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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • april418
    april418 Member Posts: 11

    Jbokland: Please consult with your PS about wrapping your lymphadema arm with compression bandages when you fly even if the lymphedema is under control. Flying aggravates lymphedema. Also, guard that arm and never use it to carry groceries or anything heavy, including suitcases. Even get used to carrying your purse on the other shoulder. I first got lymphedema in 2006 after my lymph node dissection and my arm swelled very badly. Lots of PT and keeping the arm wrapped 24/7 for a long time helped to get it under control. I still baby the arm and only wrap it when I fly now. On a lighter note, glad you are recovering so well and enjoy your trip to Denver.

    KSteve, thanks for checking in with your positive and uplifting message. It was inspiring to hear you're back at the gym and feeling good. You sound really happy.

    vettegirl, continue to take good care of yourself and you'll feel stronger each day. You sound like you're doing pretty good for 10 days out.

    2tabbies, hope the pain you're experiencing near your incision has started to subside by now. Swimming is the best exercise. I always wanted to learn how to swim -- and dance!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Kathy- thanks for you well wishes and sweet offer. I am staying downtown Denver and this Florida girl will freeze her tits off ( well, sorta!)

    Yes, I have a couple of custom compression sleeves. I will most certainly wear them when I travel.

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    jbokland - I'll keep my fingers crossed for mild weather while you're here next week.  We can't have you freezing your tits off cuz you've worked too hard to get them lol!  Good luck with your travels.  It will probably be liberating once you've done it.  That first time after such a big surgery and recovery is a big deal.  Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.  I'm in town all week.  Good luck and enjoy the change of pace, even if it is for work.

    kfinnigan - I did the tattoos in the PS office the first time around and they faded to almost nothing.  I can tell you for me personally, there is no comparison to what Vinnie did.  They actually look like real nipples/areolas when he is done.  I've heard there are some good 3-D nipple tattoo artists in CA too.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, I LOVE not wearing a bra also. My PS swears he can build me nipples that will be flat enough to not look like they're erect under a clingy shirt. Before I give him the go ahead, I'm going to wear my thinnest, clingiest shirt into his office and ask him if even that type of shirt would look ok. I did see one woman over on the picture forum who got nipples built that look like what I want. Once they healed, They were only barely raised. Good luck with your business trip!

    vettegirl, Sorry to hear you caught a cold. Who needs that on top of recovering from surgery? You're only 10 days out though. I know it's frustrating, but give yourself time to heal. My PS also said I'd have to wait 3 months after the exchange before he'd do the nipple surgery. You'll be ahead of me so I'll be interested in how yours turns out. I'm right with you on not stopping until I'm satisfied. I also hate the scars and hope they'll fade to the point of not jumping out at me every time I look in the mirror. I'm very thankful to at least look like a normal human female in clothes, but I hope we can do better than that.

    kfinnigan, don't all tattoos fade eventually? Seems like I read that, but I guess some dyes are better than others. How did your appointment go?

    I've only been back to work for weeks, and I managed to catch something. I think it might be the flu. I don't like the way my lungs sound so I'm going to the doctor in a little while. So much for the little bit of sick leave time I managed to save, and I had to cancel my fill appointment yesterday. :-(

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Back from pre-op appt. Lots of questions answered! He will use Mentor High Profile Smooth Round silicone (cohesive gel) implants. We talked about going a tad smaller than my expander and smoothing out the flap so it lays flatter and he will excise a bit of skin from my back scar so it lays flat and will move the whole foob toward the middle of my chest (it is toward my arm now). Then he will put an implant in on the healthy right side to match as much as he can. I will be wrapped when I wake up. He said to buy a front closing soft sports bra (the nurse gave a picture of a Fruit of the Loom one for about $8 to buy, said don't waste money now on anything more expensive). He will try and avoid a drain, but he may have to if needed, put in one on the lat flap side that wouldn't stay in very long.

    He told me not to even think about nipples or anything else right now. Also, some of his patients want lots of revisions and some don't. Whatever I want or need is all covered and not to worry about any of that. The other stuff was typical stuff. I will post if anyone wants to know more...

    Kathy, I would most likely want Vinnie too! I've been keeping an eye on that thread. Good for you going to the best!

    jbokland, I laughed at your maybe freezing your tits off and Kathy saying but you've worked so hard to get them on! LOL!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    kfinnigan - I had the Mentor High Profile Smooth Round silicone (cohesive gel) implants the first time around and I did like how they looked. I gave my PS photos of what I wanted to look like and left it to her to decide on the implants. This time around I am simply asking my new PS to use his judgement in terms of health, safety and aesthetics for me.

    Stay warm everyone. At least this cold isn't making my nipples smile and say hello.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Warrior, that's how I was today with my PS, I figure he's the expert! lol on the cold comment! hugs girlie

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Hi Ladies - I've been keeping up on everyone's posts, but took a little time away from posting myself because I was so busy over the holidays then hit the ground running at work after the first of the year.

    Just wanted to let you all know I'm doing great. I'm completely healed from my surgery and back to all my normal activities. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do 40 minutes of cardio (elliptical, running, walking) and a series of weights. I've had to modify my lifting routine slightly so as not to engage my pec or lat muscles, but have found other ways to strenghten my core. I've really noticed no loss of strength overall and have full range of motion.

    Had a follow-up appointment with my PS today and he said I'm ready for implants.....YAY!!!! I'm so excited to finally be able to get this surgery scheduled. His scheduler will call me tomorrow so we can get it on the calendar. It'll probably be sometime in February since I need to schedule it around work and my kid's mid-winter break. I pointed out to him how much lower my flap side is sitting and he indicated he'll be making quite a few adjustments on that side, including removing some of the flap skin since I have more than I need. I was very happy to hear this since it means that area will be quite a bit smaller than it is now. He's also totally on board with my recommendation (well, actually Whippetmom's recommendation) for high profile silcone rounds in the 500-600cc range. I told him my preference is closer to somewhere the range of 550-600cc's. So, it's all good.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Good news Raelan!

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Yippee. Got my exchange date scheduled......February 10th. Let the countdown begin

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Haven't been on this board for a few weeks, & it's nice to read that everyone is doing well and healing nicely.  Which we all know takes time & patience. 

    I know there was some discussion regarding scars & fading.  My PS recommended BioCorneum about two wees after my exchange surgery, & it's wonderful.  I apply a very small amount, pea size, on the scars under my breasts & the flap area, & I am amazed at how they have faded & softened.  I'm going to have my husband start putting some on my back lat scars to see if I get the same result.  Not cheap - $48 for a very small bottle, but well worth it for me. 

    Happy & Health New Year to all!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Wow, this thread exploded all of a sudden! Good to hear from you Raelan and Dpiggy. It has been a while.

    Raelan, that's great that you're on track for your exchange in just 1 month! And that you get your flap made smaller. Good deal.

    Dpiggy, thanks for the recommendation on Biocorneum. It looks like it's a silicon gel. I wonder if it's any different from the other silicon products like Kelocote. I just ordered some of that. Please do report back on your results with the Biocorneum. Where did you get it? Everything I'm finding on the web is Biocorneum Plus with sunscreen. I sure don't need sunscreen on my boobs! I won't be doing any topless sunbathing anything soon! :-)

    kfinnigan, it sounds like your preop went well. You'll be through it soon.

    Warrior good to hear from you. I'll send warm thoughts. We're not exactly toasty here in Oregon, but it's a heck of a lot warmer than what you east coasters have.

    It turns out I definitely have the flu. I went to the doc yesterday, and they ran a test.I'm taking Tamiflu and starting to feel better already. Now, DH has it too. This is the plague house!

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    I will be having surgery first week of June. Doctor is going to use the DaVinci robot to harvest the lat muscle. No back incision just going in from previous scar. Has anybody had this procedure here

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2Tabbies - I purchased the BioCorneum from my PS & does have SPF30.  Agree, sunscreen not necessary on boobs, but I'm sure it comes in handy for scars that are exposed to the sun.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Has anyone here had back seroma that lasted more than just a few drainings? While the condition appears to be improving, I'm going for draining #4 this week. I'm wearing compression 24/7. I'm frustrated because I'm an athlete and restricted from exercise and I seriously don't want drains put back in.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I think Artemis17 had a back seroma that had to be drained several times. I'm sorry you're still having to deal with this. It definitely sucks.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I've been debating posting what I'm currently going through because I don't want to be a downer. I had my surgery in 2011 and honestly have been very pleased with the results. Back to working out, living life, etc.

    I've had other surgeries and have had seromas before, so I know my body tends to produce the fluid. My original drain in my back area stayed in for maybe 3 weeks longer than expected. It clogged twice and after the last time the PS decided to pull it. I had my surgery in Oct 2011 and the drain finally pulled a week or two before Thanksgiving. I then had it drained once after it was pulled. Still wore the compression garments for weeks after to get it gone. It stopped and from then until now absolutely no problems. Went through fat grafting, another implant swap, no problems with the drains or the seroma returning....until 2014!

    It's back! I don't know how, could have been excessive stretching or it could have been just scar tissue that pulled. I don't recall a specific pain or movement that started it. But I had pain in the lat removal area over Xmas, then the swelling and water bed under the skin. I've had it drained twice so far, have stopped working out and back to wearing the awful compression garments! I see the PS again on Wednesday.

    I'm supposed to go to Hawaii in mid Feb. He said I will still go. I'm trying to stay positive. Of course the other possibility is I will need surgery in that area to clean up any scar tissue, but that would be after my trip. I guess time will tell.

    It sucks!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jwilco, I'm glad you posted. I don't think we should be afraid to post the negative as well as the positive experiences. This is one place where we should be able to let it all hang out. There are enough other places where we have to paste a smile on and pretend everything is fine. It's great to hear the success stories, but it can also be helpful to hear about the setbacks. For one thing, if somebody else is going through the same thing they don't feel so alone. Even for someone going through a different problem, it might be discouraging to only hear about the successes from everyone else. I know it would be for me. Here's hoping both you and Warrior Woman get rid of the damn seromas soon. I hope yours is gone in time for you to shed the compression garments before your trip!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    jwilco & Tabbies - Hi there! Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. The thing I've learned about cancer tx is that it never goes as planned. I see my PS tomorrow. From my subjective perspective, the seroma may be improving. As a college professor, I start the new semester this week and I don't welcome any more interference. We cancelled our Morocco trip last year and we've been cautious to avoid planning anything beyond concerts and shows (seeing Jersey Boys on Broadway in 2 weeks). We're talking Croatia but not booking a darn thing until I'm in the clear...whatever that may mean. The good thing about Hawaii is that it is in the states, they have western medicine and insurance should be good. I was there in the 1980's and I'm so glad to have experienced it. My PS predicted that I'd be good to go to Morocco over New Years this year and I am glad I didn't book it. I wasn't ready and I can only imagine what the medical system looks like there. Side note: I was treated for free for a severe burn by a "Bush Doctor" in Jamaica years ago. My skin had literally melted off from a motorcycle pipe. He cured me instantly. No pain. And it healed very fast. Ya never know!

    BTW, as per the discussion re: nipples and tats. I may not be able to get nipples because of the limited skin I have remaining. If that is the case, I will ask Vinnie to do the 3Ds. If I get little nips, I'll let my PS arrange the tats. My mind is subject to changing at any time. LOL

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Had a follow up with my PS today-I am two weeks post op.  Did not get either of my remaining two drains off today-really disappointed, but they are still producing too much-about 50 per drain.  I started driving today-is a little ackward, but I am off of pain meds and need to work and drive some.  I mostly work from home office but also have to go out in the field and today was one of those days.  They also gave me some RX cream they called in for the drain sites-it is really red there and hurting me.  My back is still swollen and quite sore around the lat flap area and I had the less invasive surgery where they dont cut your back but tunnel under your arm.  I am thankful to at least have my right arm working good as I am right handed.  Hoping this is my last rough week.  For me, this surgery was rougher than my masectomy-more sore and less able to do for myself with that left arm.  I am so ready to be well.

    There was an older lady prob in her 70s today getting her tat.  She was so excited.  It was really cute :) 


  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Vettgirl- sorry to hear things are not moving along as quickly for you. Hang in there!

    I am in Denver and it's cold! I'd say I'm freezing my tits off... But you know how that is! Still fighting this darn cold and cough. I actually wore a mask on the plane!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    My exchange has been cancelled. Nurses are striking 1/21 & 1/22. Email from PS (I had emailed him when I heard about strike possibility from my daughter who is an asst nurse mgr with Kaiser):

    Hi Mrs. Finnigan,
    I am deeply sorry about this. We just received notification today about the strike and indeed they appear to be cancelling surgery on 1/21 and 1/22. This is quite distressing for all of us and our patients. At this time, we are setting up re-scheduled operative times. I will be speaking with Samantha our scheduler about this (again this was just announced) and so we are all scrambling. I want to make sure there is as little disruption as possible. Take care,
    Dr. Garcia

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Warrior, I love reading about your vacation plans!

    jwilco and Warrior, I hope your seroma's clear up pronto and you are able to work/travel. Keep us posted.

    vettegirl, you are only 2 weeks out, you have a lot of healing to do, take it easy. When do you see your PS again? That is cute about the 70 year old getting her tat!

    jbokland, I hope you get over that cold, wearing a mask was a smart thing to do. I hope you don't freeze your tits off in Denver! lol

    Dpiggy, it was great to hear from you!

    Raelen, you may have your exchange before me...sigh...I will let you all know when I get the call from the scheduler. I hope they call off the strike!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Thanks ladies-sorry if I sound impatient.  I had a surgery on Dec 5 (ovaries out) and then this on Dec 29...think I am just tired of not feeling well.  My body has been through the wringer this past year with all the treatments and 5 surgeries-I think that may be why I am not bouncing back as quick.  I am actually hurting today-in the lat flap back area-feel swollen, very sore.  Had to take a pain pill and havent had to do in about a week.  Pain is a good 6 today out of 10. 

    jbok-hope you enjoy your trip to Denver, and your cold gets better soon. 

    kfinn-I see my PS next Monday.  They did say I could come back this week if my drains get lower, but I am still outputting pretty heavy, 50 and 60 yesterday.  30 this morning and still have to empty tonight. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I bet you are having high drainage because you are active. Wish you could have some relaxation time. You've been through a lot of surgeries and your body needs rest. Sending you soft hugs.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Vettegirl - agree w/ kfinnigan.  You need to be sure you take it easy - overdoing will definitely produce more drain output.  I had double mx & bilateral lat flap back to back in April.  The hardest thing for me was to be patient with the recovery process since it was quite the recovery.  It was very difficult for me to adhere to all the restrictions for the first 6 weeks, but it does get better over time.  Rest as much as you can.

    Kfinnigan - so sorry to hear about the delay w/ your exchange surgery.  I know how anxious I was before my exchange because it felt like the journey was finally coming full circle.  Hopefully the rescheduled date will be not long after your original date.  Please keep us posted.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Got the call! surgery is now next Tuesday (2 days earlier)...yikes! lol

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, hooray for getting your surgery scheduled! And it's soon!

    Warrior, your travel plans sound fun. What an interesting encounter with the bush doctor. I agree. You just never know. That said, I don't have a big desire to experience the medical system in an underdeveloped country. Ours is scary enough! Regarding nips and tats, I haven't decided what I want to do yet either, but I made an appointment for a consultation with a tattoo artist nearby who does 3D nipple tats. I might go with that, or I might have the PS build nipples. I could either let his assistant tattoo them or combine that with the 3D tats. So I won't get Vinnies, but I might get Mary Janes. ;-)

    vettegirl, I hope you're feeling better today. It does sound like maybe you're being more active than your body wants to be at the moment. I understand your impatience. I think my body is starting to revolt at all the surgeries, chemo, radiation, and last but not least, stress of the last year and a half. I feel like I'm in a brain fog. Anyway, I hope you get the blasted drains out soon!

    jbokland, don't you dare freeze your boobs off! It was too much work to get them.

    I had a fill today. I don't know how much he put in there, but it was way more than on the previous ones. I feel like I'm going to rupture! He said this might be the last one, and I think I agree. I look like I've got melons under my skin.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Great news kfinnigan!!!  

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    kfinnigan - better sooner than later. I know for me that a lot of planning goes into each surgery with work, family, etc. It's a major hassle to rearrange everything once plans are set.

    And now for some good news...After 2 fills I will return in 2 weeks to reevaluate whether I want more filling or to stop where I am. I think I am proportionate now and this may well be it. From there we schedule exchange surgery and it is looking like March. It turns out he can give me nipples...there was some question about that and then the 3D tats. I want the little nips because I'm trying to feel like I've been made whole.

    Tabbies - They do sell little nipple covers for sheer clothing if headlight concerns are still leaving you feeling indecisive. I've seen them in the BC supply stores. They are little flesh tone rubbery pasties. Then again, we can just sport it up with regular pasties.