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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    I'm doing well, thank you!  I am almost 6 months out from bmx & double lat & feeling good.  My exchange surgery is scheduled for 10/29, so getting a little anxious.  I know that procedure is nothing compared to the others, but I am a little nervous.  Also trying to get myself ready for the 6 weeks of restrictions again, but I know I'll survive.

    I wish all those waiting & preparing for surgery the best of luck.  I agree 100% that 4 weeks is when you really start to turn the corner, & 6 weeks is when you start to appreciate the results.  It's not easy, that is for sure, but it has definitely been worth it.  Rest is key to healing, & patience is key to taking one day at a time. 

    All of you are always in my thoughts.  Soft hugs.Smile 


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Mandala, thanks for posting your experience. That's what I'm hoping for also. It sounds to me like it's somewhat unrealistic of both PS's I consulted to tell me I might be able to go back to work in 2 weeks. That's fine with me since I don't really want to go back in 2 weeks, but why on earth did they say that? Maybe there's an occasional woman who feels up to it? Must be someone who likes her job a whole lot better than I like mine. ;-)

    kfinnigan, thanks for hanging out with Andrea and me. I appreciate the company and we might pick up some new people.

    Warrior, I agree with you on lymphedema. I was repeatedly told the LD procedure does not increase the risk. In fact, I read somewhere that it might even decrease the risk. Who knows why some people get it and others don't. 

    Raelan, best of luck Monday! Will they be doing the exchange on Monday also, or does that have to wait for the lat to stretch out? I'll look for your thread on the picture forum, but I don't have much luck finding things over there. Is your screen name the same? I'm interested in the markup since my preop visit is a couple weeks before my surgery. Do they use a marker that will last that long? My PS hasn't mentioned it. 

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies -  Looks like you found me on the picture forum.  Yep, same screen name, and I'm on page one since I recently posted.

    I won't be getting my exchange for a couple of months.  Need to do a little more expanding and then let everything settle on the right side.  We had to stop my fills on the radiated side as it simply wouldn't give anymore.  I could feel the t.e. pushing back in against my rib cage.  Very uncomfortable.  With the new tissue in place we should be able to get another 100cc's in then I'll be good to go.  Am targeting an implant of around 550-600 cc's.

    The mark up only has to last through the weekend.  I'll probably have to remark some of the lines after my showers, even though he did use sharpie on me.  Because my surgery is Monday morning in the hospital my PS prefers to do the mark-up in his office on Friday.  He likes to be able to take his time and focus.  The pre-surgical rooms at the hospital aren't conducive to this.  So, I get to spend the weekend with blue lines all over my upper torso Happy

    As far is work is concerned, my PS feels I'll be able to go back in a couple of weeks, but that's only because I have a desk job and have the ability to work from home.  I can also decide whether or not I want to come back full- time or ease back in part-time, so lots of control on my end over my schedule. I work on a pretty small team and have a fairly responsible job so I really need to get back as quickly as possible.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Raelan, I can't imagine going back to work after 2 weeks! After my last exchange, I went back at 3 weeks and found it exhausting. I would think after the lat flap you'd need at least 4 weeks to recover. 

    I was really hoping not to have to do the TE thing again, but it sounds like everyone does it. Last time I had them for 10 months due to having rads, but at least after the flap it won't be as long.

    Kari, I'm really glad you'll be here with 2Tabbies and me. It seems not as many women have lat flaps as diep reconstruction. Even my PS says he does more diep than lat flaps. Diep turned out not to be an option for me, because my veins were very deep and too small. So a lat flap is my last chance for a favorable outcome.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Andrea - I've had 5 surgeries to date and the longest I've been out other than with my initial BMX was 1 one week.  I do tend to bounce back pretty quickly, but realize the lat flap surgery is very intense so am trying to be realistic with my expectations.  Crossing my fingers for a normal recovery with no complications.     

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hey there ladies :-) im out of hospital today after my LD (no implant) & symmetry uplift.  

    Thank you for all the good wishes. I'm levelling out now but have to say the immediate days following the surgery I felt bad. Sore,  stiff,  tired,  couldn't get comfortable in any position,  bowels sluggish,  bruising like you wouldn't believe & not only scars from the surgery but removing the dressing took skin with it. I definitely underestimated how big an op it was. 

    However,  now,  6 days later and I'm heaps better.  All drains & drips out, pain pretty insignificant,  I think it's the tightness that's worse-it feels like an iron hand grabbing hold of my back. But I have a cleavage-ok bruised & boobs slightly uneven but no mistaking twin mounds.  :-). I can walk ok, get up and down stairs although slower & am not lifting,  pushing,  pulling or carrying on the left.  I never realised how pretty much every movement involves your back, so even filing my nails tugs a bit.  However I'm happy and am at the start of the final journey to getting me back..!!.

    Ok so off to chill,  good luck to anyone with upcoming surgery,  I shall catch up with you all soon. 



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    That's a great report, Artemis.  Keep that recovery going!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi All, just checking in. I don't see how anyone can go back to work in one week after LD Flap. You are pushing it.  As I am in my fourth week already with complications (the norm for me), I myself believe it is my usual scar tissue. I really have to take it ez but as I see the progress of everyone on board, I wish you healing wishes and hugs.  My dr. said to me after I called late yester (fri), he said do you want me to take it out, this I have been through. I don't know how I will manage to the 28th but I will.  

    I might have to stay off the boards for awhile b/c I get depressed but happy at the same time seeing all the progress you gals have. I just can't get comfortable wearing the bra 24/7 on foob side.  

    Will be checking back soon, but hugs to all.


  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Artemis - Thank you so much for reporting in.  Very pleased to hear about your progress.  It's impressive you got all your drains out after a week.  My PS has warned me that the back LOVES to drain, so it could take awhile before the darn drain can come out.  Continue to take it easy and let your body tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing.

    Ronna - I'm so sorry you are continuing to have problems with this surgery.  I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you.  We certainly understand if you need to step away from the boards now and then, but know that we will be here to support you in whatever way we can.   

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi everyone, got up feeling pretty good, so I went to have a blow out, (having a hard time blowing my hair out), then went to Costco, I don't know what this pain is (except for my famous scar tissue again, sorry for complaing and repeating, this is my nemises), had to return something immediately but did not have the strength. I thank you for thinking of me.  Just took a sedative to relax me.  So glad everyone is making progress.  Love to all.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Raelan, yes, I found you on the picture forum. I have a desk job and can work from home also, but no way am I going back after a week. I was out for 3 weeks after my BMX. For one thing, I'm not going back with drains in. No thanks. Also, last year, I worked intermittently all during chemo, and that actually worked AGAINST me as far as how much leave I had to use. Had I taken all my FMLA as a block of time, I could have saved 40 hours of vacation time. Since I took FMLA intermittently, I couldn't. Nice, eh? This year I have 4 weeks of STD. If I need it, I'm taking it. Frankly, I'm exhausted and feel like I should have taken more time off last year. Being a good dedicated worker didn't earn me any points. Best of luck tomorrow! I hope your markings lasted. My preop is 2 weeks before my surgery so I can't imagine he'll do the marking then. We'll be waiting for your report on the flip side.

    Artemis, I'm also surprised you got your drains out already. Awesome!

    Ronna, I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. It must be frustrating.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Hi fellow LD-ers :-)

    Firstly good luck todsy Raelan, time goes quick, you'll soon be through the surgery. 

    Still amazed by looking down on a cleavage...even dropped cookie crumbs in it last night lol..!!

    Pain is manageable but it worse than when I was in hospital,  possibly because I'm a bit more active, but I am getting more sleep than when on the ward so maybe I'm stiffening up more?. 

    The bruising is horrific,  from the crease of my bum up to my shoulder & on both sides.  Wouldn't like to know what they had my body doing during surgery...

    I have dissolvable stitches & glue, is that what most of you have had?. Very tempting to pick at the glue but know I mustn't!!. 

    2tabbues, are you getting excited for your surgery?. You say its good to lose the drains by a week,  that was the same with my Mx, maybe I don't produce a lot of fluid. I was actually worried about getting lymphodema as u had complete axilla clearance due to the cancer spreading,  but my surgery side is still normal side so hopefully I've avoided that added complication.

    Well, its a typical English day, rsin & wind so perfect for staying in relaxing. 

    Take care everyone and as always your kind wishes are much appreciated. 


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Artemis, yes, I'm getting excited, or more accurately, impatient to get going. Once I made the decision to do it, I was ready to go. November 11 can't come soon enough. Thanks for the warning on the bruising.  My husband thought it looked awful when I had a breast biopsy.  Wait until he sees this one. 

    I'm glad you haven't had any lymphedema.  Just be aware it can show up at any time even years down the road.  I got lymphedema in my leg 9 years after my ovarian cancer surgery. I don't mean to be a downer, but it's something we all need to be aware of. I sure wish someone would come up with a solution for it. 

    I'm glad your pain is manageable.  It's going to be a typical day here too.  We're also expecting rain.  Our weather isn't too different from yours.  I hope it's been a relaxing day. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Raelan - Sending positive thoughts your way.  Best of luck!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Hi Ladies - I was released from PT today as I am now set for my surgery 11/13 (2 days after you, Tabby).  I don't know if this will help anyone but I was given clear instructions not to lift my arms above elbow height or to lift anything more than a shoe for the 1st 2 weeks after surgery.  After my drains are removed I'll be starting PT again.  Also, they emphasized the importance of maintaining good posture by raising the sternum and relaxing the shoulders to allow them to roll back.  I will still continue with massage, planks and other exercises until the surgery.  Everybody is different but these are the instructions I received.  

    Ronna - I am looking forward to the day when you report that you're feeling much better.  I really hope that day comes soon for you.  

    Artemis - I had dissolvable stitches & glue for my BMX.  I hope that's what I will get this time.  No fuss, no mess & nothing needs to be removed.  

    Tabbies - May I ask - What happens during ovarian surgery that can cause lymphedema in the leg?

    I trying to fight off depression.  I've missed so much this year b/c of all my treatments.  I am not looking forward to weeks in bed and more weeks of blah.  I cannot wait until this ordeal is over.  

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, when they staged my ovarian cancer, they removed several lymph nodes from the right side of my pelvis to biopsy them just like they remove axillary nodes for biopsy with breast cancer. (I won't go into why I had to have a second surgery for this 2 months after my hysterectomy. Suffice it to say a pathologist owes me a dinner at the very least.) I thought I was in the clear when I had no lymphedema after the surgery. Nobody told me it could show up years later. It's a royal pain.

    You are so lucky to have gotten PT before surgery. How enlightened! I'm still doing my strength training routine minus the lats. I hope it helps. 

    I hear you on fighting depression. I'm blaming a lot of mine on Tamoxifen. I found another thread on this site talking about awful mood swings, depression, etc. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I was starting to think I was just a wimp who couldn't handle it, but it sounds like I have lots of company on the emotional roller coaster. It's pathetic, but I'm looking forward to surgery because I get some time off work. I really need a break. I'm bone tired mentally and emotionally. I can deal with the physical issues recovering from surgery better than I can deal with this emotional stuff. I'd sure like to skip the drains though!

    I'm glad we can be surgery buddies. You probably said earlier, but I can't remember why you have to have the LD flap and why on both sides since you don't list rads in your treatment. I'm assuming your implants failed for some reason. So your surgery will be a bit more extensive than mine, but we can cheer each other on. My PS said to expect 3-4 nights in the hospital. If that holds true, I'll still be in when you have your surgery, but I'll take my tablet and try to post. I'm actually hoping to get out in less time since I usually recover pretty well. I was only in overnight for the BMX. I'm hoping the doc will be a bit flexible. The gyn who did my hysterectomy wasn't, even though I practically wore the carpet out doing laps of the floor because I was so bored. Has your PS said how long you'll be in the hospital?

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi all:  I don't know what is happening, immense pain, wearing tight bras, I can't tell if soreness is pain at this point, or as usual scar tissue.  I am so sorry I am negative, tomorrow I am going to my primary for complete blood work, maybe something else is wrong.  

    Warrior Woman, Yes, I hope positive can change the negative and wish you a successfuly surgery as well as 2Tabbies since you are having surgery at same time.

    Being a little older 65 I have had knee surgery already and they are acting up again, so this is adding to my problems as well as dealing with a husband who is not well.  

    I was never a good healer and this is how my journey has been  but good thoughts to all.  Really ready to lose my mind.

    I am on and off the boards, but love to all and always thinking of you.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Thinking of Raelan, hope your surgery was a success!

    Ronna, when I wore anything tight it really was painful on the LD side for me.  It was that stupid rib pain.  I wonder if your pain is a nerve like mine was?  gentle hugs 

    At work now, so sending a big HELLO to all!

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Afternoon everyone, 

    Warrior,  PT is good, we get that automatically as part of our treatment in the NHS. I have a whole sheet of exercises that covers the next 6 weeks.  As you say,  basically for 2 weeks following surgery,  you shouldn't lift anything heavier than a kettle- or glass of wine ;-). Don't raise arms above shoulder height,  don't push/pull, exercise should just be shoulder shrugs & rolls & with arms handing by your side draw imaginary circles and lines, Iincreasing in size over time. This specific targets the arm pit area. I'm happy to give any other tips, its an eye opener that you guys have to pay for each bit of the medical journey. 

    Making great progress,  had post op check,  all dressing off & now moisturising scars daily.  Can't believe how quickly the time is going,  8 days after op and I'm 75% back to the old,  fit me. 

    Take care of yourselves everyone going through this treatment. Hope you are all relaxing & feeling well. 


  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hi everyone - Just wanted to check in and let you know my surgery went well and I'll be heading home today (early afternoon).

    The lat side looks great.  It's soft, pink,and warm.  Pain is very manageable.  Was at its worst during the middle of the night and has gotten progressively better since then.  Down to one Percocet tablet every 4 hours.

    I'll post more later once I get home. I'll try to get a few photos posted on the picture forum as well.  Thanks for all your well definitely helped me with the pre-surgery anxiety.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Sending gentle virtual hugs! 

    Artemis, I'm glad to hear how well you're progressing. Thanks for the exercise tips. 

    Raelan, hooray for doing well and going home! I'm going to be pissed if my doc makes me stay in the hospital the 3-4 nights he's mentioned. Unless there's some complication, it sounds like 1 night is plenty. I'll look for your photos later. Rest and take care of yourself! 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Artemis and Raelan, you both sound great!  awesome news

    2Tabbies, I was in the hospital 4 days.  I don't think one night is the standard for this procedure.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    kfinigan - I suspect that the amount of time in the hospital may hinge on the extensiveness of your surgery.  In my case I only had one lat flap done and already had  tissue expanders in place on both sides with fully expanded, healed pockets.  My PS seems to feel that because of all these factors my recovery time will be a bit shorter than others who may need more extensive work.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kfinnigan and Raelan, I don't know if there is a standard length of hospitalization for this. The last PS I consulted (#3) said he sends patients home after 1 night even for a bilateral LD flap if their pain is controlled.  He said that as long as that's the case, there's really no reason to stay and risk a hospital acquired infection.  I like that philosophy. However, the PS I ultimately chose (#2) seems to prefer a longer stay. Maybe he and I can negotiate if my pain is controlled, and I'm up and walking ok.  I should get time off for good behavior, right? :-) 

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hi All - I'm home and resting comfortably.  Just posted a photo on the picture forum if you want to take a look.  

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yay for being home and comfortable! You did good! I'll go take a look at the photo. Sleep well.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Glad you're home and feeling good, Raelan. It sounds like everything went very smoothly for you. I hope it's that way for the rest of us!

  • MandalaB
    MandalaB Member Posts: 52

    A week and a half out now from surgery= my underarm is still very swollen. Too much fluid and my drains now have to stay in for another week. The healing tissue replaces the fluid when the person is resting. I was ordered to really take it easy since the fluid is still very much there. I'm off all meds except the antibiotics, feeling good otherwise. I do a fresh juice or two every day to keep my blood and liver clean and flushed... I cannot tell you all how good the beach feels right now. <3 I just have to rest rest rest rest rest. So impossible for me, I finally have met a worthy adversary with this surgery!
    At yesterday's follow up with the PS, I'm all done he says with the major surgeries he would say- the rest of what needs to be done are nips and tucks and even-ings. I've been told by 3 others who had my plastic surgeon that he's the best - everyone calls him an artist- I even had a nurse in the recovery room 2 surgeries ago close the curtain and she lifted up her shirt to show me his work on her. You would have never ever ever known she had breast cancer, radiation or anything. No visible scars, the nipples were perfect-These were 150% Playboy centerfold boobs. lol. So however long it takes, I have seen the end products of this guy's work. He says I should be looking at a tuck in about 4 months. Right now the breast kinda goes around and continues into my armpit (still very swollen) he says he'll sculpt and shape that part too. If it takes another year- so be it. I'm tired of looking in he mirror and seeing a mutant chest reminded of the shit I went through. Maybe I am vain, I know it's just a container but I want breasts! Nice ones! Not too much to want, is it?
    Here's to hopefully getting those drains out next week
    cheers to all of you dealing with this flap fun too. Gentle hugs!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Mandala, I'm glad things are turning out so well for you. Just resting is tough for those of us who are used to being active. What you said is so true.

    "I'm tired of looking in he mirror and seeing a mutant chest reminded of the shit I went through."

    That's it exactly. If that means we're vain, so be it. I don't know if my PS is as good as yours. He didn't promise me not scars. In fact, he said I would have that damn oval scar from the flap. I'm just hoping it won't be too bad. Everyone I've talked to here said he does great work, and some one commented on his web site that he was the "breast king." I think I need a breast wizard with a magic wand instead of just a scalpel, but I can't seem to find one! Rest and enjoy the beach!

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Mandala, I think we're on a similar time scale. My op was 6th Oct. Sounds like you're really happy with the results so far too!. My new boob turns a corner under my arm as well but like you having a definable cleavage is amazing isn't it.  I love looking down on it. I have actually developed a haematoma which I have to keep massaging to break it up as its too congealed to drain off at the moment.  (They tried yday). It's weird as it's nowhere near where my drains were.  Its uncomfortable rather than painful * I can't wait to be able to have a nice deep bath. 

    2Tabbies, dont let anyone say we're vain, after all us ladies have been through I think we all deserve to feel good about our bodies. Like others,  my PS is a perfectionist & wants to create the best chest possible, I just wonder when I'll actually stop looking at them haha as its still a novelty just now. 

    My donor skin is actually a perfect circle & size of my other areola & once tattooed won't look different. Its weird though as a massage my back scar I can feel a twinge round the front!.

    It's so nice having others to share the experiences with, I'm grateful for my Stateside sisters. 

    Have a good day all.
