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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2tabbies, so sorry to hear about your friend. Hope you're doing ok. Hugs

    Warrior, AMEN sista!

    I can't remember how long regarding my back, so that must be a good thing.

    Still only sleeping two hours then achy back takes over. Finished antibiotics last night and today I am cleared to drive, but too pooped to go out. Took a slow walk yesterday and my legs feel weak so need to start walking more. I'm noticing some movements are easier already!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Kthielen - I too am 10 weeks out from bilateral and there is some minor numbness that I don't notice unless I happen to think about it. My back still feels sensitive when I dry with a towel or my husband pats me. I returned to college online teaching at three weeks. I worked from home for a few hours per day at my computer. It was more draining than I anticipated. At 4.5 weeks I returned to the classroom for final exams and I knew then that it was too soon. I made it through and it was only a few hours per day but I have a long commute and would have been better off resting at home. Now at 10 weeks I am happily going to work each day and glad to be grumbling over other things unrelated to BC. The only reason I did not take more time off is that this is surgery # 6 for the year, plus chemo and I'm getting close to exhausting all of my sick days. I simply don't want to deal with the hassle of short term disability.

    kfinnigan - My PS told me the down time for the exchange is only a few days. I think he is greatly underestimating it and that makes employment and social planning a challenge. With my last exchange it took the usual time to get the drains out. I assume if I've had drains with every stinkin' surgery I will have them again. It also takes me time to clear my head from anesthesia. Realistically I expect 2 weeks post exchange before returning to work. What are you planning?

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    my PS said 2 to 3 weeks recovery since I had more done...revising back scar, changing TE to implant and getting implant on other side. No lifting over 10 pounds for 3 weeks (which greatly affects my life caring for my granddaughters), keeping both arms at sides for 5 days, no driving for 5 days, but I can walk around. Looking forward to my appt with him tomorrow. Have had to wear my stretchy bra with the big medical pads inside since surgery, hope I can ditch those tmw!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    thank you for all your responses!! I seemed to have turned the corner yest and feel a little better today. Can raise my arms without hurting so bad and back numbness has worn off a little. It was so weird, felt like I couldn't even stand up straight even when I tried lol!! It really hasn't been too bad, I am blessed to have a very supportive wonderful husband to take care of me and my 3 kiddos as well as friends bringing meals and my parents helping too:) Iam one lucky girl!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    excellent Kathy!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan and Warrior, I think my PS will sign off on up to 4 weeks off for the exchange. I hope I don't need that long. I don't want to take more than 2 weeks.

    Warrior, I didn't have short term disability in 2013 for cancer treatment because I hadn't bothered signing up for it. It's an optional benefit, and it didn't seem like the cost was worth it for the amount of time it covered. I figured we could survive without my paycheck for a few weeks if I exhausted my sick leave. In retrospect, that was a big mistake. I used up almost all of my sick leave. I did smarten up and get the short term disability insurance starting in 2014. I used it for my surgery in November, but I don't expect to ever be able to accumulate much sick leave again. I have too many doctor's appointments. Then throw in the flu, which I had a couple weeks ago, or even a bad cold that could keep me out for a few days, and any time I've managed to save evaporates. So far I haven't needed to use any of my vacation time for sick leave, and I hope I don't have to. I could really use an actual vacation.

    kfinnigan, I'm glad my PS didn't require me to keep my arms at my sides. He just said to move slowly and stop if it hurts. I'm afraid I'd have violated an "arms at the sides" restriction by accident just by automatically reaching for something before thinking about it.

    Kathy, that's great that you're feeling better and have plenty of help.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    This comes under the category of minor annoyances that become a PITA some days. Does anybody know if the the darn lat muscle ever figures out that it has nothing to move anymore and quits contracting? Not a big deal, but this has been a stressful week, and I'm finding such little things more annoying than usual. Maybe I can get it a Botox shot or two.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136
    1. Yeah Kathy-sounds like you are on your way :)
    2. I am still battling infection after two weeks.  Had antibiotic iv number 7 at office yesterday.  Also got a brand new script for oral antibiotic pills.  Dr took 50 cc's of fluid out of my back yesterday-they are sending that off for culture tests.  He also said my lat flap area was hard in addition to being swollen so he gave me two shots of steriods in that area.  He massaged the whole back area trying to get fluid out and called it my massage jokingly-not.  He then sent me to the lab for blood tests.  I go back tomorrow.  Still have low grade fever 98.9 yesterday.  I hope the end is near soon.  I am rather frustrated at this point.
  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Vettegirl, I'm so sorry you're still struggling with that infection. It must be getting really old. I hope they can get it clrcleared up soon. You've definitely done your time.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Well wishes to all that are in the process of healing. 

    kfinnigan - my PS restricted me from sleeping on my sides for 3 weeks, & 6 weeks of no lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. - very similiar to lat flap surgery.  But, I felt great w/in a couple of days following exchange & think I overdid because I really didn't have any discomfort.  I am beyond satisfied w/ how my breasts look & feel w/ or w/out clothes.  Take it easy & listen to your body. 

    2tabbies - please accept my condolences to loosing your friend.  I'm 9+ months post bmx & double lat surgeries, & I still experience funny sensations in the lat/incision areas on my back.  My PS calls it formication, & said it's a good sign since it means nerves & sensations are starting to regenerate/return.  At times, it feels like ants are crawling under my skin or very slight electrical currents (not painful by any means) - almost like a tickling sensation.  PS recommended alot of stretching & massaging of those areas.  Not to mention continued stretching & massaging & moving implants around.  Fortunately, I don't have alot of scar tissue, but I don't want anything to harden or loose the soft, squishy feeling. 

    Soft hugs to all...


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Dr. Appt went well yesterday, everything is as it should be. The only area giving me pain is the muscle band over my right boob (the good side that got the 200cc implant). He ace wrapped that area and also I have to keep wearing my stretchy bra (which he liked by the way) with the big medical pads underneath for two more weeks. Keep on my back also still. Right on track!

    The lat flap side hasn't bothered me at all nor my back scar that he tweaked, just the right side. I haven't been sleeping well still, so that's where my discomfort lies mostly.

    Vettegirl, I'm thinking of you, hugs

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    vettgirl- shit. So sorry to hear. Ihad 10cc drained which made a big difference for me.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Vette - As we had the same infection, it doesn't make sense that it is taking to long to clear up. I went to an infectious disease doc. Are you seeing a specialist? Maybe they will rethink this when your results are in.

    Here one for ya ladies - How much fun do you have trying to lift a tight shirt over your head? I can get them on but I have to wiggle around to take them off. My body is confused. The old motions are not working. I'm not complaining. It's just funny to feel stuck.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176 sorry you are still dealing with an infection, it sounds like you need a specialist to get it taken care of!

    2tabbies, lol....I guess that is something I have to look forward to my new boob contracting and twitching😉

  • maureenb
    maureenb Member Posts: 47

    Hi everyone--

    I had my third reconstruction attempt in October 2014. My original surgery was a bilat skin and nipple sparing mastectomy with immediate implants. I had very poor results with one of my nipples not surviving very well, tons of rippling, and discoloration. I have had two revision surgeries since then, using different implants, fat transfer, and alloderm but still have the same bad results. I am pretty thin and have no skin flaps left, so I guess that's why all the rippling. Anyway, my PS is suggesting that we do a Lat Dorsi Reconstruction because it will put more tissue on top of the implants and cover up the ripples. I am nervous about yet another surgery just for a cosmetic result, but right now I look so bad that I hate to see myself in the mirror. The way I would describe my appearance is that it looks like I was bitten by a shark. :( I know the important thing is that the cancer is gone, but this whole experience has been much more painful mentally than anything I physically felt. After all of the effort to save my nipples, they're going to go anyway. Which is fine- I really don't care about that anymore. I lost all sensation anyway, so I'll be happy to just have them look symmetrical. I see very few posts about rippling. Anyone else out there have this problem? And if so, how did you finally get it corrected (if you did)? I am so hoping this will work. I have to wait another 9 months before I do it, though, because my PS says I should heal up completely before another surgery.

    I'm worried about losing range of motion and back strength, too. I love reading about everyone's experience- thanks!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi Maureen and welcome. I didn't have any reconstruction attempts before the lat flap so I can't answer your question on rippling, but it does seem like putting more tissue on top of the implant would help with that. I completely agree with you about the mental pain of this experience being way worse than any of the physical pain and that includes surgery, chemo and radiation for me. I had no clue how much it would bother me to be flat. I didn't have large breasts so I figured maybe I wouldn't care, but I detested it. I felt like a freak. I totally reject that idea that we should just be happy we're alive. There's also mental health and quality of life to be considered. Simply surviving isn't everything. I didn't particularly want more surgery, and definitely did not want any of the flap procedures; but when I found out I couldn't get just an implant on the cancer side because of damage from radiation therapy, I bit the bullet and decided to get the lat flap on that side. I, too, was worried about loss of strength, etc. I can tell you that I feel no loss of strength at all except for what would be expected because of having to lay off my regular strength training routine for a couple months. My back occasionally feels a little tired, but it's no big deal. I have no range of motion issues. In that regard, I didn't have much trouble with range of motion after my mastectomy either so your experience with your previous surgeries might give you an idea of how much this one will impact your range of motion. What little stiffness I had was easily worked out with stretching and massage. I still have the tissue expanders in, but even so, I feel so much better mentally since I look relatively normal in clothes. I love not having to wear the mastectomy bras and prosthetics. The only negative side for me so far is that the flap of skin from my back is very obvious on my breast. It's lighter in color than my chest skin partially because the chest was discolored by good old radiation therapy. The scar around the flap is also red. The way the flap looks gets me down some days, but I'm still happier than when I was flat. I hope the scars will fade some and the skin color blend in more.

    Dpiggy, thanks for the condolences about my friend. You said you were happy with how you look even without clothes. How do your flaps look? I'm not actually having any weird sensations around my back incision. That area is stiff and still partially numb, the only thing weird there is that if I touch my breast on the flap, I can feel it in my back. That's kind of bizarre. I do remember having some of the crawling ants feeling you describe after my mastectomy though.

    kfinnegan, glad to hear you had a good checkup.

    Warrior, that's interesting about getting "stuck" when trying to take a shirt off over your head. I don't have any issues with that anymore. It was kind of hard to do when I first was able to start trying to pull things over my head, but is fine now. But I only had the lat flap on one side not both like you did.

    Kthielen, yes, you'll be able to do party tricks! The amazing jumping boob! I'm hoping it settles down eventually.

    Wishing fast healing to all who are at that point in the process especially vettegirl and anyone else with complications. Also wishing good luck with decision making for those still debating and peace with whatever you decide.

  • maureenb
    maureenb Member Posts: 47

    Hi 2Tabbies-

    Thank you for sharing your experience. It is very encouraging to hear that you haven't had any significant loss of strength or motion. I am going to get a second opinion today, and then maybe a third, as I really want this 4th surgery to be the last major one for awhile. I know I'll have to do little things like nipples and tatoos, but I just want to have somewhat normal looking breasts instead of these wavy lumpy purplish things. I'll keep you all posted on what the other doctors say.

    Fast Healing to all!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Just got back from PS visit.  I did NOT get an IV today-PROGRESS :)  Finally!  Dr said the back lat flap area is not as swollen now and not as hard as it was on Weds.  He did not have to pull fluid out of it today.  He was pleased with how it looked today.  Culture came back negative on what they took out of my back on Weds, blood test also came back normal-so he feels like the infection is gone now.  He wants me to stay on the oral antibiotics and follow up w me in one week.  I have been going every other day for 2.5 weeks now so this is great news for me-I am excited :) 

    We also made an appointment for 6 weeks out to discuss my next and hopefully last surgery-will be getting my nipple.  Will also be getting my boobs pumped up a little-they are too small compared to what I was, not real happy with size yet.  He wants me to start aggressively massaging them now and said I can come out of the surgical bra and start wearing a bra with wire.  He does want me to still wear the compression cami for my back for a while longer.  We also discussed getting a Tummy Tuck.  I want the flab gone.  I am going for it.

    2Tabbies-I am with you on your thoughts.  I know that I am lucky to be alive, but I dont like to be told that  with the expectations that I have to accept how I look now.  I wont stop until I am happy with my outcome.  Its 2015-technology is too good for them not to be able to fix me like I was.  I liked my boobs before and I did not ask for this stupid disease...I have a right to be whole again and like how I look.  We all do. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2tabbies - Flaps looks fine & hardly noticeable since for the most part under my breasts. Still a little puffy, but redness gone & starting to really fade. Using the biocorneum & it has done wonders for all my scars & incision areas.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Dpiggy, you're lucky. I wish I could say I thought my flap would end barely noticeable. It's right in the middle of my breast and really white. If I get a nipple, it will be right in the middle of the flap. I'm afraid it will end up looking like the pupil and iris in a big , partly closed eye. Maybe I should run with that an get eye lashes tattooed on it. Loopy

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    One of the things that I am happy for is that my PS designed my flaps as two circles that will be tattooed over when I get nipples. He did a good job of getting them in the right place too. I have NF1 with a lot of skin discoloration and I really thought I'd look odd with elliptical flaps that my original PS had planned.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    maureen- gosh, so sorry it has been such a long road for you. I have had a good experience with my lat flap ( my surgeon has a very unique technique that he did not cut into my back, just reached around through my Breast incision). I am 9 weeks post op and really feel good. The little bit of Lymphedema I had seems to be gone. My ROM is good, just some tightness I need to be better about working on. Lol- I bought the Maidenform compression cami. ( yes Warrior woman, I got stuck in mine in the Macy's dressing room...almost panicked and texted my wife for help). It very comfortable to wear but I sm short waisted and big butt. I pull it down over my hips and it will suddenly snap and roll up my waist like a condom! I was at a sales meeting this week and tried to secure it my tucking in my panties. That was a bad idea... It eventually rolled and took my pubic hair with it! Leaving me with a frozen smile and tears in my eyes during a presentation !! This photo is my radiated side with the incision that extends down where he reached in for the latest flap. I had a drain for 4 weeks, so that hole is still prominent below the foobimage

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Wow jbok-your boob really looks good-very projected and full-did you see that happening more as time has gone by?  My lat flap boob is still flattish, concave, and I am not symmetrical yet-but I am only at 4 and a half weeks.  Your scars look good too-are you using the office cream or something different?  I just started on the office cream.  Also-I am curious to know if they are softening up now at 9 weeks out-are you seeing a difference in softness?  Thanks-and very happy to hear you are doing so well.  Now that my stupid infection is gone-I hope I can be on my way to better healing too.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2tabbies - I had nipple sparing w/ my bmx, so no scars/flaps across the front, all are underneath. When I look in the mirror straight away, it appears like nothing was done. I am quite amazed.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Vette - I am really glad for you that the infection cleared. Whew! LD Flap surgery is too much to go through to have it fail.

    jbookland - The shape of mine looks similar to yours. I appreciate you posting as even though I have access to the photos I have difficulty figuring out how to use the site so I don't bother. For compression I use an ace bandage or a sleeve they gave me that is meant to be work on the leg but I wear it around my waist. And yes, it rolls up on me. Very attractive.

    The good news is my seromas seem to be getting absorbed. I'll see my PS Tues. and see what he thinks.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Hi Ladies,

    Just a little update on my little seroma that showed up at the end of Christmas (my LD surgery was in 2011).

    It finally seems my body has done it's job! I got the ok from the PS to start working out again. It's been a pain and a worry. Still not convinced it won't come back. Time will tell. He thinks I injured it somehow and it just started all over. It was the area of my back where my original drain took forever to stop after original surgery.

    Anyway, wanted to update anyone who may have seen my post a week or two ago. I don't post a lot but still like to see how everyone else is doing, and just in case something comes up that I can relate to or am experiencing.

    Glad to see you all are doing well and feeling positive about your reconstruction choice. Healing and moving forward are good.

    Aside from this seroma showing up unexpectedly, I haven't had any problems since my LD surgery.

    Oh, and for those of you thinking ahead to nipples/tattoo. I had the nipple done (I'm a uni), don't know what they call it but it used my own skin and sort of origamied a nipple. I will say that although it stuck out a lot after surgery, it has flattened...a lot. But the tattoo made a huge difference. But it was permanent makeup tattoo so it fades a bit. But made a huge difference!!!!! Not only in appearance but in my own head. I finally felt better about how I looked. The lady that did the tattoo said she had seen some nipples that were done using pig cartilage, I think, but she said they could look sort of wonky. Interested to hear if anyone else had one with some sort of nipple implant. So far I haven't pursued that yet...happy as it is for now.

    Good luck to all of you!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, the 3rd PS I consulted said he might be able to confine the flap to the size of the areola. I sometimes wish I'd gone with him for that reason, but he also wanted to do the lat flap on both sides even though it wasn't necessary on the non-irradiated side. He also isn't board certified yet. He's working on it, but I followed advice mostly from Whippetmom and others here who said go with the guy with the most experience. I'm glad to hear your seroma is finally going away.

    DPiggy, I didn't realize you had a nipple sparing MX. That explains the lack of visible scars.

    Has anyone had a flap that was really obvious at first but faded so that it wasn't the first the you noticed when you look in the mirror?

    jbokland, you're looking good. I have a very similar shape to what you have. That story about the rolling compression cami is too funny! Presentations are hard enough without that happening in the middle of it.

    Jwilco, I'm glad to hear your seroma is healing up as well. It sounds like the type of nipple reconstruction you had is what my PS does. He knows I don't want to wear a bra so I definitely don't want permanently erect looking nipples. So no cartilage in there for me!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - I know not to expose scars to sun but I was wondering if a suntan or two would even out skin tone. You made the right decision with your PS choice and the proof is that you're doing well.

    Jwilco - Good for you. Thanks for the update. I haven't exercised aside from walking & PT since my surgery and it's making me nuts.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    just checking in and catching up on posts after a few days. Vette, so happy you're on the mend! Sounds like everyone is coming along and doing well. I finally am getting some sleep as of two nights ago. Maybe my body was trying to clear out all the anesthesia and pain meds for 10 days. I am making good progress! I think my scar on the lat flap side would win the ugliest scars contest! Lol

    I haven't decided yet about nipples, but I don't think I care enough to pursue it, I'm a uni also, and the left breast is so scarred and with the flap, it would look weird I think.

  • 1knightsjourney
    1knightsjourney Member Posts: 6

    Hi Ladies, I just marked my one year cancerversary (from diagnosis), and I thought I was totally done with all active treatment and surgery, but my reconstruction is failing. My skin broke down along the scar due to radiation, and I developed an infection. The infection brought back cording and lymphedema, too, and I'm in a lot of pain. I'm on my 2nd course of antibiotics to try to give my body a chance to heal, but the skin is very thin, tight and it just won't heal (about 3 weeks now). I had a second opinion today from a different plastic surgeon, and he is recommending 3 new surgeries. Remove the implant and allow the infection to clear for at least 3 months. Then Lat Flap with expander, and finally another exchange surgery, and maybe nipples. I am finding out that implants under radiated skin fail really often, and wish I had learned this before I had my 2nd surgery. I am interested in reading how the rest of you are handling Lat Flap surgery. I wonder if I should just accept that my radiated skin can't handle healing on its own and go forward with the surgery. I worry about my strength, because I am very active at work and athletic and have 2 young kids to keep up with. I look forward to any tips or advice you can give me. Thanks!!