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Calling all TNs



  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    slcst12 - welcome to the "club." There are a bunch of wonderful women on this thread and you'll get a lot of support. Things will get better once you have your surgery and your treatment plan is put together. Hang in there! 

    Heidi - you looked great in both before and after photos.  You sure can rock a scarf.

    TiFJ - I opted for wigs when I went through chemo.  I had a really expensive human hair wig custom made for me to match my old hairstyle, which I wore it about five times in total (what a waste).  I also bought a short Raquel Welch wig on eBay for $25 and wore it all the time...LOVED it.  It was my favourite and was in a totally different than my old hair and it felt great to wear. I wore scarves and hats at home.

    MBJ - your holiday in Kentucky sounds fun. The pies sound yummy!

    I imagine most of you in the US are getting ready for Thanksgiving.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday this week with lots of turkey, stuffing, pie, and most of all, time with your families.

    Time for DWTS finale! 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2010

    Welcome to the club slcst12...ask away!  We do like to talk here!  HA HA... looked awesome in your scarves...and I agree with you..they didn't scream look so good..!

    I was a wig person a cute fun one to wear..people thought I was my daughter and I got carded when I bought wine..haven't been carded since I have my own hair back...ah well..I will take my own hair.

    Tiffany..I just can't believe that idiot neighbor of yours..I'm a deer lover (we have them wandering around our house all the time..they sleep in the front lawn)...but we have hunters around too...I know that it is a sport and legal and a way to thin the deer so they don't starve in the winter but it still doesn't mean I like it..they are so freaking beautiful..and they WERE here first...

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited November 2010

    Tif - I bought a wig, but never wore it - I felt like an imposter.  I wore the cheap bandanas at home or for a quick errand, but wore pretty scarves (like the ones in Heidi's pictures) to go out, shopping, lunch, movies, etc....  I think in the end it's what you're most comfortable with. 

    Heidi - your horses are absolutely beautiful as are the views - thanks for sharing the pictures.

    slcst12 - so sorry that you've had to find your way here, but you've come to the right place for support from women that have gone through what you're facing or are going through it now.  (((hugs))) we're all here for you.

    I took tomorrow off to start cooking for Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow I will be cooking the stuffing, mirliton w/shrimp casserole and baked macaroni and the Turkey on Thanksgiving.  Everyone coming is also bringing a dish - we're going to have lots of food.... then Friday we start decorating and by Sunday we look like the Griswolds. 

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2010

    Hi ladies. I've missed you. 

    Kelli- So, so sorry about your loss. Wish I had the words to take away your sorrow. All I can say is that I hope you feel better soon. Although it is nothing you will ever forget I hope your pain decreases soon. I'm thinking of you.

    Lovelyface- I did 4-DDAC and 6 or 7 out of 12 Taxol (Chemo memory loss) The chemos didn't work for me so that is why I will be starting more chemo.

    Heidi- With tears streaming down my face with a sincere understanding smile I say THANK_YOU for such a lovely poem

    ebann- I'm sorry you are here but I sincerely look forward to getting to know you and support you in anyway I can. I love this fabulous group of women that have helped me in so many ways.

    MBJ- Sounds like you are enjoying a taste of the midwest. Sounds like you are having a great time.

    Went to Sloan and absolutely loved the oncs I've met. I was told my new onc in Indy is considered famous at Sloan. Made me feel even more confident and happy to have her as my new onc. I received complete confirmation on her choice of treatment for me and once I finish the new chemo and then radiation I will be eligible for a clinical trial here for the new vaccine for TN's.I met with my interactive doc and really like him alot. He explained everything from diet, supplements vitamins etc that I should and should not take before, during and after treatment etc.

    I've been wigless, scarfless since I got here and love it. My 1/4" hair is really appreciated even more now because I will only have it for about 2 more weeks. Wow! Simply amazing how shopping,shopping and shopping, eating fabulous food and all that New York has to offer helps me forget about so many things. I'm having a blast and will start drawing at the studio tomorrow. By the way, Monday I will be going back to Sloan and buying a couple of new sexy bras. They have such a beautiful selection. I thought I would be stuck with having to wear this boring tan training bra forever well at least until I get reconstruction. 

     Happy Turkey day! We have so much to be thankful for. Loving life and feeling happy! 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    LJ- so glad you are having such a good time in NYC (given the circumstances). You sound invigorated and happy. The city can do that to you. Also glad you are finally getting some sound assurances on what's ahead. It helps so much to have faith in your doctor and treatment; you went so long without that extra support (and hope).

    We are going to my son's significant others house for turkey day. We think she's "the one". So much so that I have had my original engagement ring re-sized for her (at my son's HINT).  Now, if I could just live to see my grandchildren....

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited November 2010
    slcst12:  I agree, what a horrible way to start the holidays!  This is, by far, my favorite forum for discussing breast cancer.  I have found so much info here... so much support.  It's wonderful!  I hope everything goes well for your lumpectomy!  I'm BRCA2 positive, but triple negative.
  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2010

    Hiedi - Amazing photographs. Isn't great how wonderful you sleep after playing hard!

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited November 2010

    Tif~ I spent $300 on a wig an barely wore it.  I wore bandannas at home (or went commando) and pretty scarves at work.  Here's the store where I bought most of them:

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2010

    My hair is coming in... yahoooo! About 1/2 inch now - figuring after New Years, I will style it up and go topless.  Still girlcrushing on Jamie Lee Curtis - I'm shooting for her style. 

    Wigs. I am in the minority I guess.  I enjoyed my wigs (I've had I think 3 so far, all getting progressively shorter) - they were expensive but they were comfortable and fun, and looked great.  I worked throughout my entire treatment and radiation (took a few days off for surgery) - besides getting diagnosed only a few months into my job (eeks!) and having to deal with clients and in a corporate environment, I wasn't scared to reveal it... I just didn't want everyone scope-locked on my hair and treatment, so I got a great wig and nobody besides HR knew anything.  

    But at home with my family - I am rockin' my crew cut! Cool 

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2010

    I am thankful that I:

    have a kick*@$ oncologist

    am cancer free

    have a hot, supportive, cool DH 

    have eyebrows and eyelashes

    don't have to obsess about the optimal mix of miralax and ducolax

    am witnessing more and more attention on TNBC (ooh ooh, researchers, pick us! pick us!) 

    and have this sisterhood of excellent, tenacious, occasionally cantankerous but always upbeat  women who are always here to give a pat on the back or a laugh or some great advice... 

    Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!!!  

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited November 2010

    Just popping in to wish all my U.S. sisters a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Not matter what's going on with our health, time with close friends and family is something to be cherished!  Enjoy.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone;

    I hope that all is well with everyone. I did not start chemo on Monday as was planned. The office called me on Friday after getting my port put in that day. They have to wait for my ins to approve the chemo drug before I get started since it is so expensive. So we are looking at this coming Monday instead. So I am just praying they approve it. I see the Rad onc Friday so I will find out what we are doing at that point as well. I am experiencing pain in my hip. My onc did give me an ok to do light exercise. So I am very glad about that. She was concerned about fractures in my bones. MRI's indicated no fractures yay!. So I am meeting with my trainer on Friday to start a new schedule. I think this will really help.

    Swiftbird; Hi! Are you coming to our ornament exchange party on Dec. 11th? I hope so it would be great to see you.


  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2010

    ebann... I hope so!  After having modified travel for so long during chemo and rads and everything - I'm road warrior again so I do tend to hermit up a bit when I am home on the weekends.  I will for sure try - sounds fun.  I sure didn't like having to have a port, but sure appreciated it once it was in.  What chemo are you starting???  

  • tnbcRuth
    tnbcRuth Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2010

    Just a shout out that i got my port taken out yesterday !!!  I am so happy to have it removed and one step closer to putting this mess behind me.  I am Thankful it is gone!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    slcst12:  So sorry you are here so close to the holidays--I was in your shoes last year and started chemo right before Thanksgiving, so I am relishing the holidays this year.  Have they already done an MRI and a scan?  You will find much support here and just a great bunch of supportive women.

    LauraJane:  So glad to hear your news!  I knew that if you kept looking you would find the right dr for you!  Congratulations.  Really loving being in the country for the first time ever.  So beautiful.

    HeidiToo:  Thank you for sharing that article--it pretty much sums up my feeling regarding Pink advertising.  Don't even get me started.

    TNBCRuth:  Congratulations!

    Does anyone remember the name of the company that gives free scarves to women with TN?  That's where I got my free scarf from and I would like to pass the info on to those in need in additon to giving my own way.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    MBJ- didn't you say the Triple Negative Foundation gave you yours? Couldn't you ask someone on that site? I know the two I bought from them were by France Lux---> Erickson, as I recall.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited November 2010

    I got a free scarf from France Luxe through their good wishes program. It was lovely.  

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2010

    France Lux IS the name of the company that gives the free silk headwraps.  They are online just contact them.  The owner is a wonderful gal that supports all of us and is so kind to do this for us.

    Want to wish all my wonderful sisters a very Happy Thanksgiving.  I give thanks everyday for each and every one of you, and unfortunately, all those that are yet to come.

    Hugs to all,


  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    I got a beautiful silk headwrap from France Luxe too.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Ladies, haviing bought two France Lux "It's a Wrap" items last year (and *loving* them), I just inquired about their program and got an immediate response. I can't believe I did not know about this program before now! I intend to spread the word because, as some of us already know, their products are gorgeous and, most importantly, easy to wear.

    I am going to tell my local BC organization about this!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    Heidi - when they sent the free scarf, there is a really lovely card they include, which is personally signed by the staff members. It's such a nice touch and really made me feel good when I received it. 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    slcst:  I got my news this time last year, the day of my office Christmas party, and had my lumpectomy/SNB right after New Year's.  Ask anything.  Someone in this group will have the answer, or at least an opinion :)

    LJ:  The NYC trip sounds great.  Glad you hear you are having a good time, and that the trip to Sloan went well.  NYC is someplace I really, really want to visit.  Will have to twist my DS's arm to go with me.

    Which leads me to--Heidi--I was at a wedding reception tonight, 18 year old girl who had known the guy a couple months, which is common around here.  I want my DS to find "the one," and aim to see grandkids, too.  I bet an announcement is coming from your DS.  What fun!

    Elizabeth:  Thankful for no fractures.

    Congratulations, Ruth!

    I got a scarf from France Lux, too, and loved the card they sent.

    I've made roll dough, cranberry salad, a couple of desserts, and did some housecleaning.  Looking forward to tomorrow and spending time with friends.  

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited August 2013

    Hi ladies - I wanted to wish all of you in the U.S. a Happy Thanksgiving.  

    Although tomorrow is not Thanksgiving for us here in Canada (we had our's in October), I'm going to a cooking demonstration tomorrow night and the theme is holiday entertaining.  I understand they will be preparing a complete feast of turkey with all the fixings so I will eat my turkey and think of all you wonderful ladies!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Friday I have my 14 out of 28 rad so I will be 1/2 way done.  Can't  believe how fast this goes compared to chemo.  So far no skin problems and no SEs.  They say next week is when fatigue can set in.  We'll see.  I think I am just so happy that this is so much easier for me than chemo that I don't think I'll get too fatigued.  Take care all.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Swanny- I kept waiting for some "obvious" fatigue--- and that tired me out! Surprised

    Seriously though, my experience found it to be a bit more insidious. I thought I had breezed through everything (right up until I had that seizure!). 

    Point is, I'm fine now but have learned to be reasonable in what I can take on. That seizure really got my attention because I guess I did not recognize how tired my body really was, so I got right back "into the game"... perhaps too quickly.

    My GP told me that fatigue lowers a person's seizure threshold, and I have pretty much concluded that my mind out-paced my body after all the tx ended. My mind said Go Go Go right up until my body said No No No and threw my main circuit breaker, effectively putting me at parade rest.

    Almost 7 months later I am cautiously beginning to believe that I may finally be back to normal energy levels for an old broad.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2010

     Heidi..old broad?? don't think so! 

     Happy Thanksgiving everyone..including our Canadian sisters..since you already had yours..I work for a grocery store chain in Ohio and a grocery store in Canada sends us their advertisements..Your turkeys are expensive!  In the US we usually sell them at a loss to bring customers in the store..oopss..probably boring everyone..sorry.

    Seriously Swanny..they told me about the fatigue and it never happened...just don't go there...remember its normal to get a little tired in the middle of the day anyway... but remember like Heidi said..take it may feel great and ready to go go go but maybe your body isn't ready will happen...we don't need you..or anyone else doing the passing out thing like Heidi...she was our one and only...

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    Titan - Turkey has always been more expensive here in Canada.  I grew up on the Michigan border so my mom always stocked up on them buy buying in the States.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Happy Turky Day to all my friends here in I'm headed off soon to meet the (very possibly) future in-laws.

    Life is Good, isn't it?



  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2010

    Thanks for the info and warnings.  Besides work I do a lot of resting when I get home and then on the weekend.  Actually my life has been too boring and inactive since I was DX.  Then with mom passing away after taking care of her so long, I have to kind of rebuild my social life.  I'll start that after all the treatments are over.  It will be a good New Years resolution.  Happy Thanksgiving again to ALL!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Swiftbird: Waiting on ins to be able to start chemo. We need approval they have approved one of them just waiting for the other one. They are hoping to hear from them on Friday so that I can start chemo on Monday the 29th. The chemo's I will be doing is: Abraxane/Avastin and then will be getting infusions of Zometa every 4th week. I will do chemo for every week for 3 weeks and one week off but not really since I will have to go in for Zometa. I am scheduled to do this for 6 months. My onc is planning on me doing a PET Scan in 4 months. So here is hoping it all works out.

    I really hope you can come and glad to hear you are doing well.