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Calling all TNs



  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2010

    OMG!!!!!!!! Pamelajo, I am crying reading your post - that is soooo funny!!!! I can picture all of the Wal-mart people floating down the isles like it's a wave pool! HAHAHA Laughing I'm glad you found something to wear and I'm sure that after being there for  minutes you'll look around you and feel so much better about yourself! Enjoy

    MBJ - Yummmmm margaritas!!!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2010

    Hi Ladies, 

    Pamalajo, your post cracked me up! I hope you have buckets of fun at the waterpark.  I myself went to buy a swimsuit the other day.  I found a really nice underwire top that covered my lumpectemy and sentinel node scars.  However, it was a two-piece suit and I haven't worn a bikini in many years.  The suit had been $75.00 but was on clearance and then an extra 75% off...making it a grand total of $10.00!! I told my daughter I was buying it because the top fit and since I don't have the body of used to have for a bikini a $10.00 suit is going to look as good (....or as bad!) as an expensive one.

    FYI...the following artice came out on various newspapers today by The Canadian Press about PARP Inhibitors:
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited July 2010

    Pamelajo:  OMG Wallmart lovelies!!!  LOL!  That is just too funny!  Your daughter is smart as a whip and sounds like she has your strong sense of self!  My husband said something similar to me when we were getting ready to go to San Diego!  I am 6' tall and I lost 20 pounds after my diagnosis but I still have belly fat that I am saving because I will need fat grafting after my exchange surgery.  So even though I do alot of walking for excercise, my body is not in bikini condition at all.   I am all about the one piece with long shorts.  I am hoping that after the exchange I will get in bikini shape.  It's been years since I could wear one and I bought one for inspiration!

    I never heard that alcohol wasn't an issue for TN's!!??  I thought that all cancer was affected by alcohol consumption and that the one glass of red wine was what recommended in the Anti Cancer book.  Did I miss something?  Not that I drink alot or anything, but I was feeling guilty even about my one glass of red a day or an occasional beer or HUGE margarita!  BTW: best margarita and mexican food I have had in a long time and I practically grew up on it!

  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2010

    MonikaV - Well I just started my 12 weekly Taxol cycle yesterday and it went well. I was really scared so far so good. I went to a new hospital away from the ACs to get away from the smell mostly! The benadryl knocked me out - one minute I was fine then I was so groggy which was fine because I slept through my whole treatment! ;-) I hear day 3 and 4 will be my worse but I am crossing my fingers!  I do have to say that my head feels a lot clearer without any nausea meds!

    Pamelajo - OMGoodness you are too funny! I love the Walmart stuff! Have a great time at the water park and thankgoodness you have less to deal with! I too have not tried on any suits this year and don't think I will - every doctor visit my weight goes up - uggg!

    Well I hope like Titan my hair will start to grow back during taxol because I have just had it with the whole no hair thing! I too will never complain about a bad hair again!

    ((( Hugs ))) to all and we can get through this!!

  • LNFletch
    LNFletch Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2010

    Kad22- the benadryl always knocked me out when I was on Taxotere. I would bring a book in thinking I would get a chance to catch up on some reading, something I don't get to do so much with two small kids and I would fall asleep almost immediately too. I was achy during Taxotere and even though I'm four months PFC, it takes me a few strides to be able to straighten up after sitting on the sofa for a while.

    Pamelajo- I've never been to a water park, but your daughter gives a good description! I need a new swim suit as well. I used to be afraid of a nipple slip, but after my double mastectomy, I'm afraid of a nippleless slip!

    MBJ- I have read that alcohol isn't related to TNBC too. I went out of town to visit my old college roommate and didn't worry about the wine I had, and I'm going to my high school reunion this weekend and I won't worry about what I'm drinking, but after these two events, I'll go back to my normal ways and probably won't have more than a glass of wine or beer in a months time. 

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited July 2010

    Sugar77 -thanks for sharing the article on the PARP inhibitors.  Being that I'm BRCA1+, this is something that I've been following.  I know someone who's in phase 3 of the PARP trial. Hopefully it works and zaps those cancer cells. 

  • brendaw
    brendaw Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2010

    There is another thread out there dealing with alcohol consumption.  It is interesting and I have switched to the super low calorie bud select 55 on the weekend... I really think is a lot of water and a tiny bit of alcohol.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited July 2010

    kad22, I thought I would never complain about bad hair days as well, but given enough time, you do tend to fall back into old habits.

    Sugar, unfortunately after having recon and an implant, underwires are a no-no.  I have a hard time finding bras to fit, let a lone a swimsuit.  I am happy for you that you found one.  My Sn scar is in my armpit area, there is no way a normal swimsuit would cover it.  It just need to keep that arm down at my side.  No wild waving at the lifeguard for least not with that arm!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited July 2010
    Meece:  I'm a bit self concious about the under arm area, too.  Not that I go around waving my arms at lifeguards much LOL, but I don't want to really show off my scars.  I actually found a really cute swimsuit that covers the sides from Target, of all places.  It's made by convers and comes in a teal paisley, which doesn't look good with my coloring and a blue paisley which I love.  I bought the bikini with hopes of being able to wear it sometime this year and I bought the bandeaux style that has boning to hold it up on the sides and a tie in the middle.  I would have never chosen this style before, but now that I have had surgery it seems to look the best on me now.  They also offer it in a tankini style. 
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited July 2010
    Taxol:  I noticed that alot of you are on Taxol and this was never brought up after my 6 x TC.  Is there a reason some dr's use this and some do not or is it only if you have nodes involved or do AC or ACT?
  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2010

    MBJ - If the TC you had is Taxotere and Cytoxan, which is what I had....then the "T" (Taxotere) is similar to Taxol as they are both what are referred to as Taxanes.  So, since you got TC, Taxol would be a duplicate. 

    I wish we had Target here in Canada.  My mom lives on the Michigan border and I always go to Target when we go to visit.  I also really like Kohls!


  • Pamelajo
    Pamelajo Member Posts: 124
    edited July 2010

    Water park is out :(  I had to go to the Dr today for swelling at my infusion site and he says I'm suffering from exhaustion.  So....i will take tomorrow off from work, eat sleeping pills and rest. 

    Life super sucks at the moment.  I'm thinking of blowing up the floaties and sitting in the tub for a bit.  DH could light some coconut scented candles and play whale calls on the radio,.....I'd feel like I was at the water park.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited July 2010

    PamelaJo:  So sorry you are having a rough time of it!  Your own private water parks sounds heavenly, though less lines and crowds--more like a spa with all of the candles!  Rest up and take a couple of days off, I say!

    Sugar:  Thanks for the Taxol info.  Are you able to buy Target stuff on line or is that not available either in Canada?  I don't know what I would do without my Target store LOL! 

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2010

    Perhaps a weird question, but how big are SN scars? I only have one scar - the lumpectomy - as my tumor was so far over, almost under my arm, the surgeon took out 15 nodes at the same time using the same incision. I never had a sentinal node biopsy, just tumor biopsy then surgery. Anyone else?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited July 2010

    When they do the sentinel node biopsy, they are trying to only take the node closest to the tumor.  In my case the dye moved so fast they couldn't pinpoint the first node, so they took 16.  My scar is about two inches long but in an arc.  Mine is in the crease at the very point the arm meets the chest wall.  My lumpectomy was done using an incision around the areola, so that scar is virtually invisable.  The scarring beneath the skin is evident though. 

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2010

    Meece - what had you already had done before the SNB? My surgeon "complained" that there was no point in doing one as things had been messed up from the tumor biopsy. Now I feel lucky I only have the one scar - though it is quite big - about a 4 inch sideways smile!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited July 2010

    I had a mastectomy and they took the SN's through the same incision. I still have scars from the 2 drains under my arm though and a mighty long smile on my breast, too.  I am surprised how long the ones under the arm are taking to heal.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited July 2010

    I had only had a FNA.  My scar would have had to be 5-6 inches if they had done both through one incision.  I think the SNB scars take so long to heal because they are in an area that we move a lot through the day, and they are around sweat glands.  I remember my first attempt to shave under that arm.  With the numbness, I ended up with a horrid case of razor burn.  I walked around with my hand on my hip for days!

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2010

    I have no 'pit growth since chemo! (I am 8 months PFC)

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2010

    Pamelajo - I'm so sorry you did not get to go to the waterpark! Try and rest up, your time will come....

    MBJ - I have the same 2 drain scars under each arm (as well as 2 big smilesSmile) and they don't seem to be fading at all! I thought for sure they'd be the first to go.

  • Laura64
    Laura64 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010

    Hi All,

     I found my lump last summer at the age of 44, saw my gyn and she couldn't find it.  I could, so I went for ultrasound, had core biopsy and got my diagnosis on 10-1-09.  This was after having a normal mammogram in March 09. The tumor was 1.2cm.  MRI of both breasts showed 'areas of concern" in opposite breast. Tested negative for BRCA1 & 2. No history of breast cancer on either side of my family.  Had 4 rounds every three weeks of Cytoxan/Taxotere. The tumor did not shrink, so that put me in the "residual disease" category.Frown

    Bilateral mastectomy in January 2010.  Tissue expanders removed and implants put in on 6/18/10.  Oncologist every 3 months.  My hair is growing back, I am feeling well., and trying to get used to the new me and life after cancer!



  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited July 2010

    Well ladies, after 2 surgeries, 5 months of chemo and 31 radiation zaps, I am officially done with my treatment.  And I feel proud for getting through it all as well as I did.  Happy to be on the other side, knowing I threw everything I could at this cancer.  Still, it's a bit hard for us triple negatives, isn't it, without the benefit of any "magic" 5-year pills?  It's down to exercise, diet, supplements... living well and reducing stress... well, bring it on, a new chapter unfolds!

    I also want to shout out a big thank-you to the many, many women on this and other boards who helped me through.  This was a precious sanctuary and source of ideas, information and inspiration.  Thank you!!      

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2010

    Luah - congratulations on finishing all your treatments. You've been a wonderful resource to me throughout my journey.  The sharing and support the ladies on these board provide to one another is a lifeline and I'm so thankful, too, that we all have this place to come.


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2010
    Oh my goodness, I may never catch up with all the post here!
    Really quick, I took birth control from age 17 to age 23. I nursed three children for about 12 mos. each. I love cheese but don't drink much milk. Generally purchase beef from local farmer with no hormones but chicken and pork I get from the local market. I like my wine. One or two glasses a night. I've cut that back to one or two glasses a week.
  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2010

    Hi Lisa - it's very quiet on the July chemo thread. I suspect that is good!!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited July 2010

    You guys crack me up with the Wal-mart comments...I work at the offices of a small grocery store chain...Wal-mart is our competition in several cities that our stores are in....I do go to Wal-mart occasionally..alot for entertainment....I don't want to offend anyone..but you certainly do see some characters in there don't you?

    Welcome Laura to the tn thread..glad you are feeling well and getting on with life.

    And yay Luah..finishing up with your treatments....that is awesome...!  It certainly is a wonderful will just feel better every will have some se's that may linger but you will be ok...

    It's hard to keep up with all the conversations!  I have 2 for the lump, one for the snb.....they are both pretty stupid tumor was very close to the skin...just opened me up and shebang..there it was..stupid lump....

    Anyway..Pamela...the waterpark (and Walmart) will still be there for you when you are ready..go for it girl! 

    Where have you been Pauldinggirl!  We missed you! that the real you in your avator?  You look great! 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Pamelajo:  I'm sorry about the water park.  I was envisioning you on the lazy river (floating is my favorite).   I hope you get to go there soon.

    When DS & I went on the college tour, I was amazed in Ithaca at how fit everyone seemed.  They walked up and down the hills of Cornell's campus, while I was puffing to keep up.  Then---we went to the Walmart and saw the other side of town.  I had a chuckle.

    I haven't shopped for a bathing suit in ages, but you gals give me inspiration.  With long (20 inches or so) scars on my hip, I've never been able to cover up, so go ahead and look.  My SN scar is quite small and not near my lumpectomy scar at all.  

    Luah:  Congratulations!  

    Off to my 3mos post-chemo check-up tomorrow.

  • farfaith
    farfaith Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2010

    Pamelajo have a wonderful time at the water park .i haven't wore a suit sense my youngest was born almost 4 years i always grab shorts and tank. that tummy hust never went back im gonna fix it though im gona see if i cant get new boobs from the tummy and then ill have a new me.                   i go to marowo to see the plastic surgeon cant wate got one more Taxotere then i think i can handle the rest. the Taxotere has been the worst for me it seams like  I fell bad logger and ake more and sicker on my stomach.

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited July 2010

    Luah - congrats on finishing treatment!!!  I'm so happy for you! 

    I have a few scars - 2 across my foobs from my bmx, 2 small ones from the port, another small scar on the side of my right foob from my last cancer findings and another small one in my armpit from the lymphnodes being removed.  Other than the mastectomy scars, I don't care if the others show.  I do hate how my port sticks out.  I try to hide it with my wig and clothes. 

  • workmother
    workmother Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2010

    Hi all. Had my 2nd AC treatment yesterday. Went better than the first. Nurse got a vein first try and no on mentioned a port this time. Yeah!! A bit more nauseous this time but I think its because I'm on an antibiotic so my stomach was already worse off to start. Getting my head buzzed this afternoon and coming home with my "new hair". Got my order of hats and stuff from TLC so I'll have some options to start with. Asked my onc if it was OK to go away for a few days before my next treatment and he said absolutely! I asked if he was positive it was OK for me to go to a hotel and he said people do it on chemo all the time. As long as I feel well. Just make sure I know where a hospital is just in case... So I think we may go away for a few days before round three. I could really use a break! I'll just try to take extra good care of myself so I'll be in good shape to go.

    Thanks to all you ladies for posting your stories. Always so good to read about people on the other side of treatments or those who are almost there. Inspiring to keep me going! -Donna