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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Oh, Jo, I'm so sorry about your flap. And here I am whining about not being told about the pathologist. I've never had wound care like that, but I gave some when I was a home health nurse. It didn't seem to be particularly painful. I hope yours isn't. I'd be furious if a doctor ever suggested to my family that I shouldn't be told everything. That's patronizing. I feel better when I know everything. No surprises. It gives me at least an illusion of control. I'm glad your family stuck up for you.

    I realized this morning that maybe part of the reason I feel so rotten emotionally about the surprise of the biopsy is that I had run out of a supplement my PCP gave me to help with depression. I didn't think it was doing anything, but maybe it is.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo - I am at a loss for words. I am so sorry this has happened to you. The rarity of it doesn't help in any way. Most of the problems with the LD that I've read about here relate to ROM and discomfort. It really is a nightmare to go through all of this and have it fail. I would be depressed too. The BMX and LD surgery are the rough parts. The implants are easy by comparison. You've been through the worst of this.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, burning pain can't be a lot of fun. And yes, that does sound like a crater. My tumor was about that big which is why there was no option for a lumpectomy. I can see why the nurse said it would take months to heal. When I was a home health nurse, I did wound care for some patients with bed sores that size. They do have amazing wound care materials these days that help a lot. I'm sure there are even much better things now than when I was a nurse in the 90s. I'll pray you have quick and efficient healing and don't need a muscle or fat graft. I was wondering if the reason part of your flap failed might be related to your angiosarcoma. It really stinks that your cancer treatment caused another cancer. Honestly, what you've been through is way worse than anything I've been through with recon. I've had no complications. One thing I apparently do well, not that it's got anything to do with skill on my part, is surgery.

    "I reeled off the last 11 years, and said if I didn't have some if each, I would be a real nut!"

    I love this line! It's a miracle all of us don't have both depression and anxiety.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I didn't mean to imply that you still had cancer in your chest where the failure occurred. I was just wondering if leftover damage from the cancer might have been a factor in compromising the blood flow. Whatever the cause, it's just a rotten turn of events.

    You have more willpower than I do not to insist on seeing the crater. I would have insisted on seeing it because what I can imagine in my mind is probably worse than reality. I know a lot of people wouldn't want to look though.

    What I remember from my time as a nurse, is that the key to healing a would is keeping it moist. That's the reason for the wet gauze. We used to us a special gel to do the same thing. The way the wound heals is that new cells are produced in the healthy tissue at the edges, and they gradually migrate across the wound bed and fill it in. They need a moist environment to do that. It's actually an amazing process. Our bodies are truly a miracle when you think about it. Anyway, I'm sure you're in good hands. The nurse probably told you this, but it's also important to stay hydrated and eat a good diet with enough protein and vitamin C. Those are needed for healing. And rest! Lots of rest!

    I hope you're able to balance the percocet and nausea meds so you're comfortable. Take care, my friend and keep us posted.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Jo...hope that you start getting some relief from pain this weekend. You will be in my thoughts.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, if you were trying to heal that wound completely without surgery, I'd agree with the first nurse that it would take months. But since the PS plans to cover it with a skin graft, I don't know how long it has to heal before he can do that. I would assume he felt 2 weeks was a reasonable estimate. I'm glad the explanation I gave on wound healing was helpful. I agree with your nurses on keeping ahead of the pain also! Just know that if you're on narcotics for any length of time, you can't stop them abruptly. You have to taper them. Get your doctor's guidance.

    I'm doing ok. My issues are more emotional than physical at the moment. I hope you can have a restful weekend.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Joanne, that's how I cope too. It's been a long haul.

  • Jacfin
    Jacfin Member Posts: 63

    Jo and 2T, sending hugs to you both. It's tough isn't it? Hoping your physical and emotional healing progresses well this week.

    I've been a bit quiet this week. Quite a few tears, and lots of pain, but I am assured there has been improvement.

    I have been thinking of you Jo, I know you have had a very difficult journey so far. Load up on your pain med of choice an hour before the nurse. I find I need to have a good level of medication before they poke around the wound.

    Gentle hugs


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jacfin and Jo, I'm sorry you're both in pain. I hope the healing gets going in earnest for both of you. Get lots of rest and take deep breaths! Sometimes we forget to breathe.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I've known some fabulous male nurses. One who took care of me in the hospital after my ovarian cancer surgery was just so kind. I'm glad you had a good experience with your gentle giant.

    I'm sorry, but I don't know when your pain might ease up. The patients I took care of mostly had pressure sores from being bed ridden. They didn't seem to have a lot of pain despite how awful some of the wounds looked. Why don't you ask the nurse tomorrow what he thinks. I wonder if there's some sort of local anesthetic spray or something they could use during the dressing changes. I don't know of anything, but I've been out of that field for 20 years. The burning you describe almost sounds like nerve pain. I had that for a while in the skin of my chest after my mastectomy. It came on very suddenly, and was horrible for a while. The surgeon said it was the nerves starting to heal and wake up. I just wanted them to go back to sleep. The worst of it only lasted for a few days thankfully. If what you're experiencing is something like that, I wonder if something like Neurontin which is used for neuropathy would help. I'm just guessing at things here. I may be totally off track, but it can't hurt to ask the nurse or doctor.

    I hope you're getting a good night's sleep right now.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84


    Hi everyone, I am back! I had lat flap on the left side and regular implant on the right side. My exchange surgery was in January and it's me today. I feel great! I am able to do almost everything I could do before the surgery. I feel I even can do better in the yoga class. I hope everyone is doing great. I don't come here often now. I got lots of help and encourage here before and I just want to tell the ladies who are still in this procedure and feeling hurt, It is a hard procedure, but it is definitely worth it. Be patient and you will do great!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Xinghong, - you look wonderful! Thank you for sharing your photos! It is encouraging to see and read how well you are doing! I am about 8 weeks since LD surgery, and of course I do feel better, but I am still sore and hardly back to myself.

    Jo, 2T, WW, and everyone else here, I hope that you are feeling ok and had a good weekend. It is HOT and steamy here in NYC, - a good day to be home with AC on! Winking

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Xinghong, I agree with what AnotherNYCG said. You look fabulous. Can I ask about your tattoo? Did you get it to cover a scar from a chemo port or just because you wanted a tattoo? I'm thinking of getting one over my chemo port scar and maybe some of the other scars. If I do, it will be one more time that I end up doing something I swore I'd never do. Breast cancer seems to be good for that.

    AnotherNYCG, it's hot here in Oregon too. Not humid, but 95. Ugh. I'm inside with the A/C on too.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Thanks ladies! AnotherNYCG, you are on the way to feel yourself again. I remember I started feeling much better after 3 months. 2Tabbies, it's a temporary tattoo to cover the port scar. I had infection and end with ugly scar. It has been faded a lot after 3 years, but I still feel uncomfortable to expose it when I wear curtain kind of clothes. I am planning to get a real tattoo to cover the scar on the cord scar, or maybe on the back later as well. You are right breast cancer gave us excuses to do some crazy thing that we never thought we would do it. :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Xinghong, thanks for the information on the tattoo. My port scar isn't awful, but it's wider than I thought it would be. If I'm going to get tattoos anyway, I thought why not get one there. Here's to doing wild and crazy things!


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Xinghong - We've survived the surgeries and the hair! Good to see you!

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Jo...just checking to see how you are feeling today. I am hoping somewhat better.

    It was a bad weekend for me. I suffer from spinal stenosis and was in all weekend. The pain is horrific. Had doctor visit on Saturday and continuing to gain weight. I am going to blame it on the Neurontin..haha.

    To all...make it a great day on purpose Smile

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    shorfi, I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain. Go ahead and blame the weight gain on Neurontin. I'm taking it too so I'll join you. My real culprit in that department is Tamoxifen. Hope you feel better soon.

    Jo, I'm also wondering how you're doing.

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176

    hello everyone! Haven't posted in a while....sometimes need a mental break from this cancer stuff!!

    Jo, so sorry you are going through his, I was praying for you that the surgery would go well....I am so sorry that is not the case.

    2tabs, how are you looking/feeling post exchange??

    Warrior woman, have you had so many surgeries for revisions??

    I just found out I need a revision on the lat flap side, it's migrating back under my armpit. I also feel my left boob is smaller than the right one so that will be fixed at the same time. Should be fairly easy, my exchange surgery was super easy and quick for me and this will be even simpler! Hope to have it on Aug 27th, then having my hysterectomy on Sept 8th.....ugh, it's been a long year and a half!!


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I'm sorry to hear the pain has not let up. I hope you can convince the surgeon to let you have the nausea med every 4 hours with percocet. I don't blame you for not being a happy camper. I'd like to lose the weight I gained because at the same time I was gaining it, my blood pressure also went up. I'm hoping it might come down some if I take off the weight. It also might help my leg lymphedema.

    kthielen, nice to hear from you! Sorry you're going to need a revision, but as you said, it probably won't be bad. I hope that and the hyst go well. What a lot of surgery we put up with, eh? I'm feeling ok. I'm not blown away with the results after my exchange because the shape is very different from originals. My PS, on the other hand, was thrilled. I think I might end up with a revision because there's much less upper pole fullness on my lat flap side. That side also seems lower in general. I see the PS again at the end of September. We'll make a plan then.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    {{{{{{{{{Jo}}}}}}}}}...Maybe they can change your pain med to another??? It's a shame when you can't get relief. I was on Dilaudid for about 3 months after my mastectomy, along with taking Valium for the muscle spasms. When I would pick up my refill the pharmacist would look at me like I was a drug addict, and no, it was not my imagination. It just took me a long time to heal, so what you are going through sounds like A LOT!!! My PS said that as long as we are taking pain pills and have "real pain", then we would not have to worry about substance abuse. It took me a while to absorb that, but I finally got it. I HATE Percocet, but I have to take one today and I will only take a half. I am now being seen in a pain management clinic, and he instructed me to do that, along with the Neurotin. I am 60 years old, and I feel like i am 100!!! On July 31st I am getting another transforminal spinal injection for the stenosis, and pray that it helps me. My quality of life sucks SickTired. Jo...vent all you want. I know about pain. I will listen.

    Kathy...I am also having revision work done in August. My left breast is migrating under my armpit also, so he will remove the implant and put in a smaller one to match my right side. Hoping I don't need much time off from work.

    Jo...praying that you get some relief.

  • tonia52
    tonia52 Member Posts: 19

    can anyone tell me how much time I should anticipate to miss work due to reconstruction

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    Tonia...I stayed home after my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction 8 weeks. After the final exchange I took off for 2 weeks. Hope that helps.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Tonia, it really depends on the specific procedure. Are you talking about an LD flap?

    Jo and shorfi, sorry you're both still feeling so bad.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    JO, - How can you be doing your hair?? OUCH!! I was told not to raise my arm that high for weeks, - especially with hair utensils in hand! Meds that you took should be helping by now, i hope!!

    Yes, surprise pains do still come up for me, too. Valium is the muscle relaxer that I have, but only use that at night. My rom and strength on that side are still limited.

    I am now doing some stretching exercises as per my PS.

    I try to be careful, but get surprises :(

    As for pain relievers, - are there others that wouldnt upset your stomach? tramadol perhaps?


    Shorfi, - Sending be well wishes to you, too!!

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    I took 6 weeks for my mastectomy and 3 for the reconstruction, but would have liked 4 weeks(just didn't have the time to take off)

    Good luck!

  • tonia52
    tonia52 Member Posts: 19

    yes a LD flap is what the plastic surgeon is recommending. Do you typically have the LD flap before the TE?

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I get surprise jabs of pain intermittently. They aren't usually bad and don't last too long, but I think somebody has a voodoo doll with my name on it. Sounds like doing your hair should be off the agenda for a while! I'm glad your surgeon thinks things look like they're on track.

    Tonia, for me, and I think this is typical, the LD flap was done at the same time the TE's were placed. I was out of work for 6 weeks. However, I could probably have gone back after 4 if I had needed to. I had short term disability so I took advantage of it to rest since I hadn't during chemo and radiation. I found the recovery from the lat flap slower than from my mastectomy. I was out for 3 weeks with that. I just had my exchange procedure in June. I was out for 2 weeks then back half-time for 2 weeks. It was much easier than the lat flap. Hope that helps.

  • tonia52
    tonia52 Member Posts: 19

    that helps so much...thank thank you thank you. I'm adding you to my friend list. I'm just beginning the site and have became addicted. It's wonderful to have so many others that know and experience what you are going thru. I may have asked this before and if so I apologize, how long did you wait till after radiation before you could get your tissue expanders?

  • tonia52
    tonia52 Member Posts: 19

    singsong ...congrats!!!! How long ago did you get your tissue expanders and was it directly after radiation? Is there any recommendations you would have for me since I'll be finished with chemo in August then onto six weeks radiation and then surgical decisions. The last PS I spoke with recommended LD procedure on rad side with implants. I'm just confused about when the PS actually does the LD procedure. Is it with the TE and how soon after rads before I would typically get the expanders. Also did you eat a special diet during and now? Did you use special creams on your surgery site?You reconstruction looks great in the halter. What size and type of implant did you choose. I hear the gummy bear implant/teardrop shape makes a natural looking breast. Thanks for all your help!