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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hey Everyone!  I am finally home and resting.  I did have to go back into surgery on Thursday afternoon.  Have quite a hematoma - drains kept filling up and blood levels were dropping.  While in surgery the second time, had to have transfusion - 2 units.  Have 2 drains on the left side - what a pain in the ass they are.  I am supposed to call my PS on Monday - he wants to see me on Friday.  So glad to be home!  Will try to catch up and write more later.

  • alex56
    alex56 Member Posts: 20

    Jo!  So glad to hear from you, but sorry you had a complication there.  Yes, drains are the pits.  You'll feel like dancing when they finally come out!  Get some rest.  God knows you deserve it. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo!  Happy to hear from you.  I had a hematoma scare when I had my surgery.  Luckily they got it under control without surgery.  Apparently it's something that can happen that they never mentioned.

    I'm happy you are finally home.  Happy Birthday! 

    Since you are complaining about the drains I'm going to take that as a good sign.  I figure complaining goes along with recovering.  Especially if there is a drain involved.

    Glad you are home.  Relax and rest.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - Yes, it is a good sign - complaining about the drains.  

    Gonna wait till in the morning to take a nice shower.  Now that will feel really good.  I am able to really move my arm so I should not have a problem getting my hair washed and dried. 

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Jo... Glad to hear you are home. Sounds like you had a little unexpected adventure but things under control now. Whew! Hope you can rest and enjoy the weekend.

    Gosh, only two drains? I am jealous. I only had a single lat flap and went home with 4. My PS pulled two last week, but I think I may have the other two for another week or two. Hate, hate, hate drains. And I have permission to lift my elbow only about 30 degree angle from my side. My PS's nurse warned me that he was being very conservative with me after all those cellulitis infections.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. ((((hugs))) to Jo.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Joan - My was also a single lat flap and guess I must be lucky with only 2 drains.  And yes, I already hate, hate, hate them.  The only restrictions I have is no heavy liftting and I can resume all my normal activities in about 6 weeks.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Hello glad you are home.  Don't be moving your arms too much. When you wash your hair bring your head down to your hands instead of your hands to your head.  I did that for a few weeks.  Yes those drains were a pain in the rear...but it feels so good when they are pulled. I did not feel anything when mine were much relief and I felt like dancing...LOL

    Take it easy birthday girl

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Linda - You did answer my next question in all this.  Does it hurt when the drains come out?  I know each one has a stitch in it. I have had stitches in the past and they were no problem coming out.  Hope to get at least one out on Friday.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Jo, I have read women post that it hurt when the drains were pulled but mine did actually felt good!!.....I hope you get them out too.  Those things are soooo irritating. Did they show you how to "milk" clean them?  I was not shown and would not have known but a friend came by for a visit and showed me how to do it.  You can google it..Jackson Pratt drain care

    there's also a topic on called Drain Management

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Linda, Believe or not, my PS showed me how to do it today when he felt the need to milk them.  Also I was given a set of instructions with pictures so have been doing that as well and emptying them.  Gonna take a much needed shower in the morning.  My instructions say to cover the drain openings with plastic wrap.  I can do that easily.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo - A shower will do wonders.  You will feel so much better.  I just kept my drain bandage on in the shower and then my husband helped change it when I got out.  No problems.  Just have to hang something around your neck or waist to pin the drains on when you are in the shower.  I used a bathrobe belt.  They are such a nuisance.  Supposedly if you milk them on a regular basis they will drain better.  I hope you get yours out sooner than I did.  How does the breast feel? 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Got up and took a shower this morning.  Feel so much better.  I used some string to tie up the drains and DH taped some plastic wrap around the drain holes.  This was in my home care instructions.  When I got out, he put on a fresh gauze pad. Only have to change it once a day per my PS.  The breast is feeling really good.  I am still amazed at the difference and still think this is all going to be worth it even with the setback I had.  I have been milking them and they do seem to drain better.  I had some clots yesterday and getting them down into the bulb was challenging but with the help of the nurse we got the tube cleared.  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271

    Jo~ glad you are feeling better - but please take it easy - the blood transfusion and hematoma may have zapped a little more of your strength before you take more steps forward.  I had the same thing happen to me after BC surgery last July.  I was amazed that for having to go back in surgery and reopen my breast incision to surgically evacuate the hematoma, that the incision still looks as good as it does. 

    Were you are on aspirin through surgery?  My cardiologist told surgeons I had to stay on aspirin through my first 9 hour surgery, so it probably had a lot to do with it in my case, though hematomas happen even when patient not taking aspirin.

    Thanks to your DH for taking such good care of you,  I didn't know my DH had it in him to deal so well with the PITA drains, and shower me and wash my hair for two weeks.

    Hope you have a speedy recovery, and ready to tee it up this summer.  :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    PinkHeart - I am not on aspirin and my PS did tell me to stop taking my fish oil a week before surgery.  I am able to lift my arm over my head but a trying not to as much as possible.  I was able to wash and dry my hair this morning and now keeping the arm down as much as possible.

    It looks like you have another surgery coming up on Friday.  I wish you well and hope you have a speedy recovery.   I am hoping to get my PITA drains out then.  Please keep us posted on your progress. 

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo1955 - so glad you are home.  I know it is disappointing to have complications, but sounds like you are on the mend now. 

    Pinkheart - Hope all goes well with your surgery.  It is right around the corner.

    I am finally able to sleep on my right side.  Oh, what a relief.  The left side (LD flap side) still to painful to lie on.  For some reason the TE hurts more on the left side.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Good Morning Ladies - Slept really good last night.  Had to sleep in my chair but at least I am getting some rest.  I sure miss the bed but that will come in time.  Food is fnally starting to taste good - up until now I could have cared less if I ate at all.  Really starting to itch now - especially on my back. Speaking of my back, my scar is going to be around 12 inches long.  Will find out later today what time on Friday I have my first followup with the PS.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Jo1955  So glad you slept well.  Is your back incision horizonal or vertical?  Mine is vertical and is only about 4 inches long. 

    Hope you get those drains out this week...but if they are still draining a good bit then let them stay.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Linda - My back incision is horizontal and about 12 inches long. It looks pretty nasty right now.  I have a huge bruise that is just starting to fade. I so want the drains out but will be patient.  I have already had one setback in this process - don't need another one.

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Mine is vertical, probably 10-12 inches. My PS was grabbing tissue from my back in a couple spots in the Pre-op room. We both agreed where to take it. Incision goes from mid lower back just aside of my spine and radiates to my upper right arm just under my shoulder. I play alot of tennis and golf and guess he wanted to keep all that under consideration. I will be interested to see how it affects my game, but won't worry about that for several months.

    The remaining drain from my back is still producing quite a bit. I figure that one is going to stay put a while longer. Darn it. My DH's retirement dinner is this weekend. Still haven't figured out what I can wear to hide these drains.

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    My incisions are diagonal and about 10" long. 

    Joan888 - I got a sports bra type thing that has removable pouches that velcro on the front, off toward the sides.  Those hold my drains pretty well and while there is obvious bulk if I'm in a regular shirt, if I add a sweater, cardigan, sweatshirt, etc., it's pretty forgiving.  I think the key to hiding them is light layers.

    I'm 4 weeks out today - still have the 2 drains in my back and I cannot wait until they come out.  They still put out 50 cc's a day and the PS wants that to be below 35 before she removes them.  Part of me is tempted to have her pull them no matter what at the end of the week and let her manually drain any build up a couple of times a week.  I'm just sick of having them and think I'll feel a lot more like myself once they're out.

    Hope the rest of you are healing well - glad to hear that everyone's recent surgeries went well.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Jen - I had 3 drains  and one for about 7 weeks.  I feel your frustration.  I even had a few panic attacks  - just wanted them out!  You will feel so much better once they are out, but don't pull them too soon. I know each PS has different 'policy' about drains and it is so annoying when you are with a PS with a 'under 35' policy (mine was under 20!). 

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Fitzdc - omg, 7 weeks!  You poor thing.  I have a feeling that mine could easily go that long.  My front 2 drains were pulled just after 2 weeks - those had to be less than 20.  I had trouble with one of my back drains (hole in the tubing), so it's cut really short and is awkward to handle.  I know I need to hang onto mine until the time is right, but I feel like having them is delaying my healing as they hold me back from doing things. 

    I'm back to work today after 4 weeks off - luckily, my boss is letting me work from home for as long as I need.  I've been so lucky having her on my side - I worked from home through chemo, too. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Went to WalMart today and found a couple of cheap camis with a shelf bra and what a difference they are making in the way I feel.  They are stretchy but fit snug against my body which is holding the drains so they don't feel like they are being pulled.  Not allowed to wear a bra yet.  I never thought I would say this but I can't wait to get back into a bra.  I work in a customer oriented job and am around people all day - the lack of a bra is not a comfortable thought for me.

    Jen78 - I so know what you mean about still having the drains and not being able to do some things.  I also feel like I can't heal.  I am also looking forward to when I can once again sleep in bed and on my left side which is the side I had done. 

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Jo -

    Glad you found some comfy camisoles.  I was sent home "naked" too.  I was miserable without the bra - I think wearing one has just been such a habit that being without felt awful.  My swelling has come down enough that I fit into the one my PS gave me - when she first pulled it out, we could barely get it around my back and under my arms. 

    I'm with you about sleeping on my side.  I think about it every night as I get in bed, propped up on my pillows on my back.  I slept in the recliner for about a week and then moved to the bed.  It was hard at first...I couldn't pull myself into the right position very well.  I realized last night that using my arms to scoot around doesn't hurt as bad, so things are getting better.  Keep taking it easy on yourself - don't overdo!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    I don't know what it is about this surgery, but I feel better with a bra on.  Never liked wearing one before.  It was the first thing that came off when I walked in the door.  The only type the PS will let me wear is a Barely There bra.  

    Jo1955 -  Glad you are doing well and able to get out and shop some.  

    Linda54 and/or westieluv - I am 7 weeks postop and want to start my exercise routine again which includes using a band that is hooked in the top of a door.  It mainly works on the back muscles.  I tried to do some and cannot pull the band very far down on the LD side.  Since that muscle is gone, is it pointless to try to do any exercises that are back related?  The PS said I should be able to do anything I did before except olympic golfing and swimming.  Can't remember his exact words.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    nurseronda10, the LD side will be weak for quite a while. I had a bi-lateral and even trying to raise a window was difficult.  I really do not know if it is pointless to work those muscles. I go to a gym and use the weight machines....I did do all of the machines but after a while I decided not to do the ones what specifically work the LD muscles or the pectorals. It was just my choice. I really saw no need.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Sounds like the recent surgery ladies are doing well.  I hadn't checked in for a day or two and here you are complaining about drains and shopping at Walmart!  Yahoo!  Both are very good signs. 

    I had my drains in for a long time too.  The last one for my back was in for so long it clogged twice.  Try to last as long as the PS wants.  If it comes out too early then you have a seroma and you really don't want it needle drained if you can help it.  Infection risk.  I had mine done only once after the drain was finally removed because it had clogged yet again and the fluid was coming out the incision instead of the drain.  What a mess.  But it did finally get better.

    It's weird about the exercise and that muscle missing.  It took me a little while but I'm able to do most everything.  Still feels weird though.  Sometimes if will feel puffy but when I feel the area it's not, but it's numb.  So I think sometimes it's the numbness that is weird.   Now I'm about a month and a half from my last revision so I just started weights this week.  Starting slow though.  I have no idea how the body compensates but it does.

    Right now I'm planning on the nipple construction in Summer/Fall.  I want to be sure everything settles in the right place before they do that part.  So far so good.  

  • shredbetty007
    shredbetty007 Member Posts: 22

    Hello all-

    I am so worried about my upcoming surgery on May 24th. I love competing in triathlons and although I'm nowhere near olympic level, I'm a decent athlete. I'm scared that having lat flap is going to seriously hinder my swimming ability. I'm only having lat flap on my left side, which is giving me hope that I'll be able to regain strength fairly quickly, but am still anxious. I looked into SGAP, but was told that it is a much more intense surgery requiring a stay in the intensive care unit afterwards as well as an increased possibility of tissue failure. I'm trying to save SGAP as a last resort, but am still scared to have lat flap. Anyone out there who had lat flap and is able to swim without problems? Any advice is greatly appreciated as I get more and more nervous as the days go by. Thanks everyone!

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    ok Ladies - I know this is not the complaint department string and I really don't want to sound mean but I just don't want to hear it anymore. This is the only string I post on.  Lately Gulianna Ranzik {from E} has been all over the TV talking about all of the misfortunes that has occurred in her life and one of them being her breast cancer.  I get tired of hearing it all.  We have all dealt with this and I'm sure she may be helping others with her strength.  I guess it only bothers me because my sisters husband asked why is that I had to go through so many surgeries in such a time span and in 3 months she's got new breasts. It really bothered him. I told my sister to tell him MONEY!!  Though I love my breast surgeon and PS; money can absolutely buy the best.  OK was that mean? Embarassed  It takes a lot for me to get to this point and I felt like spilling. Sorry!


  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Not mean at all.  Spill away.  I get annoyed too, at reality 'stars' who believe that every event in their lives is fodder for us mere mortals.