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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • nash
    nash Member Posts: 146

    Thanks, Kthielen, that makes me feel better hearing things resolved in a month for you!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    hi !

    just got home frm hosp, typing slowwly because right side feels sore and a bit weird.

    2 night stay, had pain pump but didnt use it much. just tylenol today, (mostly because i am so afraid of the constipation that i had from pain meds after bmx =/

    biggest annoyance are the 2 drains! blech!

    no bra, - am surprised by that!

    i have lots of posts to catch up on, - hope you are all having a good weekend!

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    I got home yesterday. 2 night stay after the surgery. I have four drains: three bulbs and one canteen lol. He did not do any fat grafting. It was more painful than I expected but it was all in one kind of surgery. The lat flap and implant exchange seemed to go well. No issues so far. No clue about what size they are. Maybe a B? Hard to see with all the swelling and dressing on them

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCGirl and Jodi, it's good to hear you're home and things went well. Rest. Stay hydrated. Take your pain meds if you need them. Take it from a former nurse, you heal better if you're not in pain. It's also best not to let the pain get bad before you take the meds, or you end up trying to play catch up. AnotherNYC, have you tried taking a stool softener (docusate sodium) when you're on pain meds? I've also had good luck with Smooth Move tea despite the hokey name.

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    Hi everyone.glad to hear you're doing so well.New York girl, I have a question. You said you had a pain pump but didn't use it? I guess I am confused. When I had my MX I had a pain pump but it was not when I had a choice of using or not. It was just a blocker that constantly fed the area until it was empty. did you have something different?

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Hi NYC girl-so good to hear from you and that all went well. I've been thinking of you daily. A huge step is over and the remainder is just white noise.

    hbb-thank you for your email. Honestly, I can't remember when I felt good enough to go out, but that's simply because I didn't have to and I had no hankering to do so. I think I would have been fine after a week, but I still had alot of pain with the drains, didn't feel like hiding them under the clothes and couldn't drive. When I did go out, it was 1.5 weeks out and it was to plan a friends bday party. A six hour luncheon, which would have lasted longer if we hadn't been asked to move to the bar area. As u can imagine, i was exhausted thereafter.

    I did not have a pain pump and did not feel it necessary. I mentioned it to my PS, I brought up everything I thought I would need from reading this forum, and he said I wouldn't need it. Once again I was like WWWHHHAAA, you're gonna .......(you know the story) and I'm not getting a pain pump?! Guess what, he was right (go figure) and I didn't need one.

    Someone asked what size I was when I woke up. I'll give my two cents in case anybody else finds themselves in the same banana boat. Because my skin was so damaged, he did not fill the TE at all. So, when I finally took the bandages off the next day, not only did my foob have a nasty frankenstein scar, but because the TE was not filled, it folded in on itself and looked like a muppet sucking in his lips. WTF-is this what I had to endure for this monstrosity, oh no I'll never look right again! Not a pretty site, but normal. I'm being filled very slowly and it is improving. It's simply amazing the physical (along with emotional) changes we endure and somehow think "Oh well".

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hi 2T, hb, Cali and everyone!

    It is sooo good to know that you are here to talk to!! THANK YOU for being there!!

    I just had visiting nurse leave. Said it looks ok, - wish I felt ok, too, though!

    Maybe what i had wasnt a pain pump? While in hosp I had a button to press for dilaudid. Could press every 6 minutes if needed, up to a certain amount of time. For home they prescribed vicadin and valium and antibiotics.

    Sleeping in my recliner wasnt good, - i went up to bed with pillows and that was better.

    Implant was put in directly, smaller than one on other side, but too swollen to tell today. I am small to begin with, and the ps knew that i want to be done, and dont care if not so perfectly matched.

    Cali, you are so funny with your te description! ;) I had one like that, too, so I know what you mean!

    Hope everyone is feeling WELL!!

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    NYCG & Jodi, SO happy to hear your surgeries went well!!! :-) Just wanted you to know that I'm cheering you (& all the other amazing women here) on from the sidelines!!! I'll most likely do my LD next spring. Just need to regroup and be surgery free for a bit longer. In the meanwhile I'll continue to check in here. Have learned so much and continue to be so inspired by everyone's story.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, you had what I would call a pain pump. In addition to the hit you can give yourself by pushing the button, they can set it to give you a slow continuous drip. That's what I had also. It's not something that would get sent home with you. I'm not sure what others might be calling a pain pump that could reremain in when you go home. I have heard of something called a pain ball that can stay in when you go home, but I don't know anything about it. I never had enough pain to need anything like that.

    I hope everyone is doing well today.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Nadh...still have tightness and my final exchange surgery was in April of 2013. I've been prescribed Valium to relief the tightness and I have to take it at least twice a month.

    Hope you get some relief soon.

  • nash
    nash Member Posts: 146

    Oh gosh, shorfi, I'm sorry to hear you still have the tightness after two years. I've heard such a wide range of experiences I don't know what to think. I guess I will just chug along and hope for the best.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Ladies with tightness - I had the tightness (elastic band around ribs sensation) since my BMX. I have found that it does improve with time, however, as I've had 7 surgeries it has been 2 steps forward and one back with the progress. PT has absolutely helped. More specifically, massage to break up scar tissue and stretching like crazy. I love to stretch so this works for me. The is a measurable improvement after stretching. My husband rubs the scars on my back. This is helping with a hypersensitivity I was developing. Also, my PT said that for most women tightness is insignificant after a year. He is of the opinion that we start to ignore it. At first it bothered me a lot but now I rarely notice it. The only time it bothers me is when I'm running and it feels like a too tight sports bra making breathing difficult. I really hope that improves.

    Shorfi - I'm confused by the Valium as it is a short lived muscle relaxant. The benefits usually wear off after a few hours. Are you just taking it when you're feeling especially tight? Also, when did you determine you needed revision? I'm only a month out of the exchange surgery I am really hoping that things don't shift around too much. Did you determine the revision was needed or did Copit? My plan is to move forward with nips and tattoos and see how things are looking after that.

    Jodi & NYCGirl - Easy, full and speedy recoveries for you both!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks WW! Hope you continue to feel better, too!

    I am 'hanging in there', but the drains are SO annoying and it;s hard to sleep and find a comfortable position. Going back for post up on Wednesday. Hope to get good news re how things look!

    My poor husband is playing the role of housekeeper, nurse and soon to be "hair dresser" when i ask him to help wash my hair in the sink! Now that I read about the benefit of massaging the scar later on, I will tell him he has another job in the future. ;) Poor guy! =/

    Wishing everyone GOOD NEWS and GOOD DAYS!

    Hugs from NYC

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    Hi everyone. I clarified the pain pump thing with my PS today and it is a local anesthetic pump that is inserted that slowly pumps numbing medication into the area. No button to press, no bloodstream pain meds. I'm actually happy about that though since the pain meds don't agree with me.

    Did any of you have to wear compression garments after surgery? And for those of you having trouble with the drains, the medical supply store sells a cami that comes with Velcro pockets to hold up to four drains.

    I had the option to move up my surgery to the 8th but I'm afraid cuz my kids have dance rehearsal and recital that Thursday and Sunday. I'm not sure what to do since I'd love to get it over with.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    hbb - After my LD surgery I had seroma on my back and needed compression. The "Genie" bra was perfect as the back covers where the LD muscles were. I had to order them online as I couldn't find them in stores. I was told Walgreens but I never saw them there.

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    I've seen them at Walgreen's actually! I'll buy one for post surgery just in case. I hate those compression garments!

  • bren74
    bren74 Member Posts: 1

    had my surgery in 6/13 still have a lot of back pain tightness and spasms everyday. I have done 3 rounds of PT, massage therapy, cortisone injections nothing seems to help would love ideas my quality of life has just gone down hill

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Hi guys, finally had the last of the drains pulled yesterday, what a relief!! Now, however, I have developed a seroma. I have never had one before. Has anyone had one or know anything about them? I have to get it drained tomorrow and a few times thereafter. Is it painful? Is there anything I can do to reduce it? Help!! Any information would be geatly appreciated?

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Hi guys, just an FYI in case any of you develop a seroma. It was painless, honestly, I'ld rather have the seroma drained every few days than having the drains. If not drained, however they can become quite uncomfortable/painful. Accoding to my PT, seromas are quite common after LD.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Cali, - glad that you are feeling better!

    I had post op today. One drain out, one in at least until next wednesday. Am glad that at least one is out! ;)

    The sun finally came out today, too!

    I hope everyone is having a GOOD day today!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Cali and anotherNYCG, it's good to hear you both sounding so chipper! Cali, I've read that seromas are the most common complication with this surgery. I'm glad yours isn't too bothersome. Personally, as annoying as the drains are, I'd rather keep them in longer than have to run back and forth getting a seroma drained. I'd rather stay home on my couch! Not that I could convince my PS to take the drains out until he was darn good and ready anyway.


  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Cali - I think I'm the seroma queen! I've add them after many surgeries...and after my LD which was in 2011. It even returned just last January! Shocked my BS and PS...three years later I get a seroma..What???

    My advise....compression, compression, compression. Compression garments plus a binder, 24-7 is the only thing that has helped when I had one. I wore a slightly less constricting contraption to sleep in, but I wore something even then. I too had them drained, but you don't want to do that too often as it ups the risk of infection. Unfortunately I had that happen too.

    I still have my box of various compression garments, they are expensive and I'm glad I saved them when this January I did something in pilates class that cause a seroma to return in my back area. They drained it a few times but compression and time my body finally dealt with no additional surgery.

    Good luck!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    bren - I'm sorry you're still experiencing difficulty 2 years post op. When you mention 3 rounds of PT it honestly doesn't sound like much. I am uncertain if more would make a difference but by comparison, I started with PT 6 months prior to surgery and continue with it now. I've been going for 10 mos. I go / have gone 1 - 2 xs per week and do daily exercises at home or in the gym. If I did not do the work everyday at home, what I do with the PT would have little benefit.

    Calibea - I had seroma on my back. It's not a big deal. It took 3 drainings and compression and it was gone. They numb you before draining it. When my doc did it I didn't feel a thing. When a substitute doc did it I was screaming. I agree it's better than drains. Glad you're OK.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    I rarely use the Valium, but at times when it is needed it brings me great relief and I am fine for the rest of the day. So yes, I am taking it when I feel tight. I want the revision done and Copit did agree. I am only doing it for symmetry. Remember my left breast was radiated almost 10 years ago and he placed a larger implant on that side because of it. It seems like it is sliding under my apart, so he will do a little lift and swipe out that implant and put in one to match my right side. I love the way my breasts look, I just want to look the same on both sides. I never wear a bra, but if a person is really looking closely, you can see the difference. So he agreed a lift would be a great idea.

    I already had the nips and areola done in his office by Josh Jersey and I look fabulous. Copit said he would not have to disturb the tats on my left side.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Shorfi - Thanks. I am wondering how I will look after everything settles. I'm glad to know revision can be done down the road because right now I am in no mood for another surgery. :)

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Hi gals! I had my exchange surgery yesterday and everything went great! It was done at my PS outpatient surgery center at 730 am and was discharged by 945am. Slept most of the day and am staying up on the pain meds. No drains this time....yeah!!!! I can't wait for my post op appt tomorrow so I can see them😃

    Also, got my port removed.....very excited about that too!!

    I am getting there, one day at a time😉


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Kathy - YEA for you! It is so helpful that a cohort of us are moving through this together. I found the exchange recovery easy and hope you do too.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kathy, I'm glad it went well. You and Warrior are leaving me in the dust. If I had been able to take the earlier date the PS's office belatedly offered me, I'd be having my exchange tomorrow instead of 3 weeks from now. I'd even take having drains over this blasted waiting with TEs. Sorry for the complaining. Work sucks and surgery is looking like a vacation. The sooner I get all of this expensive medical stuff done, the sooner I can quit.

    I hope things look great at the big reveal tomorrow! Happy healing!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Thank you warrior woman and 2tabbies! I am hoping and thinking this surgery will be the easiest yet. The only thing that really hurts is my sternum. Pain pills are working though😉

    2tabs, sorry you have to wait another 3 weeks😒. I'm sure time will fly by though and you will be having it before you know it!

    I don't have drains....yeah!!!(I think that's the best part)

    Best wishes,


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kathy, I'm glad to hear your pain is manageable. Did you have any tweaking or just a straightforward exchange? My PS wants to fix a few details and said I would have drains. I honestly don't care. I just want it done and am happy to have him do anything he thinks will make me look better. I'm afraid time isn't flying. I'm not good at waiting. Three weeks feels like an eternity, and there's also a huge mountain between me and my destination. I have to fly back home in another 10 days for my mom's memorial service. That's why I couldn't do the surgery tomorrow. The family drama has also begun already. I swear my family put the dys in dysfunctional.