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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo & Sam2U - I only know what I've read and the information provided by my OBS. Anything that places a strain on the lymph system can trigger or worsen LE. This includes surgery, infection, heat, etc. It's one of the risks we need to factor into our decisions. ***Waving to Sam2U.*** What a long strange trip it's been!

    Jo - The LD Flap has a low risk of failure because the muscle is never severed from your body unlike other flaps. Yes, things can go wrong and this site has some of those accounts. However, as you've seen, many of us are very happy with our outcomes. BTW, I had the tight band feeling after my BMX and it worsened with each consecutive surgery. It's mostly scar tissue that can be broken up with massage.

    Tabbies - I am so rooting for you. This has been a long trip.

    Well ladies - I'm about done with PT. Although they seem to enjoy my visits, there is no medical reason for me to make the trip. It is important for me to continue stretching and to use massage to loosen scar tissue and prevent capsular contracture but that I can do on my own. I'll continue the exercises with the bands for posture. I have zero discomfort and full range of motion. I have not found anything that I am unable to do although some things are a wee bit more challenging. I have been going for PT for almost 9 months. It has helped me to address and prevent many of the problems that accompany surgery.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, that's one more step to cross off your list - finishing PT. Good deal.

    I had a bit of a scare today. It wasn't me. It was my hubby. I woke up at 4 am to the sound of him passing out in the bathroom and hitting his head on the tile floor. We are not home. We are at my brother's near where I grew up getting ready for my mother's memorial service tomorrow. So we took a 4 am trip to the ER. Spent the day in the hospital, but they couldn't find anything seriously wrong like cardiac issues so they discharged him. Big sigh of relief. He has orders to follow up with his PCP when we get home.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T!! I know how frightening that is because it happened to my husband once, too!! It turned out to be from low blood pressure, probably from having a cold and being dehydrated. Perhaps your long trip contributed to low bp for him? Glad that all was ok when he saw dr there!!

    WW - Great update from you re how you're doing !

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    2T- glad he is ok! Watch him closely until you get to see his doctor!

    I am 3 weeks post surgery today. I still have two drains on the radiated side. One in the breast and one in the back. They should have been removed tomorrow, but my fluid output is too high. Someone asked levels- the breast one had 46 yesterday and my back had 30. They need to be under 20 for three days straight😳. I want them gone! I am very happy with my surgery results. I had the exchange at the same time, so I am finished. Could be why the fluid is taking this long!

    I did have LE on my flap side. I have had no issues so far! Worried a bit once the drains come out that it might swell. I had all nodes removed and totally understand the numb armpit but weird feeling you described.

    Question! Did you have a burning sensation where the muscle is? Right on the curve of the breast by the center or middle chest is where I can feel a hard spot. And it is sore and burns when pressed. Must be part of the muscle? How long did anyone have their drains? I am going on week 4 tomorrow and very sad about that

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Jodi, - My surgery was 3 weeks ago tomorrow, but my drains were taken out last week because it was less than 30cc in 24 hours. I saw the ps today and he did see some fluid in my back, but said it's not enough to require draining and to keep an eye on it. If need be he can drain with a needle. I have read posts about drains remaining 3-4 weeks. I know what a pain they are, but better safe than sorry!

    I am still not comfortable, - back, side, front. Yet he didnt seem surprised, and said 'this too shall pass'. Yes, sometimes a burning feeling. I am relying on tylenol, and he said in a couple of weeks to try advil.

    When do you go back to see dr?

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Saw my PS yesterday-I had my lat flap Dec 29 and then had final revision surgery on April 30-nipple reconstruction and final fill of saline implant for symmetry.  I had a hump in my back where my lat flap was-and PS lippo-ed it in April.  It did help-the hump is gone and I am flat where the flap was again-yippee :)  I had a lingering stitch removed yesterday and am back on antibiotics and cream.  My dr is very careful with open incisions plus I have a history of infections so I am okay being careful.  My nipple has deflated some-and I asked if there is something they can do to plump it back up-and there is so that makes me happy.  next up for me is finishing healing and in about two months-get my tatoo in the office.  I am getting there finally-almost two years from start to finish for me-what a process.

    2Tabbies-I am glad DH is never ends..always more for us to worry with. 

    Hope everyone is well and healing good.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, everyone. My sil, who is a nurse, and I will be watching him. Just want to get through Mom's memorial service.

    Jodi, I had that burning pain also. I had my drains for 2-3 weeks. I know some people had them quite a bit longer.

    AnotherNYC, I wasn't really comfortable for at least a month. Not in major pain, but not comfortable.

  • Alibeths
    Alibeths Member Posts: 167


  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    anotherNYC- I am hoping the fluid is because they did lat and implants all at once. Yesterday I had 20 in one and 30 in the other. Suppose to go back on Thursday. Need both to be 20 or under!! If not, I might see if they will allow my DH to pull the drain that is ready at home. We live 6 hours away from Houston. Traveling is hard and expensive. Hell- cancer is expensive! I have not taken any pain med today. Just thinking how I will feel in a month! One day at a time right?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo - I used Genie bras after my surgery as recommended by my PT. Walgreens sometimes carries them. It held me in place and covered the lats. I had some mild seroma and the compression helped. Beyond that, now that I don't need expensive bras anymore, I pick up the cheapies in low end shops.

    Vette - I am considering the lippo of my back if it doesn't become flush. Based upon your experience, do you recommend it?

    Alibeths - I realize some people find the shirt funny and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Personally, I find it offensive. A friend wanted to buy it for me and I told her not to waste her money. I would never wear it. And while my breasts have little breast tissue left and have been reconstructed, they are my breasts. I don't refer to them as foobs. They are mine and I've been through an awful lot to get them as my signature line details. I don't consider anything that is now part of my body fake. It's me. It's all me. And frankly, I'm looking damn good lately. Winking

    Tabbies - As if you don't have enough on your plate. Wishing you, your husband and family peace at this trying time.

    Jodi & AnotherNYCG - Hang in there. You both seem to be on schedule. This is a long recovery but you're not reporting anything that others haven't dealt with and come out fine. Most people reported 6 weeks to be the magical turn around time. Of course, having drains pulled is always something to look forward to. I did develop seroma on my back and had it drained a few times and wore compression bras for a while. It is very common even when drains remained in for the recommended time. It's not a big deal.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo - Yes, the Genies do go over your head. I sort of kept my elbows down and slid it over. I'm not sure that I didn't break the 90 degree angle but I managed and it worked out fine. You can also find bras with hooks that may do the job. Again, the cheaper bras seem to be the ones that have worked better for me. As a side note, for the first few months after the LD surgery, I needed help getting the bras off. My body became confused by the movement of trying to lift it. I seem to have adjusted. At some point it just wasn't a problem anymore.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, are you looking for something that has pockets for the drains, or a bra/camisole that provides compression? You might ask your surgeon or his staff or the nurse navigator at your hospital if they can suggest a local store. Otherwise, there's always Amazon and 2 day shipping. Thanks for the prayers.

    Warrior, I'm glad you're looking good! Thanks for sending peace.

    DH is feeling much better today. No signs of a çincussion or subdural hematoma thankfully. Unfortunately, now I feel like crap. Allergies or a cold. I don't know which. But we all got through the memorial service and burial of the ashes. Now I just need to go through Mom's stuff. There isn't much. My brother has already dealt with some of it.

    I talked to the out patient surgery center today to go over preop instructions not that I don't have that routine down by now as do we all. One week to go. This cold or whatever it is hadn't better interfere.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    J0 - I don't know if this will help but to manage drains I kept a lanyard with the drains pinned to it around my neck. This enabled me to change clothes and shower without continually pinning and unpinning.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Warrior-yes-I do recommend getting the lippo on the lat flap hump on the back.  Mine was pretty protruding-could see it though clothes.  The lippo made it slightly bruised and a little tender for a couple of weeks-but not bad at all.  I did have to wear a binder over it for a few weeks-I went and bought a Spanx version at Kohls instead of the bulky one from the hospital.  And the hump is completely gone and flat in that area now.

    Saw my PS this week.  It appears there is something they can inject in your nipple if it flattens as mine has done.  Next up for me is my tatoo in about two months-will be done at the office-and after that if I am still not happy with the plumpness of the was nice and plump and pink when first made but has deflated.  I will most likely plump it back up.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, you could call your surgeon's office on Monday to see if they know a local source for those pocketed camis. Mine was provided at the hospital when I had the mastectomy. Did you have a breast cancer nurse navigator? That person might know. Or a medical supply shop that sells mastectomy bras might carry them. Is there one near you? Or maybe even a department store that carries mastectomy bras?

    I think this is a cold that I have. I hope it's gone by next Thursday. I don't really have anything to get ready before my surgery which is a good thing because I'm still at my brother's. I just need to remember to start showering with Hibiclens twice a day starting tomorrow.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, it sounds like you are quite innovative! Maybe you could make a couple pockets for one of your tanks to hold the drains. The camisole I had stretched enough so that I could stop into it and pull it up. I hope your surgeon says they will provide one or some other solution. If not, even though the angiosarcoma isn't breast cancer, the nurse navigator or someone in the oncology department at your hospital should have the information to help you locate what you need. Pinning the drains to your clothes is a pain. The lanyard Warrior suggested would be easier.

    Unfortunately, I think this cold is going to do what colds do and hang around for a week. I just hope my nose stops running before I have to get on a plane Tuesday.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, Jo, I've also heard that they ononly postpone if you have a fever not just a cold Fingers crossed. I hope your preop goes well Monday.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T, - hope your cold clears up quickly! How is your husband?

    JO, - hope all goes smoothly!

    I pinned the drains to whatever shirt I was wearing.

    As for a bra, i was told not to wear any after the LD, - but I had worn a genie bra for previous procedure and would pull it up like pantyhose ;)

    There was another bra suggested, too, - a Fruit of the Loom, front closure, all cotton very soft. Sold in Walmart. ($8 around here)

    On another note, the fluid in my back is still there, squishy feeling. I am hoping it goes down, but how would I know if I need to call ps and go in sooner than my next appt?

    Happy SUMMER everyone!! =)

  • Jacfin
    Jacfin Member Posts: 63

    AnotherNYCgirl I share your concern about the squishy feeling in your back. (Although I call it squelchy😆) I have had no end of trouble with my last back drain. I would give the surgeon's rooms a call and speak with his nurse. Sometimes some minor adjustments to the drains and/or tubes can help the squish.

    Good luck

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYCG, I didn't have a seroma so I can't answer your question. I think I'd call the surgeon's office and ask them.

    Jo, I'm glad to hear the camisole will be provided by the hospital. As it should be in my opinion.

    Hubby and I are both doing ok. He's actually fine. I felt rotten over the weekend with this cold, but am on the mend. I felt pretty decent today except for lingering congestion. I'm not worried about my surgery being postponed or about feeling too crappy on my long flight home tomorrow. Hallelujah!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, Tylenol isn't my pain reliever of choice either. It's fine for fevers and the aches that come with them, but I don't find it as good as the NSAIDs for other pain. Some people seem to have good luck with it though. My PS has me taking 1000 mg of Tylenol a day after my surgery to hopefully reduce the need for narcotics. I hope it works for both of us! Did you ever ask your PS about about a pain ball?

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks Jac, - but my drains are out, - this is what collected afterward.

    I am keeping an eye on it as much as possible, and after what 2T said about seroma, I looked that up onine, too. Seems that it can take up to a month to reabsorb, and should be ok unless it gets worse, or red or feverish.

    2T - Glad that you and your husband are feeling better!

    Hope all here are doing well!

    Hugs from NYC (where it is wayyyyy too hot and steamy today. ugh =/

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I'm off to the surgery center shortly. See you all on the flip side!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T You are almost at the finish line!! Winking

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Yup! I'm leaving right NOW!


  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    In your pocket 2T--you are almost there!!


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - Waiting for the good news of your easy recovery.

    Jo- 7 surgeries and not once was I marked in advance. It was always just before rolling me in to the OR. I guess different docs do it differently. I'm sure you'll be fine with the marking just before hand. You be well.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I'm home. I'm a bit painful on my "good" side - the one with no cancer or rads. I'm icing it as ordered. Can't peek at the results until Monday when I go in for a post-op check. My PS is going to Italy on Sunday so I hope all goes as planned. I would have been seeing has assistant anyway. I have 2 drains, and she might get to pull them Monday. The binder is more uncomfortable than the drains.Thank for your good wishes, everyone! It's too the couch for me. One of my kitties is already settling in to keep me company.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Welcome home 2T! Smile Get as comfortable as possible and have a good night!

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Yeah 2Tabbies.  Wishing you a speedy, easy recovery :)