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Calling all TNs



  • Milwmama
    Milwmama Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2016

    Hausfrau-Be glad you had the Taxol. Was supposed to have #6 yesterday and again my counts were too low so it was a no go. A pattern has formed. Two weeks after the Taxol/Carbo I'm too low. Adds at least two weeks on to my schedule. Boo!

  • PurpleMinion
    PurpleMinion Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2016


    That is how it went for me: C+T, T, break, T, C+T, T, break... Don't worry, you'll make it through. I do wonder if Neulasta might be something they would consider to help you not get delayed like that, maybe ask.

  • megomendy
    megomendy Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2016

    Milwmama, I had to skip 2 weeks in a row of Taxol/Carbo also. Yes, it extended me 2 more weeks, but I got them all in and done.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2016

    I'll have to ask about the eyelids. I already take Claritin in the morning and Zyrtec at night...and I get the Benadryl before the Taxol. Guess I'll call.....of course hate to bug them over the weekend.

    My counts were ok only thing getting low was hemoglobin I think. But nurse said it had to get to 5 or 8? before they would do anything. I was at 10. 10.3 was the cutoff. Was surprised platelets were as good as they were.

    You can get Neulasta if they skip a week of chemo. But I don't miss those SE's!!!

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited April 2016

    Haus, I had a Neulasta shot after every chemo treatment, 24 hours later, every 2 weeks, boosting bone marrow for white cell production. I only was sick once with brochitis and missed a treatment. Can you eat red meat to boost your hemoglobin? you still have an appetite?

  • cassylou
    cassylou Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2016

    Hi everyone, I have so much love to give to you all. Ally - I am so sorry to hear that you are going through so much heartache. Things will turn around for you I'm sure.

    After reading through past posts, i have a few comments which may or may not help. I had taxol and carbo blend weekly. Basically, I had taxol and carbo for about 6 weeks. the carbo knocked my bloods around too much though so we had to stop it. We then continued with taxol only. When I had my double mastectomy, I had a complete pathological response.

    on a separate matter, i had a double mastectomy, reconstruction from tummy, with ovary and fallopian tube removal, in 1 op. It all went well and I recovered well. Because of the ovary removal, I am now a 40 year old woman, in the throws of instant menopause. I would not recommend you take this avenue unless absolutely necessary.

    I am a few days over my 1 year since diagnosis. I've just changed my photo from my bald pic, as gorgeous as it was x

  • Milwmama
    Milwmama Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2016

    No Neulasta for me as I'm a weekly and you need two weeks between. They just let my body do it's thing in the skipped week. I know I will get them in, it just throws things off my imaginary timeline :) Returning to work being one. That is starting to look less likely As my husband wants me to not go back and take the SSDI we qualify for.

    As stated in another thread, I now get to enjoy a few things that most likely would have been missed because of surgery. My most exciting here is Summerfest. We have tickets to see. Chris Stapleton one night and Def Leppard/Tesla another. All chemo and surgery free 😆👍👍

    So bring it all on, then we can do surgery and sit and heal the rest of summer.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited May 2016

    MilwMama, we have tickets to Billy Joel and then Chicago, but I will still be in the middle of chemo. I'm going, come hell or high water!

  • PurpleMinion
    PurpleMinion Member Posts: 110
    edited May 2016

    I am seeing Gary Numan in two weeks and I will go even if I am puking and wearing a mask and gloves!

  • 6feetover
    6feetover Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2016

    PurpleMinion: Awesome!!! I've been a fan of his since I was like 10 or 11, lol!


  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Cassylou, congrats on one year out! That is so wonderful! And I LOVE the new pic, and yes, the old one was lovely too.

    I am loving the summer concerts you are all planning! So exciting. Adding in, I am taking my grown two boys (ages 23 and 27) plus my darling daughter in law, to see Paul McCartney in August. So excited for this fun trip together! My hubby has to work, we saw Paul back in the 90's together and the Spouse said that he could skip. I guess someone has to work to pay for the tickets!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2016

    This last weekend I travelled with my youngest daughter to Auckland to see Josh Groban in concert. It was a brilliant show. We stayed overnight and then the next day did some serious retail therapy. Was a great weekend.

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2016

    You all got me in the mood so I thought I'd jump in on the concert bandwagon! Have tickets with my DD to see Keith Urban at a great outdoor amphitheater this summer. Great seats plus some great girl time!! Life is so good. :)

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2016

    Sounds like some great concerts!

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2016

    concerts sound fun! They have gotten so expensive :(. I don't know how I would do with big crowds/rowdy. If we could get guaranteed seats I'd be ok but my lawn days are over! Or pay for kids tickets or babysitting not a cheap date!

    No Neulasta during Taxol. I have had a low grade fever 99 past 2 days so freezing then throw in a hot flash!!

    I will see about adding some additional red meat! I'll go Wednesday for this weeks lab draw.

    Cocker--love Auckland!! We showed the kids the 1st Lord of the Rings over the weekend. Before kids we visited the North Island including Hobbiton so it was neat to tell the kids about it. Can't wait to take them one day. 2 of our sightseeing things were cancelled due to poor weather. I know they will love it as much as we did!

    Cassy congrats on 1 year. And I think I'm good with the just lumpectomy now!

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited May 2016

    OK...I'm chiming in on the concert/theatre news

    Last week went to see Hamilton on Broadway. Had to climb up three flights of stairs to get to our seats. I thought I might die there, but I made it.

    A MIRACLE‼️ Show was amazing.

    It's good that we're getting back to fun things

  • placid44
    placid44 Member Posts: 179
    edited May 2016


    I am seeing Keith Urban, too, in Bristow, VA at the end of August. Should be great. I saw him in 2013 right before my exchange surgery

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2016

    Now I'm concert Jealous. Keith Urban? Hamilton? (tried to get tickets when in NY, but didnt).

    I'm going with my adult kids to see Beyonce. Pray for me. It will be loud. This is coming from someone that has seen every rock band known to man.

  • Milwmama
    Milwmama Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2016

    Now that's the spirit ladies!! I am a huge fan of live music and am going to try hard not to let this get in the way of that. Our summer festival season here in the Milwaukee area is outstanding. As long as I can walk, I'm there. In the process of looking for a very portable chair that might fit in a big purse for the occasions when I just simply have to sit. ;) Starting with my favorite local cover band at the first church festival of the season at the end of the month.

    Everyone enjoy yours. Kinda jealous about Hamilton have to admit. NY not in my immediate future, but may have to add to the bucket list. Ireland is first, followed by Germany (Army Brat, lived there as a kid). Others can follow that.

    #7 Taxol on Thursday, almost dont want to go. Have almost felt kind of normal for several days, been nice.

    On a funny note, had my hubby best friend help at the house yesterday. Told my DH my eyes looked different......guess he didn't notice my eyelashes and eyebrows are gone. Lol.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited May 2016

    Going to see Chris Isaak in Nashviile at the Grand ole Opry in 2 weeks. We have never been there, so something new to experience with DH.

    Been awhile since we have been to any type of concert...

  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2016

    Thanks everyone for your reply to shrinkage after A/C.  My surgeon was not impressed as it was only down to 2.1 cm from 3 cm after A/C and 2 Taxol treatments.  I am continuing with Taxol and they will recheck in about 5 weeks.  My surgeon starting mentioning radiation after my double mastectomy and/or more chemo after my mastectomy and possibly cutting into my chest wall(part of the tumor is laying on the chest wall).  All of these options didn't sound good to me. I see my oncologist next Monday and will ask her what's going on.  I have 2 sisters who had breast cancer.  One is still alive 23 years later( she was estrogen positive) and another sister who passed from recurrence( she was estrogen negative-don't know if she was triple negative because they didn't know about it back then).

    This was my first post so I'm learning the site.  I just want to thank you again for answering me and your quick responses.

    It's nice to have all of you in this triple arena to talk with.


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies! All these concerts sound awesome! I love all the 80's rock bands! I've seen Tesla several times and love Def Leppard too. Many others as well. So guys, would you please say some prayers for me? I have a bump on the lower part of my vagina near the perineum I think it's called that's sore when I wipe. Sorry for TMI!!I'm so scared it's an infection of some sort or maybe even cancer. Some of you know my big fear of infections due to possible need for antibiotics since I've had C Diff. Anxiety is high and I have had all the anxiety symptoms this week, including shakiness, upset stomach, and night sweats, even my hands were wet when I woke up in a panic at 4:00 this morning. I have an appt at 3:30 tomorrow with a PCP. I'm worried because it doesn't look like just a pimple. I know this isn't related to BC but I just wanted to come for support! Thanks! XOXO!

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437
    edited May 2016

    I am going to chime in. Last weekend my husband and I went to a concert featuring Stephanie Mills from the musical the WIZ. She was absolutely great.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,564
    edited May 2016

    Hang in there Luvmydobies! Keep us posted, and try to find things today to relieve your anxiety -- walk, breathe Medicating

  • LifeAloft
    LifeAloft Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2016

    Luvmydobies, those were all my bands back in the day too, still go see them all whenever I can! Prayers for you, that's scary, but hopefully nothing!! Keep us posted!

    Triplegirl, thinking of you also, my tumor was slow to respond, but when it did, I did well (still don't know for sure, surgery is still a couple months away).

    I'm off to Taxol/Carbo #7...yay.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2016

    Luv-- sounds like a hemorrhoid! They are painful. I had one after my hysterectomy btw my vagina and anus. It was awful. I had no idea you could get them there. The doctor gave me some numbing cream and eventually it went away. Now I have one from the AC chemo constipation in a diff location (just inside my anus). Never got them from pregnancy... You can also soak in a warm bath

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2016

    Luv - Take a deep breath!! I agree with Haus, - trying soaking in a warm tub (or try a sitz bath, - the pharmacy sells plastic ones that fit on a toilet). I hope that your dr understands your concern about antibiotics and gives the bump a chance to go down on its own!

    Welcome to the newbies, and thank you Meadow, Cocker, and ALL of you for always being so caring!

    The concerts sound wonderful and are a great way to escape from everything else in life for a bit!

    Cathy, - how did you get tickets to Hamilton?! Now that the Tony nominations are out, I bet it will be even harder to get tkts to some of the best shows!

    Although dreary and rainy and cool in NYC, - spring MUST be around the corner??

    Hugs and BE WELL wishes to all!

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2016

    Luv, I had something very similar it's called a Bartholin (excuse the spelling ) cyst. Basically it's a severely ingrown hair, and I had to take hot baths for a few days, and it finally came to a head and burst. Sorry if TMI. Your pcp will know right away when they see it. I had never heard of such a thing and it scared me to death.

    Welcome to all the newbies and hello to everyone. I lurk a lot. Enjoy your posts.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited May 2016

    anothetNYCGirl....Hamilton was my Mothers' Day gift. My daughter-in-law bought ticketstwo months after the show opened last year and paid $350 for each ticket. There were six of us and our seats were in the rear mezzanine. The next day they were $500 for the same seats. Since the Tony nominations are announced, prices are above $900 and there are no seats available anyway. It's the highest priced show on Broadway..,ever‼️ But, it is totally amazing and well deserving of every award and nomination. Lin Manuel just received the 2015 Genuis Award. I think it will sweep the Tony's. Very happy I got to see it

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited May 2016

    Luvmydobies as a male I won't delve too deeply into matters of the female my wife had a bump "down there" early on. Gynecologist even biopsied it. Turned out to be a great big nothing.