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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Thank you 2tabbies!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    welcome Kathy, I can't believe you had your lat flap yesterday and went home the same day! Wow! I hope you have an easy recovery.

    Surgery was successful I didn't get home till 8pm last night I'm really out of it today. They had a lot of trouble getting my IV in so that made me very anxious. After 4 painful attempts in one spot then 4 more on my hand, she got my hand but it wasn't in my vein it was in my tissue and all the IV was backing up so then they had to do it in my wrist. And despite all the anti nausea meds I just kept heaving after my surgery and when I got home last night. But PS prescribed a dissolvable anti nausea med and that worked last night.

    I'm all bandaged up, can't see a thing, boy I hurt the most on my right good side. Got a 375cc implant on lefty and a 200implant on righty, and righty is letting me know she ain't happy! resident dr called me earlier and said to take my meds around the clock for 3days. I ended up with a drain on flap side, but hope that gets pulled tomorrow morning at postoperative at 10am.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Kathy - Welcome. I started off reading another LD thread where the women only reported problems. This thread gives greater hope for success. A few women have had real struggles but for most of us it has been manageable. I thought I was out quickly with a 2 night stay.

    kfinnigan - My PS told me the exchange would only be a couple of days of down time. I don't believe him because I had drains with my last exchange and we know how disappointing it is to wake and be told that.

    Tabbies - I don't know why my PS is doing the exchange when he is. I wonder if it has to do with different reasons for our LDs in the first place. I never had radiation. Stupid infection. He did tell me from the start that it would only be a few months between surgeries. He is willing to wait until the summer since I'm a college prof. but I want this over with. I feel like I cannot put BC behind me until all treatment is done. Okay, there's the hormone tx for 10 years but that is another story.

    I really like the pain ball idea. I will be heading to surgery # 7 for this year alone. I am clearly developing a tolerance to the Percocet and that is likely the reason I was on it longer this time. I feel like it is some cruel test to see how long I can go before I'm in rehab.

    Last summer, after my exchange and infection, the infected side dropped south and to the right. I cannot begin to describe the self-consciousness I felt in summer clothing with obviously asymmetrical boobs. Once the implants were removed and I was completely flat I felt much better. I can work with flat. I cannot work with boobs that are in visibly different places on my chest. Winter months are easier as we can disguise ourselves. I thought chemo would be the worst part of BC but the asymmetrical boobs topped it.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, I'm glad your surgery went ok, and you're home. It sounds like you've a rough time of it though. I hope you're more comfortable now and not having nausea. Ugh. Hate that. I hope the drain comes out on schedule tomorrow, and that you look great when you're unwrapped!

    Warrior, I got the definite impression that 6 months from the initial surgery is my PS's standard protocol for doing the exchange. These guys/gals all seem to have their own way of doing things. I think I was as self-conscious being flat as you were being asymmetrical. The summer was the worst. I wore the awful, uncomfortable prosthetics to work and other public places. I didn't feel like a fluffy scarf was enough camouflage. Around home or when visiting family, I didn't really care. But now I look back at photos from last summer of the flat me in a t-shirt, and I cringe. I've had people say that no one else notices. They might not realize exactly what the problem is, but surely it must have been obvious to anyone who looked that something was not right especially in profile where my belly stuck out farther than anything else unless I was holding it in. I am so glad to not be in that body anymore and hope I never have to go there again.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    I was wondering if it was normal to go home the same day!! I don't like hospitals so I was ok with it, was much more comfortable in my bed and having my hubby wait on

    I have 2 drains on the flap side(right), my pain is mostly on my back where he took the flap. I am bandaged up but he left a little window on the flap side so I can check for circulation and make sure the color is good. I have my follow up Friday.

    Kfinnigan- sorry you had such a tough time, hope your tummy is better now!

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

     Thank you ladies for sharing your experience  with me. It definitely has helped with some of the anxiety and apprehension. The last few days have been crazy trying to get everything settled at work and home. Tomorrow is the big day and I'm ready to be on the other side. I do have 1 more question...did any of you take anything before surgery to keep the pipes moving ( couldn't think of a nicer way to put it)? or just after surgery? I forgot to ask the Dr. and  y'all are the next best thing :)

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    marneyh, I didn't take anything before surgery. If you are worried about it you can take a stool softener after because the pain meds are what tend to clog you up

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    had my 8 week follow up today. My scars look very good but there are some minor thick spots on on some of the scars. He injected them with steroids (yowch) to help smooth them down. He was very please with the radiated side, he said its quite soft. I have instruction to do pretty aggressive massages to get the implants to relax and project.

    Afterward, I treated myself to a Derma-plane facial by an esthetitian in his office ..really awesome! I feel fabulous!!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - I have had horrible experiences w/ nausea & heaving w/ prior surgeries & that was a concern when I had the dmx & bilateral LD last April.  Surgeon prescribed a patch behind my ear & anesthesiologist gave me an arsenal of anti-nausea meds & that did the trick.  It's horrible having to deal w/ that right after this type of surgery.  My PS routinely prescribes the dissolvable anti-nausea med because pain meds make me nauseous as well, & that really helps.  I had a drain on each side for about 5 days w/ minimal output.  Take it easy for the first few weeks, but I'm sure you'll find that recovery is less intense & you'll start to feel as if you can jump right back into a normal routine again.  But, listen to your PS & mind the restrictions.  When the bandages are removed, you will be amazed at how wonderful everything looks & feels.  Soft hugs...

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I'm doing ok, just really sore, I was taking pain pills on time, but didn't take one this morning, took some Tylenol, hoping I won't have to take more pain meds, they make me so loopy! I'm nervous and excited for my revealing at my postoperative appt this a.m. So happy to be on the squishy side!

    Jbokland, I will check out your link now,

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    jbokland, you are beautiful and so creative!!!! What a cool idea.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Kfinn-so happy to hear you are out of surgery and doing okay overall.  Hope your nausea subsides and you feel even better soon.

    Jbok-awesome about the news :)  and also good news about your follow up.  You missed me by one day-I was there yesterday. 

    Had my fourth antibiotic iv yesterday-scheduled for number 5 this Saturday.  PS very pleased with how my infected area looked yesterday-said it was much better.  My culture test did come back with bacteria called serratia-he said very common-could have come even from food.  I am finally starting to feel better.  Woke up today with more energy than I have felt in a while, and less i am on the mend.  I have one last drain.  PS only lets them stay 4 weeks at longest-I will be at 4 weeks on it may come off Saturday if I can get my numbers down, or it will be Monday at latest.  I am so ready to get this drain off.  That will be a Woohoo event for me :)

    marney-I didnt take anything before surgery, but afterwards I take Murelax and Phillips Milk of Magnesia.  If things do not move in a couple of days-I keep magnesium citrate in my is strong and works very well-so if I cant get moving, I take about 5 sips or so of that and it always works.  I only drink the whole bottle in case of an emergency.  Have been through enough surgeries lately to know this bottle is a must have for me.

    Curiously-for those of you that are quite a ways out-does the implant boob ever totally lose the concave look?  Does it eventually project in the middle part and below the incision-or do you always have the slight concave look?  I know I am still swollen and the infection set me back...but I am still not liking how my boobs look...trying to be patient.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    home from postoperative. PS pulled the drain and said everything looks really good. He said he tried to pull the lefty lat side towards my middle chest area, but the rads skin didn't like it and plus he said the implant would be under skin and not lat muscle. He said the implant is sitting in a cocoon of good muscle. He said I will look great in clothes and the swelling will continue to go down. He asked me a couple times if I liked the size, and I said yes! Perfect! He got rid of the shelf look that the expander had.

    Vettegirl, I remember asking my PS about fat grafts and he said he does that if there's a concave area. Glad you are doing ok!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Yeah-kfinn-that is wonderful :)  So glad you are happy.  Sounds like you are doing great.

    I was thinking about getting some stomach lipo when I get my nipple made in two months-and had wondered if they could use that belly fat to round the boobs out-plump them it sounds like that may can be an option?  Have a ways to go before I get there...but already thinking some towards it.....I will have to discuss with PS.  I only want one more surgery-and want to get this behind me by summer and have a great summer.  Last year I got no sun-couldnt enjoy my beach timeshares, etc...aint happening this year.  I want to start laying out in Feb...never been this white :)  Get my tan going, get my figure back, and get busy living. 

  • lusitanolady
    lusitanolady Member Posts: 1

    Hi Jlow51,

    I guess I'd like help or info from you as horses are a big part of your life too. Riding my best is my biggest concern now as I am (thank goodness) a 10 year survivor as of this April and as I recall my right lat. flap reconstruction in Dec. of 2010 and recovery was a piece of cake compared to the failed implants.

    What is your discipline and has your riding ability been compromised as a result of your lat. flap? I'm a dressage rider and it is so hard for me to keep my right shoulder down and back. Range of motion and strength are fine. Before the reconstruction I was doing canter pirouettes with my advanced horse and now it's a big deal for me if I can do a 20 meter circle correctly on anybody. My problem is that to keep my shoulder down and back as required so my horses can stay balanced, straight, etc, that lat. muscle has to contract. Then my instructor screams of course because that side is not relaxed. Lately I've wondered if I changed disciplines I might be happier. Any suggestions?

    Lusitanolady in Laramie, WY

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76

    Lusitanolady, dressage is such a beautiful presentation!!! I ride western in the sport of cutting but I can understand that it would be very difficult to maintain your posture when showing after LF surgery. At this point, in my recovery, I certainly couldn't. Luckily, when riding a cutting horse one assumes a slight slump in the saddle. I have not started showing again because my reconstruction is incomplete and I am not confident that my balance is good enough to show my horse well.

    Good luck and congrats on being a 10 year survivor!!! That is awesome!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - great news!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kthielen, going home the same day doesn't seem to be the norm, but if it worked for you, that's fabulous. I'm not a fan of hospitals either.

    Marney, I hope all went well with you yesterday. I wonder why the surgeons don't suggest a stool softener prior to surgery to get a bit of a head start on the inevitable constipating effects of anesthesia and pain meds. I wouldn't want to take a strong laxative, but it seems like a stool softener would be ok. Or at least they could start patients on them right after surgery. I wonder why they don't.

    jbolkand, that news report was fabulous, and what a cool idea you came up with! Glad to hear you had a good checkup too.

    kfinnigan, I'm glad you had a good post-op visit. My PS wants to reposition my left implant more toward the center as well. We'll see if he can. Here's to getting the perfect size, losing the damn shelf, and looking good in clothes. I hope I can do that well.

    vettegirl, it's good to hear you're feeling better, and the infection is on the run. I hope that drain comes out on schedule.

    Nothing new on my end. The muscles and skin are starting to relax a bit from my last fill, but I still feel like I've got grapefruits under my skin.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    I had my post op appt today, got the dressing removed and am so happy with how things look! I have boobies, yay!!! I don't know what I was expecting to see, I guess more incisions and on my non radiated side I was expecting to see rippling or a more concave breast but it actually looks like normal(small) boobs! The plastic surgeon is really happy with the results as well. I have another appt next Friday so will hopefully be able to get then drains removed then:

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kthielen, I'm so glad your pleased with your results. I didn't feel that huge sense of relief until I had my first fill. Then I was practically giddy. Sadly, that high didn't last, but I'm still much happier than I was before the surgery.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Kthielen, good news and I'm so happy for you!

    Still feeling loopy, last pain pill was yesterday at 5am. Having trouble sleeping as it's hard for me to just lay on my back, I'm so sore from that already. PS told me 2 weeks before sleeping on right side, hope I can make it that long. I see him again on Wednesday and I will ask him about it. I switched to My jockey stretchy tank bra, I can pull that up around my legs, he said use that and I have to keep the big white pads underneath (the ones he had under my ace bandages), which make me itch. But I like this bra better than ace wrap. Feels like a sake is wrapped around my chest, hope that feeling goes away! I remember feeling like that on my lat side after surgery and it did go away.

  • MarneyH
    MarneyH Member Posts: 11

    Hi 2Tabbies 

    Got home last night from the hospital, was in there a day & a half, everything went great but I couldn't wait to get home so I could sleep since that was not happening there.

    I do think  this was a harder surgery than the BMX, I feel like I have been kicked in the back by a Pain is under control, the pain ball works wonders, I  couldn't imagine not having one. I guess now it's just a waiting game to let everything heal and to get those darn drains out, ugh!!I

    I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well,  it's great to here about everyone's progress. It gives me hope and something to look forward too. Time to take a pain pill and a  little nap. Have a great day everyone :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, anything is better than an ace bandage. I had that feeling of a snake, a big strong one like a Burmese python, being wrapped around my rib cage after my surgery in November also. I didn't think about that coming back after the exchange. Oh well. Annoying but bearable. I hope you are able to sleep better soon. It sounds like I might be back on the futon after my exchange.

    Marney, good to hear you're home and the surgery went well. I don't remember having a lot of pain in my back. Of course, the incision was tender, but my worst pain was in the infra-mammary fold under my new pseudo-boobs. Ouch, it hurt there if I moved wrong. I agree that this surgery is harder than the mastectomy, although I had a similar pain after the mastectomy if I moved wrong especially rolling over in bed. You're on the upside now though! I'm glad you've got the pain ball. What medication is in it? I'm going to have to ask my PS about one, but I've never heard of them being used here. Fortunately, I tolerate regular pain meds well.

    I had a bit of a bummer of a day. A friend and former coworker of mine died suddenly a week ago, and her funeral was today. She will be greatly missed. If you ever get chest pains, please don't delay in seeking medical help.She thought she could wait a few days and see if it went away. :-(

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    2Tabbies-So sorry to hear about your friend :(

    Marney-Glad you made it thru surgery okay.  I too feel like this was a harder surgery than my BMX.  I see that some people great their lat flaps at different stages-mine was at time of exchange.  Some people get theirs when they get their TEs...and I guess at BMX time.  I wonder what the deciding factor is for when and if it makes a difference.  All I know is mine has been very painful in my back.  I am at 4 weeks out tomorrow.  I am still in the recliner.  Still take pain pills to sleep and occassionally one in the afternoon if I am hurting.  I am working, so I am functioning, but I have been struggling quite a bit.

    Still battling my infection in my back.  Yesterday had antibiotic number 5, scheduled for number 6 tomorrow.  Temp still low grade fever-99.3 yesterday.  My last drain was pulled yesterday-yippee :)  It seems my PS has a 4 week limit on drains and then they come out regardless of drainage.  I think that area was part of my infection problem.  Hope this is a better week.


  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabbies, so sorry to hear about your friend.

    Marney, I too have pain in my back and agree the bilateral mastectomy was a little easier of a recovery....just had my surgery last Tues(20th) and taking pain pills about every 6 hours now. Is getting easier every day it seems, more range of motion and pain not as severe.

    Vettegirl, sorry you are dealing with an infection:( Hopefully with the drain out you will turn a corner and be on the road to healing:)

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Vette - Yep, serratia. Same for me. It is fecal based and I keep thinking that something or someone wasn't sterile during the surgery. I'll never know. I was of the impression that it is uncommon. It's easy to treat once it is identified.

    Marney - There is no place like home!

    jbookland - You rock! I used cold caps because I simple could not imagine wearing a wig. I'm not a wig kind of gal. I thought henna tattoos would be more my style.

    Tabbies - I hope you and your friends have comfort soon.

    kthielen - Hang in there. It gets easier each week.

    kfinnigan - There is always that post surgery happy moment when I discover I can finally sleep on my side. I hope your moment arrives soon.

    Be well everyone. A year ago I was doing my post BMX chemo. I'd rather discuss jbookland's head wear and how to keep our shoulders back than any of the conversations I was having last year when I was so afraid I would die.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    vettegirl, the timing of the flap sometimes is just based on the timing of reconstruction. I had delayed reconstruction because the first PS I saw (before my BMX) incorrectly told me I could have any procedure I wanted at any time. Since I had a lot to deal with at that time, I put off having recon until after I was done with active treatment. Treatment included radiation. Many PS's including all of the ones I consulted, do not want to try to expand tissue that's been irradiated without doing a flap procedure to add healthy tissue to the area. There's a high rate of complications with irradiated skin. So that meant I got my LD flap and tissue expanders as my first recon procedure. This will make the exchange a relatively "simple" procedure. Btw, I think you're doing great to be able to work at 4 weeks out while you still have an infection. Your body is using an awful lot of energy just fighting that infection. I hope you're able to get enough rest and good nutrition. Protein and vitamin C are helpful in healing after surgery.

    Thanks, everyone, for the condolences about my friend.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    I know I am only 6 days post op but curious when you started getting feeling back in your back after the surgery?? I only took three weeks off, am hoping I will be able to go back then:

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kthielen, I'm about 2 1/2 months out and still have some numbness around my back incision. I didn't notice when it started to go away. You might be fine to work after 3 weeks. I could have gone back after 4 if I'd really needeSome people have gone back after less.