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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I'll probably be showing up at the hospital early too. NOT going to miss this surgery. It's been too long in coming. They told me 6 months so I was prepared for that. I just wasn't prepared to have it turn into almost 8 months. I am having some tweaks as well as the exchange itself. I know he wants to take a tuck, so to speak, on the outside of both boobs because the TEs are too far out to the side. He's also going to liposuction the inner corner of the flap because it's bulging. That's all I know of, but knowing him, he might have more up his sleeve. Rest up and heal fast.

    Happy healing to the rest of you who are recovering from procedures also. I hope your results meet your expectations.

    kfinnigan, I think I'm glad I won't need skin grafting for my nipple procedure. It sounds painful.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Ronna - Isn't it great BCO is here when we need it? And for everything else there is the rest of our lives. :D

    kfinnigan - At some point I will need to make a decision about nipples. I used to think I wanted them but I'm really getting to the point of being tired of being sliced and diced. I appreciate your description and I hope your discomfort goes away fast.

    And now for my big news...drum roll please....

    I took off my bandages from my exchange surgery and I look great! I look far better than I did with the implants alone. I cannot wait to wear new summer clothing. Can anyone remind me of what the "drop and fluff" is about?

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    Vettegirl - I just got a call from the office, the nurse that was going to be there tomorrow is not going to be there. I guess they have one nurse on Saturday? Anyway they only had 10:30 today but I arranged sales appointments this morning so now it's Monday at 11. I'm still numb where they will stick a needle, so I'm assuming I won't feel a thing!

    Did they give you instruction on how to massage? When I had implants put in 10 years ago I just moved the implant around in the pocket 5 times clockwise and then 5 times counter clockwise. The affected boob is tougher to move around. Do you do anything different?

    I just need to get back to walking 3-4 nights a week and using the NTC membership I have!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Vettegirl, oops that was someone else! Glad all looks good

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad PT has helped and you've made progress. If I remember right, you were dealing with your hubbies health issues too. I hope things are going ok.

    Warrior, woo hoo! I'm glad you're looking good. Did you ever start a thread over on the picture forum, or did you give up on that? I hear you about not wanting any more slicing and dicing. I wasn't going to get nipples, but my PS has kind of convinced me. I'll see how I feel when I get to that point. Drop and fluff means that the implants settle lower in the pockets and fluff up some as the tissues relax. At least that's how I understand it.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    warrior woman, congrats on your exchange!! I should be getting mine the first week of June and can not wait to get rid of these hard rock expanders!!! Hope the silicone implants are better and more comfortable

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Warrior Woman

    So happy that your happy with your exchange results. Gives me faith in the process!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kthielen, good to hear from you. I'm a couple weeks behind you for the exchange. Mine is scheduled June 25th. I feel the same way. Get rid of the rock hard melons! Well, mine are more the size of grapefruits, but you know what I mean. The silicon implants have to be more comfortable, right?

    Warrior, can you tell yet if the tightness has gone away or at least gotten less?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I will likely wait until they're all finished to post a pic in the forum but these babies are worth the show. My PS favors LD flaps for the aesthetics and this has worked to my advantage.

    Tabbies - There may be less tightness with the expanders gone but it's nothing dramatic. I've had the elastic band since surgery # 1. My PT says it is from scar tissue and the more it can be broken up the better. It really doesn't bother me. I don't notice it most of the time. My PT also said that after a year it becomes insignificant for most women. He isn't sure if we just get used to it or if it actually improves.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, when you say aesthetics, are you talking shape? I am hopeful for good shape. I'm not hopeful for good aesthetics as far as the scars and skin flap are concerned. I'm just wondering if your PS worked some magic in that regard. The tightness that's bothering me now is the tightness of the skin and muscle over the TEs. I was hoping that would ease up with the exchange. I have a bit of what feels like a tight bra band, but it's not bad. I also have some tightness around my back scar. I'm hoping that might loosen up with time. I try to massage it, but it's hard to reach.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    homemom- dr C gave me a handout on the massage after the exchange. Clockwise, push up, push down...squeeze them together!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    jbookland - How soon after the exchange were you instructed to start the massage? I was told to do nothing for 2 weeks....I think. I hate getting instructions when I'm medicated.

    Tabbies - I like what my boobs look like. I like the shape - They have the right shape and size without drooping but without looking like balls on my chest and they have a slight lift at the top for cleavage. The scars will always be there but my flaps are actually round where my nipples will be tattooed to cover the scars. I do have incisions that span horizontally across me. With the expanders I could feel them pressing on my ribs at night but I don't feel it now with the implants. There is noting hard pressing on me. You will absolutely feel better after the exchange.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Hi 2tabbies! I haven't posted anything in a while!

    Warrior woman....I feel like the expanders are spread apart, no cleavage. Were yours like that before you had the exchange? I am hoping for them to be much softer and to have some cleavage!!

    I am still waiting to be approved for the picture forum, would love to see the results of you fabulous women!!

    Best wishes


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, it sounds like you have achieved great shape. You're lucky to have the round flaps that will be covered by the tattooed nipples. My PS doesn't do it that way. I have a big pointed oval one. One of the other PSs I consulted said he'd try to do that. I was advised not to use him by people here because he's not board certified yet. He's in the process. Sometimes I think I should have tried him anyway.

    Kthielen, I hope you get approved for the picture forum soon.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I started the massage as soon as the last drain was pulled, so that was 4 weeks post op!

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    I have not posted in forever because my time was so far out...not anymore! Please tell me what I need to get for after! Button up jammies, pillows?? I guess I should explain my procedure since it is a bit different.

    I am getting a Lat surgery with no flap. The surgery will be through my existing scars from BMX via DaVinci robot. No back incision needed. I am getting gummies place immediately. So! I know the drains, but how different or alike is this compared to the BMX? I have help lined up since I have three girls ages 11, 6 and 2. I do not sit still well, so about how long were you down? Doctor said expect 3 nights maybe four in hospital. Nervous, scared and dreading this. But hopefully one step closer to being somewhat normal. I hate TE lol!


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 841

    Thanks Jbok - I was doing the clockwise and the up and down, but not the together! I see Dr. C at my next appointment. I have to go in tomorrow though real quick to drain some fluid. I guess 3 weeks was a little too early!

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    jodi. I came home with a pain ball. Left me completely pain free except for shoulder pain from manipulation. Recovery will be much quicker and only a day or so of TRex arms

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437 happy you are pleased with your results. Isn't Dr. C. the best Smile. I will be seeing him on the 19th to discuss revision work. Only need a little lift on the left side. Had the 3D tats done in his office by Josh Jersey and they look soooo real.

    Saw my BS and he said I had slight lymphedema. Appointment made with PT to get fitted...ugh. Have any of you ladies been diagnosed with this. I was told I would only have to wear it for 2-3 hours daily.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    I had the lat flap done with the back incision and feel the recovery was worse than the mastectomy. I only took 3 weeks off work but not sure if I was ready to go back when I did, think one more week would have been good. I actually had my surgery as an outpatient so did not stay in then hospial overnight. I have 3 kids as well and would say you will need help for 1-2 weeks. I didn't drive for 2 weeks.

    Best wishes,


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    My BMX was the worst following by the LD Flap. I had large D boobs and that made a difference in the discomfort with the BMX. The first surgery taught me all I needed to know in terms of planning for all the surgeries to follow.

    Jodi - Your surgery is being done with a much different method from what I and many others had done. I normally make certain that everything I need is moved into arm's reach. I also had an in home nurse for the LD. Obviously childcare will be a concern for you for a couple weeks. Most women on this thread noted marked improvement at the 5 week point.

    Shorfi - Get a load of this... I'm seeing Copit on the 19th at 10:30 and I'll have PT too. I usually arrive early as the commute is terrible. And he's normally running late which means it will eat up my day. What time is your appointment? Maybe I'll see you there. I'm the short middle aged woman with the really great boobs. LOL!

    Tabbies - I agree the round flaps are preferable but from what I've seen the skin tone and scars even out over time.

    jbokland - You had drains after the exchange? I lucked out with no drains. I'll see my guy in a week and get clear on what I should or should not be doing.

    Kathy - I have both a little lift that gives me cleavage and also the rounded bottom that allows for the natural shape. I didn't have this with my previous implants that looked like tennis balls or with either set of expanders. I missed having the cleavage but now it's back. Let your PS know that is something you want.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I guess I'm impatient. Having to wait years for this to possibly even out depresses me especially when other people have been able to avoid the patched together look altogether. I should have gone with gone with the younger surgeon with newer techniques. And it irritates me that I even care about something no one else will see, but I do.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Yoo hoo, Tabbies - Flashback to 6 months ago.... Do you recall how terribly frightened we both were? Do you remember we each asked a million inane questions? Do you remember being panic stricken when women reported chronic and debilitating complications? Do you remember feeling like you were taking a huge risk because without reconstruction we would feel deformed? I do. I remember it well. Frankly, all I hoped for was to have something at this point that resembled a chest without chronic pain and limited ROM. I think you made a wise decision to select the more experienced surgeon. This is not a surgery to play around with. My first surgeon was going to do the ellipse shaped flap but she only did a few a year. Not good enough and she is the one who botched me the first time around. So here's the deal... You're going to hang in there until your June exchange when you will follow the doctors orders and assure the best recovery and outcome for yourself that you can. And then you will join me in being damn happy that there are no signs of cancer and you have boobs. And they may be mighty nice ones at that. We all have scars. They're the war wounds. Please don't be down on yourself. You've made a million difficult decisions throughout treatment and this was a wise decision too. BTW, my LD scars are fading fast. Your PS can give you ointment to speed the fading. And no suntans on the scars. Heart

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Thanks warrior woman!! I made my appt for the surgery will be June 3rd! I am anxious to get something softer and hopefully some cleavage(he does know I want that). Well said to 2tabbies, this is such a long journey and sometimes seeing the end in site is difficult and easy to become impatient! But we have to remember we will get there, one day at a time!! Take care 2tabbies, time will help with the scars.....


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior and Kthielen, I appreciate your attempts at making me feel better. (I also hope nobody read the rant I'd written last night and just deleted.) I do remember where we were a few months ago. I am grateful to at least look relatively normal in clothes, but I still hate what I see when I'm getting dressed in the morning especially knowing that other people have avoided the patched together look. I have to wonder where I went wrong, and I'm afraid my attempts at positive thinking haven't work. Maybe it's Tamoxifen induced depression, and maybe it's other stuff in my life - losing my mom recently, being on my 3rd encounter with cancer including an incurable lymphoma and stage III bc. I just can't seem to put a happy face on things lately. Btw, I have asked my PS for something to fade the scars, and he said that nothing works. Warrior what has your PS given you? He apparently knows something mine doesn't. Sorry to be so gloomy.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    2Tabbies, my heart aches with you. You have endured so much. Having lost my Mom in February and this damned endless reconstruction dilemma... I too feel that, with 20/20 hindsight, I made all  the wrong decisions. I see people everyday with far worse diagnoses healing and moving on and I am paralyzed with fear to have more surgery. You are brave, you are strong. I know you are so close you can taste it, but you are on the road and you will get to where you need and so desperately want to be. You are human. Please don't beat yourself up for not being able to slap a smile on all the time. Especially at this time. Be kind to yourself and take strength from Warrior Woman & Kthielen's wise words. We are all rooting for you. Gentle hugs to you.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Warrior...My appointment is scheduled for 11:30am. I am a middle aged woman, Black, and by FlashBeat"> shortimage I will be wearing a Black uniform which is required for the job. I'm sure we will run into each other because the wait time to see Dr. C is always long. I am seeing Richard tomorrow to get measured for the sleeve...ugh.

    I would love to meet you :)

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Had nipple reconstruction with skin graft and also fat grafting from inner thighs to upper pole on 5/4/15.

    Saw my plastic surgeon yesterday and got the unveiling! Looks so good! I still have a lot of healing to do he said and will get stitches removed from my breast and my skin graft donor site next week with the Plastic Surgery nurse . Then I see him again in 3 weeks. He did say the skin graft donor site looks like it's trying to open a little in one spot so I need to be careful with that.

    He sent me home with a swag bag of supplies that I need for my arts and crafts breast project haha, that's literally what he said. He can tattoo the nipple later to match. Said things need to settle, we will see how nipples line up in time

    I can do more things with my right arm just be careful of the left side.

    He gave me a note to return to work on the 26th.

    He said fat grating feels soft and filled in nicely. He said it takes about two months to tell if it will fail, but he has faith it will stay put!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    2Tabbies. I hear you on the how maybe different choices may have led to different results. We can't change the past though. I so wish I was where you are now in recon. I know this seems cliche but someone posted this on facebook and it really rang true for me anyway.


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Sheri - I have no idea what I will be wearing but I will look for you in your black uniform.

    Tabbies - On the other reconstruction threads they speak of the post reconstruction depression. It seems that for many of us once the long road of treatment and reconstruction are over there is a real let down feeling as if we expected to finally be free and happy. What I'm using for the scars is mederma with herbal stuff in it. They told me mederma from the pharmacy works as well as anything else. And yes, you've been through a ridiculous amount these past couple years.

    kfinnigan - That another step closer to done! I'm glad you're happy with the results. It's amazing how each PS does this differently.