Calling all TNs



  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited September 2011

    Heidi Too - too funny!

    TifJ - hope your mammo was not too painful and that all is well.

    Titan - I hope it's a beautiful day.

    Painting - good luck with the house sale and move. I think I'd rather be beaten!

    Healing thoughts to those facing surgery and chemo. It does get better.


    Had first PT for broken kneecap today (insert bad words). Oct. 12, I am having my port removed, and my dog ears removed. I can not face recon - staying a flat top. I love the freedom from bras!!!!

    Anyone else have have dog ears removed?

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2011

    Hi, It has been a long time since I have posted.  I had the afternoon off work and decided to visit the board.  I am fine.  Friday I have my 6 month mamo on my left breast.  So far I had my 1 year mamo and now the 6 month.  Everything has been fine.  I am healthy as a horse (and back to my overweight pre chemo weight - too bad....). 

    My hair is all back and I even have my energy back (last chemo was Sept 30th 2010 - HEY HEY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN 3 DAYS and last radiation was Dec 16, 2010).  I had my port taken out about 2 months ago.  Left a bigger scar than I thought it would be but what the heck.  You know the only lasting side effects for me are some bouts of depression, loneliness, and oh yeah Neuropathy - but not so bad.  It was not until about 6 months after chemo finished that I finally had my stamina and strength back and I didn't realize during the those 6 months how tired and slow walking I was until it was over.  It is easy for me to forget sometimes that I had BC (especailly since my hair is back to normal) but every so often I think about it and sometimes it gets me down.  Maybe I should go back to the doc for more anti-depressants.  

    I just wanted to say hello to everyone and touch base with you all.  I'll watch and post more often, I kind of miss reading about all of you and your experiences.  Maybe the 1 year anniversary is what is getting me down????

    Laurajane - so happy to see your posts.  Maybe I'll try to post a more current picture.   

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited September 2011

    Swanny thank you so much for posting!  You inspire me, cause a year from now, I am gonna be you!  Even though I am still doing rads, sometimes I too already forget I have cancer, and then other times, I cant get it off my mind.  I am so proud you are doing good!  You give me HOPE!

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited September 2011

    Swanny, Glad you are doing well! Excellent news.


  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Swanny- So nice to see you I am so glad you re doing well.

    I went to see my onc today. She found more tumors since last week. I new of a couple but she found a few more just from her exam. She said she didn't want me to wait 2-3 weeks to start a new trial it was to aggressive. She started me on Navalbine and combined it with the Avastin today. She said she would usually run the scans before starting a new chemo but didn't want to wait. Tomorrow's agenda:  bone scan ( Found out what the pain in my back was she felt either  a tumor or a swelling in the area between my shoulder blades), CT scan on abdomen ( I had pain during the exam I wasn't even aware of) Bonescan, MRI upper (New tumor on clavical was a pea size last Tuesday today the size of  an egg yolk like the new one on my sturnum) and lower.  I'll get the results of these and my Markers on Thursday. I knew things seemed grim with all of the progression I've felt this last week but not quite this bad. I was concerned about the increase in skin mets this week. LOL Hoping it hasn't hit any vitals. It is what it is! Our time is up when it's up but not today! I'm still breathing, kicking and screaming LOL

    The best thing that happened to me today! She was able to schedule all of my scans for tomorrow between 2 different hospitals up in Indianapolis so I booked a flight to New York leave on Thursday and back an hour before more chemo next Tuesday. It will be nice to be with my BF when I get the results. I plan on having a great time! Drawing, shopping, sculpting,  shopping, eating, shopping and drinking fine wine and probably shopping some more.

    I hope you all had a great day today. 

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2011

    Heidi - Laughed so hard at your comment I actuall peed in my pants - (how do you spell "peed" it doesn't look like I spelled it correctly) -

    Teka:  Congrats!  Good news to hear.

    Titan:  You're doing it gal - holding up really well - wish we could all be at the wedding! 

    Swanny - so glad to hear from you and that all is well.

    Don't want to leave anyone out, but it would take an hour to write out all the shoutouts to each of you individually, but just know that I send my love and all good thoughts to each of you - and

    Suze and Laurajane - keep on keeping on, you two - you are both loved and admired so by all of us, and we want only the best for both of you.  


  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited September 2011

    OBXK- Mammo went fine- all clear! Thanks for asking!

    Good to hear from you Swanny!

    Teka- Glad your follow up went well.

    Laurajane- I hope the Navelbine and Avastin kick some FC!!!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited September 2011

    I'm headed out for a few days to my nephew's wedding in Florida. Not sure if I'll be online while gone.

    LJ - you have a good time in New York. I'll be thinking of you.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2011

    Heidi..Ohio is on the way to Florida..kinda...come HERE! never cease to amaze me girl!  Good for you...Have fun in NYC...then get going on that chemo to reduce/kill those f'ing tumors...

    Swanny!  Glad you checked in....and that things are going well... is peed...really it is...I'm kinda into the English thing..was runner up in the spelling bee when I was in 6th grade...or first loser...however you want to call it.

    As far as the wedding plans are more day of work..then the frenzy begins...thanks for your advice everyone..I am listening to all of you...MBJ had the most interesting tip..the face spray to freeze your make up on..interesting... I'm not sure if I'm ready for that..but who knows.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2011

    Oh..another thing..I was in one of the grocery stores that I work for today and they had ones that said "I wear Pink for the Cure"...that was all..a little understated...I made a mental note to ask how many $$ we actually donate and where the $$ go...

    I did have to laugh a little to myself wondering how well Heidi's t-shirt would sell...!

  • Suze35
    Suze35 Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2011

    Heidi - have fun in Florida!

    LJ - you know how I feel. I hope you have a blast sculpting your favorite model :).

    Titan - hang in there, the finish line is in sight! I know in the end you'll look back on it all fondly.

    Swanny - the year mark is a tough one. You are just starting to really get back to normal, then the PTSD hits. It is good to hear from you.

    OBXK - ouch, that kneecap sounds painful! I hope the PT goes well.

    I'm missing people, I'm sorry - I hope everyone is doing well.

    Still hanging in, my old MO gave me some suggestions for my cough and mild pain. She said my nodes weren't that big - "less than an inch" - um, sounds big to me!! Also told me if I wasn't in treatment by 10/15, and nothing seemed imminent, to let her know and we'd start something. So I'm still in a holding pattern, ah well.

    Good thing for today? Hugs and kisses from my gorgeous kids. They are just amazing. Oh, and wig shopping online! Time for some fun!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2011

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me back.  It feels good.

    LJ - Please have lots of fun and so glad the BF is so great.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123
    edited September 2011

    TifJ and Swanny, good luck on your mammo, hoping for news!\

    Had chemo today and it went fine after the initial glitch. Nurse Practicioner thought maybe wait another week for final Her2, which doctor said he is sure is going to come back negative anyway. Thought I should give one more week for my lumpectomy to heal...give it almost 4 weeks. She says we can wait because the cancer is gone. I told her it upset me to hear her say that because you can't possibly know that and I need to know you recognize how important it is to be aggressive and not mess around with this fast of a growing cancer. The I explained that in 3 weeks the mass grew 3mm, went from MRI shows nothing in lymph nodes to CT shows one somewhat enlarged internal lymph node to new CT recording it as 2 lymph nodes because of how large it had gotten 2.2 cm (average about .5cm normal) and with each scan just shy of a week apart. If this thing is growing that fast I am nervouse what any little cells that got in my lymph system are doing in a week's time. She said we could do it if I needed it for peace of mind and I said "good, I'll take the peace of mind." 

    Anyway, I am being careful with the wound, washing it 3 times a day with anticeptic surgical wash and covering it with antibiotic cream and bandaid so hopefully that will keep it protected. My head feels a little full tonight and I get a little nauseous here and there but I take the meds and it helps...hope belleeast had a good day too.

    Teka, congrats on the 3 months free...for you and others I was wondering if finishing up treatments and getting past the first checkup help you to begin to feel normal and less like cancer is a big a part of who you are? Just curious if I will ever be able to feel that I might be safe.

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2011

    LauraJane, all I can say is wow - your attitude and that f'ing cancer. Praying cocktail works and get it under control. Have a fabulous time in NYC! Have you and Suze in our thoughts.

    Swanny, hey, good to see you.  I went quiet for a few months - work, life, etc - but it's nice to check in and be there for each other, and new ladies.  Cool news on your mammo and check up.

     I have my second 6-month bloodwork/mammo/MO/surgical check ups tomorrow.  I'm nervous :( and been trying not to think about it and keep positive.  Sooooo tired of thinking about it.

    Titan, weddings huh? I head to Vegas thursday, standing up for a girlfriend and have managed to stay out of wedding drama.  TaTa Sisterhood also in town - I may escape and go party with our survivor sisters if things get intense LOL 

    All those starting chemo, hoping for minimal SE's for you... I sure remember sitting in that chair the first time, not knowing what to expect but it turned out fine. I did get pretty friendly with Emend in the last 2 treatments :)  

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2011
    Thanks Teka! I got two compression bras (lord they're expensive! am thinking I am wrong line of business lol) and doing stretches. Helps.  I travel a lot which makes things complicated, but have a good compression sleeve etc and so far so good. I have been trying to massage scar areas - but I have noticed and suspect fibrosis slowly building around scar lines.   I flipped out at first, but realized it's along scar line >;( and not round or suspicious.  At least I think.  argh.  I go to Mayo today to get my once over, so will have opportunity to discuss with them.
  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011

    suze and Laurajane, thinking of you both.  Brave women

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2011

    hi all,

    well, had my 1st dd a/c yesterday it was a hurry up and wait kind of day. a 3 hr wait for my meds to be sent up then 3hrs for treatment, they assured me it wouldn't be like that next time uh huh.

    felt terrible a few hrs later whole slew of se, but i feel better now so i made it thru, i get my neulesta shot this afternoon, and going to a look good feel better class after.

    think i'll take a claritan about an hour before i get the shot!

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123
    edited September 2011

    Belleeast...I am so glad you are doing better. You really seemed to have a rough day yesterday. I got the Neulasta shot a little bit ago and it was easy enough. Hope you have a great time at the class, it sounds like a lot of fun.

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited September 2011

    Sending well thoughts to all!! Love you guys!

    Had some well needed lipo done earlier this week. Now I am off to sip some green tea. Still recovering procedure wasn't bad at all.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited September 2011

    Hi girls, sorry havent been around much still trying to pick up the pieces of my life. DH still refuses to sit down and talk with me, he still hasnt even said good bye to the kids, it just breaks my heart. I dont understand how someone can just shut off like that but I suppose its not mine to understand. I have been trying to get all my ducks in a row these last couple of weeks to protect myself and my kids, have been to a lawyer and looks good for me not so much him. I cant beleive he just threw away our life just like that. anyhow wanted to let you all know why I am not around much, very hard to focus right now on much of anything other than getting all my papers together for this next big fight..I didnt read up on much but did see that Suze has had some bad news, I am very sorry Suze, I really dont know what to say you sound so calm I am trying to be that too. Life its a good thing they dont tell us what we are going to have to endure not sure that we would all sign up for it hey. Ok well one foot in front of the other, back to work

    Hugs Kymn

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited September 2011

    Suze, I just PM'd you.  Sorry ladies, I was busy for at least a month so was away from the boards.  Suze, my friend, you know how I feel, but I am certain you can even fight this.  Like I said, you are the smartest and brightest of all of us so I have full faith that you will apply all that knoweldge and strength to fight this.  There is no timeframe, so don't ever even go there.  I was shocked and very hurt to read your post just today, and was just blown away by the ugliness of this crap FC. This can be happening to any one of us TN's.  Hugs and lots of love, I know you are strong and can face anything!

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited September 2011

    Laurajane - I have no words to say, except that I never knew that life is really like this.  Honestly, until one gets BC, one is so naive and innocent about life.  We all grew up so much after our diagnosis and you and Suze are now growing up even more, the innocence about life, left way behind. My hugs and best wishes!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited September 2011

    Swiftbird - I agree, it is so difficult to limit your self! I think for me, it's waiting around for someone to help. Grocery shopping is the worst.

    Lwarstler - well done you! For standing up for yourself. My beloved onco told me the same thing. I thought, dude are you kidding me, I am having a freaking recurrence NOW!

    Belleeast - I think willing allowing myself to be subjected to chemo, is the bravest thing I have ever done. Kudos to you for being brave. I hope you can cope well with the SE. Drink plenty of fluids and stay ahead of the pain - I also took stool softeners, as all the meds caused me constipation. After your shot, if you feel really bad, ask to have the dose lowered. Be gentle with yourself and remember the premed steroids, can make you feel a little emotionally fragile. The good news is, one day all of this will be a faint memory. Holding your hand ...

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited September 2011

    Suze and Lj praying for both of you!  Kick cancers butt!

    Kymn so glad you came and checked in.  I hope you are doing good too, still cant believe what a jerk he is!

  • RJ70
    RJ70 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    I got question for you ladies. I had a mastectomy on my left breast on the 12th Was doing great no pain everything was looking great. but Monday a started hurting a running a fewer , been in the hospital every since. My doctor that I love. Just leaved my room and told I have to stay a few more days to they know what is going. I feel lost. I had mastectomy did on the right side in April. That the side the cancer was on. With no problems. Has this happen to anyone else?

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    Does anyone have doctor recommendations for towny, from the parp thread, in the long island new york area? Please look at the parp thread if you do and help her with some advice, thank you!

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    RJ70, sorry you are going through that, they don't have any answers for you yet? Sounds like an infection but you would think they would be able to tell. Have they put you on antibiotics? Hope you fing answers soon.

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    I had a great day today! Went shopping and actually wound up getting my ears re pierced, as one had closed up. I am so excited to be able to wear earrings again, and more excited when I can take these posts out and wear some of my other ones! OK, it's the small things that make me happy. At least it has kept my mind off of my surgeons appointment tomorrow, when I find out about my breast and chest mri. I just a a ct scan last week and the results were good, but started worrying about the mri as I know things show up differently. I have another chemo tomorrow also, man, these weekly chemo appointments come up fast and I don't feel ready, still draggin and I got another cold. I also finally purchased a blender so I can make smoothies.

    I hope everyone is hanging in there. Suze-I hope you don't have to wait much longer and LJ I hope your chemo is destroying the fc.

    Hi lovelyface, good to see you here!

  • RJ70
    RJ70 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Been on Iv since monday. But it is not helping. . I was great sunday. Walk a 5k. Thought when i got monday i just over did it, but as the day went on i knew something was going on, My arm really did not even hurt right after surgery, and monday it was making me sick to my stomach.from the pain Me drain was almost clear and now it so nasty. Every time i ask what is going on they just tell me we need to wait, until by blood work get back. they did it monday how does it take.

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited September 2011

    RJ I hope you get some news soon and that you start feeling better!