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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Cancerjourney, I am lurking on this board because I am in the same situation that you are in, and I, too, am looking for info.

    I had TE switch to implants on 11/20/14. The radiated side was healing, but never fully made it. I went back into surgery for a 'repair' 3 weeks ago, but ended up losing the implant and I am back to TE now.

    My PS feels that lat flap is the best way to go, but I am reluctant to undergo so much more surgery. I am hoping that he will agree to a smaller implant than was in before. I will see what he has to say on Wednesday.

    Wishing you, and all here, a speedy recovery!!

  • 1knightsjourney
    1knightsjourney Member Posts: 6

    NYCGirl, sorry to hear that your radiated skin didn't heal either. It is frustrating when you think it is all done, and then another set back comes along. How long do you have to wait for your next exchange surgery?

    I'm looking at 3 more surgeries that I'd rather not endure, but I'm starting to make the decisions I probably should have made earlier. I can't see going smaller, because I already went with smaller implants, thinking it would suit my active lifestyle better and be easier on my pec muscles. I'm not happy with the size though. Also I am going to lose more damaged skin, so it'll be even smaller. I have one surgeon who would do it as one surgery and a second surgeon who would remove the implant first and let the infection resolve before putting another foreign body in there.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more from the women who have had the LD Flap done.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Journey, - I'll know more when I see my PS on Wednesday. Right now I still have almost all of the stitches in, and he was watching carefully. He made it sound like lat flap is the only way to go. I was a B cup originally, and was again with the implants. It's ok with me if one side is smaller, but PS wants very much to make things 'perfect'. On the other hand, I'd rather have less surgery if possible.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    CJ & NYCG - Welcome to this thread. As you read through the post you will see that many of us moved from where you are now to post surgery without complications. There is another thread where women have posted the LD nightmares. It made me consider skipping reconstruction. Based upon my experience and what I have read from others, it is important to have a PS who does a lot of LD Flaps. My surgery was 11/13/15. I have full ROM and no pain. It is still difficult to lift heavy things up onto high shelves. I haven't yet identified any other limitations. I am active and athletic.

    Tabbies and everyone - My exchange surgery is scheduled for 5/6/15 and he's promising me no drains. No drains! I'm looking at Vinnie Myers for tats. I am not thrilled with the pics from their consulting artist.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Cheers to no drains!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, congratulations on having an exchange date an no drains! You and I are going to be on almost the same schedule again. I saw my PS yesterday. He likes to do the exchange at least 6 months after the original surgery since that's how long it takes the tissues to lose their elasticity and fully relax. I was figuring early May since my original surgery was Nov. 11. He said late May. I told him I really wanted to have my new boobs for my birthday so we agreed to split the difference and are looking at mid-May. We haven't scheduled an exact date yet. The one thing I forgot to ask him about was drains. We also agreed that my non-lat side was big enough, but he added 120 cc's to my lat side expander to fill out the upper pole. I really look like I have stripper boobs. They aren't huge, but are round and hard.

    CancerJourney and AnotherNYCG, welcome to this thread. I'm sorry you both have had complications. I think many of us had the same concerns that you mentioned. I know I was worried about loss of strength. Coincidentally, today I went back to the gym and tried my weight routine for the first time since surgery. I had to use lighter weights, but I didn't have to go down any more than I'd expect after having not worked out since November. I will mention that I didn't do any lat or pec exercises. My surgeon hasn't restricted me, but I just feel like I should let those muscles relax since we're trying to stretch them with the tissue expanders. I've also gone back to swimming and haven't noticed any difference from before the surgery. There are no guarantees, but so far strength and mobility have been a non-issue for me.

    CancerJourney, nobody told me up front before my mastectomy about the problems radiation would cause with trying to get reconstruction with implants later. I don't know what's up with that. I wish the PS I had consulted back then had told me the real story instead of saying I could have any procedure I wanted at any time. But at least the PS I saw when I decided to go forward with recon later did give me the straight scoop. He said that every time he's done implants without a flap procedure on radiation damaged skin, he's regretted it. He just won't do it anymore. I was very disappointed, but at least I haven't had complications since I followed his advice.

    Good luck to you both with whatever you do.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thank you Warrier and Tabbies!

    It is encouraging to read your posts!

    Continue healing and doing well!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks for posting that, jbokland.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Welcome Journey & NYCG - My PS told me right up front that LD flap was the only way to go since I had radiation on both sides. She also said they if I chose to go straight to implants at the time of the bmx, I would have to find another surgeon since that was sure to fail. I guess it depends on what the surgeon thinks he/she can do, but it is quite evident that the consensus is radiated skin is compromised. I had bilateral flap day after bmx & recovery was a bit challenging. Most of my discomfort was definitely in my back, & for the first few weeks I was very discouraged, especially w/ restrictions. It was between weeks 4 & 5 that I finally realized I was feeling somewhat normal, & by week 6, I truly turned a corner. If you choose to go this route, be patient with the healing process, rest as much as possible & adhere to restrictions. I am now 9 1/2 months out & know for sure that this was the right decision for me. My exchange procedure was a few months ago & results are amazing.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Journey and nycg,

    My PS wanted to do delayed reconstruction lat. flap surgery due to me getting radiation on my right side. I was very disappointed initially, having to have no breasts for a while after my bilateral mastectomy was a little scary and upsetting. But after reading so many women having infections and failed surgery I became comfortable with his decision. So after radiation was done(Sept. 10th) I met with my PS in October, then November and he said you are still not ready....ugh!! So in December he said your ready, yay!! He wanted the radiated skin to have completely healed. Then with the holidays i decided to wait until January.

    I just had my surgery January 20th, 2 weeks ago. I am doing well, most pain is in back but am trying to rest and not over do it. I am down to one pain pill before bed and that's it! I have three kids that I need to taxi around so can't be on them during the day. I am so happy with the results. I can't believe how good it looks already, I have my first fill next now the fun begins with watching them grow:) I went 6 months with no breasts and wearing prosthetics but it was so worth it!!

    Best wishes to you and I hope you heal fast! I would also agree with finding a PS that does a lot of these surgeries

  • Miss_Vesta
    Miss_Vesta Member Posts: 2

    I am three years out. My implant changed shape over the first six months. it wasn't extreme, but it did drop into place and the shape improved. I also saw a massage therapist. She worked on the scars and that improved the appearance.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - The only reason my PS is having me wait until May is that his March and April dates are all ready booked. :P Oh well. Eventually we'll get there.

    jbookland - Love her tattoos. I hope to be far more creative in my next lifetime. I contacted Vinnie Myers this week as I am not happy with the work of the guy my PS uses. It will be a celebration marking the completion of reconstruction. It may well be over a year from now. I do wish it was sooner. I was thinking of asking for an additional tattoo to mark the occasion. We'll see.

    Kthieln & anyone who had their LD surgery recently - I was commenting to my PT this week that I no longer have that late day lover back pain / strain - 2.5 mos. out. I don't know when it went away but it's been gone for a while. I'm just now noticing. Hang in there.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Hi -- it's been awhile. A lot going on at work, including too much computer work which is definitely not good for recovery. I am doing well. I read a few posts above from women considering another try using smaller implants. I hope that works out for you if you go that route, but I am one that tried that and then ended up with the lat flap and it's been a long road but doing well. I totally recommend. I wish I had done this earlier as I think the radiated tissue is very difficult to recover once it starts going downhill. My surgery was in May 2014. I had a lot of rehab to do since I had spent 18 months catering and guarding my chest and shoulder on my left side as it was "unhealthy" . I still go to physical therapy for my shoulder and have some cording that is probably the underlying cause. I think the cording has been there well before the lat flap, but everything moving forward now. I still have some tight days, and some soreness, in my pec and shoulder blade. Sometimes my breast is burning a bit, but it goes away . I go in the bathroom and look in the hand mirror a lot to see what it all looks like - I am fairly paranoid because had so many infections before the Latflap. All is good now. I am looking forward to getting nipple TATOOS in May for my one year. I started with my journey in 2008 and here I am , just getting tattoos.....but in the big scheme of things, oh well... Maybe I get an extra tattoo too, a tattoo to celebrate the tattoos. LOL Glad to see familiar names here and everyone doing well. 2Tabbies, are you swimming?

    For those embarking on surgery shortly, DPiggy and those that said to be patient in the first two months, were totally right. Don't even judge the first few weeks and just endure; it gets better.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Hi Ladies, 

    I had my LD surgery on Jan. 22nd, 2 weeks  ago as of today. I only had 2 drains, got 1 out this past Tuesday and PS said last one will probably come out at my next appt next Fiday (yay!!!). I honestly think the drains are one of the worst parts of the surgery.  Once they are out, I think I will be able to concentrate more on the fact that my muscle was relocated and focus on how to improve my strength and ROM instead of those dreaded things. I'm definitely more tired after this surgery than my BMX and I've had a couple of "meltdowns" that I think needed to happen, kind of feel better now that I released some bottled up emotions that I have been holding back. It's to early to tell how everything is going to look, PS is really pleased about the shape of the LD side so for the moment, I'm pleased too. 

    I do have 1 question for anyone that needed PT... how far out after surgery did you start PT for your shoulder, back etc...? Just trying to have  something to look forward to that is going to help make me feel better, cause sitting in the recliner all day makes me feel like a sloth. 

    I hope everyone is healing well and life is moving forward. Peace, Love and happiness to all :)

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Marney H,

    I just had my surgery on the 20th of January, so 2 days before you. I can tell you that every day my back has felt better. I got both my drains out 10days after the surgery, and yes I agree it is the worst part!! I think the mastectomy was easier too. I have been emotional too and 2 days ago had a good crying session and let it all out. I have found on this journey that I will be doing great and then anytime there is a change I have a little break down. This journey is filled with ups and downs but we will prevail!!

    Best wishes!


  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - so nice to hear from you & that you're doing well.  I had nipple sparing, so no tattoos needed, but a couple of years ago, I did get one on my left shoulder.  It's a butterfly & has a pink ribbon underneath as part of the design.  Not too big, not too small, but just enough to remind me that I am survivor & this journey deserved to be permanently acknowledged.  I like it so much, & I was thinking of getting another tattoo, but I'm done w/ needles for awhile.  Smile

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, maybe the long wait for room on your surgeon's schedule will work to your advantage if my PS is right about the amount of time it takes for the tissues to relax. He said that made something easier for him to do, but I don't remember the details. Thanks for saying earlier that I made the right choice in surgeons because I'm doing well. I do second guess my decision when I see the way the flap looks in the mirror sometimes.

    keryl, good to hear from you! I'm glad things are going well. what kind of celebratory tattoo do you think you'll get.

    Marney, fingers crossed that last drain comes out on schedule. They are the pits!

    I have new photos on the Picture Forum if anyone wants to take a gander.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268

    i have a quick question....if you have a lat flap procedure will the new recon. breast have feeling/sensations in it via the flap?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Bluewillows, sadly my flap is just as numb as the rest of my chest. Some feeling had come back between my mastectomy and the lat flap surgery. I hope some will eventually come back again.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Thanks Kathy! It's always nice to hear that you're not the only one feeling the way you do. And I agree with you that we will prevail :) Do you have tissue expanders in or implants? Sounds like we have close to the same treatment/diagnosis. 

    2Tabbies,I am praying that everthing stays on track, I have a feeling that once this last drain  is out,  things will be much better. I've had no issues or set backs with any of my treatments or surgeries so hopefully I can keep that track record :) 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Bluewillows - I have some sensation and it surprises my surgeons and PT. This was surgery # 6 for me. I have sensation in my back too but clearly there is overall numbness of the area - back and front. It doesn't bother me and I never think about it.

    Marney - My surgeon had me start PT for a couple of months prior to surgery and then I picked up with it very soon after surgery. I cannot recall how long I waited but it was only a matter of days rather than weeks. With this said, I find my body gauges well what I can handle and what my limits are. I'm back at the gym but I'm avoiding any weight lifting that involves the LD. I really don't need bigger boobs right now. LOL

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Marney, I hope all stays on track for you too. You have a good history by the sound of it. My PS said the best predictor of how you'll do with surgery is how you've done in the past. So it sounds like you have reason to be optimistic.

    Warrior and BlueWillows, I never think about the numbness either. Unless something touches my boobs, I don't really notice. The only reason I care at all is that being numb there is the loss of a major erogenous zone. I'm starting to get sensation around my back incision.

    Warrior are you avoid exercises for your pecs as well as your lats? My PS said I could do anything I wanted as long as I go slow. But I'm thinking that exercising either the pecs or the lats will tighten them up on the TEs when we what we want is for those muscles to relax. I supposed I could exercise my left pec since the TE is on top of it and under the lat on that side. And I could exercise my right lat since it wasn't used. Um, no. I think not! Are both of your TEs on top of your pecs like my left one is?

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    marney, I have expanders in now, put in when I had the lat flap surgery. I am thinking I will have them in for about 4-5 months then do the exchange.

    I have a question, when you have the exchange do you have drains again??

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kthielen, I have that same question! I forgot to ask the PS when I saw him last Monday. Somebody please say no!

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Kthielen, same here with the expanders. I will have my exchange roughly the same time you are.  I have the same question regarding the drains. I see my PS on Friday, I will ask him and let everyone know. I am praying the answer is no! I never want these dang things again. 

    Thanks Warrior Woman for your input regarding PT. I had to do it after my BMX so I'm pretty sure I'm going to need it again.  I'll ask my PS on Friday,  I'd rather do it sooner than later. I have a girls trip in April , we are going to a 3 day country music festival called Stagecoach and I want to make sure I'm in pretty decent shape so I can hang the entire time. My girlfriends bought me the tickets 2 years ago and we have had to put off the trip because of this crap called BC. I'm really hoping recovery stays on track :)

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    My PS said no drains for exchange but as the exchange date grew near and we talked about about a few more tweaks I Wanted done, he said there was a slight possibility I might need one. Turned out that he did put a drain on the lat flap side, but it was pulled two days after surgery, which was no biggie, and hardly had any drainage. He also told me from the beginning that going to implant only would have failed, I needed the lat flap, and he said it a couple of more times after lat flap surgery. I see him again tomorrow, my exchange was Jan. 20, and the right boob, non lat flap that just got an implant is still the only thing bothering me, and I'm back to not sleeping...what is up with that? I'm really happy with the look of my results so far! I wish I'd done this years ago!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Ladies - My PS said no drains for the exchange! Now it reasons, as kfinnigan describes, that if there is more work to be done a drain is more likely. I did have drains for my last exchange. Drains are the worst part of surgery. Life comes to a screeching halt because of drains. I'm a college prof. and I have to be at commencement a few days after my exchange. My PS swears it won't be a problem. A few days of down time is what he is promising me. I better not wake up to drains!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I hear you. I can live with them if I have to. I was even told I could go to work with them. Um, no. I suppose they'd be easy to hide under your academic gown, but sheesh. Who wants to do that. Fingers crossed that none of us ends up with them for our exchange, or they're very short term at least.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    I did have 2 drains after my exchange, which was back in October.  Obviously, they were only in the front, & only in for just a few days.  Output is minimum, not anything like lat flap.  I had 8 drains w/ that surgery, but also had bmx the day before, so I think it was the combination of the 2 procedures.  After having 8 at one time, I remember sighing when my PS said I would have drains again, but I also dealt w/ a seroma after the LD & bmx surgeries, so if that meant not having that issue, I was good.