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Calling all TNs



  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2016

    Prayers for you, Annie.

  • rlk58
    rlk58 Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2016

    I used neulasta with AC and counts were good until

    After 4th AC.I was going to get Carboplatin wit her Taxol

    But my doctor decided to wait 3 weeks and just do Taxol

    Alone, First Taxol today.


  • Stupidboob
    Stupidboob Member Posts: 330
    edited November 2016

    Annie you are not a are human.   It is hard to go through what we have to in order to fight this horrible disease.   It is your choice, but you know when one passes on (which we hope will be a long time for us all) your family will never be left with the "what if she had just tried" would she still be here and etc.  Until a person goes through it, they will never understand and I hope you and your family can find peace in this all.   I hope that God will bless you with gentleness as you fight this for your family and give you the will to go on.  Fear is a terrible thing that keeps us from getting the help we need.   I know exactly how it feels to fight this with all the fear.   I am sending comfort hugs to you.  

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2016

    Dear Annie, Everything that everyone has already said, me too. We are all sending positive energy, cosmic hugs, sitting in your pocket and cheering you on. Hope you are feeling OK and have a good plan which is one YOU want to follow. I agree with Janet too.

    I finally got my nuclear bone scan result. All clear, so my sore stiff back/hips/pelvis is due to chemo/radiotherapy, or old age (50),but not cancer. So that's good!

    Loving kindness to you all. Can you believe it's nearly Christmas? Next week it will be exactly a year since I noticed my lump, does that count as a cancerversary? XX

  • TulipsAndDaffodils
    TulipsAndDaffodils Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2016

    Hi All,

    Annie, of course, even more love coming your way!!

    StupidBoob (ok, I don't like calling anyone, "Stupid"!!), your story appears very inspirational! It looks like you have been with TNBC mets for almost 4 years! We all love to see that. How are you feeling/doing? What treatment are you on? Of course, please only answer if you want to.

    Scotbird, that's great news! Thanks for sharing. Everyone loves to hear those stories!!!!

    Happy holidays to all!


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2016

    Thank you to each and every one of you for being in my pocket, wasn't heavy at all. Mike there will always be room in my pocket for you and these ladies. Well I managed to get through the day but it was an awfully long one. Nothing to eat or drink from 7am and the test didn't happen until 2pm so I was very dehydrated and could have drank a well dry. The stuff they sprayed on my throat at the beginning was darn awful. She told me it tasted like chilli bananas before she gave it to me, yea right! Three times she sprayed my throat, I'm sure I didn't need that much. My throat felt like it had cotton wool in it and I couldn't swallow but she assured me I could lol, which was a bonus. After that I didn't remember much until I opened my eyes and it was all over. She said they had some trouble getting the scope down because of the mass being in the way. Then I had to wait for two further hours before I could try sips of water. If a lake had been handy there would have been no water left ! Because I have an allergy to latex and the balloon at the end of the scope was latex she gave me a ten day course of Dexamethasone which I forgot that when I had them for my last chemo they kept me awake all night and they did the same thing so the next morning they went in the rubbish bin. The results of course were highly suspicious of cancer so I'm hoping they aren't very good at their job lol. Final results come next Tuesday and any treatment plans available.

    Regardless of all this I am thinking of all of you ladies going through new treatment, those that are worried, stressed and those trying to live as though it never had happened but whatever happens please don't think about recurrence because believe me it rarely happens and you WON'T get one. As time goes on you will start to live as you once did again. So remember to laugh as much as you can and take delight in each and every day.

    I love you all and I need you all in my life. xx00xx

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Love you Cocker!!!

    Even when you are down and are trying to tell serious stories like this, I couldn't stop smiling. You've got magic in you!

    Simple words and humor can surely drown all of life's miseries.

    I really really wish you'll get well soon. You're tough

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016


  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited November 2016

    Holding your hand, my dear, holding your hand. Jan

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2016


    You are so wonderful. I am so sorry that today was so long and uncomfortable for you.

    BE WELL!!

    Hugs to you, and of course, to all others here, too.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited December 2016

    Love this group of women, and men.

    Love you Cocker

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016 are truly one in a million. I send a prayer your way every day. We all need you here with us. ❤️

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2016

    Aww Cocker, you're amazing! I echo what the others say!You truly are one in a million! You are our glue and we are all sticking with you and we will always be here for you! Love you so much!!

  • iz1999
    iz1999 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2016

    I have a question, has anyone with IDC-TN stage 3 apply for ssdi and was approved?

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2016

    Annie you are amazing. To encourage all of us, with what you are facing shows what a remarkable person you are. May you feel all of our love for you. YOu move me in so many ways as do the rest of the women here.


  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2016

    One year ago, I knew I had cancer. This is also my birthday. I can now say time has flown. I went out with friends, walked and did many mundane things that I used to take for granted.

    I would not be sane without the support of you ladies this past year. I am truly grateful to you all.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016

    Valstim52....HAPPY BIRTHDAY‼️ What a coincidence...tomorrow is my birthday. And what a year we've had. I was thinking today of last year when I was filled with fear of the known fact that I had breast cancer...and the unknown that lie ahead of me. Today, I am a changed woman. I've faced a demon head on and fought my best. I wish that I could say I was carefree, but that would be dishonest. I can say that I'm realistic. I have trouble planning ahead, fearful of the two year danger point for those of us who are TN. There are days that I wonder if I actually imagined the past year. It seems so surreal. Like you expressed, I am grateful to have found this wonderful site and this group of brave women who have the spirit and grace to be there when we need an ear, a pat on the back or just plain old caring. Hope you had a fabulous day, Val. ❤️

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2016

    You are so right Cathy well said. Yes I sometimes hear the clock for us TN's ticking, but then when does it start? year 1, 2,. 3 or 5? So I am working on trying to look positively about the future, and take with me the vigilance and strength I've learned I now possess. Though the clock is on the wall and will tick no matter what, I try to look at it as part of my big picture of life .

    Ofcourse this all sounds good until the quiet of some nights when the anxiety and fear hit. Or like my mammogram for my remaining breast is in two weeks.Funny for now no anxiety

    You too have a fabulous day tomorrow ....

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited December 2016

    Hi Everyone,

    Just logging on to check on you Annie, I've been waiting for your update.  I'm so glad to hear the procedure is behind you, and that you were out like a light.  Once you get a treatment plan in place, you'll be able to move forward with even more confidence.  Sending prayers across the pond.  And a big hug.  ❤️  Well wishes and many prayers for everyone in our forum.


  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited December 2016

    Happy Birthday Cathy and Valstim!!!

    I wish you all the best in life. No more worries, no more illnesses. Happiness and love always.

    Cheers for Prosperity, Peace and Good Health!



  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited December 2016

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016


  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited December 2016

    happiest of birthdays Val and Cathy. Hope you both enjoyed the day!

    Cocker good to hear from you. And we still are weighing down your pocket supporting you.

    We really are a good group here. I'm very glad I found you all. It's nice to know I'm not alone in thinking, feeling, and worrying about the same things in life.

    For a Thursday happy note, here in phila the weather is turning a bit cooler and the city is all decked out for the holidays. It's so pretty to see all the decorations that people have put up on the outside of their houses. 🎄

  • 6feetover
    6feetover Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2016

    Valstim52 and Cathytoo: The happiest of birthdays to you!!! *BIG (gentle) HUGS*!!!

    Cathytoo: I feel the same way: I was just musing this afternoon, while tending to my now-healthy nails, that last year at this time I'd just finished chemo, was bald, and was freaking out over how I was going to be able to deal with the drain(s) that I knew were going to be part and parcel of my (then-upcoming) surgery. It really does seem surreal. I thought it was just me and my Aspie brain (that tends to "encapsulate" time and events; it's weird and sometimes tough to explain to people), but I guess perhaps some experiences are like that for many. Time passes so quickly's creepy.

  • jcpriest0469n
    jcpriest0469n Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2016

    Happy Birthday to Valstrim52 and Cathy. Wishing you both the best. May your birthday wish come true.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016

    If you've had a lumpectomy... do you ever have pain in your breast?

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited December 2016


    Yes, Cathy, I have pains. I've begun to wonder if they are from biopsy clips left in place.

    I agree about the whole thing being surreal. So weird to look back on the past year. My surgery was 12/10, followed by everything else.

    Cocker, I will be anxiously awaiting your post on Tuesday. Take deep, calming breaths.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2016

    Hey Cathy I have no breast,but have pains. Very surreal as there is nothing there but it aches sometimes. Same with my 'healthy' breast, now have some aches as well. Surgeon says its because I'm using my right side more and i'm wearing my prosthetic more. And as good as it is, its uneven.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016

    Val and all seems so strange to me. During my lumpectomy, chemo and rads I didn't have one ache or pain. Now, months later ... crazy pains in the strangest places. The breast pains worried me because they are sharp and prickly, and not where the tumor was. I just wish someone would give me an iron clad written guarantee that the cancer is done and gone‼️ Know where I can get one❓❓

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2016

    Oh Cathy I feel the same way. It's like the unspoken elephant in the room, sometimes he looms other times he is silent.