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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    So my exchange surgery scheduled for June 13th.  I got expanded Friday and didn't have near the tightness and pain as last time.  I have been so busy this weekend haven't had time to post anything.  I go back in a couple of weeks for another expansion, but forgot to ask if that would be the last one.  

    Jo1955 - Wednesday will be here before you know it!   

    Joan888 - Glad you are home and surgery went well.  Hope you did get some rest this weekend.   

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - Congrats on your upcoming exchange surgery.  It will be here before you know it.

  • burge
    burge Member Posts: 5

    I had B/L Mastectomy with LD reconstruction  and tissue expanders on 8/19/2011.  I can actually say that is wasn't as bad as I imagines.  I went home 3 days after surgery w/4 drains. The drains were removed over the next three weeks.  I had 3 fills with the expanders-no pain.   I went back to work after 7 weeks.  On Dec. 19th  I had the expanders "swapped"  for silicone implands.  I am very pleased with the results.  Now, there is some swelling under the arms where the LD blood supply is located.  However, my PS said that it may take 12-18 monts before all swelling is resolved.  I has been 4 months and I am seeing less swelling.  My back has two 8 inch scars where the LD flap was removed and re-routed.  It is along the bra line and is almost invisible. I am still getting use to the numbness in my back and I really have no feeling in the breast. However, they look great . Just so you know, I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation in 2004. This is my second bout with triple negative BC, I choose a mastectomy with reconstruction. I declined any chemo or radiation this time. The tumor was < 1cm and 0 nodal involvement. So, I hope I got it all this time. Good luck to you. Hope this helped. I would do it again.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    Thank you burge, sharing your experience is helpful to others going through this or making a decision.  I wish you good health and clean scans!
  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149

    I am out 5 weeks and still under a nothing heavier than 20 pounds. the first 3 weeks nothing heavier than a milk jug.

    No vaccumming, or cleaning my horse stall. When I try to do anything that uses the chest muscles I can tell they have been compromised.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Thank you Burge for sharing your experience.

    Tomorrow is the the big day for me.  I having the left side done,  No implant.  Will get the time late this afternoon what time I have to be at the hospital in the morning.  PS said it is a 3 hour surgery. I did not sleep well last night - way too anxious.  I am not overly concerned about the surgery itself - I will be asleep for that.  It is the damn IV that is sending my blood pressure through the roof.  I had a really bad experience many years ago - had my first IV put in - no problem - it had to be removed 3 days later and restarted.  WITH NO BREAKS, it took 5 people and 20 tries to get it in.  I have never been able to get over that.  I know to some of you that is just ridiculous but to me well.......  Let me add at this point I was relatively new in the military and back in those days you just did not tell an officer what to do - that was so unheard of.  Just looking for some encouragement please.

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149
    Good luck!! IV's are never fun but if you have a good nurse maybe only one stick this time.  My last chemo I have to have 4 pokes before they found a good vein.  I am 5 weeks out from my LD on right side. My back does not hurt, is a little tight.  Chest is not tight anymore, felt really tight in the first 2 weeks but it is getting better.  I did shower with my drains. I took a belt and attached the drains to that. I was in hospital 3 days, 2 nites, took shower one day after I got home so 5 days after surgery.  They are a pain but manageable. I pretty much stayed propped up on the couch, it was hard to get up and down from a lying position, you don't realize how much you use your chest muscles. But each day is getting better. The first 2 days I thought I wanted implants out and could imagine why anyone would them, but it does get better with time. Everyone tells me the implants will get softer and not feel like tupperware. But you are not having implant so no worries there.  I wish you well and have a speedy recovery!! Cool 
  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Good Morning All!  Well I had to go in for an ultrasound yesterday as a couple of lumps that were not caught during my exam with my breast surgeon during my bi-annual exam but by me.  She asked how I found them..hehe I said I rub my breasts all the time.  It's a like mini stretch for them.  So today I am waiting to hear back from the doctor to find out if I have to do a biopsy on Friday.  I'm hoping she says no as I believe it is just fat necrosis. I need to call my PS to find out if they did fat injections on that side {left which was my diseased side} as I don't remember.

    Jen - I'm glad your doing well.  Keep us updated.

    Nurseronda - When I had my exchange there were no drains involved.  So I would think you shouldn't have them either.  They are only replacing the TE's with your implants.

    Jo- take it easy and glad to hear your doing well.

    Linda4 - as also so good to see you back on here!!

    Sunny day here in Seattle Cool have a fab day everyone!


  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Jo1955... good luck tomorrow.  I will be thinking of you.  My LD (one-sided) was last Wednesday and today I am really starting to feel pretty darn good again.  My surgeon had told me to expect a 2 1/2 hour surgery, but it took him 4 hours due to all the scar tissue he found from the frequent cellulitis infections. I still had my PICC line when I went in for surgery so they used that for all the pre-op stuff, but then we agreed not to have the IV inserted until I was OUT in the OR.  I did tell them where to put it though (top of my hand), based on my many experiences with IV's.

    I have bad a burst of energy so a much more productive day today.  I still have four drains but two of them, possibly three, are definitely ready to come out.  My PS forewarnded me that I would likely have at least one drain left on my back for 3-4 weeks, but I really don't think it will last that long considering the output on that fourth drain.  Fingers crossed.  I think the darn drains are the worst part of this whole experience.  I am just really pleased with how much better I am doing today.  I am cutting back on NORCO, but will be on Keflex antibiotic for another 6 days.

    My other breast, the left, non radiated side, was reconstructed with TE and implant.  I am a little concerned that my left implant is a 450cc high profile and my new implant with this LD is 350cc mid-profile.  My PS is saying that the difference is being made up with the new LD tissue.  I am interested to see how symmetrical they eventually are.  Not that my originals were symmetrical.  LOL.

    I have been getting out for walks everyday... probably 2 miles or so. I do notice that the incision on my back starts to get painful if I am up off my feet too long.  Just relaxing in the trusty recliner for a while relieves that pain though. I will be seeing my PS on Thursday this week for my first post-op appointment.

    Thanks to everyone sharing their experiences.  Helps alot.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    joan - Thanks for the wishes and am so glad you are coming along in your recovery.  I am so ready for this to be over.  I don't anticipating sleeping much tonight.  Had a rough one last night.  I kept waking up thinking I missed my surgery - what a scare that was.   I will check in when I can.

    Thanks for sharing all your experiences - it has been a tremendous help.



  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271


    I've had a zillion IVs, but they still shake me up especially when a tech or nurse can't get it on the first try.

    Please ask for something to relax you before they do that.  Xanax or something in pill form, certainly not another shot.  :) 

     My teenage son just had wisdom teeth out last week and oral surgeon gave him NO (laughy gas) before sliding in the IV.

    Sometimes I ask for something before IVs, and am not the least bit embarassed.

    Before I had my needle biopsy, my cardiologist called ahead to that department and ordered an Rx of one Ativan for me. 

    Warm well wishes for your surgery and easy recovery! 

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    I think I will just post a sentence at a time.  Lol.  Seems like every time I get ready to click submit, I hit the wrong button and lose everything.  So aggravating.  Here we go again.

    Jo1955 - Tell them to apply Emla cream prior to starting your IV.  The first and only time, anyone used that on me, was with the LD flap surgery.  It was at a large hospital out of town and the anesthesiologist started my IV and I did not feel a thing.  So, so nice of them to consider that.  IV's used to not bother me, but after being stuck for chemo, herceptin, labs, MUGA scans, I hate to see anyone headed toward me with a needle.  I just cringe.   Will be thinking of you tomorrow!  Let us know how you are doing when you are able.

     Faythnme - Will pray that you get a good report!  This cancer thing is never ending.  My mid spine hurts from time to time, but really think it is arthritis as a chest x-ray I had in January showed degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.  

    Joan888 - My TE's are 500 ml each.  The LD flap side has less saline in it than the right one.  Still not sure what kind of implants I will get.  The PS showed me the implants he uses back in October.  I remember one called gummie bear and another one Allergan.  Will have him go over this again on my next visit, so I will have plenty of time to research my options before exchange surgery.  Do you have TE's or implants right now? 

    Go back to work tomorrow, but will be on light duty x 4 weeks which is basically no lifting which was my idea and PS had no problems with filling out my fitness for duty form stating same. It's either lift or don't lift.  We have several rehab beds at my hospital where we get patient's that weigh up to 500 lbs.  Not risking complications by lifting and pulling on these people. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    nurseronda10 - I think it's catching.  I just wrote this long and elequent post and then hit the back button by accident and lost it all! 

    I will try again, maybe a shorter condensed version is safer...

    Faithnme - I will be sending good thoughts for your results to be fine.  I had a small hard all too familiar lump that turned out to be fat necrosis.  The worry is awful.  I hope you are fine.

    For those of you recovering from recent surgeries, sounds like you are all doing well.  Different stages but sounds familiar to how mine was.  If you still have drains I hope they are out sooner rather than later.  I swear to you, it is truly amazing how good it feels just leaving the dr office after the final drain is removed.  Talk about rapid recovery.  LOL

    For those of you approaching surgery (Jo - Tomorrow!!!)  I wish you good luck and send my thoughts.  I know the anticipation is a lot.  But soon you will be over this hurdle and on your way.

    I really am thankful for this topic.  It really helps to hear everyone's individual experiences and know we will be ok.


  • burge
    burge Member Posts: 5

    Thanks.  Its great to talk to someone who has gone or is going thru this.  Good luck to all.

  • burge
    burge Member Posts: 5

    Oh wow. 20 tries!  Ouch!  It's funny but after all I have been thru , you would think that a shot wouldn"t bother me but--I have to have an annual TB test for work and I am dredding it!.  Hope your surgery went well.  Good thoughts -good thoughts.  It's all about attitude.  You can get thru anything with a positive attitude---Look at all of us!

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Faythnme, praying for good news....

    jo1955, you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.  Hopefully they will get you into surgery quickly.  Check in when you can.  I hate IV's also!!!....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Heading to bed soon. Hope I can get some sleep - 5:00am will be here before I know it.  I just got a call from the hospital - I now have to be there at 6:10 instead of 6:30.  Nurse said the PS is going to start earlier on me.  Yeah!  Night Everyone!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209
    Good Luck Jo!  Laughing
  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo1955 - Try to get some sleep.  Good Luck!

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149

    I was supposed to have a TE on radiated side but once the muscle and tissue were brought forward my PS just used an implant. One side is 400cc and the radiated side is 360cc. Not sure if he will change them out they do not look to uneven now but he said wait a few months to see.

    The drains were the WORST part for me. When they came out it hurt and felt weird coming out of my back because it was up high and the drain opening in my skin was down lower. Glad they came out, it was only one week after surgery that the 3 came out so I was lucky there.  Kind of wish I would have done the DIEP because implants are uncomfortable but I have been told that in 6 months or so they will fall into place and be really nice.  Goodl luck to all of you: pre and post-op. Good luck to you Jo!!!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jo1955 - Thinking of you and wondering how you are feeling. 

    Went back to work last night.  Went better than I expected.  It is always hard to get back in the swing of things especially working night shift. 

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    ronda ~ glad to hear that the first night back wasn't too bad.  It's always a stress when you've been through so much to get back to a solid routine, but so normalizing.  Cancer is so abnormal.

    Jo ~ waiting for news from you on the surgery. Post when you can!

    Joan ~ fantastic that you are feeling so well that  you walked that much!  You are one tough cookie and oh, so inspiring! 

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Ok I talked to the BS the other day after my ultrasound and between the tech and dr and myself it was determined that we were probably dealing with fat necrosis.  So we will take a look at it again July during my bi-annual appointment with my BS and measure it again.

    I thought I was handling things pretty well until I was laying there with this wet probey thing going across my breast taking pictures and this time I started crying.  So unlike with the initial diagnosis back in 20009.

    Weird! it's all good though! Thank goodness its Friday.

    Cindy Cool 

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Cindy ~ glad to hear they think fat necrosis but sorry the drill brought you to tears. Very understandable with all you have been through.

    I've been surprised at times the uncontrolled emotions this whole process has brought me. In a way it is like dealing with grief....and maybe it is true grief. We have lost a part of ourselves.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I'm so happy it was fat necrosis.  I know exactly how you felt.  I put myself into a complete panic for a weekend.  This darn BC!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I saw a post about Jo on the Bottle of Tamoxifen board.  She is still in the hospital.  Apparently she had a hematoma and had to go back into surgery but aparently is ok now, still in hospital.  Thought I would share that news. Figured the more good thoughts the better.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    jwilco, thanks for the update on sorry she is having complications.

    Jo's birthday is Sat April 21st....

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Smile HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO.....I hope you get to come home from the hospital so you can enjoy your day at home!!!!


  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Faythnme - so glad it was fat necrosis.  I know you are relieved.  

    I hate to hear Jo had to be taken back to surgery.....that sucks!   Hopefully she will bounce back quick.  Sending positive vibes her way.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Faythnme, so sorry you had to experience that...but so thankful for the great report....I hate cancer!!!