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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYCG, I understand your anxiety. I wasn't at all happy with the thought of a surgeon rearranging my muscles. But I was even more miserable with the way I looked flat. Despite my whining about how much I hate the look of my scars and flap, I'm still glad I went ahead with the LD flap. Though not perfect, I still look a lot better than I did. Once I have my exchange, I trust that I'll look pretty normal in clothes. The recovery from the surgery was a bit long, but I have had no serious complications. It's odd to move my arm and have my boob flex, and I have some tightness across my chest, but that's about it. I'm hoping the tightness will ease off after my exchange. In short, I am happier now than I was before.

    Warrior, I may have to "drop out" now and then. What good is retirement if you can't do that? I expect to work at least another year. Our accountant would rather it was more like 4 more, but I have a gut feeling that I shouldn't do that. It's a financial risk, but I don't think I'm going to live into my 90s like the accountant says is projected for our demographic. If I could find a paying job that was rewarding, I'd go for that. But I just don't seem to have the right skill set.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T, - Thank you for responding. It is good to hear from others who have experienced the situation!

    HomeMom, - I am so sorry about your son's ex gf. Sad What a tragic thing to happen! Sad

    All of this does remind us that life is fleeting, and nothing is guaranteed. We shouldn't stay at jobs that we are unhappy with! I retired at age 60, - mostly because my husband had already been retired for years and he so wants to travel and get away from the winters here in NY. At times I do miss my job, - but I am glad for the 2-3 years that we did have to travel before all of my dr appointments and hospital stays!

    Hope everyone is having a GOOD day!

    I am off to pre-op testing, - although I have yet to confirm if it is for lat flap or fg! =/


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, I hope the testing went well, and you're able to make a decision on which procedure to do.

    My PS's office called today and offered me an earlier exchange surgery date, but I couldn't take it. It would have meant having to travel across the country to my mom's memorial service just 10 days after the surgery plus bailing out on another commitment I've made for June. It just about killed me to turn down that offer. I could have been rid of these TEs in just over 2 weeks. I am not patient. Is this a plot to try to force me to correct that characer defect? Scared

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I finally have good news! I never have good news. It seems every time I've seen a doctor in the past couple years the news got worse. Well here it is... I AM DONE WITH SURGERIES! I saw my PS yesterday and there is no need for tweaking. I'm done. Nipples are scheduled for 8/11 and I'm calling Vinnie when the office opens this morning. I could do the nipples in July but my PS said, "You been running from doctor's appt. to doctor's appt. for 20 months. Why not relax and enjoy the summer?" And since I cannot swim for a bit after the nipples I decided to wait a couple weeks and ENJOY THE SUMMER! (I'm practicing patience, Tabbies.)

    Last night I started a BC support group because it has become apparent that the trauma of this experience is too great. I think this group will help. I took an integrative health course for BC survivors and it only served to freak me out more.

    Shofi - I asked about you yesterday and looked for you but missed you. I think I was in and out of there so quickly that my head was spinning. I'm sorry I missed you. I'll be back next Wed. at 10 AM for PT.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    OMG! My trip to see Vinnie is scheduled for 1/22/16! The light at the end of the tunnel appears! YEA!!!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, congratulations on being done with surgeries! Yay! I'm a little confused on the nipples. You said they're scheduled for 8/11, but you're going to see Vinnie in January. So are you having nipples built but then getting them tattooed? Congratulations on starting a support group too. You're right about this being more traumatic than anyone lets on.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Hi Tabbies - Yes, I'm going with the nipples 1st and Vinnie requires a 5 month post nipple construction wait for the tattoos. I've debated getting them as I don't want the headlights but my PS said they won't be annoyingly noticable.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, my current plan is the same as yours except I'm using a local tattoo artist. I also don't want headlights permanently on high beam, and my PS assures me that won't happen. If it does, I'll camp out in his waiting room until he fixes it. Mary Jane (the tattoo artist) requires a 3 month waiting period. She also said, it takes at least 2 sessions to do the nips. I have a consultation with her next week. I can't wait to see examples of her work both nips and otherwise.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thank you 2Ts and WW! Wonderful that you are both so close to being DONE!! =)

    2Ts you are funny about learning patience ;) Who wants to be patient after the road that we have been on?!

    I just got off the phone with my PS. - I was making myself so crazed about the decision, I asked about having this TE removed and doing nothing for a while. I figured it would be a nice change from the many months of discomfort, but he isnt sure that the problem side would heal if I did that! He convinced me that lat flap is the way to go. Sooo, - I may be doing it next week.

    You are all amazing here, - I am so grateful to have you to 'talk' to!

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Hello everyone, for those taking a poll, I am very happy with my LD. I am about 1.5 weeks out and I was scared sh*tless for the procedure - you're gonna cut my back muscle, tunnel under my arm and stick it where a boob used to be, WHAAAA!! I had a very tough time with my BMX, and then endured chemo, radiation, infection, emergency surgery; so I was not looking forward to another torture device. Needless to say, this procedure has gone very smoothly, and the pain has been extremely manageable; only really needed pain killer for three days. My only issue (and this is my issue) is that my PS is known for scarless LDs, but because of the damage from radiation, he had to cut a large portion of my back skin for the implant; therefore I am left with a one sided angel wing. I joked with my friends that I'll have an angel wing on one side and get a small devil tattoo on my other shoulder-my husband is not amused. : }

    That's my two cents; hope it helps.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Cal, - you hit the nail on the head re how I feel, - and left me smiling!!

    I so appreciate the encouraging posts!


  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    warrior woman.....Congrats!! A light at the end of the Tunnell is fabulous! Does Vinnie take insurance?? Just curious, I want to have him do the tattoos but don't think I will have the nipple recon.

    2tabbies.....sorry you couldn't get in sooner. These tissue expanders are awful!! I can't wait to get my exchange surgery on June 3rd!

    Anothernycgirl......I am very happy with my lat flap surgery. I don't have any is a major surgery but I feel in the end I will have the best looking set of boobs😜. I feel if you trust your PS that you should go with it. I have all the faith in mine and he hasn't steered me wrong! Good luck!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYCG, congratulations on making a decision. I was kind of driving myself nuts when I was trying to decide too. No matter how much my PS (and a another PS) assured me that I didn't have to worry about strength issues, I just didn't feel confident in that. It didn't help that another PS had given me BAD information before my mastectomy. I felt like I had to research everything myself because I coudn't trust anybody to give me the full story. And as Calibea said, you're going to do WHAT with my back muscle?! Thankfully, it turned out that my PS was right this time. Wishing you the best of luck next week!

    Calibea, I've got 1 angel wing too. It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the way the flap of skin is so obvious on my foob. I've threatened to cover it with a tattoo. My DH wasn't amused either.

    Kathy, had I been able to take the earlier date they offered me yesterday, I'd only be a couple days behind you! Wah! Bawling

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Warrior Woman, CONGRATULATIONS on getting into the home stretch and especially no more surgery!!!

    2Tabbies, I know it's so frustrating to wait any longer, but you're getting there. When I feel like I can't stand a situation I keep telling myself "I think I can. I think I can."...By the time it's nearly over "I know I can." Does that help? Or is it just annoying? It can depend on where your head is at. Sometimes I annoy myself when my usual optimism feels forced.

    Homemom, my heartfelt condolences on your son's ex girlfriend. I wish I had wise words. My hope is that all who loved her will live their lives to the fullest in her honor.

    NYC Girl, I am SO happy for you to have made your decision!!! I have every confidence that you have chosen what is right for you. Keep us all posted. I know I'm not alone in wanting to send you good wishes and healing thoughts on your day.

    Kthielen, SO happy to hear that you're happy!!!

    Calibea, oh yes. You spoke for SO many of us when you said 'You're going to.....WHAAA!!" This whole cancer experience has been one big WTF?!?! after another. Love the angel devil idea. Thank goodness for a sense of humor.

    I was thinking that it's too bad I'm not a football fan. Then maybe I wouldn't be so bothered by the scar I'll have on my foob. Maybe I'd add a Giant's tattoo to it. My DH laughed, but we share an admittedly twisted sense of humor.

    Thanks again, everyone.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    WarriorWoman...I am so sorry we missed each other. I was hoping we would be able to have a quick lunch while you were in town. I won't be seeing Copit until August 12th for revision surgery. I look great, but as I mentioned earlier, my left breast was radiated in the past and the implant on that side is bigger. He will swap it out and insert a smaller implant to match the right and perk it up a little bit. Easy surgery, in and out. I too wanted to enjoy my summer, so agreed to a later date.

    Also, congrats on no more surgery...good for you!

  • rachel7
    rachel7 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, just wondering how your reconstruction is healing now that you're further out?  Did lumpiness and bulkiness in right breast/underarm area go away?  I am in the process of scheduling this type of reconstruction and will get to keep my nipples/skin.  Who is your plastic surgeon?  Wondering if same one as me since almost no one does this procedure. 

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Just got back from my PS, 3 weeks post last op.  My new nipple is healing well and actually looks good.  It is nice and pink, and round and plump.  I think once it heals and I get the tattoo in 3 months, it will look decent.  My lat flap hump also went way down now since he lippoed on the last surgery-it is pretty flat now.  I am out of the binder and the swelling and bruising is gone.  I am going to the beach this weekend.  Not allowed to get the left boob wet-so only in the pool to waist-and have to be careful with trying to keep nipple covered with guaze and maybe salve.  But still plan to enjoy walking on the beach, collecting sea shells, relaxing, reading, adult bevarages and some good seafood :)

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    HoneyBadger - speaking about tattoos, I had a great idea (for me), but was shot down by my husband, I guess he does have a bit of a say in the boob area. I saw a post BMX photo of a woman with a beautiful, black lacy bra tatoo. I thought it looked so sexy, more sexy for me than nipples. I was all excited to get one in a pinkish color (aftraid the black would show thu a white blouse), but needless to say he was not amused, again - just kidding, he's great. The funniest thing was when I brought up the topic with my PS and my husband was in the room and the two of them were talking about how much nicer nipples are! Mind you, my PS is a total McDreamy and brilliant at the same time. As you said, given this tortuous journey, one needs to keep a sense of humor to get thru this.

    Rachel 7 - who were you speaking to

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Love the tattoo ideas! ;)

    Question, - I just spoke to PS's nurse re presurg instructions, - she mentioned that some patients having lat flap rent an electric recliner and arrange for private nurse at home?? YIKES!!! =/ I said I dont plan to, - did you?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYCG, I didn't rent a recliner or arrange for an in home nurse. If I'd had a recliner, I'd have slept in it. I don't so I slept on my futon. I left it set up as a couch and propped myself on pillows against the arm then sort of rolled into the back. That was most comfortable to me. Finding a comfortable sleeping position was the most challenging part of the recovery, but the futon worked pretty well. A couch would have sufficed too. I couldn't sleep comfortably flat in bed for about a month. As far as an in home nurse goes, that would have been way overkill for me. I'm not even sure what a nurse would do. Empty your drains? That was no big deal. My back incision didn't require any particular care so it wasn't like there was something that I couldn't reach. You might ask the nurse at your PS's office what she thought you might need a nurse for.

    Honeybadger, I find that doing something to distract myself when I'm frustrated and impatient works better than forced optimism. Sometimes it works, and sometimes there's nothing to do but live with it.

    vettegirl, I'm glad things are looking good. Enjoy the beach! Sounds lovely.

    Calibea, I've thought of using a tattoo to cover the scars and flap patch if they don't start to blend in better. I've never been a tattoo person, and my DH hates them. He'd put up with it if I really want to do it though. I just don't know if it would end up being more of a reminder of cancer than the scars and patch. At least it would be something that I get to choose.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    I slept in a recliner after each of my surgeries-including the lat flap.  My back was very sore-I couldnt lay on it.  Then I got an infection in it for almost three weeks and it was super recliner for me.  I also had a home nurse stop by almost daily for 2 weeks after my surgery.  The insurance covers it so I also took it when offered.  They help quite a bit by staying on top of your vitals, changing your dressing and monitoring your incisions,drains, etc...Its not an absolute necessity but it is quite helpful.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks 2T and vette!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, the protocols that surgeons follow must be different from practice to practice. Nobody even mentioned home care as an option to me. I didn't have any dressings that needed changing. The only "maintenance" necessary after my lat flap was emptying the drains, which was simple enough to do. I wasn't required to monitor my vitals only to watch for signs of infection. My "back" incision is really more down my side so I could see it fairly easily in a mirror and keep an eye on it. I'm not trying to discourage you from getting a home health nurse if you want one. Certainly, anybody with complications like vettegirl had might be wise to have one. My beloved sister-in-law is a home health nurse so I know and love them! If I lived near her, I'd have let her come by and fuss over me. I'm just saying that you needn't let the mention of getting a nurse worry you that you won't be able to take care of yourself. If you would have to pay for it yourself, there's probably no need to break your budget with those costs. If insurance covers it, and you'd be more comfortable having someone check on you, go for it!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    I didn't have a home nurse and don't have a recliner either!! I just propped up pillows in my bed and was able to sleep that way, with pillows propped under my arms too!

    Good luck!

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Hi NYC girl- for both my BMX and the LD, i used one of those things we had in college to study with on the bunk beds - looks like it's the back of a chair, It's like a cushion/pillow back with arms, not sure how to descirbe it. I use that along with a short/cylndrical pillow and a neck pillow once in a while. Works perfect for me. Let me know if yu like pix and I'll sent them on. I'm very comfortable: i don't think recliner would offer more comfort and much more expensive!

    Regarding home heath care-my insurance paid for it and I used it once during my BMX-it was too invasive for me. Once i was used to the drains and changing the dresssings, I was fine. That experience has helped me with the LD. Do you have anyone helping you? I guess it depends upon your personality, I'm very private, and I felt I was rehashing my story and all she did was take my vitals (which were fine) and change my dresings-which I learned to do on my own. It's up to you -if insurance pays for it, try it out and see how you feell.

    Are you iin NYC, if so I'm in Stamford which isn't that far. I love to go in the city with friends.

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    the other thing I would recomment is sleeping pills. For me I needed them, it's very important to get sleep so you're body can heal. I"ve been on Trazadone for awhile - I'm sure I'll get some negative emals about it, but for me it has less negative side effects than Ambien. Vicodone/Percocet are good for pain, do not help me sleep they simply make my brain more acitive ie it's like watching a film in my mind. No luck, I need a sleeping pill. You may be fine with the pain killer but if not, make sure you ask for something to help youl I have learned, thru other experiences, you need to advoceat for yourself. Docs are used to the traditional textbook study, but if youre different (as I am) you need to speak up. Hope this helps

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Calibea, I had one of those cushions that we used in college like you mentioned. Wouldn't you know I finally gave it away just before I got diagnosed and had the Mx. It would have been perfect. If it's too vertical, I thought that flipping it over so it's more like a wedge would have worked. Totally agree on advocating for yourself. I didn't need sleeping pills myself, but I rarely have trouble sleeping. Sometimes I do for a night or two after I've had anesthesia, but I just sit up and read until I get sleepy. After a couple days, I'm fine. I sympathize with anyone who has trouble sleeping. It sucks.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Cali, - I do know the cushion that you mean! I will keep it in mind! Thank you, and 2T and Kth for the suggestions!

    Needless to say, I am SO NOT looking forward to this procedure. Sad I keep reminding myself that last year I had bmx, then an infection, then started chemo, and still was up and dancing at my daughter's wedding 2 weeks after I lost my hair. (I had a great wig and make up Winking). I figure if I was able to do that, I can get through this!

    Someone on one of these boards wrote that she was 'sick and tired of being sick and tired'. I thought that summed it up for all of us!

    Cali, - yes I am in NYC, - maybe when we are both feeling up to it, we can arrange to meet! Smile

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    You CAN get through this and you WILL get through this!! One of the best sayings a friend said to me at the beginning of my diagnosis was

    This too shall pass...

    I think of it often and have tried to take things one day at a time. I remember feelsing like the numbness and heavy feeling in my back would never return but it has and now I am exercising regularly without limitations! You will do great!

    Best wishes,


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, what Kathy said! If you can be dancing 2 weeks after losing your hair to chemo and having endured a bmx and infection, you can do this. You've demonstrated your strength. Kathy is right. This too shall pass.