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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Honeybadger, thank you for the kind words.

    vettegirl, thank you too. You're also right that this disease has already stolen so much from us that we shouldn't let it steal anything else.

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    2tabbies--I am so sorry for your loss, may you treasure your wonderful memories of your mother.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Is it me??? I am out one year from my final exchange surgery and although not in any pain, I feel like I am wearing a tight bra, especially in the back area. Does anyone else have that feeling? I thought this "feeling" would go away, but it is still there. So tired of this.


  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    New grandson arrived this morning! image

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Bravo Jbookland! Life is good!

    Shorfi - Have you done any PT? I had the tightness even prior to the LD from all the other surgeries. PT has really made a difference.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    What a beautiful baby, oh my goodness. Congratulations

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sam, thanks for the kind words.

    Shorfi, I still have some tightness, but I'm not as far along as you. PT sounds like a good idea.

    Jbokland, congratulations! I hope mom and baby are both healthy.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    Jbok and vettegirl - thanks, I was able to get it removed last Thursday (week #3). I too have that hump in my mid side back. One of the nurses (the one back from maternity, can't remember anyone's name!) told me it would go away with time. She said it was just swollen from being pushed out of the way. Yeah, so will the numbness, not. Did either of you have this and it went away? Also, on the massage, the last time I had implants I would move the implant around clockwise 5 times and counter clockwise 5 times whenever I was in the shower. Is this how you are doing it?

    So sorry about your mom vettegirl, it is so hard to lose a parent :(

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Jbokloand, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your whole family! I teared up to see such a beautiful picture and hear your happy news. Thank you for posting it.

    As for the hump in the mid side back, I am curious to hear what people have to say. Is it possibly from where the lat muscle is tunneled through under the arm? Or is it further back?

    Also curious about the tight bra feeling. Does it ever go away in  people? Or does it just improve to where it's manageable? I imagine that us radiated women would feel it more intensely.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    2tabbies, so sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you.

    Jbokland, congrats on the new grandchild! Nothing better than that!

    My surgery went well on Monday. PS did the nipple reconstruction with skin graft and did fat grafting from inner thighs, although there are little bandages on back of thighs too. I see him in the morning for a dressing change. Have the Madonna cone, gauze and plastic over left breast, will get a peek tmw! Skin graft is uncomfortable but not too bad. Thighs are bruised, buts haven't needed anything for pain since yesterday morning.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    jbok-awww, congrats on that precious baby :)  U look awesome too by the way.

    Home mom-I just had that hump lippoed at my surgery last thursday.  I am in a binder now-itching like crazy and bruised-blue, black, yellow and green-its pretty sore.  I too am experiencing numbness back there even before this surgery-was also wondering if that would go away.  I see Dr C today for my post op.  Supposed to get my cone off and see my nipple for the first time :)  Also am anxious to ask more about this binder-he said two weeks originally.  I feel stuffed like a sausage-I am not sleeping well bound this tight-ugh......

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    kfinnigan, thanks for the kind thoughts and congrats on one more surgery done. The Madonna cone! Woo hoo!

    vettegirl, I hope you get the binder off, and your new nipple looks great. That part of the process is a bit anxiety producing for me. I don't want to have to wear a bra so I want FLAT nips.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Had to go out for work today-very hard to get dressed with a Madonna cone and a binder on.  2Tabbies-I want a puckered nipple-like my real one on the right side.  I heard the newly created one will look flat and big-yes-I am anxious too.  I hope I dont hate it.....

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Warrior Woman and 2Tabbies...Yes I have had extensive PT and still do the stretch exercises at home. Still take a Valium every so often when I am feeling really tight and that is with permission from my PS.

    Sorta anxious today because I have to have another follow-up ultrasound tomorrow morning. Felt another lump and they diagnosed it as fat necrosis. I think this is my 4th time going through this. But what I cannot understand is why I have to have a follow-up if they said it was fat necrosis??? I am so tired from all this and I wish I could just go on with my life not having to worry about every lump that I feel.

    I hope that everything will be okSad

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Jbokland...your grandbaby is absolutely gorgeous. Congrats!!!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    Jbok I didn't see the baby picture - congrats!!! That is awesome :)

    vette I was feeling the lump on my back and it feels like its full of fluid. I'm going to call the office tomorrow to see if I need to come in. The nurse told me that if I had fluid buildup or new pain to call them, they might have to put a needle in there and drain it. Dr. C hasn't given me the details on the nipple recon, it sounds like it's a bit more involved then I thought it would be. I was thinking about a tummy tuck when I did that! The nurse said before this surgery I might want to wait until the nipple recon since it wouldn't be as invasive and tough to recover from. Sounds like it is!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    shorfi - I hear ya. when I had my first mammogram since all this happened (on my unaffected breast) I had to have more images taken, then waited, then had to do the US.

    I had my check up with the MO last Thursday. Driving there I could feel that queasy feeling I had on the A/C. Going into the treatment room to just get blood drawn made me feel sick.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    My exchange surgery was today. I am all bandaged up so I don't know how I look yet. This was the easiest surgery so far. And no drains!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, hooray! I'm so jealous of being behind you after we had our original surgeries the same week. I can't wait to find out how you fare. I am going to have drains apparently, but they said they weren't as bad as the drains for the lat flap surgery. I don't know what they meant by that unless they just meant they won't be in as long. My PS is very conservative. He takes his time and seems more cautious than some. I'm so anxious to get rid of these rocks though! I scheduled the trip back to my hometown for my mother's memorial service today. I had to squeeze it between my preop appointment and my surgery. I won't get back until 2 days before my surgery. Nothing better go wrong. With my luck, there will be an airline strike or something, and I'll get stuck on the east coast.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - I was so stressed out with worry that something would interfere with my surgery and I would have to wait even longer to get the expanders out. I arrived at the hospital over two hours ahead of time to account for flat tires, traffic jams, sheep blocking the road and getting stuck behind an old person doing 14 mph. Originally I was told 3 months and then 3 mos. became 6, For my 1st exchange I had drains but this time I didn't. I'm a bit achy and plan to relax for a few days but otherwise all is well. I assume your surgeon has determined why you'll need drains. I imagine you're having more work done.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Warrior-Glad you made it through surgery fine.  Get some rest.  Even the easy ones wear us down....

    Had my post op yesterday.  Unveiled the new nipple.  It looks not too bad.  Its plump and on the big side.  The whole boob needs to resettle since more saline was added, and it was recut open...back to all the healing.  They gave me a new salve to put on it.  I am still in the binder and will be for a while.  The PS said it is to help with the swelling.  I didnt realize just lippoing the lat flap area would be such a big deal.  I have a rainbow of bruises-yellow, green, purple, blue and black.  he suggested I buy a Spanx piece for my middle-not as bulky as this binder so I will look for one online today.

    HomeMom-I too discussed a Tummy Tuck with our PS.  I am a canidate for a full one as I lost 64 pounds before diagnosis-have lots of lose skin.  However-after researching it-there is NO WAY!!  The scar is horrendous-you are cut from hip to hip.  It is also a six week recovery with drains on your abdomen.  Would I look better in clothes?  Yep-but naked would be ugly between that and the mangled up for me-no.  I did talk to him about liposculpting though and he referred me to a collegeau since he does not have the equipment...and when I am well-plan to check in to that and also the Sonobella type.  Less recovery and cutting and down time with what looks like a really good affect.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    jbok! That baby is SO SWEET and BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations and best wishes to all of the family!!

    PS Grandma looks beautiful, too!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Vette - Thank you for the well wishes. The people I know who have had lippo tell me it isn't easy.

    The diep flap also gives a tummy tuck as part of breast reconstruction. Because of the extensive recovery time many women opt for other surgeries.

    I'm trying to take it easy as my surgery was yesterday but I'm a bad patient when it comes to taking it easy. The thought of screwing anything up is a huge motivator.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Yes and sadly for just getting my lat flap area done-its not like he really sucked out any lots of bruising and so far...I still got a hope that gets better as it heals so it is at least worth it.  Not too sure at the present time.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi all, I have been away for much months, ps told me there will always be tightness, had some pt for scar and tissue tissues, I asked why am I sore in boob as well, I am soooo tired of this nonsense, however, this has been the best for me since the beginning. The Pt had helped quite a bit. Due to medicare caps I had to stop. There are no more options for me,except as repeating with PM guy. Saying hello to my "old buddies Here", jokeland, gorgeous child. Warrior Woman and 2Tabbies a big hello. Heal well my sisters.

    I think I had mentioned I finished my last femara 12-31. My breast surgeon released me, still see PS every three weeks. I am trying to get away from this world. My love to all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi everyone, have been gone for a long while. I wrote a post a few minutes ago, I deleted it but I see my surgeries listed (all not in order) or is it me. Pocket surgery worked in Dec.

    Anyway, decided to drop in, Warrior Woman and 2 Tabbies, well wishes on your surgeries. New baby for Jokeland is great. I see new gals or I am just not up to par being on boards any longer. Trying to move on. I have been better than I have been, still sore from scar tissue, went through intensive PT and it has helped. Medicare caps have stopped me from PT. I just wanted to say hello. My scar in back has healed beautifully, it is just the area of the boob gives me probablems otherwise coming along.

    Have other family issues that have taken over, but I just wanted to stop in, say hello and wish all you LD sisters a big hello. Again, my listed surgeries appear listed a little crazy although 9 all together.

    x0x0x0x0 HUGS

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    I'm going in on Saturday to get the fluid taken out of my back. I didn't even know they were open on Saturday! Vettegirl - hmmm maybe I'll forgo to tummy tuck then. Not THAT important!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Homemom-The Saturday girl is really awesome-I liked her a lot, had to see her several times when my back was infected.  I too had fluid pulled out of my back-it wasnt too bad.  Hey-maybe we all go see the lipo sculpt doctor and get a multi discount :)  I just feel like after all we have been through-we deserve to get our body as close to back to normal as possible-even if it takes a little help.  By the time i get my nipple tatooed-it will be close to a two year process this has been-very long process.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    thinking of you Warrior as you heal.

    Had my postoperative today for nipple recon with skin graft and fat grafting. PS changed my dressing around my boob. There was a bolster around the nipple which stayed put, but he said everything looked good and the areas injected with fat looked good. He took the dressings off the skin graft and fat donor sites on thighs, I'm pretty bruised up and he said the areas were red, thinks it was a reaction to the tagaderm dressings, but he switched my antibiotic to be safe. I have stitches at the skin graft donor site, and it hurts, he said those will stay in a couple of weeks and he will try and time taking the stitches out with the removal of the bolster. I see him next Monday. so I didn't get a peek at the nip/areola....

    Vettegirl, hope your nip is doing ok, I read that it is lifting on one side?

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    kfinn-glad to hear your doing good :)  No-my nipple isnt lifting-that was someone else-just got mine done one week ago today-just removed the Madonna cone yesterday but all looks okay so far.