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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, Jo and vettegirl. Jo, I've been taking oxycodone as well as the Tylenol. I still have discomfort, but not bad. Back to the couch for me.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Thanks, Jo. The pain is fairly minimal unless I move the wrong way. Sleep is one thing I'm good at. I've been dozing all day. Unfortunately, I've been having bad dreams. Not full fledged nightmares but disturbing. I dreamt I was heading in to surgery, and DH was trying to give me some pain relievers. He was, in fact, trying to do that, but I didn't know what day it was and thought it was yesterday. I thought I hadn't had the surgery yet. It's very weird being that confused, and I think it bothered DH, poor guy.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Me too! I didn't have this grogginess with my other surgeries.

    When is your surgery schedule? You probably said, but I don't remember.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T, - I also think it is the pain meds that are causing the strange dreams, - I found that was happening even when I took the valium to help me sleep. Hope you have a good night tonight, - and think GOOD thoughts, - like nice squishies instead of the hard TE's, - maybe that will help divert your dreams! Winking

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I hope they can come up with something for you for pain. I think I could deal with it with just Tylenol, but it's certainly easier with something a bit stronger. I'll be saying prayers for you Monday.

    AnotherNYCG, I'm sure the dreams and grogginess are from the anesthesia and pain meds. Narcotic pain relievers always gave my mom nightmares, but it's a new side effect for me. I wonder if the side effects of the anesthesia and pain meds are cumulative even though months have gone by between surgeries. This was another pretty long procedure - 3 hours. I wish I could tell that I now have squishies! Padded with gauze and wrapped up in this binder, they don't feel any different than the TEs! I hope I get a peek on Monday at my appointment.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - Yea for you! (BTW, I peeked at my results before I was supposed to and I lived to tell about it!)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I snuck a little peek down the binder but couldn't see much. I'd take it off and look, but I'm afraid I'd never get all the loose gauze back in place. Winking

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Tabbies - My husband wrapped me back up. I only needed to stay that way for a couple of days and then I moved to sports type bras. You cannot get the bandages wrapped back around by yourself...I agree. Frankly, after a day or so the bandages were falling off me anyway.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    imagelife after Lat Flap; finally some pics of my new 'old' houseimageimage

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    2tabs, I have been on vacation so just trying to catch up on all the posts! Glad your surgery went well. I was uncomfortable for the first 2 days post op but when I went in for my post op appt and he removed the ace bandage it was instant relief!! I didn't have drains though.....hope your results are what you hope for! I was thinking mine would be a little bigger and I still have this fat(muscle) band under my arm on the last flap side. He said it will take 3-6 months until they settle and we can figure out if I will need a "revision", whatever that means?? Hope you get your drains out soon!

    Jboklamd....LOVE your house!! It's adorable

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, yeah, I'd have to have hubby wrap me back up. I think it's probably better to wait it out until my appointment tomorrow. The binder seems to be holding the gauze in place pretty well.

    kthielen, nice to hear from you. I'm not terribly uncomfortable. I expect instant relief when this binder comes off as well. I do have occasional stabbing pains in various spots especially under my arm on the lat side, but they are intermittent. I don't think they're related to the drains so as far as I can tell, the drains aren't causing discomfort only inconvenience. A revision means fixing things that aren't up to par. It could encompass a lot of things from symmetry issues to dog ears. I hope I'm not so disappointed that I'd feel it necessary to go for a bigger implant. I trusted my PSs judgement on size, and he was thinking in the same ballpark as Whippetmom. So fingers crossed it looks ok. I'll have to ask tomorrow exactly which implants he used.

    jbokland, LOVE the house! I am a fan of older homes especially ones with a porch. You've done a great job with it. I love the color.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T - Glad to read that you are doing ok!

    Jbok - I love your house!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I'm wondering how your are doing and hope you'll post as soon as you are able. I hope you've got the pain control figured out.

    I had my post-op visit today. My PS is in traveling in Europe so I saw his assistant. She does a lot of the routine post-op stuff anyway. I got my first look at the results. I think it's going to be ok once everything settles. The size and symmetry are pretty good. Right now they're squished to the center. He did some pocket work that moved them in that direction because they were placed too far laterally like they were trying to escape under my arms. I think the binder is holding them in that position. The drains weren't quite ready to come out, but the volume is dropping pretty fast. I'm supposed to call Wednesday morning with the totals for today and tomorrow. If they're low enough, she'll take the drains out Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. The assistant is going off on vacation herself Thursday afternoon so if she can't take them out that day, I'll have to wait until my appointment with the PS on July 15. Geez, I hope not. In the meantime, I need to wear the binder which helps reduce the drainage. I have to wear the breast band which goes around my chest above my breasts for 2 weeks. This is because I have shaped implants which can rotate. The band holds them in place until they're firmly attached to my tissue.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    2T - Fingers crossed for low volume!

    I am over 6 months Post op and I am still tender where those darn drains were!

    I've been on Tamoxifen about 10 months and now just getting SE. Hands and feet swelling, some general stiffness.... Ho hum.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbok, what's SE? I've been on Tamoxifen over a year. Hate it.

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    I gave up on tamoxifen -- waved the flag of surrender after 6 months  -- SE's galore.  The absolute worst for me was debilitating anxiety and depression--doctor said it wasn't a known SE, but it sure went away a month after I stopped.  Exemestane has been much easier on me--but everyone is different.



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sam, mood swings are my worst side effect from Tamoxifen as well. Some increased hot flashes, but the depression and irritability are the worst. Not a known side effect. Yeah, right.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    jbookland - Looks great!!! What a beautiful home. I love your good taste.

    kthielen - Things will have to settle in a very bad way before I sign up for any revisions. I am so ready to be done.

    I'm getting switched to an AI from Tamoxifen next year. I guess it will be a new set of side effects.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I was going to be on Tamoxifen for 2-3 years then switched to something else. But I had a bone density test which showed osteopenia. Since Tamoxifen is easier on the bones than the other drugs, my MO now wants to leave me on it for 10 years. I'm not sure if it's a case of better the devil you know than the one you don't or not.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo - Why do they think it is dark? Doesn't necrosis take some time? I don't know what I'm talking about. I did drill my PS like crazy and he assured me there is only a 1% failure rate with the LD flap. At least you're in the right place if anything needs to be redone. Hopefully not.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, thanks for checking in. I've been thinking about you. No, I didn't have any failure with the flap. Maybe that one area is just getting a bit less circulation than the rest. I'll say some extra prayers for good blood flow and better pain control. Did they ever say anything about a pain ball?

    I was able to get my drains pulled today. I'm much relieved. I can take a shower tomorrow.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Jo- Sorry that you are having pain management issues. I hope you get that under control asap!! As for the dark color, - the dr doesnt think it is a bruise??

    2T - Ahhhh ;)- so nice to have those drains out!!

    WW, - I know what you mean about not wanting revisions and wanting to be done already! I am still not comfortable from my May 28 procedure, but today my PS said looks good, come back in a month. ( knocking wood here!) More work to be done after the summer.

    Hope all here have a happy holiday weekend!

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    it's been 4 months since my last lat flap. I can go bra-less with 2 layers and look good. I can't do a bra-less tank. I can wear yoga tanks with just a light unpadded bra and I look good. I had nipple reconstruction before and this most recent surgery left me a bit uneven ( about 1 cm difference on placement) but I'm just so grateful for what has been done for me. No to cleavage, sadly and yes to lymphema, tragically. I'm alive

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I'm so sorry you're having this complication. I hope that it's just a temporary setback with only a small part of the flap involved.

    Mariasnow, good to hear from you. Yes, lymphedema sucks. I only had a small amount in one arm after my mastectomy, and it hasn't returned after therapy. I'm holding my breath that it doesn't. I do have it in one leg from my ovarian cancer surgery. It showed up 9 years after the surgery, and is gradually getting worse. I "manage" it, but I hate it. It's especially bad during hot weather like now. Compression stockings are so much fun to wear in the heat and oh so sexy in a skirt or shorts. Oh well. It's not like I have any options.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    yep. I am also in the Lymphedema club. This summer's heat has been brutal on it. Especially since I do not sweat. I am scheduled for shoulder surgery in a few weeks for post-op rotator cuff issues. I'm hoping it gets better after!

    If I have to wear this damn sleeves, I am funking it up!!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbokland, It pisses me off that I can't find any funky compression socks like you can with the sleeves. Just boring beige, black, navy, etc. The only different ones I could find were some that had to be custom tie dyed. I bought one pair, but they're pricey. I hope the surgery helps your shoulder.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    I use I was in a custom sleeve with Juzo ( who offers bright colors like purple and neon yellow) but found I can wear a medium short in Lymphadiva. The also sell seconds

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jbok, unfortunately, Lymphediva only makes sleeves not socks. I'd love it if they made socks. They aren't cheap, but at least I wouldn't have to custom order and wait weeks to get it. I guess the compression garment industry thinks only women with arm lymphedema from breast cancer want cool patterns on their garments. Those of us with leg lymphedema must all be old fogies who are happy with boring beige that is obviously a medical garment. There are some compression socks aimed at athletes that aren't bad, but the amount of compression is too low for me. I've thought of wearing one of those over my ugly sock.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    Juzo make fashion color in pantyhose...purple,pink,grey....they change with the season. image

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    jbookland - You're rocking that sleeve. Cool look.

    Jo - I've followed the LD Flap posts carefully for about a year now and I've yet to come across anyone who has dealt with the necrosis. I'm so sorry this is happening for you. Most of us reported a significant improvement around the 6 week mark. I am a huge advocate of PT. I went a couple times a week for many months and it really made a huge difference for me. Hopefully someone jumps in to address the necrosis concerns but you may have better luck finding others who've gone through this on another thread. Beyond all else, talking with your PS is most important.