for diep flap.

     Take care


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Artemis = Be well and we look forward to good news from you soon.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi all,

    I have very limited WiFi so can't post much, will hopefully get opportunity over w/e.

    Op Monday,  rough couple of days, needed transfusion,  had drains,  catheter,  iv drip, but was allowed out of bed today & feeling a bit better although every part of my body hurts..

    Looking down theres definite cleavage amongst the bruises, haven't had a proper look yet though. :-)

    Really appreciate all your good wishes, especially being on the opposite side of the pond.

    Will catch up with the forum pages soon. Take care


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Just stopping by to say hello. I went to PS on Tues because of problem with implant moving.  He taped me up in some kind of tape so tight along the breast side and chest area.  So uncomfortable.  I also have to wear the tightest bra 24/7. although I cannot sleep that way so I improvise on the LD side. He wants me to see him on the 28th and hoping I can last that long.  If not, as I mentioned previously another short surgery to correct the stitching around the pocket. Complications are not unusual for me.

    FKinnegan, thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Artemis 17 healing wishes.

    Today 5 years ago I was diagnosed and my beautiful husband was right there for me all the way.  In complete shock that day, the first one in my family ever to get bc, we had plans to go to Las Vegas (cancelled) instead had mast on the 30th (cancerversary), seems like yesterday, have been through the mill and back. However, being on the boards has brought me many friends and support all through these 5 years. Thank you.


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Artemis, thank you for your update!  YAY-you are on the healing side.  I had a couple of melt downs the first week and second week questioning myself (amongst tears) as to why I ever got the surgery.  I hurt!  But, it got better...hang in there sista!  Pond or no pond, thank goodness for these boards.  hugs

    Ronna, you are certainly in a 'no fun' zone, ouchie!!  best wishes to find some comfort and hope you can last til the 28th also!!  5 years ago my world was turned upside down as well, but we ARE HERE and have come a long way baby.  hugs

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, good to hear from you. Sounds like it's been a bit rough, but is getting better. Here's to cleavage! That's something I never had and don't expect to have. I'll be good with just looking like a girl again at least with clothes on. Happy healing!

    Ronna, I hope the tape holds everything in place, and you aren't too uncomfortable. I purposely try to not remember the anniversaries of bad things. I don't want to revisit those  dates. The new friends and support are a bright spot in this experience as you mentioned.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Artemis, thank you for letting us know how you're doing. Hopefully after the rough first days, it'll be easier sailing now.

    Ronna, it's not a fun anniversary to celebrate. I think I'd prefer to have the surgery now, instead of suffering with tape and a super tight bra! I agree with you, we have met some wonderful women on this board. A few I've added as friends on Facebook, so if anyone else wants to be friends there, let me know.

    I always remember my cancerversary, August 16th, because it's my ex's birthday.

    I saw my PS yesterday, well, his PA, and he said that unless I have problems, I don't need to see him again until I want to schedule my surgery. I think I may wait till July or August, because I usually try to visit my family in Southern California in May or June. I hate waiting that long, but I'd like to get my trip in before using up my PTO from work. So I guess I'll be hanging around this thread long after everyone's gone.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Andrea, I will PM you my facebook name...and any others that want it.  

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea, I'll still be here on this thread with you. Since my LD flap surgery isn't until November, I'll probably be here a year from now getting things finished up.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Thanks, Kari!

    2Tabbies, I'll be happy to have your company as we continue on this journey.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi LD sisters

    I havent posted here in a long time...kind of forced off because i was too negative

    Anyway its been a couple of yrs since my lat surgery and while i am still not happy ive learned to live with and manage the discomfort

    I find the key is stretching for me. If i dont stretch regularly i tighten right up and then the pain starts again. 

    On another note i had some FG yesterday and the girl next to me had the lat 2 yrs ago with my surgeon and has had zero issues other than tightness but that could be rads   So i really think its a crapshoot as to why some have on going issues and others are fine

    I would however discourage anyone from doing a double lat jusy for symetry. Its not worth it. I only have one side and they r very even

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea, may our respective trips down this road be uneventful.

    rozem, thanks for posting. I think you're right about it all being a bit of a crap shoot. I also came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth doing the LD flap on both sides just for symmetry.The less cutting the better. If I can only just look decent in a shirt again...

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Rozem, thank you for sharing your experience. I think the lat flap, like all reconstruction, can have different results and side effects for each person. It's good to hear how the surgery turned out for others, both good and bad. Going into this, I was under the mistaken impression that I'd have implants and all would be fine. As you can see from my surgery history, that wasn't the case. I hope your discomfort eases up with time. Thanks again for your input.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hugs & healing to all as we continue on this journey.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andrea, it sounds like you and I were both misled into thinking we could just have implants. The difference is you actually got them. I guess I'm glad the PS I went to after completing treatment came right out and told me that he didn't recommend trying an implant on the irradiated side. I just wish the PS I'd talked to before my mastectomy had told me that.

    Hi, Dpiggy! How are you doing?

  • nevinsdb
    nevinsdb Member Posts: 7

    i was also told i could do lat flaps but after seeing my sister suffer with chronic lymphadema after hers and upper body strength  weakness i said no thanks..i think removing lat flaps negates some of the bodys ability to drain lymph after some nodes are removed-  by causing scarring that area it has to have an impact...most surgeons can perform that surgery because it doesnt invovle severing a blood supply..therefore it is offered to women who shouldnt even consider it

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I had an issue with lymphedema a few years ago and saw a lymphedema physical therapist for awhile and it cleared up.  I haven't had any issues since and luckily no issues with the lat flap surgery...fingers crossed it stays that way.

    Rozem, good to hear from you!

    Dpiggy, thinking of you.

    I plan to stay on the boards to keep up with you Andrea and 2Tabbies.

  • MandalaB
    MandalaB Member Posts: 52

    I am now a week out from my LD surgery to correct previous radiation damage from my original DIEP/TRAM (they call it both) surgery---
    I too was a little scared of what it would do to my arm since I am an artist and this is on my dominant right side.

    I have to say that you do require a lot of rest, a LOT- and no pushing it. I can't open a jar or do much more than type- but it is getting better. Ijust got the ability to draw a little bit back, and was able to go to Staples for new pens (because it makes you feel -My husband has to drive me still.... And I got to walk on the beach too which was the best.... The drains and back slice pain is the worst part, but its getting better every day. I m so happy that the radiation damage has been removed, it's all on the road to something normal again.
    Its a lot swollen under my arms, but it goes away if I keep my arm away from my side.
    Chemo scarves make creative drain holders when worn around the neck!
    I was so scared, but I feel so much better that i did this surgery now to correct all that damage- now I feel I can move on to finishing the process- something that radiation really did a number on.
    onward and upward. Don't be scared!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Mandala - Thank you so much for sharing your update.  Very pleased to hear about your progress only one week out.  This is a very scarey surgery for many of us, however, it's always encouraging to hear from those of you who have blazed the trail and are on the road to recovery.  I've heard more than once to allow for at least 4 weeks before you begin to turn the corner, and it's really more like 6 weeks before you start to see significant improvement in post-surgery pain, restrictions, weakness, etc. 

    I go in today for my mark-up and surgery is scheduled for Monday at noon.  Yes, I'm nervous, but really just ready to get this behind me.  I've been futzing around with this radiation damage for over 2 years now, and I'm ready to address it head-on.  I've already had my T.E.'s in for 6 months, so am definitely ready to move to the next phase where there's end in sight for getting them replaced with implants. 

    I'll make sure and provide everyone with an update on how I'm doing after the surgery once I'm up to it.  Wish me luck!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    MandalaB - thanks for the update and look forward to more as you heal.

    Best of luck Raelan on Monday!!  

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    MandalaB, thank you so much for sharing your experience. It's great to hear you're doing so well and that this is helping the radiation damage. Please keep updating us on your progress.

    Raelan, have you already had the lat flap surgery? I'll be thinking of you on Monday and sending lots of good thoughts your way.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Andrea - My lat flap surgery is on Monday.  I had fat grafting last year, then t.e.'s placed in March of this year and have decided to move forward with a lat flap.  So, I guess you could say I do have at least part of the surgery already done (t.e.'s), so in some ways my lat flap experience will probably different than others.  The pocket is already created and pec muscle stretched so my primary healing will be just the lat flap.  I'm hoping this means I won't have quite as long of a recovery period....remains to be seen.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Mandala - Your experience is what I am hoping for.  It's a slow yet steady recovery and it sounds like you're making progress everyday.

    Raelan - Enjoy the Autumn weather this weekend and all the best for everything wonderful come Monday.

    Nevinsdb - You may be drawing false conclusions.  I've asked everyone I've consulted with if the LD places me at higher lymphadema risk and was told NO each time.  

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Raelan, I hope you have an easy surgery and recovery. How did the fat grafting go? I'm looking forward to reading your updates!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    if anyone's interested I have photos of my journey posted on the picture forum...including one from my markup today.  I'll continue to post updates there as well.