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Calling all TNs



  • Lou53
    Lou53 Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2016

    Thanks, Ladies for the responses. My Oncologist and I agreed on waiting until I am done with radiation before having it removed which is 5 more weeks. I just pray I won't need it ever again

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2016

    Lou I finished chemo dec 9th and had my port out dec 21. I also wanted that damn thing out. I wanted it out before I started rads on Jan 13th. Like you I also pray I will never need it again.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2016

    My surgeon will take out my port when I have my lump/lift/reduction in August after I finish chemo and before radiation. I didn't want to be awake for that so glad it's an option! The guy that put it in was like we just take you back to a room and remove it ummmm No not gonna happen!

  • Topperfan5
    Topperfan5 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2016

    I am 48, right radical mastectomy with lymph nodes removed. Lump 2.5 cm. 4/13 lymph nodes cancerous. Left simple mastectomy. Triple negative . Start AC once a week every other week May 25th for 8 treatments and then radiation 5 times a week for 6 weeks.

  • PurpleMinion
    PurpleMinion Member Posts: 110
    edited May 2016

    welcome Topperfan! I hope you will find lots of good info and I know you will find good company here. You can go into settings and your profile to make your diagnosis and treatments "public" so people can see that, it often helps keep it straight about what conversations are about etc. there are threads for chemo that can be really helpful, consider joining the May 2016 Chemo group. And again, welcome

  • placid44
    placid44 Member Posts: 179
    edited May 2016

    Hi Topper,

    Will you also have taxol chemo? I don't know your situation or doctor's recs, but taxol is often used for triple negative, in addition to AC (not at the same time). It has improved outcomes versus when they gave AC only. Just curious

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Welcome Topper!

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2016

    Welcome Topperfan.

  • blamoms
    blamoms Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2016

    Welcome Topper. There is lots of good info on this website.If you have any questions just ask.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2016

    Hi Topper and so sorry you have had to join us, but this is a great place to get information, advice and opinions or just to vent your feelings. Sending you lots of love at this difficult time. XX

    I have hit a milestone today - had my final chemotherapy infusion (3rd docetaxl after 3 x FEC) and I am very relieved and happy to have got through it. This week I also got a date for my surgery R lumpectomy and reduction and lift (both) which is June 9th. Then 4 weeks later I'm having rads for 20 treatments so will be finishing treatment at the end of July. And hopefully get get back to "normal" again! X

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Congratulations Scotbird, so happy for you! How are you feeling?

  • weimlover
    weimlover Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2016

    I believe we are very similar. I have bilateral triple negative breast cancer age 39, my mom has the brca gene for breast and ovarian and both my aunts (her sisters) died of ovarian cancer before age of 50. I feel less alon

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2016

    WendyElaine welcome too. It looks as though you have been diagnosed at an early stage and that you are getting the treatment you need which is good news.

    Meadow I feel great today but have had a pattern of Taxol side effects being difficult around days 5-10 after treatment so I have my sister coming to help us all out next week. Now that I'm through the chemo I'm also planning some lifestyle changes to cut sugar, fat and alcohol from my diet and to exercise regularly at the highest intensity possible to try to delay or prevent any recurrence. I was very well and fit and healthy before the Dx and I still got bc but I want to do everything I possibly can to stop it from coming back, even though it's a crap shoot, I believe you can influence the odds even if only slightly! HUGS. X

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited May 2016

    Teka...thanks so much for your very encouraging post.

  • Rhiannon426
    Rhiannon426 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2016

    Hi I was diagnosed with TN BC May of 2015 just before my 43rd birthday. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in April and started chemo the Friday after Mother's Day AC-T. My first ct scan was great but my last one they found a sub 4 mm pulmonary nodule. Dr says not to worry and she will schedule a ct scan for 3 months from now. How do you not worry

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2016

    congrats Teka!!!!!! Yes there is always a bright side

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2016


    I think when it's so small, they tell us not to worry because due to age, illnesses etc, lots of us have lung abnormalities after some time. If you trust your MO, I would say try not to worry, easier said than done.

    I can speak on it a little as when first dx'd I had a pet scan and it didn't show anything in my lung, but then I was hospitalized after my first chemo, and had a chest xray and it showed a small lung nodule. My Mo, then scanned me again 3 months later and it showed no change. So she told me not to worry.

    After the 2nd scan, she did tell me if she had thought it was a met, she would have tried to biopsy it, but she see's a lot of these in people my age And my Pet Scan was clear and so was my ct.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Teka, so glad to celebrate with you!

    ScotBird, I too have made changes to my diet, trying to lose some weight. The Spouse is always crazy disciplined when it comes to dieting....we have been eating low carb, no sugar, no breads, no pasta...(unhappy face). On the up side, I have lost 12 pounds, would like to lose another 8 but I will have to exercise (bigger unhappy face). I feel really good, tons of energy, and really do not miss the sugar. Pasta, that is another story!

  • Rhiannon426
    Rhiannon426 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2016

    Thank you Valstim52, I needed to hear that from someone who has been through the ringer like me. I am trying not to worry but I have my moments. I have to try to take it one day at a time. I have my 44th birthday to look forward to so I will try to tuck this away until I have to go for the next scan. In fact I am going to plan a big celebration since last year I was too sick from AC chemo to even get a cake. This year I'm going to order a big cake! I feel better thank you.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Rhiannon, sorry I missed your post above somehow. Happy Birthday coming up! I celebrated what I knew was a bonus birthday after treatment. ..I feel they all are bonuses now. Keep us posted on your scan and hugs to you.

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited May 2016

    Hello Rhiannon426

    I was glad to see you had taken my advice and joined this thread. There are a lot of wonderful ladies on this thread and I knew you would get a response.

    I hope all turns out well for you. Try not to worry too much.

    Best wishes


  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited May 2016

    Hello Meadow,

    I am just popping in to say congratulations on losing that weight.

    It is important to keep the weight down.

    I am counting the days until I reach 11 years since diagnosis, not long now for June 20th.

    Wishing you all the very best.


  • simplelife4real
    simplelife4real Member Posts: 341
    edited May 2016

    Hi All,

    I just wanted to pop in to report that I got the "all clear" from my BS and MO last week during my checkups with each of them. I'm 2.75 years out from diagnosis. Life is good!

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2016

    Rhiannon426, that's why I love this thread. You find all kinds of 'similarities" and you are right one day at a time. I"m trying to get where you are one year out, and then each year from there. Going into surgery 5/24 then rads. So eat a big piece of cake for me.

    Meadow, congrats on the weight loss. I'm on the same 'eating plan" and have had some success.

    Simplelife4 hooray for good news. And to all you other ladies

  • kayrem
    kayrem Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2016

    Hi Rhiannon - I had a couple of those small cysts in my lungs, plus a few in my liver (to boot!) at diagnosis. They told me not to panic (famous last words...). For the first year I insisted they do MRI's on my liver every 3 months (unbelievably those same were the ones I was the most worried about). I had a Pet Scan done around 2 years post diagnosis for hip pain. Nothing ever changed on the MRI's or the scans (from the original scans).

    I know exactly how you feel. Ten months prior to my diagnosis I buried my dad who died from lung cancer. He had nodules detected also. I was asthmatic and I thought for sure I was a goner. But you can have nodules that are totally unrelated to cancer (apparently both in your lungs and liver).

    Take a deep breath. You do need to follow up with this stuff for your peace of mind. There was nothing they could have said at diagnosis that would have made me not insist on doing a follow up. I thought they were being a bit noncholant about my life. I will be honest, I took lorazepam occasionally, saw a therapist and exercised like a maniac. I got through it and so will you! Happy 44th Birthday - you will have many more!

    I will be 5 years post diagnosis in June.Take care

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited May 2016

    Rhiannon426....I had a CT scan before I began treatment and they found a 8mm lesion on the head of my pancreas. Initially, I was terrified. My cousin died from pancreatic cancer, so it was very a very scary discovery for me. Since then I've seen a pancreatic specialist who told me these are incidental findings and usually benign. I'm having having my last chemo infusion in a few days and then will have a MRI to have a better look at the lesion. I'm praying it will show no change. If this is the case, the doctor will take another look in two years. I have friends who found lesions on vital organs as incidental findings. None of them have had any changes in many years. We're going through enough right now to be thinking of more bad news. If the doctor says "don't worry".... try to put the whole thing out of your mind and move forward. Of course, I know that's easier said than done

  • Rhiannon426
    Rhiannon426 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2016

    Thank you Kayrem, and Cathytoo, reading all these responses from women who have gone through similar experiences helps me to keep perspective. I will seek a second opinion. I wish you both well and thank you for your message

  • Rhiannon426
    Rhiannon426 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2016

    Thank you Meadow I agree every birthday is a bonus. My husband and I will celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary, that is a wonderful bonus. I will definit Let everyone here know what the doctors tell me when I ask and get my second opinion. Hugs to you as well :

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Thanks Sylvia, for the encouragement. It helps stay motivated. I am thrilled for your 11 year anniversary coming up.....Praises and thankfulness!

    Val, keep up the good work!

    Simple, always so glad you are doing well.

    Rhiannon, just so glad you are here.

    To all our friends, hoping tomorrow is a great day for you.