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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572

    Tangles, I'm sorry this surgery did not work out for you. Perhaps when you're ready, you should get a third opinion. Good luck, and I hope things start improving.

    Vettegirl, I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and that you're back home. Did you go straight to implants? I hope you have a quick and relatively pain free recovery.

    I have to admit, reading some of these posts scares me to death. I'm planning on June for my surgery, and the thought of being cut up again, and sacrificing a muscle makes me feel very anxious. I know everyone is different, but I sure wish there were other alternatives

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, good to hear from you! I know what you mean about not wanting to think about cancer. I hope I get to the point where I don't have something reminding me of it every day. That's why I've been whining about wanting my scars to go away over on the picture forum. I'm sorry to hear you still have to deal with that damn seroma. I hope this was the last time you need to have it drained. Otherwise, it sounds like you're in about the same state I am. I, too, couldn't believe how long I needed the pain meds. I've never had to take them that long either. It made me feel better that you said the same thing. For previous surgeries, I hardly took any once I got home from the hospital. This time, I think it was around week 5 that I finally didn't need them to sleep. One day I realized all of a sudden that the area where the PS sutured muscles together finally didn't hurt anymore. I'm about the same as you on range of motion and energy level too. I'm hoping my energy increases when I get back to my full exercise routine. My thinking seems a bit slowed too. I can hardly remember anything from my 2 days in the hospital which is a very odd feeling. I know I must have eaten, but I can't remember ever doing it.

    April, going for fills and moving the process along is pretty much the highlight of my life right now too. I'm hoping that at the end, I'll feel something approaching normal.

    vettegirl, I'm glad you're surgery went ok, and you're home. You get a nurse?? Wow, that's nice if only because it's reassuring to have a professional check on you. Take it easy and let the nurse and your mom take care of you!

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  • Miyshell
    Miyshell Member Posts: 3
    Oh my gosh! I don't even know where to start, I'm 48.  I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in Aug 2014, 2 weeks after that "oops" ... Doctor jumped the gun, REALLY?!?!  After tests, biopsy's and additional scans, turns out it was DCIS Invasive stage 1 not stage 4.  I did lose my mom to breast cancer 2 1/2 years ago and her sister had breast cancer along with a great aunt.  So, I did do the BRACA1 and it came back Neg.  I did this test for my children and additional family so they would at least know I wasn't carrying the gene.  My dad passed away 3 weeks prior to all of this so emotions were absolutely CRAZY!  My husband was my rock.. It seemed most of the time I just listened and try to absorb the information but a lot of it just ran into each other. My Mom and Dad lived in an in-laws quarters that I have here on our property so they were very close to me and when I found out I had stage 4 breast cancer my daughter that was just married in March 2014 said, she is moving in the in-laws quarters to take care of me.  Lots to do in so little time...back to the crazy emotions!!  My daughter & her husband moved in over a weekend and on Monday with much thought and discussions with the doctors I had a double mastectomy.  Turns out that was the best since once they started surgery they noticed I had invasive DCIS in my left breast, Stage 1. I have been dealing with mammograms since the age of 28 and have had one lumpectomy and many biopsy's.  I have always wondered when the real wolf would show up!  When I decided to do the double mastectomy and I was a good candidate for skin and nipple sparring with reconstruction.  I thought that was great and I would get it all done at once and then I can pray and heal and be on my way to recovery, NOT!  About 2 weeks after, my left nipple didn't make it and needed to be removed... so implants came out because I had less skin and they put in a smaller implants.. btw.. I am a small c to begin with.  2 1/2 weeks later I had a very large infection that the antibiotics were not touching so my 3rd surgery in 5 weeks consisted of removing the implants cleaning out the infection and sending me home without the reconstruction! Yes I wasn't a happy camper. Not to mention those stupid tubes on each side.  Really, in this day of age cant they come up with something a little more comfortable?  I'm sure a lot of you will agree that they are horrible!! I went to physical therapy because I really didn't have much movement in my right arm and they were helping me with the scar tissue, which you all will also agree, is very painful and stretching because of the tightness in my chest.  About 1 month into PT, I came out of the shower one evening yelling for my husband because I had a hole in my right breast under my spared nipple. Yes, another infection! You gotta be kidden me?  I get put on another antibiotic, yep the wrong one again. After the culture came back they realized it was the same infection again that probably capsulized and came out through a weaker part of my skin actually where the incision was.  Its just about closed now and I am just about finished with my 2nd antibiotic.  So now, I am contemplating my next step, after I am through healing and I am in no rush but at the same time I want to be finished with all of this.  I absolutely hate thinking about the what's, whys, how's and where's....drives me nuts! LOL!  I asked If I could have skin expanders to try to avoid additional invasive surgery. example: back flap- latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction.   The Doctor said my skin is too thin for expanders and I have a very good chance that it would fail.  I really am nervous about additional infections, additional pain now not only in my breast but my back too!  Have any of you had this surgery? I really could use some advice with this.  I read and read and read and I know I want to do something because I want to feel like myself again OR at least closer then how I feel now.  I am extremely numb and I know I won't have the feelings back but I just want to look like myself again... not to mention my clothes don't fit, they make our clothes for boobs! LOL!  I also wanted to ask you all if anyone experiences the burning sensation that runs through your breast or down your arm from your breast? 

    Thank you all for taking your time and reading my crazy story and thank you all for any advice you have for me! 

    I am so happy I found this site 💗
  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,507

    Welcome to BCO Miyshell , but sorry you have to be here and for the dreadful run of infection set-backs.

    We're sure some ladies will give you their experiences and give you a chance to vent your frustrations as this is a great supportive Community.

    Hope things start getting better.

    The Mods

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi, Miyshell and welcome to our little group. You do have quite a story. I'm so sorry you had that very scary false alarm of stage IV then had to endure repeated infections. How on earth did they misdiagnose you as stage IV?

    To answer your question, a lot of us have had the latissimus dorsi flap procedure. I had it in November for the same reason you're considering it - to look and feel more like myself and make my clothes fit right. Like you, I really wanted to just do implants with no surgery on another part of my body but couldn't. With me, it was because I'd had radiation which damages the skin and muscle too much for it to support an implant. So I had the lat flap on the irradiated side and tissue expanders placed on both sides. I'll get my permanent implants in a few months. The surgery is a long one, and the recovery took a while. I stayed home from work 6 weeks, but could have gone back after 4 if I'd really needed to. Others have gone back to work earlier than that. You will have those wretched drains again. I definitely share your loathing of them. So far I'm happy with the results overall. Even with just the tissue expanders, I look and feel more normal. It was a huge relief to be able to get dressed without having to put on a mastectomy bra or layers of clothing to hide my flat chest. Additional scars come with this procedure which I'm not thrilled about. There's a long one on my back from where they took the flap of skin and lat muscle. I don't really mind that one much because I don't see it every time I look in the mirror. My surgeon placed it so that it will be hidden by a one piece swimsuit. On the breast that had the lat flap there's an oval scar with pointed ends around the flap and short straight scars extending from the ends of the oval one. On my other breast, I just have a horizontal scar across it. I'm hoping they fade well not that anyone will see them but me and my husband. The numbness you mentioned will still be there. I also have a numb area around the back incision. A lot of the numbness from my BMX had gone away by the time I had the lat surgery so I'm hoping some of it goes away this time too.

    Regarding that burning pain, I had something similar after my mastectomy. One day the skin on my breasts started to burn. It got worse and worse until it felt like I was wearing a burning bra. Fortunately, the worst of it only lasted a few days, and it eventually went away completely. I was told it was the nerves regenerating.

    I'm sure others will chime in with their experiences. Just give us a shout if you have more questions.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Miyshell- Miygoodness!

    So sorry for the drama! You have been through the wringer!

    Regarding infections....I cannot stress enough how METICULOUS we all have to be with being avoiding cross contamination and being as 'sterile' as possible after surgery, especially with drains. (Using towels one time and then laundering, Clorox wipes on everything around the house, keeping pets away).

    I had my last drain pulled Monday. I have been developing a little pocket along my ribs that I suspect will need to be aspirated next week. Other than that the recovery is going smoothly. My effected arm is improving with daily stretches and light exercise. Sleeping on my back only still sucks, tho!

    I bought a Maidenform shape wear cami to provide me with some compression on my sides. Its comfortable, but I am so short waisted that is comes way down over my big hips and keep rolling up! Drives me crazy!

  • Miyshell
    Miyshell Member Posts: 3

    2Tabbies,  Thanks so much for replying :)  How was I misdiagnosed? It was just that- The Doctor jumped the gun.  My lymph nodes were ok after a biopsy but there is or was a nodule in my lung.  Because of everything I went through I had to cancel the first cat scan.. I just couldn't lay flat and still for that long.  I had the cat scan just before Christmas and now I go see the Doctor next week to see if the nodule has changed in anyway.  I'm praying its gone or smaller :) This I guess made the doc think it was stage4. Doctors shouldn't just speak before they know for sure!  I'm sorry you have gone through so much also!  6 weeks of recovery..UGH!  I hope you are feeling good :)  I am just going to have to dive into it and get this done. My Doctor (plastic surgeon) is suggesting Feb.  I wont make up excuses to get it done, like its beautiful outside I could ride my horse finally or we can go out on the boat LOL!  I just have to do it and get it over with.  Well, I hope ... because of all the failures I have had I am just so afraid of what's in store for me.  I have read about women getting the back scar hidden by a bathing suit.  I will definitely ask for him to do that if possible.  Oh yes the nerves regenerating... I sure wish they would stop regenerating LOL! I have a new one now... just started shooting from under my right arm down past my elbow and into my pinky...REALLY! LOL! I lay flat on the floor and try to get it to stop with different positions .. sometimes they stop faster then others. Not that its good to know others feel this burning sensation because I don't wish it on anyone but at least I realize now that I am not alone.  I had a few episodes that I thought my chest was on fire! I told my husband , "My chest is on fire!!!".  Thank you again for talking. Winking

    Jbokland,  Thank you too for writing me back :)  You gals are awesome!  I feel like some big baby. I guess I have been through a lot but thank god I didn't go through what you ladies have gone through.  I tell my husband and kids all the time, "I don't know how the ladies deal with the chemo and radiation".  I was fortunate not to have to do chemo or radiation.  I feel I shouldn't be complaining, you girls rock!   I hear you about keeping everything clean.. we definitely did but the last infection came from a pocket inside. so there was nothing I could have done about that one.  You say sleeping on your back still sucks.. I am a belly person myself and well I'm not sleeping on my belly.  How do ya'll sleep? you were cut in the front and cut in the back... my question is...what do you do? Hang from your feet? LOL I make it a funny but really I have no idea? The cami btw is the best idea yet.  I too have a couple along with a really nice sports bra that holds nice and snug.  The cami helped big time with the swelling on my sides. The two I have are reversible. One is black and reversible to tan and the other is white reversible to tan.  I just need help getting them on because they are so snug but sooo comfy! :) I am sooo happy for you that you lost those darn drains and you are on the way to recovery.  Keep doing those stretches...They really do work LOL :) I thought as tight as my chest felt there wasn't anything that would help them but I am getting relief and this tightness just feels like I have a bra on, UGH! Winking 

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Andrea-No-I didnt go straight to implants.  I had my TEs put in May along with my masectomy and lumpetcomy surgery-had them suckers for over 7 months. 

    2Tabbies-yes-ask at your surgery.  The insurance pays for the at home nurse care.  They will come check on you once a day-take your vitals, empty drains, change dressings and check the incisions, etc.  I had it for my masectomy surgery too-didnt cost me a penny.  Its worth having the extra help around to help monitor things.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I did not have the traditional back incision. My PS has a technique where he only needed to extend my Breast incision by 3 inches. He tunneled around to get the muscle !

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Miyshell, first, you are not a whiner! You've been through plenty yourself and are still making jokes. That sounds like a strong woman to me. Talk about your doctor jumping the gun with that stage IV diagnosis! I happen to also have a "nodule" in my lung. When I researched it, I found that 95% of them are NOT cancer. I had a cold going into my LD flap surgery in November so my MO order a chest xray to make sure I didn't have pneumonia. That's when they found the nodule. He wasn't worried so ok'd me to have the surgery. Then he had me get a CT scan later. The nodule didn't look like anything serious on the CT, and he thought it might just be a bit of infection from my cold. I have a follow up chest xray this week. Let's hope the damn thing is gone.

    Have you asked your doc for pain meds to take care of that burning pain? I was lucky that the worst of mine subsided quickly. Ibuprofen made the rest tolerable for me, but maybe you need something stronger. There are meds specifically for nerve pain.

    I had that same question before my surgery about how the heck DO you sleep when you've had an incision on both the back and front. When I read your comment, I had the funniest mental image of all of us hanging from our feet like bats. LOL! A lot of women sleep in a recliner. I don't have one so I slept propped up against the arm of my futon and rolled toward the futon back. (I left it with the back up like a couch.) What pressure there was on my back incision wasn't a problem. I also wore compression camis after my surgery if I felt like anything was swelling. They helped. I'm not wearing anything at the moment. Let me amend that! I am dressed, but I'm not wearing a compression cami or bra!

    vettegirl, I'll keep that in mind about the home health nurse for future surgeries. If I lived alone, I'd definitely want one.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    agreed! The common lung nodules are called Granulomas. Basically, left overs of a previous infection. Very common, especially for people who live in mid west.

    Having BC is a roller coaster for everyone. You have those one step forward, two step back days. Just when your ready to crumble from the burden of it all...someone or something will lift you up with amazing strength. Buckle up! It's quite the ride

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, I knew there was a reason I don't like carnival rides! They even have some of the same side effects as chemo at least for me! urp :-)

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    LOL 2Tabbies

  • Miyshell
    Miyshell Member Posts: 3

    2tabbies- thanks for that laugh... I figured you had clothes on! LoL!! Oh good gravy~~Back to the recliner! UGH! I figured as much. :-/.

    I haven't gone back to doc yet to see about that lung nodule. I ended up with the flu and sinus infection instead. So I need now to make a new appointment.

    Jbokland--- I love roller coasters, except the wooden ones but honestly I am not to happy with this one. This is one of those wooden ones....extremely bumpy!!

  • JoeyJamesMom
    JoeyJamesMom Member Posts: 78

    Hi, girls :-)

    Question for you, please.

    I had my double mastectomy with LD flap back on Dec. 15th.

    Apparently, some type of glue was used to close my incisions. Sorry, no idea what it is called.

    It is slowly coming off, but it is flakey and looks gross. I would use my scrubby, but I can't stand to scrub

    my breasts, under arms or back for more then a second or two.

    Ugh, what a horrible feeling it is.

    Does anyone know what to use to remove this glue?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    JJM - The surgical glue should wear off on its own. I actually prefer it to lots of stitches. Do NOT irritate your incisions and ask your PS regarding your concern. I'm sure others on here will have thoughts as well.

  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    JoeyJamesMom, I used a little alcohol to remove some gluey stuff I had on me after surgery. Don't rub too hard, try light pressure with a cotton ball.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I just peeled the glue off as it started to flake.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    my doc had me applying polysporin ointment to the incisions to break down the glue. It slowly lifted and made it easy to pick of

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Hi everyone - just wanted to pop in to offer some hope to those about to have this surgery or recovering from it.  I had my surgery done January 23, 2014.  Almost one year later, I can tell you that I feel great.  I'm working out regularly (cardio for 35-40 minutes, light weights with circuit training for 30 minutes) and losing weight finally.  And I can honestly say that breast cancer isn't the first and last thing on my mind each day.  I also got 3-D nipple tattoos which really has made me happier with my appearance in the mirror now.  It's taken time, but  the procedure was definitely worth it for me.  I hope all of you have a great 2015 and continue to mend, both physically and emotionally.



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks for the positive message, Kathy. I hope you don't mind a couple questions. Where did you get your 3D tattoo? Did you do anything to help fade your scars? I'm guessing that since your cancer was hormone negative, you're not on Tamoxifen or any of the AI's, right? I think that's what hindering my weight loss despite doing doing cardio and weight training. I haven't gotten fully back into my routine since my recon surgery in November, but before that I was pretty faithful to it, but the weight didn't want to budge.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Good to hear from you Kathy! Sounds like you are doing great. My pre-op is tomorrow (exchange 1/22). Getting my questions lined up...

    I thought I might do tattoos, but seeing this flap foob and scars I don't know that it would look good! May not do anything, but won't make that decision yet.

  • elgreko1
    elgreko1 Member Posts: 1


  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    2Tabbies - I went to Baltimore to Vinnie Myers for my tats.  It was definitely worth the travel.  He's amazing.  I haven't really done anything about the scars.  They're fading pretty well on their own.  But I am considering checking into things that might help, if it's not too late.  You're right, I'm not on any AI's due to my triple negative status.  That could be behind your issues with not losing.  But I will tell you that I wasn't successful with losing weight, despite the gym and eating decent most of the time.  It wasn't until I joined weight watchers that I was able to start making progress.  I'm down 20 lbs (in 3-1/2 months) and would like about 10 more.  It's taking longer now, but I'll keep going.  Something about the accountability of weighing in each week helps keep me on track (which is totally stupid, but whatever works!!)

    kfinnigan - Yay for your exchange.  That is much easier to recover from then the lat flap surgery!  As far as tattoos go, you should consider it.  I had the same thoughts as you about the scars, etc., but now that I have the tattoos, my eyes don't go to my scars when I look in the mirror.  And I'm not exagerating, I hardly even notice then now.  (And my husband is amazed at how realistic the tattoos are!).  Something to think about in the future.  Right now you need to focus on getting ready for yet another surgery.  But you're almost done now!  I'll be thinking of you :)



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Ladies - Almost 2 mos. out and one of the few remaining annoyances are back aches at night and getting comfortable in bed. Today I purchased for $80 a Wamsutta Fiber Bed - 400 ct. to go on top of my mattress. I recommend it highly.

    My PS does the tattoos at the time of the exchange. I'm not sure what I think of that.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kathy, thanks for the reply. I did the online version of Weight Watchers for a while. It works, but the time involved to keep track of the damn points was just too much. I have a lot of recipes that are very healthy, but entering them to figure out the points was awful. I just didn't want to use only the Weight Watchers recipes. This was also pre-BC so pre-Taxoxifen. I don't know if WW would even work for me now. I also felt like I was starving all the time.

    Both of Vinnie's locations are a long trip for me, and I'm pretty low on leave time from work. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Originally, I had just planned on letting the PS build me nipples and getting them tattooed at his office. His assistant does it. Has anyone had tats done by their PS or his/her staff? This would just be for color not 3D tats. If you have, do you like the result?

    Warrior, I'm sorry to hear your back is bothering you at night. I hope the new fiber bed helps. I was finally getting comfortable in bed, but the weirdest thing happened the last couple of days. My back incision started to hurt. Sharp pains like when it wasn't healed. I wonder if it was because I went swimming Monday. That was actually fine. My arm and back didn't feel tired or anything. I was even able to haul myself up the latter to get out of the pool with no trouble. It was the next day that I started getting the occasional sharp pain in my back incision.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I am still undecided about nipples. Definitely not having a surgical procedure, and I would only consider the 3D tats. I RELISH not wearing a bra and having a blank slate under thinner tops is quite convenient!

    I am now 5 weeks out from Lat Flap and recovering well. I have mild Lymphedema in my left arm which seems to have improved. However, now that I've said that, I woke up with that familiar ache in my upper arm. I did sleep on my side for a bit last night....first time since surgery.

    Still some side swelling under the flap. I took a tub bath last night for the first time since surgery. ...heaven! ( although getting out of the tub wasn't my most graceful move).

    I have my first business trip to Denver next week. Funny, last year I was traveling the world. SE Asia, Tiawan, Turkey, Australia and New Zealand. Now a week in Denver has me a little hesitant.

    Weight Watchers sound like a helluva good idea for me

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    I am ten days out of surgery.  Lat flat left side still has two drains.  Purple bruising has turned to lighter green and yellow and is subsiding.  Doing okay overall, just kind of over being sick and not being able to do for myself (driving, lifting on left side etc..)  Got a cold from my mom so sent her home and have been on a Z pack since Monday-doing some better but not really well yet.  My day nurse still stops in daily-makes me feel better having somoen check on me as I am alone.  My blood pressure has been high since surgery-not sure why, have never had blood pressure issues before-prob from meds and trauma.

    I will be getting a left nipple built by my PS-was told I have to wait 3 months for boobs to settle.  I plan to have the PA at the office do my tatt.  I like my PS team and trust them.

    My left side still looks concave and like a flat hamburger.  Weird as it has 925 cc's in it.  My right side is starting to project a little more-it has 300cc in it and just had a lumpectomy with lift.  I hope at some point they project, have cleavage, match and the size makes me happy.  I wont stop until I feel satisfied-feel like that is not too much to ask in this day and age.  I also want as much scarring gone as possible-but know that will take time and products.  Hope to be put back to normal by summer at least.

    Just ready to be healthy and get busy living.

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Jbokland - I'm from the Denver area (actually reside in Arvada, which is about 10 minutes from downtown Denver) so let me know if you need anything.  I understand your hesitation about traveling.  I had those same fears on my first business trip after surgery.  You still should be careful about lifting heavy luggage.  Maybe two smaller suitcases over one large if you can.  Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

    Vettegirl - Just continue to rest your body.  It's been through a lot with this procedure and it needs time to heal.  I totally get what you're saying about wanting to be happy with your result.  It's not too much to ask.  In fact, we deserve it after everything we've been through.  Wishing you speedy healing so you can get on with living life!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Kathy, that's cool you went to Vinnie, that's what I'd like to do if I decide. My PS says he can do tattoos (but not 3D), but they use plant based dyes that fade.

    I will report back after my pre-op appt. today.

    Thinking of you all and reading all your posts, healing hugs.