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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - As sick and twisted as it sounds, I understand thinking of surgery as a much needed restful vacation. Hang in there a little longer. I want to see you on the squishy side.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hang in there 2T, - try to keep the family stuff from getting to you. You are going across the country to do the right thing, but keep family issues at an arms distance if possible! Your health is your first priority! You will be on the 'squishy side' soon!!

    Jodi, - how are you doing? We are on about the same time schedule.

    I did have one drain removed yesterday, and sleeping was easier last night, but today that foob is more swollen and a bit warmer. Of course I am thinking it could be another infection starting. UGH Called PS, he is surgery til 11 PM tonight, and asked me to see him tomorrow 9 AM. Hope I am worrying for nothing!

    Hoping everyone is feeling WELL!

    Hugs from NYC

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabs, sorry to hear about your family drama in the midst of your mothers passing.....that's awful!! He did have to do some "pocket revision" on my radiated/lat flap side because it was a little lower and kind of under my armpit. We will see what it looks like tomorrow!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, yeah, looking forward to surgery is a bit pathetic, isn't it. I hope I'm not turning into one of those people who "enjoys" being sick. I just feel like I'm wasting whatever life I have left at my job because I get no satisfaction out of it at all. I just stay for the paycheck and insurance coverage. It doesn't help that we're in the midst of a big change in how we work, and some of the changes are really annoying and unnecessary. So being out on medical leave really does feel like a break. I get to sleep late and hang out on the couch with the tabby girls, and I get a pass on housework. What's not to like?

    AnotherNYC, fortunately, we'll be staying with my brother and sil who we enjoy as long was we stay away from political discussions. They know to have some adult beverages on hand for after the service. I do hope you don't have an infection! Not allowed! I decree it! Let us know as soon as you find out.

    Kathy, I've got the "under the armpit" deal going on too. Both sides. So he'll do a bit of nipping and tucking to fix that. The flap skin is also bulging where it stretched more than the rad burnt skin. He said he'll take care of with liposuction. My boob is the last place on my body I ever would have wanted liposuction. I have so many other good candidates! But it will look better without the bulge. I told him to please suck some fat out of a few other spots if he feels any desire to practice. I'm looking forward to hearing a good report from you tomorrow.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437's not pathetic to feel like that. I totally understand.

    Kathy...I would love to hear about your results from the radiated side. I am having the same problem with my left side feeling like it is under my armpit and hangs a little bit lower. I am scheduled for revision surgery on August 12th. Hope everything works out well for you.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks, 2T! Dr said to continue with keflex, but to keep close watch and call him if gets any warmer or redder. I am relieved, and as he said, 'cautiously optimistic'. He is a wonderful man and surgeon.

    I will see him again in a few days.

    Hoping everyone here has a GOOD weekend!

    Hugs from nyc

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    AnotherNYC, I'm glad to hear the doc isn't worried. Hooray for Keflex! I hope it does the trick.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks, 2T!! oxo

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    I had my follow up today and my PS took off that awful binding, ahhhh now I can breathe!!! I am shocked at how soft my boobs are already, I guess I was expecting more swelling and firmness initially. There doesn't seem to be much swelling and they are already soft....yeah!! The rocks are gone😃

    They actually seem a little small:/ He said I won't see the final result for 3-6 months due to settling and what not so we will see how they turn out! They are equal though and I am happy so far with how they look!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Kathy, I'm glad you're happy with the results so far.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Kathy, - so glad to read that you are pleased with the new you!!Smile

    Ok, ladies, - question, - how long 'til you feel anywhere near comfortable again?? I am 9 days from procedure, still have one drain in. Went from te on radiated side that had failed implant, to lat flap with SMALL implant. (I actually thought he would have put one in that matched other side, but I trust his judgement). I have taken only tylenol since leaving the hosp, and it does help, but I am so unable to do things around the house! I hate having to ask my husband for so much help. Sad

    Everything from helping with the drains, to vacuuming to washing my hair, etc. I am sure this is all getting to him. I need to be better already!!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    Give it a few more days....I remember not feeling better until about 2-2 1/2 weeks after the surgery. I was able to do the drains on my own but my hubby did help with washing my hair and housecleaning/laundry etc. I am sure he's harder I think on us for not being able to do it ourselves!! Be patient and give it a few more days😉


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Kathy - YEA!!! Welcome to the other side and I'm glad you're happy so far with the results.

    NYCGirl - Most report a real normalizing by 6 weeks.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks for your responses Kathy and WW!

    I will try to be more patient, - now to get my husband to be, also. This has been a loooong 15 months and it is easy for me to see that he is ready to do more with his retirement than this. (Although we did get away for a week in May, and that helped!)

    Hoping everyone is enjoying a beautiful spring day!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYC, I agree with the others. Give it more time. I didn't need help with drains or washing my hair, but I couldn't drive my car for at least 2-3 weeks. I don't have power steering so turning corners and getting in and out of parking spaces hurt. Anything that requires pushing or pulling hurt. Muscles have been cut and stitched, and apparently, it takes a while for that to heal. I hope your husband can be a patient for a bit longer especially for things like vacuuming. I'm sure your PS will back you up if necessary. I even remember reaching in the washer and drier to remove clothes was a bit painful. Tell hubby that if you do too much and irritate things, it will take even longer until your fully healed. I do sympathize on the length of this whole process, believe me. Rest!

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    Hi all! I had a follow up on Thursday and had two drains removed. 2 drains remain. Hardest part really is driving the 6 hours to MD on one day and home the next after the appointment. 3 weeks in a row I have been in Houston in a hotel or hospital on a Wednesday night. Everything is going ok so the doctor said instead of me coming back next week, to call them when the output from the remaining drains is under x amount for three days straight. DH knows that number I do not remember lol! He is my drain nurse and writes all the stuff down. I have had drainage leaks from one of the pulled drains for two days. Also, I took off my cotton Velcro bra they put on me because it is hitting where the drains enter my body and causing major irritation. I am itchy too but I think that's is from all the tape. I react to the sticky stuff.

    I have to brag on my youngest, LuLu. She is two and has been a champ through this! I thought for sure it was going to be awful. But, she understands momma has bo Bos and can't pick her up or change her. She also have up her bottle!!! Yes, we still were on a bottle at bedtime. But not anymore! It has been hard letting other people take care of the girls. And hard to not pick up behind them!!

    I have some tightness in the right Breast but all in all amazed at the results. I took a pic and blacked out my scars with black bars to see and they look so close to my old chest. Amazed!

    Questions- am I suppose to wear that cotton bra for swelling purposes? Is there any suggestions on how to help the red irritation at the drain entrances? Those thick black stitches are just digging into my skin!!

    Nyc- I hope you are doing good! I am getting better everyday! I will definitely be celebrating when the remaining drains are removed!!

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    Hi everyone. Surgery tomorrow and I'm admittedly terrified! However looking forward to being one step closer to being done. NYGirl, sorry you don't feel normal yet but glad to hear you are only taking Tylenol. That is the route I was planning to take. Which part of you doesn't feel normal, just the residual pain or helplessness in your limitations? Have you taken only Tylenol the whole time? I'm scared for the pain when I wake up, hoping the numbing pump takes most of the edge off and I can survive on Tylenol, Zanax and tramadol if necessary.

    Any suggestions anyone?

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Thanks all for your support!

    Jodi, - I cant imagine having such a long drive to dr visit, and having such a little one at home!! Accept that help with the kids and take it as easy as possible!!

    hbb, - Are you having LD on both sides or just one? i must admit, - the pain was no where near what i feared. After surgery I had a delay starting on pain meds because my blood pressure was too low, and even then, I suppose the anesthesia was still in my body because it was manageable. Since home, I have taken extra strength tylenol throughout the day, and valium to help to sleep. It is uncomfortable more than painful. Finding a position that works, especially for the night, requires some pillow adjustments! Are you staying in the hosp or is this outpatient for you? I am trying not to stretch or pull ANYthing, - which means, as 2T said, no driving, vacuuming, reaching into washer/dryer, or even open/closing windows. Can't wait to be able to shower! Washcloths and baby wipes are not nearly as soothing as a nice warm shower!!

    WIshing everyone a happy and comfortable week ahead!!

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    NY, I'm having one side only, two night hospital stay, supposedly only one drain. I'm glad to hear it was less pain than you expected. That truthfully lowers my anxiety!!

  • Calibea
    Calibea Member Posts: 34

    Good luck to you HBB, you'll do fine. As a group, we have had a pretty good track record recently. Nothing will totally quell your anxiety, but take comfort that none of us have much (or any actually) pain waking up. I had my surgey in the PT office, with no pain pump, and I felt fine waking up due to residual anesthesia (believe me, that is one of my greatest fears, it has happened to me before and it is terrible!). I think Tramadol is very effective for pain management. I've used it when I didn't want to take the narcotics. Once the anesthesia wears off,it's more of a discomfort/soreness rather than pain. I think the drains and finding the right sleeping position is the biggest discomfort -with all my pillows now, I have it down pat. Just keep picturing braless days and perky boobs til your 89 and it will be totally worth it. If you have any last minute questions or concerns, please PM me. I'm usually awake til at least midnight EST.

    NYC- Take care of yourself and take all the help you can get. Last night, my back incision opened (sutures were removed mid May)and drained into the bed-after having 147cc removed that morning. Sort of freaking out, afraid of more infections, but doc on call said I should be OK. I'm guessing they'll put in a drain again tomorow, Ugghh, I was dancing on air last week when they came out! I guess I was doing too much and had a reality check. Please take my situation as a learning experience, rather than a reality!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hbb you will do fine! I, too, had only one side, and also stayed in hosp for 2 nights. Having one 'good' side to lean back on helps a lot! We will be there with you in spirit and look forward to your posts when you are back online!! Smile

    Cali! You must have gotten so nervous when your sutures opened! Sad I am glad the dr said not to worry. No doubt it looked worse than it was! I bet once it all drained out, it will close and be fine. Maybe no more drain will be needed? How many CCs were draining when they took them out? I read that it should be under 30 cc in 24 hours. Take it EASY and I guess we all have to be patient with drains and doing too much too soon!

    Jo-5, - sounds like you are considering this type of reconstruction. I would say that most of us are finding it do-able, and some with only tylenol after leaving the hosp. MOST important, is to have a surgeon that does this procedure on a regular basis!!

  • hbb
    hbb Member Posts: 84

    NY and Cali, thanks so much! You've both really eased the fears!! I'll update you once I'm able.😉

    Bag packed, headphones, blanket, lip balm and dirty novel✔✔✔✔. 😉

    Cali that sounds scary I must admit! take it easy, although trust me, I know that's easier said than done!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    Hbb, Good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking of you and praying for you! I know you will do great, especially with that numbing medicine pump you will be receiving😃. It sounds like you are prepared!!

    Jo-5, not sure what kind of surgery you are having so it's kind of hard to answer your question but for me the mastectomy was easier than the lat flap surgery. I didn't drive for about 2 1/2 weeks and couldn't lift or do much for that amount of time. It took a good 6 weeks to start to feel back to normal and to be cleared to exercise again.

    Best wishes,


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jodi, it sounds like you're doing well. Hooray for little Lulu! As far as the bra goes, follow whatever instructions you were given by your surgeon. I had a binder that was like a tube top with velcro up the front. My PS said it was best if I left it on as much as possible at first.

    hbb, don't worry about pain when you wake up. They'll have it under control. If they don't, say something, and they should fix it for you. We'll be waiting for your report!

    Cali, yikes, that would be disconcerting to have your back incision open up. That's why my PS is pretty conservative on leaving the drains in until the drainage amount is low enough. I'm glad the on-call doc didn't think it was a big deal. I hope you don't need another drain inserted.

    JO, I'm not sure exactly what your surgery will entail, but it sounds like it will be along the lines of a lat flap. Do you know if they're moving the lat muscle to your chest or just skin? If it's just skin, the pain won't be that bad I don't think. Most of my pain came from where they sewed the lat and pec muscles together to make a pocket for the implant. I know others have said they made do with Tylenol, but frankly, I used more pain meds for this surgery than any previous surgery (hysterectomy, abdominal exploratory, bilateral mastectomy). For those previous procedures, I took maybe one or two of the narcotic pills when I got home then just ibuprofen. For this one, I was taking Norco at night for 2 or 3 weeks anyway. It wasn't that I was in agony all the time. I wasn't. But certain movements that pulled on where they'd sewn the muscles together really hurt. Unfortunately, that happened when I'd reposition myself in my sleep, and I'd wake up. So in order to get a decent night's rest, I took Norco at night. I was very surprised I needed it for that long, believe me. If I wasn't able to take narcotics, I'd have survived though. It would have been inconvenient, but doable. If they're only taking skin from your back, I'm betting it won't be that painful. Good luck.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    I have the pre-op appointment for my exchange tomorrow. 17 days and counting.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, good luck. I hope it goes welln and they don't have to take out too much tissue. And I hope the angiosarcoma stays gone, gone, gone.

    Everyone, I had my preop appointment today. My PS mentioned I'd have a strap around the upper part of my chest to help keep the implants where they belong. He called it something like an upper breast band. Has anyone had one?

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabs, didn't have an upper breast band and haven't heard of it! Sorry!


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T, i havent heard of breast band either, - does he mean temporarily after procedure?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYC, yes, temporarily after the surgery. For a couple weeks I think he said until the pockets heal enough to keep the implants positioned correctly.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks,Jo. I'm glad you got an appointment right away. I don't know about you, but I prefer things to move along quickly rather than the interminable waiting. I especially hate the initial waiting when you don't even know what they're going to do.