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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    2tabbies, I have the same feeling while driving. It feels like there's a rubber band between your breast and your arm. I guess if the breast is sharing the lat muscle now we're going to feel a pull in the breast every time the muscle is used. For those of you who are a few months out, does that feeling go away?

    DPiggy, sorry to hear about your pain and hematoma after exchange, I hope your journey is smooth sailing from here now!

    Warrior, the lat flap is a long recovery and you have two! Can't imagine what you're going through. Hang in there. You'll feel better after drainage and you will do all that you used to do in time. Right now is time for rest and taking care of yourself. don't try to overdo or rush it.

    Vette, so excited for you :)

    Keryl, I'm new to this discussion board. I loved reading your post to hear you're 7 months out and busy with work and life. It's inspirational. Thanks for posting.

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    2tabbies, I have the same feeling while driving. It feels like there's a rubber band between your breast and your arm. I guess if the breast is sharing the lat muscle now we're going to feel a pull in the breast every time the muscle is used. For those of you who are a few months out, does that feeling go away?

    DPiggy, sorry to hear about your pain and hematoma after exchange, I hope your journey is smooth sailing from here now!

    Warrior, the lat flap is a long recovery and you have two! Can't imagine what you're going through. Hang in there. You'll feel better after drainage and you will do all that you used to do in time. Right now is time for rest and taking care of yourself. don't try to overdo or rush it.

    Vette, so excited for you :)

    Keryl, I'm new to this discussion board. I loved reading your post to hear you're 7 months out and busy with work and life. It's inspirational. Thanks for posting.

  • LeanneF
    LeanneF Member Posts: 32

    Well, it seems I was worried for nothing. I talked to the doctor and the plan is skin sparing mx on the non radiated side. I can really get things mixed up! Thanks for the advice!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Warrior, I hope today's seroma removal gives you healing and comfort!

    welcome to all newbies! April, the feeling 2Tabbies was describing while driving does go away. I had that for awhile and it lessened and lessened. I am almost 6 months out from surgery and don't have that feeling at all anymore! yay!

    at work so gotta run, just wanted to read up on the posts. DPiggy, I've been wondering how you've been and glad to read you're doing well!

    hugs all

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Agree with kfinnigan - the pulling feeling goes away in time.  I'm 8 months out, & still have twinges here & there, but every day is better than the day before. 

    Warm thoughts & well wishes to all...


  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    2tabbies - I have had so much PT because I am one of those that had infection after infection in my radiated side and lots of latent radiation effects after years. I nursed (funny)the left breast along almost 18 months and two failed surgery attempts to replace and help it survive to no avail. So, I had guarded it, muscles atrophied and I lost mobility in my shoulder and muscles shortened over time so less flexible until I had the lat flap. I had a lot to regain afterwards. I can reach both arms up also and have full rotation but I have a lot less strength on that side and the pec muscle keeps trying to take over and then I have a lot of discomfort in the rhomboids. I am doing planks now and bands, lots of stretching and manual movement of the shoulder, as well as scar massage to keep it flexible. I am getting better, but it invariably tightens up again. You might remember I am also a swimmer and have gotten up to more distance but I have to take lots of breaks.

    I recommend PT for anyone coming out of this who has muscle tightness and is limiting their movement because of it. I also had a very tight closure and the scar massage helps keep the skin moving over the top, no adhesions etc. Besides, it feels good! I have come a long way, but not sure I will ever have a day without coping to some degree.

    DPiggy on pulling feeling, me too. Sometimes it scares me especially if I move quickly, but Dr assures me I can do no damage at this point. I continually run into the bathroom and pull out my hand mirror inspecting for any discoloration or who knows what.... I get paranoid.

    Everyone, hang in there. Sometimes I still am overwhelmed by all that we've endured.....that and only you gals can understand. Thanks for that.... take care!

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    Kfinnigan & DPiggy: Thanks for your feedback about the “pulley” sensation.  It’s good to know that it does eventually go

    Keryl:  I’m glad you’re seeing results with PT.  A few years back, I developed lymphedema after an axillary lymph node dissection.  The things I learned there I still practice today and my lymphedema is under control.  One arm is just slightly bigger than the other but not noticeable.  I only need to wrap my arm when I fly.  Like you, I have been “guarding” my left arm for 8 years and it has gotten weak.  Since lat flap surgery, I feel like I’m guarding it even more.  I’m thinking of going to PT myself in January.

    Warrior:  Hope you are feeling more comfortable after your seroma was drained.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Keryl, thanks for the reminder about all you've been through which is a lot! I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like I spend all my time maintaining my body. Exercises for the arms to prevent LE, Stretching to regain mobility and flexibility, wrapping my lower leg and foot because of LE from ovarian cancer surgery. It's a full time job, isn't it! Then of course there's the stuff everybody is supposed to do - aerobic exercise, etc. It sounds like you've had a long fight back. I'm glad you've had success with it.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - I'm always paranoid.  When I think I have felt every new, weird sensation, I'll do something that will result in a different "feeling", & I immediately think, what did I do or undo???  But, I keep reminding myself that this has become a new normal for me.  It was quite the journey, & overall, I am very pleased with the results.  However, my body has changed, & I am learning how to regain strength & work around any remaining limitations.  I'm just glad that I'm here to talk about it & celebrate another holiday season.  I am grateful for so much, & this discussion board has played an integral part in my recovery. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Just last night I was yawning or flexing or something and my newly or not so newly relocated lat muscle lets me know its there. Its such a weird sensation, like it seizes up or something. Also, when I get cold. weird but its something you get used to.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, I wonder if this ever stops. Whenever I use the arm on that side for anything involving any strength like sliding open the door to the deck, my pseudo-boob tightens up. I hope this will go away at some point or at least lessen.

    I'm bummed. I had hoped to get copies of the pre-mastectomy photos taken by the first PS that I saw. My current PS wants me to tell him when to stop the fills, and I just don't know. The shape of the TEs is so different from normal breasts that I just don't know if we're close in size to what I was. He said to try on clothes and see how I look. Again, with the odd shape especially on the side without the LD flap, it's hard to tell. That side is flatter, wider and taller than the other side. I don't know what this will transform into when I get permanent implants. So I wanted my photos from the first PS to show this PS. That way he'd know what I want to aim for. The first PS says there weren't any photos taken. Gee, I sure remember some. And wouldn't it have been standard practice to take pre-mastectomy photos of a patient that you would probably do recon for later? They're checking one more time, but I don't have my hopes up.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2Tabbies, my chest looks ridiculous! With this TE all pumped up and jetting out with a shelf on top and my uni-boob (which is my untouched natural breast, small and hanging low, its pretty funny looking. As I was getting filled I thought, well this is a good size, and then another fill, and I would think this is a good size. I asked my PS a couple of times to give me his opinion but that I didn't want to look like some freaky fake boob girl, haha. He said to do a couple of more fills, and to try on bras with no foam formed cups, to see if I liked the size and see if I filled a C cup. Then he overfilled me one last time on Oct. 2nd. All I know is this TE just gets in my way!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, over on the picture forum, there are photos of women who have their TEs filled to the point that it looks like they'll pop. It's especially odd looking on slender women. It's a huge difference when they get their permanent implants. My TEs don't look too bad, but they aren't shaped like my natural breasts were especially the one without the LD flap. My PS said that trying on bras might not work well because the shape wouldn't fill out the cup. He's correct especially on the non-LD side. That pseudo-boob is flat, wide and tall so it overflows out the sides and top of the cup but doesn't fill center of it. If I can't get the photos from my first PS, I'm just going to beg my current one to make me the "solid B" that he said he saw me as when I had my first appointment with him. Trying on clothes just isn't helping. I might PM Whippetmom and get her opinion also since she seems to be able to figure out what size/style of implants work based on you height, weight and ribcage circumference. I don't have the information about my TEs that she needs though. I called and asked for it yesterday, but they haven't called back. You know what's bugging me? I feel like I only have one chance to get this right, and I don't want to screw it up.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Yes, one chance is how I feel too 2Tabbies!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I've lost my log in info for the pic forum, so I'll put mine here. 3 weeks out , still have one drain. image

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Wishing all a very joyous holiday season!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, you're looking good. I hope you get that drain out soon. My login to the picture forum got messed up once. I just PM'd nowheregirl, and she fixed it. She said it happens sometimes.

    Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating and may the new year bring us all healing.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Jbokland, you look incredible! Everything is healing well, and your scars are thin and fading. I hope that last drain comes out soon.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572


  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    This is kinda weird but I'm wondering if any of you years later had pulled a muscle or something where the LD flap was taken? I have a really sore side for days now, feels like a tight, torn muscle. I had my surgery in 2011. Not sure what to do about it. Wondering has anyone experienced this? I feel like I'm not it puffy? Swollen? Or was it always that way. It's in the section where my skin on my back is numb from the surgery. But I feel pain like I did something to what ever muscle was underneath the lat.

    Thanks for any info!

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is enjoying a joyful holiday season.

    JWilco, my PS told me there's nothing I could do that would hurt or "ruin" anything and if I ever feel like I did too much, just relax and take it easy. I'm only six weeks out from lat surgery and I'm feeling pretty good but I'm really guarding everything. I returned a Christmas present yesterday and took a bunch of things in the dressing room to try on. my lat Breast is really hurting today. I didn't realize it at the time but probably the motion of trying on tops over my head gave the arm and lat Breast a big workout. I was feeling really worried and kept checking my breast in the mirror all day but I'm going to listen to my PS and not worry. I even think I feel some sort of bump. The constant worrying is driving me crazy!

    2Tabbies, I understand what you mean about the breasts not filling a bra. Hopefully our implants will be different.

    Wishing everyone a new year of healing and peace. Hope everyone gets the boobs they want!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Aprin418 - thank you for the response. I had my surgery in 2011 and honestly have never had any problems doing anything. Although you are correct about the over worrying. I've done my share of that! But this is weird. It's now looking like there may be some fluid under my skin, like a seroma. I'm wondering if even though it's years later I could have pulled some scar tissue or something. I see my primary tomorrow morning but he may just refer me back to the PS, who I haven't had to see for years.

    I'm happy you are doing well after your surgery. I am always positive about this procedure. I honestly haven't had any problems since, so I'm hoping this issue I'm having will be ok.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I have not been on here forever. Been so busy. Went to see my PS a few weeks ago. Very upsetting. He tells me my radiation side is encapsulated AGAIN. He said the only way to fix it would be ANOTHER Flap surgery. Possibly from the buttocks or thighs. He then told me the other side needs to also be fixed. The implant is sitting very low because it is pulling away from the flap. Of course the other side is as hard as a rock and sitting high. My fat transfer left a egg size hard lump in which he would have to take my into surgery to remove. When I went to leave his office I told his nurse this Lat surgery was the BIGGEST mistake I have EVER made and I am DONE being sliced into!! I have had CRONIC back pain as a result of it, I only have about 50% range of motion and don't expect at this stage for it to get any better then that. I cant enjoy bike riding any longer as I cant hardly support my body bending over leaning on the bike handle bars. ( something my husband I and always enjoyed) I was under the impression my PS was going to remove ALL of the radiated skin. Guess I should have done more research and asked more question. Maybe someday science will come up with a better way to reconstruct but as for now I will just stay lopsided. The worst I think is reaching back to remove the super tight bra and realizing I don't have one on it is a permanant squeezing I will always have to put up with.............

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tangles, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a difficult time. Have you gotten a second opinion from another PS about your options for improving the situation? Regarding the reduced range of motion, have you had physical therapy?

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Oh my yes I have had PT Lots of it. And an MRI. As for a second opinion this doc was my 2nd PS, but yes I have thought about a 3rd opinion..............

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tangles, I think a third opinion sounds like a good idea. I talked to 3 PS's myself. I wanted to tell you that I know just what you mean about not wanting more cutting. I didn't want a flap at all. I wanted just implants. Unfortunately, the PS I consulted before my BMX and radiation therapy failed to tell me that recon with implants after radiation is likely to fail. I should have had immediate recon at the time of the BMX, but he had told me I that I could have any procedure I wanted at any time. That's an odd thing to say when it turned out my only viable option was an LD flap. I was not a happy camper when I found out. So I understand your frustration with surgeons and surgery. For me it was the lesser of 2 evils, but I wasn't happy about them cutting on a part of my body that nothing wrong with it.

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    jwilco, hope you are feeling better and were able to get some answers from your primary physician yesterday.

    Tangles, sorry to hear about that your experience with the LD flap has not been a good one. I agree with 2Tabbies. You've sacrificed activities you love and have been through way too much to give up now. When you recover and feel ready, I hope you seek out the opinions of other PS's who have plenty of experience with the issues you have endured.

    Jbokland, thanks for posting your pics. Your scars are healing so well and are so faint now. You look great!

    Warrior, hope you are doing well and are feeling a lot better by now.

    Happy healing in the new year everyone!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I have not been on here often and perhaps that is a good thing. There are days I simply don't want to think about cancer. I am 7 weeks post bilateral LD and doing well. My range of motion is fine. I am still restricted with exercise because of continued back seroma that was just drained for the 3rd time. The only discomfort I have is the ace bandage wrapped around me. I don't have as much energy as I had before. I assume it is due to having 6 surgeries and chemo in one year. My boobs looks pretty good. Although I would like to get to a C cup I will only fill to where the PS recommends for aesthetics and the need for my back and skin to support my boobs. I am finally off the pain meds. That scared me silly. Never have I taken them for so long. Worried about dependency I just stopped taking them and I am glad I did. I was worried I'd have withdrawal effects and need to be weaned but it appears I'm OK.

    I am wishing everyone a HEALTHY, comfortable and happy New Year. Thank you for helping me through 2014.

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    Warrior, Good to hear from you -- you sound very positive! So happy to hear that your pain has subsided and you're even off the meds. Our surgeries were the same day but you had a double LD. It's 7 weeks today and although things are far from perfect, they are 100% better than week 1. Going for fills and moving the process along seem like the highlight of my life right now. I guess I'm just anxious to get to the finish line. Hope you continue to get stronger each day.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Had my lat flap on Monday.  Spent one night at the hospital.  Came home with three drains on left side.  Very sore.  Thank goodness I can use my right arm some as my left arm-not so much right now.  Hoping every day gets a little better.  Have a nurse coming daily to check on me, and mom staying with me to help all week.