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Calling all TNs



  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2016

    Thank you for the update Val, thinking of you today as you recover from this scary episode. Just so sorry to know you are going through this, you are a tough lil lady.

  • kellychameleon
    kellychameleon Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    Val, how scary!! I'm so sorry that happened to you but am glad you're ok.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    Val, - sorry you had to deal with this, - but glad it was mild and that you are on the road to recovery!!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited August 2016

    Val, so sorry, but good that it was mild and that that you got treatment quickly. Ugh, this is not fair. Sending healing cosmic hugs. X

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2016

    Well ladies, I guess we're at the next chapter in this survivor story for my wife...and me. Looks like we're going to have our first grandchild in April! Looking forward to it!

  • Scamp
    Scamp Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2016

    Wow Val! glad you are on the road to recovery from this scary episode. Sending you healing thoughts, prayers and a big HUGHeart

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    ALHusband....what wonderful and exciting news‼️ I wish you and your family the very best. There's nothing better than being grandparents

  • Scamp
    Scamp Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2016

    Hey TNpotato! just checking back in... Hope all is well with your son! Sorry for the confusion but the water aerobics and yoga are separate. LOL :-) No yoga in the water but maybe I could start something new :-) Much love to everyone!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2016

    Congrats, AL and wife

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    Valstim52 - OMG! I'm so glad your dh was able to help you get treatment asap! You've already been through so much, not fair!

    >>"though scary at least it ruled out cancer." A silver lining indeed! :) I hope the healing goes quickly and your pt too! (HUGS)

  • TNpotato
    TNpotato Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2016

    Scamp - >>"Sorry for the confusion but the water aerobics and yoga are separate. LOL :-) " LOL! Yeah, after I thought about that a bit more all I could picture was someone doing a downward dog wearing a snorkel! Loopy And my son is healing very well, thanks for the kind thoughts! It was kinda fun to veg and watch shows together as we both healed from surgery...

    ALHusband - Congrats!! May this new chapter and sweet baby bring you both nothing but joy!

    Marsha - (HUGS) I'll be thinking of you this week, esp Wed!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited August 2016

    ALHusband! Wonderful news! Smile

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2016

    Val sending love and healing to you.

    Al husband congrats on your wonderful news.

    Thanks again everyone for your condolences on my mom. last year this time I was healing from my reexcision and preparing for my port surgery to start chemo in sept. Long year.

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited August 2016

    last week I met my new oncologist in Charleston. He was great! His approach on monitoring more closely aligned with what I wanted. He does routine labs and prefers to see patients quarterly. He scheduled a bone scan and a chest and neck scan for tomorrow. This is to Baseline and also assess the pain I've been having. I've been having pain in my back for about 3 months, and thought it was just from moving. Now that it's been 3 months I think it's time to look into it. The pain I'm having in my neck is on the right side. so scans tomorrow and verbal results on Thursday.

    Shopgirl, my heart goes out to you. xo

    Al, how awesome is that. Exciting times.

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2016

    Val...I'm at a loss for words. It doesn't seem fair what life throws at us. Seem like the breast cancer battle alone is enough for any one's life time. What a relief you caught it in time and were able to rule out cancer in the process, but I'm still very sorry you now have to go through the rehab and healing. Sending you tons of hugs and prayers. Please keep us updated on how you're doing.

    AL - congratulations to you and your wife!

  • nrsteph
    nrsteph Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2016

    anyone still here?

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2016

    I'm here. What's up

  • nrsteph
    nrsteph Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2016

    thank you! I was having a moment. ..took some melatonin and went to bed! So nice that you responded so good to know that people like you are here and will answer!! Thank you!

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited August 2016

    doctor called and the scans are clear! I have to say I am kinda surprised. I do think the hysterectomy is making my bones weaker and causing more arthritis. The only thing they saw was something small (3 mm) on my larynx (something like laryngocele - herniated, it was greek to me). Follow up with ENT is going to be scheduled but advised the probability of it being cancer is low. I am going to the hospital tomorrow to get the papers to understand more. I am very happy tonight. I feel if rest of the scans are good this is going to be something minor. Love my new oncology team!

    The labs came back with interesting data though - I have a message into him through the portal on how to interpret them:

    Calcium - Serum = 10.40 mg/dL (expected range = 8.4 - 10.2) --> slightly high

    Albumin - Serum = 5.20 g/dL (expected range = 3.9 - 5.0) --> slightly high

    WBC - Blood = 4.1 10^3/uL (expected range = 4.6 - 10.2) --> Low

    Any feedback welcome. xo

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited September 2016

    Good evening to all,

    Jenjenl so glad all clear! As for arthritis, my oncologist told me chemo can start up arthritis if you were prone to get it. I had none before my just 2 chemo infusions. I now have a lot, but exercise is keeping it manageable.

    I said I would keep you all posted. Had my new ENT appointment today. So glad I did. No polyp in sinuses. Growth on tongue/ throat looks like old tonsil enlargement. Vocal cord has some non in sync movement but not at this time a factor as can happen now & then or with age. ( Great. My age!)

    Had one CT scan, not 3! Called & got me in within 1 hour. Appt with Doctor at 2, out waiting for car by 3:45.. Did I say I really like Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. I have to take CD of previous CT on neck from 2012 tomorrow so they can compare. Will be called next Wednesday with results & plan if need one. Doctor thinks is nothing major or even cancer, but will monitor me. I will see him in 2 months if all ok, just as check up.

    Thank you all for being with me. I know you all understand how much this site means to all of us.

    I will continue to keep you posted on my outcome.

    Thanks & health to all,


  • cubsfan
    cubsfan Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2016

    Jen I wouldn't worry at all about your labs. They are only very very slight out of range which technically are in range depending on the lab that is running them. I would be very pleased !!!! Continue with good health. My 35 yr old daughter was diagnosed in June w triple negative stage one and we found out today she is BRCA1 positive

  • Curlyq1974
    Curlyq1974 Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2016

    Ugh cubsfan! The BRACA mutation.... I was first in my family to be diagnosed with the mutation and before I could do the prophylactic stuff, I had BC... BLAH!!! Then my Mom found out she has the mutation. And my Aunt. Both, thank goodness had hysterectomies many years ago. As a result of finding the mutation, both had prophylactic mastectomies. My brother also has the mutation but he as a man, there is not much to do except watchful waiting. It is kind of odd how we didn't realize cancer "runs" per se in my family. My maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer. Her sister is a 30+ year breast cancer survivor. We didn't put it all together until I started to have lumps in bumps. The cancer seems to skip generations... My mom, aunt and uncles all are fine... Me, not so much! And once my Mom found out she had the mutation and gave it to me, it caused her GREAT grief!! She kept apologizing over and over - like she did this on purpose or something. Never mind ALL the wonderful traits I inherited from her, her strength, resilience, brains... UGH!!! The BRCA ride is another roller-coaster I hate to see folks have to endure. Prayers for strength and guidance!

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited September 2016

    We are getting ready for some major storms here in Charleston - I think tomorrow is the big day . They've already canceled school for tomorrow. Lots of grey clouds and winds are picking up.

    I got the report and it says:

    "There is a 3 mm pocket of gas in the right ventral hypopharyngeal soft tissue. This is consistent with a small laryngocele probably tracing upward. Some authors advocate laryngoscopy when such a finding is encountered as an association with malignancy exists. Probably not significant but ENT consultation recommended.

    Incidental notation made of a torus palatinus. There is a retention cyst or polyp in the left maxillary antrum 7 mm in size. "

    ENT scheduled for Tuesday. I would have thought that the CT would be able to tell if it's malignant from the contrast?

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2016

    Marsha that is fantastic news I've been worrying about you and anxious aboutthe long wait for your appointment. So happy for you that everything looks OK. XX

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2016

    Jenjen good luck for the appointment and also the storm.... X

  • Seraphima
    Seraphima Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2016

    This looks like a pretty active thread. I might not be able to keep up, but it's good to see everyone who posts here. :)

    I just found out today I am triple negative. The docs have known for a few weeks, but I had to ask for copies of the oncology reports and go over them myself. So, other than the basic definitions, I'm not sure what it all means except it's looking pretty scary what I've read over the last few hours.

    I'm 50, I think most of the details are coming up in my sig except I had numerous mammograms, several ultrasounds, and an MRI, and none showed the tumor, so I didn't expect it. Oh, and my mastectomy was only a partial. My mom died at age 53 of cancer (she had breast cancer, but I think she also had stomach cancer and not sure which came first - she was dead less than a year after her diagnosis - scares me writing that!). My Grandma (her mother) died a little older from cancer - breast cancer and lung cancer, but her breast was already showing severe signs when she finally sought help. She had been taking care of my Grandpa, and right after he died, she showed her daughters. She too died less than a year later.

    I have been feeling good about the fact that the lymph nodes showed no sign on cancer, and Paget's is not aggressive (they say), but the 4cm tumor was a surprise. Still trying to land on my feet. I woke up feeling fairly decent today for the first time in a long time. Still have pains from surgery, and tired (thyroid also a problem so can be that) ... but I felt like "myself" today for the first time in months.

    Anyway, I read just the first posts of this thread, and most recent ones. I hope I'm not out if place here. Just trying to find my way through all this. :)

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2016

    Al, oh my, the greatest love is about to be yours.....that grand baby. Congratulations to you all

    Jen, I'm no good at reading scans, but I like the "probably not significant" part. Sounds great. Buckle down during Hermine, be safe.

    Shopgal, hugging you tight

    Ally, sending you my hello

    Marsha, great news!

    Seraphim, Welcome here. So sorry for your losses due to cancer. Don't fear Triple Negative, great strides are being made in treatments, we are all proof of that.

    Sending all here my love

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited September 2016

    thanks meadow and everyone else for your support. Today was tough as it was not only 1 week since my moms funeral but it was the anniversary of my first ac chemo last year.I really hate the late summer season now.

    Seraphim welcome and know that we are here for you. And as meadow and a lot of others will chime in to say that there really is a lot of new good treatment research being done now on triple negative. The good thing for us is that our cancer responds well to chemo, and chemo is tough but doeable. Just take it one day at a time.

  • Seraphima
    Seraphima Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2016

    Thank you, Meadow and Shopgal.

    That is good news. I'm learning so much that I confuse things - I had in mind that I had read that triple-neg did NOT respond well to chemo.

    Although - they are not giving me chemo. I had a partial MX and am scheduled for rads. I don't know if you meant later or now. I'm really hoping for no recurrence, of course.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited September 2016

    Welcome Seraphima! You are right, it can be hard to keep up with this board, but everyone here is wonderful! They have been such a help to me.

    Marsha, - so glad to read your update.

    Shopgal, - keep your chin up, - and think GOOD thoughts.

    Hoping all in the path of the storm stay SAFE and DRY!