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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    I wonder if I'll still need a TE, since I already have an implant on that side? Does the LD muscle also need to stretch to create a pocket?

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Mandala - Sounds like you're continuing to do well and heal.  I know how hard it is when you have kids at home, but do your best to keep the requests to a minimum.  Kids will run you ragged if you let them. I have 12 year old twins at home and it's amazing how much they can do for themselves when forced to do so.  

    Artemis - You asked about those of us with a lat flap and expanders.  In my case I had the tissue expanders put in March 2014 hoping to be able to avoid needing a lat flap, but it was not to be.  So both breasts had fully formed pockets and were expanded, but both my PS and I agreed that a lat flap was needed on my right side because it was so tight and firm (think "brick").  So, I"ll have my expanders In for another 3-4 months while the lat flap heals, then will get my permanent implants.  My expanders are currently filled to 350 cc's or so (less on the lat side since the muscle now takes up some of that volume).  However, they are low height t.e.'s, so they won't be filled as much as a full height t.e. would be.  They are shaped kind of like a donut that's been cut in half with the port in the middle where the hole would typically be.  Ultimately I'm targeting 550-600 cc high profile implants. 

    So, I'm now down to one drain.  Pulled my breast drain out this morning.  At first my husband didn't want to watch , then out of morbid curiosity decided to come up right before I pulled it.  It was a non- event. Came out easily and I didn't feel a thing.  I still have a very small amount of fluid draining out of the hole, which should stop once the hole closes up.

    DPiggy - Thinking about you and your upcoming surgery.  You'll do great.  Just use the time between now and then to do all those things that require some level of strength.  Also it's good to hear that your PS put in t.e.'s based on the type of implants she eventually intends to use on you.  That's how it should work since the width of the t.e. dictates which implants will fill the pocket she created.  

    Oh, and since everyone on this thread seems to have photos of their pets as their avatar, I couldn't resist and posted one of my crazy Flame Point Siamese whose been keeping me company over the past week while I'm recovering.  He's been in heaven sleeping on my bed next to me throughout the day.  Pets can be very therapeutic, can't they?

    One last little tip the nurse in my PS's office gave me.  Buy a couple of shapers (tank or camisole) style for post surgery recovery,  I bought 2 Maidenform "Sweet Nothings" and put one on today....was too sore to wear one before now.  It actually feels good to have some compression on my back incision area and under my arm.  Got mine at Marshall's for $10.00 each.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Raelan, could you post a link to the Sweet Nothings you bought?

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Here's the link to one that can be ordered through Walmart:

    You can purchase just about any kind of style of these you want.  Some are tanks, some camisoles.  I went with the camisole style just because I thought it would be easier to slip over my hips.  Also, if you are on the edge regarding size, go up.  It's better to be a little looser rather than too tight.  Lastly, don't overpay by purchasing these at Macys or some other full price store.  You can find the same ones at Walmart, Target, Marshall's, and TJ Max for half the price.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Raelan, love your kitty photo. I don't know what I'd do without mine for fuzz therapy. Are the shapers you bought the kind you have to pull over your head, or do they open in the front? I have a couple that I got because of a little lymphedema under my arm, but I can't imagine being able to pull them on over my head after surgery. Plus, I have to raise my arms up over my head to get them on.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    2Tabbies - None of the shapers I saw zip or open in the front, but they really don't need to.   You can just step into them, shimmy them up over your hips, and put your arms through the straps.  They come off the same way.  No need to try and pull them over your head. 

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Raelan, thanks for the info. I usually buy a medium, but maybe I should get a large? Do you know how they compare to the Genie Shaping camisole? I've had that one recommended to me too.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, Raelan. I'm still having trouble visualizing being able to put one of these on while I have incisions that are healing. I have a Genie Camishaper that someone recommeded as an alternative to a mastectomy bra since it has removable foam cups so has pockets that will hold prostheses.  It seems like it would hurt to pull it up over incisions that aren't healed. What about the drains? Surely, you can't pull one of these on until the drains have been removed, right? I'd be afraid of pulling them out.

    Andrea, as I said, I've got one of the Genies. I'm not sure how it compares to the Maidenforms, but it's comfortable enough. I haven't worn it much because I found it hot and the weather is only now cooling off.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Everyone, I just found this on a plastic surgeon's web site regarding strength loss after a lat flap.

    "Most women will just notice a generalized weakness with certain activities that is quite simple to adapt to."

    Does anyone know what they're talking about? What activities? How do you have to adapt? Does adapting me just not doing those "certain activities?" This makes it sound like you're permanently disabled, and I know that's not true. These sorts of statements are so frustrating. Sorry if I'm being paranoid. I wish they'd give examples because just saying "most women will just notice a generalized weakness" scares me. "Just" isn't a word I'd use in the same sentence with "generalized weakness." Can any of you who have had this procedure and are through with your recovery tell me what they might be referring to?

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Andrea - I'm not familiar with the Genie version of this, so unfortunately can't provide much info on how they compare.  In terms of putting these on with drains, etc., it's certainly doable.  Got one on right now, and still have my back drain and nice long incision.  It does require a bit of finesse, however.  

    So, here's how I do it.  While completely naked, step into the shaper.  Pull it all the way up to your hips and stop.  It will be a bit bunched up at this point.  Take your drain and pull it through (next to your skin) so it sticks out the bottom.  Be gentle, you don't want to pull too hard on the drain tube.  Then, once the drain is through, slowly move the shaper up your torso to just under your breasts.  Smooth everything out and get the shaper all lined up where you want it.  I then pin the drain bottle to the front, continue with putting my arms through each of the arm holes, and get the straps onto my shoulders.  Then, viola, you're done. 

    To take it off, I'll simply do the reverse.  Will most likely roll it down over my incisions since they will probably be easiest.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Raelan, is all that effort worth it?

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all. I hope you are doing well.

    Going back in tomorrow for phase 2 to lat flap lefty and symmetry to DIEP righty. I think dog ears get taken care of also tomorrow.(from Diep)

    My surgery is scheduled for 2pm , morning surgeries are easier you get up early and go. I think a xanax may be in order for the morning. You would think I wouldn't have anxiety before surgery anymore, but I still do. And this is one I am looking forward to.

    It's just a one night, so will be home soon.

    Take care,


  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Good luck tomorrow, Vivian! I'll be thinking about you and wishing you the best outcome. Report back when you can.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Nice to hear from you, Vivian, and good luck tomorrow. I agree, that morning surgeries are better. I like to have mine scheduled first thing so I'm not sitting around for hours getting nervous. What's involved in stage 2 of the lat flap? My PS doesn't use that terminology. Wave goodbye to those dog ears!

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308


    I had a lot of issues with lefty, including loss of Diep flap so we are going very slow and trying not to stress skin.

    For me the flap will be removed and I will have a vertical scar only. The breast will also be tightened and lifted and hopefully lump on side will go away or be reduced. Fat grafting may occur for symmetry. It may also be delayed .


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sounds like some good tweaks. A vertical scar only would be nice.

  • Artemis17
    Artemis17 Member Posts: 30

    Morning :-)

    Just a tip re what to wear,  I was advised by my PS to get front fastening sports bra as its easy access for checking the flap/uplift etc plus as its quite tight it keeps the flap in position and puts pressure on the tunnelled bit so its nice and flat,  I've no dog ears or lumps.  Not sure if having an implant would make a difference but it's certainly a good post op bra. I do have another softer front loader bra for when it's all settled down.

    I've been doing my post op exercises, the worst bit is trying to lift my arm above my shoulder, there's a 3inch scar there,  and it's more troublesome than my original node removal last year.  But I'll have to perserve as want to get back to normal asap...

    Good luck to all with surgery this week. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    They put a catheter in me for my lat flap surgery 6/25/14.  My surgery was over 5 hours.  They left catheter in overnight and had the leg compressors too. Once they pulled the catheter I had to call for help to use the restroom and to take those darn compressors off..finally I asked if they could just leave them off since I had the IV and had to pee every 30 minutes.  They complied and made sure I just kept flexing my feet while in bed.  Worked for me and I also just started going to the bathroom alone without calling the nurse, but got scolded by one of the nurses, he told me I could have fallen.  I was fine and kept going alone anyway.

    DPiggy, thanks for your PS update!  I am following your journey. My PS uses only Mentor TE's and implants also.  Keep us posted and we will wait here with you for next week's surgery on 10/29.

    After my lat flap surgery, I just had the bandages they put on me and it wasn't until the drains were pulled and bandages off, that my PS wrapped me in ace bandages, and after about 10 days with those he said I could either keep using the ace bandages or wear a tight camisole for compression, which I already have several of those so those worked fine. After that I bought a jockey tank bra, which looks just like the Genie bra and I still wear that, its comfy and I had to take the pads out of some old bras and have 4 of them stuffed in the right side of my bra to match the size of the lat flap with TE.  I'll be glad for January to be even in size.

    Vivian, thinking of you today! post when you can.

    Andrea, the flap isn't being stretched on me, just the rads skin, without the flap the skin couldn't hold the TE/implant.  Your PS will explain it to you better.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Thinking of you today Vivian.  Post when you feel up to it.

  • MandalaB
    MandalaB Member Posts: 52

    I can't even entertain the thought of wearing a bra right now. My PS told me not to anyway- but the greatest ever post surgical bra I ever found was a whole 5.00 in the pantyhose aisle at Shop-rite. lol. I swear they are the greatest and fit and wash well and sturdy!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi ladies, enjoy reading your posts as usual.  

    I never had a catheter during my mast or ld flap. At least I did not have it  when I awoke. The only time they asked what kind of music do you want to hear in the OR was during orignal Mast. and I wanted Beyonce's music.  I got it.  Stayed in the hospital for 3 days with mast.  

    My exchange was one night. and the LD Flap was supposed to be 4 but it was 3 and surgery was 5 hours.

    2Tabbies, I hope I did not offend you by telling you not to rush out.  I was very concerned with my drain and movement.  Dr. Dr. said I was a terrific patient.  Surprisingly, my dr. said keep your arms down but nothing else. no lifting of course. welllll today  I went with my husband to a function for him  and I had a little burst of energy. Went to Shoprite and had 2 carriages of food and not even a holiday. Had to have a carry out and hubby was good enough to fold all the bags after things were put away. I had to take an oxy to calm me down and lie down for an hour.  I have put in my mind what my PS did.  Like a broken arm you have a cast to settle, my bandages are still on and boob has really not moved however must be corrected. yah, one week from tomorrow. Still wearing my mast. bra 24/7. 

     I am thrilled to hear of your success stories, 

    DPiggy, thinking of you and your getting ready.

    Mandela, so nice to see you are healing well, and I love AC. so sad what his happening down there.

    I wish I had something more positive to say, but thank you. 

    Hugs to all.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Hello my to this thread and will be having a new flap technique next month and wonder if anyone else has had it.  The lat flap is done through the breast incision, so no back incision. PS said I will be outpatient, 4 drains.  Anyone? --thanks! Jeanette

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - about 10 days post op my PS wrapped me in an ace bandage as well. All drains were out, but developed a seroma on left side.  I was wrapped for about 2 weeks or so & hated every minute of it.  When she said the ace could come off, I also had to wear a sports bra for compression.  Now I'm wearing tanks/camisoles that offer support & found a wonderful jockey bra that is soft, has pads that can be removed & covers my back incisions.  After the exchange, my PS will have me in a special compression type bra that I will need to wear for 3 months.  She will provide, so I'm not sure exactly what material or what it looks like yet.  So, your exchange is set for January?

    Andrea - LD was the only option for me since I had rads on both sides.  Kfinnigan is right - implants will fail.  The TE's are to stretch the skin, & I can't believe how soft my skin is now compared to when I was getting fills.  I definitely understand the protocol, & hoping implants will do well.

    Vivian - sending positive thoughts and hope you're doing well.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - I just clicked on your jockey bra link, & it's the same ones that I've been wearing.  Smile  They are awesome! 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, you didn't offend me. No worries! I know you were just concerned. Ultimately, I'll do what the doc says although I might beg and plead to go home early just a little. Well, a lot. But how can I not do what the Breast King says? Yes, someone who commented on his blog called him that.

    For those of you looking at bras, here's one that's similar to the Jockey. It's actually identical to a Coobie that I have but much cheaper.

    jbokland, I've read about the procedure you're getting, but I don't think anyone here has mentioned having it yet. Good luck with it, and do keep us posted on how it goes.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275


  • MandalaB
    MandalaB Member Posts: 52

    The term "Breast King " makes me laugh.

    I found this great massage youtube video on working on scar tissue from the surgical procedure... (once it heals) ....

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    jbokland, welcome, I don't understand how that lat flap procedure would work with no back incision.  My back scar is from the flap of skin needed to cover a portion of my breast, not sure how that procedure would work?

    DPiggy, I'm so glad you have the same bra!  very comfy.  The hospital scheduler said she will call me next month to pencil in a January date .  I wanted December but my PS goes out of town when I wanted my exchange done, so now shooting for early January.  Actually, waiting until January will give me 3 months since last fill for skin to settle and my PS said my skin could use the extra time, I am not the norm.  So...3 months in a compression type bra, I'm glad they will provide you with one, I wonder what it looks like.

    2Tabbies, those bras look comfy too!  And now you have my curiosity peaking, who is your breast king? I'm in Northern California.

    MandalaB, I will have to check out your video.

    Ronna, sending hugs.

    Thinking of everyone and hope you all have a great day.


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all

    I'm home.

    I'm swollen but breasts look great .

    I will need one more to add fat to top of right breast . Could not be done due to location of my port. Also if I have loose skin on side of breast he will take care of it

    I have bandages but no bra. I do have compression bottom of breast to hips. My fat came from that area and sides .

    Instuctions were sponge baths till I see him in 7 days. Compression stays on 24/7. No lifting, bending  driving wants me to walk around house not outside seating ( I'm in Miami)

    I had to send son to get second compression garment  because mine got all wet on one side . The fluid he injects  prior to fat grafting leaked out and wet everything including bed sheets. The body usually absorbs it..

    Time for a pain pill . Breast are ok it's the area from grafting that  hurts. 

    Take care all 


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    No adapting to strength loss the beginning (I had bi-lateral LD flaps) I had to turn over in bed a different way by kinda sitting up then flipping over....but that got will notice a few things months after your surgery that are a little different but it doesn't last....didn't for me anyway.

    I have no idea what they are talking about. I haven't had to adapt to anything.  I am as normal as I was before surgery 6.5 yrs ago....just my boobies look different . 

    People always told me to stop reading stuff on the internet because it will scare you....guess it is true....Hugs

    also......I never wore compression garments.....just the difference in doctors.