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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Emergency visit to the dr today due to fever and severe pain.  Seems I have an infection in my back lat flap area-spreading under my arm and half way across my back.  Red, tight and inflamed-could barely touch it or move it-extremely painful.  Temp got to 100.9 last night.  Dr gave me an iv antibiotic in his office and I do another on Saturday.  Also sent home with more meds and salve.  They also cleaned my drain sites really good and took cultures-those were bleeding and discharging.  Hopefully I will feel better within a couple of days.  Dr said he thinks we caught it in time and needed to nip it in the butt.  Right now-my implant still looks heathy so it had not reached that yet.  Called my mom yesterday to come back and stay with me for a few days.  Trying to get lots of rest. 

    kfinn-earlier surgery is good :)  Best wishes to you.

    Congrats on fills being done or almost done.  :)  I think my boobs will need a little more added at nipple construction and next revision-still feel smaller than Id like.  odd since the one side has 925cc-you would think that would look huge.  Probably still dropping and fluffing.  We shall see.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Oh vettegirl, an infection...that sounds terrible! So that's what was going on. Really happy you went to the dr. and got squared away and glad your mom could come back to help out. Rest up and heal quickly!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I've seen those nipple covers. I'm a little leary of them because adhesive usually gives me a rash. I'll probably get nipples built anyway. If they stand up too much, I'll get the PS to do a little nip tuck so to speak.

    Vettegirl, I'm so sorry to hear you have an infection. I hope it clears up fast.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Infection is what caused my first attempt at reconstruction to fail. As long as it isn't "touching" your implants, Vette, it is my understanding that most infections are treatable. I was told to "be careful" as it could still be in my system after all this time. The only thing that ruined my reconstruction is that the infection was touching the implant. They cannot treat an infection if the implant is contaminated. After my implants were removed it cleared quickly. The infectious disease docs seem to really know what they're doing.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    vettttgirl- I am so sorry to hear. Really, how disappointing! I hope your mom can get to you soon. Let's hope this little bump is overwth soon!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Thank you ladies.  I am not as in as intense pain as I was yesterday, but still in pain.  I think it has subsided a little bit.  Get that second office antibiotic infusion tomorrow morning so hoping that will help even more.  Jbok-Dr C(mine and Jboks PS) called me personally today to check on me, I was suprised it was him and not a nurse.  Asked how I was doing, said he was still waiting on culutural tests to come back, wanted to know if infection had spread any-he drew the perrimeters on my skin with a purple marker so we can see if infection grew, asked if breast was pink at all, etc...My mom is here.  She will go home tomorrow after my infusion but then hubby will be back home.  I will try to take it easy this weekend so I can get well.  moms already cleaned my whole house :)  Warrior-that is my fear, losing my implant but so far so good.  Im hoping we got it in the nick of time.  Scary stuff.

    For any new lat flaps-please monitor your temperatures daily and watch for redness and swelling, and if pain level goes up instead of down-call your PS immediately. I wasnt sure what was going on with me, I sat for three days in pain before going in.  My original thoughts were it was just the muscle healing...glad i didnt wait any longer.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    vettegirl, glad your PS is taking good care of you, and your mom!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    vettegirl, I'm glad you didn't wait any longer too! As you said, rest and heal this weekend. I hope tomorrow's infusion zaps those bugs.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I posted a photo from my fill Wednesday on the picture forum if anybody wants to look. Raelan stopped by for a peek at my rock hard cantaloupes. Winking

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Just looked at your photo 2Tabbies, you look good! I know how you feel about the melon size TE, that's what I have. I told my PS I don't want to be as big or bigger than the TE on Tuesday at my exchange and he said "good to know". Mine looks ridiculous now, and its next to my natural droopy small right boob. I'll name mine droopy Daisy and ridiculous Robin. Your flap sits lower on your breast than mine does. I want him to flatten my flat skin out some.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, kfinnigan. I think I look ridiculous as well especially on the non-flap side. The TE sits up so high on that side. I think the shape is better on the flap side. I hope the muscle and skin relaxes soon to let things sag down where they belong. I want to get my flap flattened out some too. It bulges out from the rest of my "breast." The PS did say the other day that he'd kind of take a tuck in it on the end toward my arm. That will move that boob toward my sternum a bit. Right now, it feels like it's crawling under my arm. Maybe that tuck will flatten the flap out a little too.

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    I've got the same type of thing going on on my late side. It sits lower than the non-lat side and is migrating toward my armpit. My PS needs to move the IMF up on the lat side and remove some of the skin paddle to even things up a bit. Right now when I wear a bra the band on the lat side digs in. It'll be nice to have this all fixed at the exchange

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    One more reason to look forward to exchange, Raelan!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Checking in with everyone to compare progress notes. I am 9.5 weeks post bilateral LD flap with expanders. I am expanded as far as I expect to go and will most likely have the exchange mid March. The seromas on my back are gradually improving. I'm restricted with exercise until that annoying problem is resolved. I can walk and do my PT exercises. Late afternoon my back gets achy after sitting or standing all day but it seems to be lessening with each passing week and isn't so bad that I need any medication. If I'm lucky enough to take an afternoon nap the problem is solved. At this time, the only physical challenges I'm noting are 1. difficulty taking off tight tee shirts (loose ones aren't bad) and 2. reaching to put dishes up on a high shelf. That's about it. I have no problem reaching for and closing the trunk of my SUV, opening doors or any of the other challenges I expected to face. It may be a wee bit harder to lift myself up from a chair or tub without using my legs. I have not tried to swim yet but I was a lifeguard when I was a kid and I simply cannot foresee having any problems. Worst case scenario, I can change my stroke.

    I am posting this to compare my progress with how others are or were doing at 9.5 weeks. I am also posting this to give comfort to those who are contemplating the surgery and in a sheer panic as I had been after reading horror stories about this procedure. I like how I look so far. It looks a lot more natural compared with my previous attempt with expanders and implants but no flap. So far - no regrets. I do hope everyone continues to make progress without any long term complications.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I've been able to swim. I bet you're in better shape than I am so I'd be willing to bet you'll be fine with swimming. I have tried any weight training yet. I got a bit delayed by the flu but hope to do that this week. My back gets a bit tired when I'm on my feet or sitting at the computer all day. It's not bad though. I hope your seromas are soon cleared up.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Hi ladies, I  have been reading through these boards for afew months now, and I  can't express how much y'all have helped me get through all of this craziness. Even though I  have never posted,  this has been my own personal therapy just reading everyone's  experiences (the good, the bad and the ugly)  so thank you. I am done with treatment,  just going through all the reconstruction stuff now, I have my LD flap  procedure this Thursday, Jan. 22nd  and I'm a little more nervous about this one than I was the initial dmx. I  do have a question...I  had a pain ball with my dmx and It was great, I was uncomfortable but not really painfull. I will have a pain ball again and I'm hoping for the same results. Did anyone here  use a pain ball for their LD flap surgery? Any feedback would be great!! I'm hoping it will lessen the apprehension I have going in. You all have amazing stories and I want to thank you again for sharing. God Bless, peace, love , health and happiness to all. Marney

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Marney - Welcome! Read back through the thread and you will find photos jbookland posted of her pain ball.

    Tabbies - You're the one I most often compare outcomes and progress with as we were 2 days apart on our surgeries. When do you anticipate your exchange?

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Marney, I very seldom post but wanted to tell you that my Lat Flap surgery was the best decision I made during this journey. After two failed implants because of radiated skin, I decided to have a DIEP flap only to learn two weeks before scheduled surgery that it would not work for me. My PS suggested Lat Flap.....I was resistant because I show horses and I had heard so many stories about how it zaps your range of motion, your strength on the lat side is compromised, etc.. I used verylittle pain meds after I left the hospital. I began early to move my shoulder and stretch my back area.....first, gently and progressed as my scar healed. I have had three fills to my TE totaling 780cc's. One more to go!! I am not showing my horses yet but am riding and doing all the things I was doing before which includes a lot of lifting. I try to be sensible. You will do great as most of these inspiring women have done. I will be thinking of you Thursday. God bless!!!! Jackie

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Thank  you Warrior_Woman! 

    Hi JLow51, I'm hoping for the same outcome as you :) I know patience is the key in all this, I didn't have or set any expectations going in for my BMX and I did pretty well with aftermath,  just needed PT for awhile to get my ROM back I guess there are some expectations this time around, I am definitely dreading the drains again, that is the part I  hated so  much.  I've read a lot of horrible stories on the recovery of this surgery so I'm glad you shared your positive experience  with me,  I'm happy to hear you  are doing great.  I'm from Texas as well (live in CA now) but my entire family is still there and my daughter  just graduated from Texas A&M. I'm from New Braunfels, are you anywhere  close to there?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Welcome, Marney. The recovery from this surgery wasn't all that bad for me. I did take pain meds for longer than I have from previous surgeries, but I wasn't in excruciating pain. I mostly took them to help me sleep. Otherwise, I'd wake up when I rolled over in my sleep and made something hurt. That was similar to the way I felt after my mastectomy, but it lasted longer this time. I also slept propped up on the futon for about a month because I couldn't get comfortable laying flat. But I wasn't in terrible pain. If you did ok with the mastectomy, I bet you'll do fine with this. Are you having the LD flap on both sides or just the irradiated side? I had it on just "bad" side. Those pain balls sound great! Darn. I want one for my exchange! :-)

    Warrior, my PS likes to do the exchange at least 6 months after the initial surgery so that would be early May. Unless I can convince him to do it sooner, but I doubt that's going to happen. It sounds like your PS is a bit more lenient in that regard.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Yes, I had the pain ball and was literally pain free after the surgery. My only pain was in my arm after surgery and I suspect that was from them manipulating it during surgery. No narcotics and no side effects from taking them!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, what drug was in the pain ball?

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Marney, I'm from East Texas. (Lufkin) My husband is an Aggie! He is also a photographer. We do lots of Hill Country treks so I go to and thru New Braunfels several times a year.

    Yes, drains are the pits!! But you will do great! Will be thinking of you!!

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97


    New Braunfels, home of the wonderful new Buckee's. I live in Center Point--northwest of San Antonio.

    My lat flap was in Sept. and Stage 2 in Dec. The Stage 2 has been a longer recovery than the flap surgery. The incision revision from the previous flaps are still a bit tender. Yesterday at yoga was the first time I have felt the lat muscle tighten in my chest. The worst side effect has been the return of chemo brain from all the meds during and after surgery. I struggle to find words or reverse them. Conversations have taken an interesting turn.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    welcome Marney! Even while in the hospital for my lat flap I was on Tylenol the next day and only took a pain pill at home as needed.

    Good to hear the progress most of you are making!

    I am headed to the hospital on an hour and a half. Have to report at noon. Will report back when I can! Hugs to all!


  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    I haven’t been on here in a while but I will give an update as to how I’m doing, Warrior (I have been reading up on how everyone’s doing and am glad to see most are doing well, especially since many of you had the LD done on both sides, unlike me):

    I had an LD flap on my right side in early November. I have been doing very well; I only have a slight soreness/tightness when I fully extend my arm upward, but I have almost full range of motion and have been doing all my exercises -- even lifting light weights. Sometimes using my right hand to do something feels a little weak (it is my dominant hand), but I don’t notice anything that I can’t do. Sleeping on my side still is slightly uncomfortable and the back scar is still tender to the touch or when I lean against something, but I can easily handle my work day without pain or tiredness. I had my last fill two weeks ago, and now I am playing the waiting game. My next appointment is in early February, which is when we will set the appointment for the exchange (PS says most likely early March). My frankenboob is larger than my natural breast and it feels like I have a melon strapped to my chest! It sticks out too far on the side and is too high, but my PS says these things will all be attended to during the exchange. When I walk down the halls at work I feel like I lead with by melon breast, but I’m quite happy with things overall. (I wear lots of scarves.) I haven’t thought about nipples yet. I am using Mederma on my scars and they have faded quite a bit but not as much as I’d like; my back scar is still a deep red and has redness surrounding it. There’s a bit of puckering at the end of my back scar that I will ask my PS about next time. And still trying to get used to the sensation of feeling my back muscle twinge when I touch certain areas of my breast. But overall things have been good and I have been recovering well.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Been thinking of you, kfinnigan - hope all went well & you are recovering nicely. The exchange surgery is definitely a cake walk compared to the lat flap. Thoughts and prayers are with you, & looking forward to hearing how wonderfully you are doing!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tedwilliams, I can't believe you only just felt the lat muscle tighten on your chest! I swear mine has a mind of its own. It contracts a lot. I'm getting over the flu, and my Frankenboob jumps every time I cough. I know what you mean about the return of chemo brain. I actually think the brain fog I've had since my lat flap surgery in November is worse than what I had from chemo. I guess my brain didn't like 5 hours of anesthesia. I think it's clearing up though.

    kfinnigan, I've been thinking about you and hope everything went great.

    Sharsala, good to hear from you! I'm in about the same state you are. I know what you mean about feeling like you have a melon strapped to your chest. I feel like I've got 2. Well, small melons or large grapefruit. Very hard grapefruit. The lat side is actually a bit softer and a more natural shape and position than the side that just got a TE. The fill I had last week is probably my last so I'm playing the waiting game too. I have an appointment in early February when we'll discuss scheduling the exchange. I'm a bit bummed that for some reason my PS seems to wait longer than yours and WarriorWoman's. He said 6 months from the initial surgery so that would be early May.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Hi! I haven't written on this thread but have been reading it and following you wonderful women for about 6 months. I just had my right side lat flap surgery yesterday. Everything went well, went home the same day! In quite a bit of pain but am taking Percocet every 6 hrs to stay on top of it. Slept pretty good last night propped up on 3 pillows....

    The incision on my back is much longer than I thought it would be but my PS made it under my bra so it will be hidden!

    I will be off work for 3 weeks and hope to recover quickly:)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Welcome, Kthielen! Wishing you a speedy recovery.