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  • inmate4232010
    inmate4232010 Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2012 appointment is at 12:30 so it looks like i will miss you....bummer!

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2012

    Inmate - I can't explain the rash, but I have a strong feeling the swelling is from the Rads.  I had a lot of pain from my ribs after chemo and rads.  I used to massage and still massage all those areas.  Every once a while I come across a painful area, but after lots of massaging, the pain goes away in a few days.  I can just imagine how difficult this must be to wait until Friday and then get to hear what the doctor has to say.

    Suze - I miss you, please come join us soon!

    ksmathews - good luck on the metformin, let us know how you do.  

    Everyone, I feel like crying a whole lot today, not sure why.  I just came back from my son's house where I babysat the 3 small dogs for an hour.  They make me feel so good.  I sang songs as they lay there looking at me and listening to the songs.  I tried to make my voice really sweet so as not to freak them out.  The most loving one, Evey lay like a baby because she knows I like to hold her like that and looked at me the entire time.  I wanted to test out their instincts to see if they were acting any differently around me. I guess animals can sense disease etc.  So whoever has an animal try this out with them, if you are having an extremely uncomfortable period waiting to see a doctor, maybe the animals can tell us something.

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2012

    Babs - great news! Hope the US goes well.

    Lovelyface - I hope they come up with a good answer on your neck pain. I have scar tissue at 3C - from being left without neck support in my 11/2 hour rad set up. My husband puts one hand at the base of my skull, and nod under my chin and gentle pulls while I am lying down. A nice traction move that gives me some relief.

    Kmatthews - good luck with the new meds! We'd love a set of twins around here! So much more interesting than FC! I held a 2 day old baby goat this week, I swear I felt my uterus contract!

    Painting- so sorry cancer keeps cropping up around you. I hope they are able to stay in treatment for a long time to come.

    Inmate- hope you get some answers on the rash soon. Try looking up radiation rebound or recall. It's the gift that keeps on giving!

    Heidi - nice to see MacFry!

    Today I got out of PJs, walked the river board walk and weeded about 4 feet. hope the sun is out again tomorrow.

    I hope the ones in treatment are managing well and I hope those at the end of treatment, are comfortable and surrounded by all their favorite people & things.

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2012

    Lovelyface - could your pain be tension. Its amazing how this plays on our minds and you can tell yourself it might be something sinister.  I know if I am worried I go all tense and sore in all funny places.  Everything wil be just fine.

    Babs37 - wonderful news ALL CLEAR.  I know everything will go well next week. Keep your chin up.

    OBXK - yes there are bigger things to fry than hair loss.  I guess I just didn't think it would  happen two weeks after the first chemo but I am good with it.  Small price to pay.

    Inmate - forget about stage IV it just isn't going to happen.  This will be something simple left over from your rads, trust me!!

    MBJ, Susan - hoping you had a good pain free day.  Thinking of you lots and waiting to hear like the other girls how you are doing.

    I too had a  tearful day today as feeling quite sick.  Not sure if it was the chemo from yesterday although I didn't feel like this last time and if thats so what is next time going to be like or whether it is from the tablets as I get constipated and have a windy tummy from the Ondansetron.  Whatever it is I feel quite down today. I suppose having the chemo after the port going in didn't help. Just hope its not the chemo cause there is a lot more to come. I am still taking all the meds religously. 

    On the Metformin side when I saw my Oncologist last Friday she said she was very interested in the trial but as its a cheap drug to manufacture nobody will sponsor it in NZ or Australia.  Great aye. 

    She also said that 850mg x 2 daily is an awful lot of diarrhoea and could play havoc with your tummy and she was not sure the medication would help what with all the dehydration.  She intends to keep an open mind about it until more is known.

    Sending lots of warm hugs to you all.  Annie.     

  • Babs37
    Babs37 Member Posts: 320
    edited March 2012

    Thanks ladies. I slept like a baby last night. Glad this one is over.

    For the neck thing- I had the same problem last year. Since I had my mx,I always sleep on my left side so I think that didn't help BUT I bought myself a good pillow and the pain eventually went away. It's a memory foam kind of pillow, I paid 100$ for it,it's not cheap but I was desperate for something to work!  Now when I sleep, it supports my neck too and it did the trick. Lovelyface, maybe look at the way you sleep to see if that can be the reason for your neck pain. It's worth the shot!

    Hi MacFry!

    Susan, MBJ and LJ - Big hugs to you 3.xx

    Thinking of you all and wishing you all the best today has to offer. Hugs.  

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited March 2012

    MBJ- I saw your post on your Stage IV thread and am excited that the Tamoxifen is helping!!! I can't wait to see a post that says you're up and walking!!

    LJ- How's the deck coming along?

    Suze- Hope you are having a good day!

    Hi MacFry!

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited March 2012

    Inmate, sounds to me like radiation and hoping for shingles, don't think its stage IV at all. 

    Had a really nice day on Tuesday, hubby and I drove over to the East coast to visit with his niece and meet her boyfriend, haven't seen her in 6 years!  She's all grown up now.  :(  Boyfriend is a sweetheart and they are just the cutest couple. 

    Had a great, fun time!!  Sadly, dark thoughts of "this could be the last time we get together like this" kept running thru my mind.  I HATE THIS!!!  Why does this have to overshadow even the happiest of days? 

    Hoping everyone is having a great week

    Suze, LJ - thinking of you both! 

    MBJ, going by what Tif says above, very excited to hear Tamoxifen is helping!! 

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2012

    Christina- so glad you are being the reconstruction process. It does take awhile but the results are amazing. I feel so complete now.

    Babs37- I am so glad for your good news.

    Ksmatthews-please share your experience. As stated I am just full of GAS, and I loss 4 pounds so far. How fun, right?

    Suz, MBJ, and LJ- ((((HUGS)))

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited March 2012

    Lovelyface- Yes, maybe your doctor could prescribe a portable traction device. I have one, and I love it. Also, in lieu of that, you could try a traction pillow. It's a bed pillow that gently places your head/neck in traction for a more restful sleep. I've had one for years and, frankly, wouldn't be without it.

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited March 2012

    Heidi, that pillow sounds amazing, I sleep in odd positions all the time.  I think its because of our dogs, they wait until were asleep then stretch out and push us around and out of the way until I'm in a funky position, both hubby and I wake up stiff and sore.  Can I just google to find out where to get one? 

  • AimeeMac
    AimeeMac Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012


    Hi! I do remember meeting you on another board, although I can't remember what area of Seattle you are in. I'm up in Lynnwood (the one week a month I am home). Thanks for being so reassuring about the arthritis. I think I just had a freak out. Since I've never had arthritis, I don't know how to tell it from something different. Will try to reach my Dr. when I am back on the west coast tomorrow.

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

     I don't post often but I read everyday - just wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm thinking of all of you. Praying for LJ, Suze and MBJ everyday. Good luck tomorrow Inmate!

    Titan - I miss JustPayton too! I'm not a huge basketball fan but when I do catch it I'm reminded of the 2 of you going back and forth....

    Hugs to all!

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited March 2012

    I will def. keep you all posted on the Metformin for me.  I am only taking half the dose prescribed right now.  So far no problems at all. Today is just day 2 though.  Sure hoping I lose some of my chemo weight..

    LJ, Suze and MBJ praying for you all.  Please if you are up for it, check in with us..


    On another note, my close friend had mammo came back bad, went to dr today and they looked again and said it was nothing.  Glad to hear! 

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited March 2012

    Titan- I use to be a basketball fan years ago in college. I graduated from the University of Kansas in 1988, they won the championship that year! I married a non-sports loving man- so I lost interest. I'm sure there is someone on here that would love to talk sports with you!!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited March 2012

    mccrimmon-- yes, you could Google "traction pillow" and get any number of results. Here's a start:

    Mine is a normal pillow size, with a raised edge along each long side, one large, one small (to accommodate different size necks/shoulders). It is *not* the memory foam type, though I do have one of those also for camping. 

    I got it through an orthopedic supply and would probably retail @ $100 in today's market. It was/is worth every penny, as I just hunker down into each night and place my neck in gentle traction, yet still have the comfort of a "regular" pillow.

  • Lovelyface
    Lovelyface Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2012

    Heidi - thanks so much for the info. on the traction pillow. I intend to buy one.  Actually I can't wait to get it, as it sounds so comfortable and soothing.   I do have a traction gadget which I put over the door, add water for weight to a bag and basically my neck pulls the weight. I tried that when I first felt the hurt in September, but there was no change.  Same goes for physical therapy as I even tried sleeping on the floor.  That's why now I am freaking out, but I have called my Ortho. and am going to discuss my MRI with him.  See what he says.  When I push on the pain area, it seems to be very localized and when pushed hard enough, the pain goes down my arm.  It honestly does not feel like a muscle pain, but as one of my co-worker said, maybe it is a tendon or something.  Would a lesion pain this way?  Are there any bones in the neck?  I honestly can't wait for an answer.  In the meanwhile, to tell you the truth, I am not feeling too well these past few days.  I have some sort of exteme fatigue in my body and today, seem to be feverish.  That must be something coming on.  I am seriously hoping to get back to health very soon.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2012

    Well..not alot of sports fans..except Heidi..but she and the MacFry dude like the NE sports..and I just can't go there (lol Heidi).

    That's ok..I'll talk to myself or I could talk to the husband..not the same though. friend who was just diagnosed had a 2nd biopsy this week on another area..same breast..this came back cancer too...She said that she has 4 types of cancer...I'm way, no how..but she is so upset I can't get much out of her and I don't want to push her..what I did find out was that she has IDC and Lobular also...she said something about in situ...and I told her how good that was...I'm trying to get her to come on here just for information...maybe not to talk yet..but to get good information...she is in the "dr knows best" mode..which is fine...I just am trying to get through to her that this is a good place for information and that doctors just can't tell you everything..about emotions, se's..all this stuff..but I will work with her.

    She is scheduled for a masectomy in about a month...I told her that right now she needs to get her body ready for what is ahead...exercise, eat right.....I would like to tell her to get a script for some ativan but I'm not sure she is ready for that yet.

    I don't know about the rest of you but my onc and everyone else practically threw drugs at me..I resisted for the most part..but if I had to do it over again..I think I would have taken the Ativan..just to be able to sleep during those first couple of weeks after diagnosis...those were hell.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Hi - Former poster in this thread, current lurker checking in on LJ.  Any word since her appointment this week about her brain scan?  I know some follow her on FB so I thought you may have heard something.  She has not been hear since before that.  LJ, if you are reading, everyone is thinking about you and hoping all is okay.

    Also Jenn3.  I know her daughter was getting married so hopefully she has just been busy with that and life in general.  But she has not been on the boards in a while.  She rarely posts here but I thought I would leave a message just in case. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2012

    Lisa...Jenn's daughter got married last weekend..I sent her a pm asking her about it but haven't heard yet...I'm hoping she posts some pics of the wedding..but yeah..I worry too.

    Laura was just on here 2 days ago.

    If you thinking I'm creeping I probably am..ha ha...that's how I find out what my son is up to at school...

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited March 2012

    Titan, the day I got my dx my husband insisted on a sleeping pill from the doctor. It was a life-saver. I took Ambien every night from then through rads, up through my 3-mo post chemo appt. eventually I added Ativqn too. The Ativan got me to sleep (racing thoughts) and the Ambien kept me asleep. I had no trouble weaning off when I felt ready. I still take the Ativan, but hope to wean off that in the next couple of months. I heartily recommend it..sleep is so essential for healing. AND getting through the day without biting someone's head off!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Ha titan - I guess I am creeping too.  But in a nice way.  Not a stalkerish way.  Right?

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2012

    I took Ativan every night from the day I was diagnosed until after treatment (almost one year exactly).  The most I ever took was one mg before bed and towards the end, it was only .5 mg. It really helped me.

    None of us are "creeps" (is that the right word? sounds odd)...instead, we are concerned and there's no shame in that.  

    Irr4993 (Lisa) nice to see you posting on here again. 

  • journey4life
    journey4life Member Posts: 223
    edited March 2012

    Hi TN sisters - I guess I'm a creeper too. Haven't posted in a while but read your posts almost daily.

    To help with bone pain after Neulasta shot, is it plain Claritin or Claritin-D that I should take? I start A/C on Tuesday and want to be prepared for the shot on Wednesday.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2012

    Yes it's regular Claritin I took.

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited March 2012

    I took Claritin (not D) along with Aleve, the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo. I did not think it helped me, but took it anyway, because what if it would have been worse without it?! Many of my chemo buddies on another thread though, swore by it. Although there isn't a lot of hard research to support, there is a lot of anecdotal support. The oncology pharmacist actually recommended it to me, but told me "off the record".

  • journey4life
    journey4life Member Posts: 223
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Kristy. I'll get Claritin without the D!

  • journey4life
    journey4life Member Posts: 223
    edited March 2012

    oops - thanks, Sugar :)

  • RaiderDee
    RaiderDee Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012

    Hey Titan! I'll talk sports with you anytime you want.  I'm a creeper and an old timer who misses Payton too.  I hope everyone has a good night and an even better Friday, 

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2012

    Annie- I hope you are feeling much better tomorrow. For me, it seemed no 2 treatments were the same. They say it's cumulative, but I remember having a bad 4 and an easy 5. Rest well and take your stool softeners ;)

    Wishing everyone a good tomorrow.

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2012

    Thank you OBXK for answering my post.  I will do what you say and rest.  I am taking the softeners but they leave me with tummy cramps, which would be  the least of my worries if they didn't make me feel so sick.  Still I guess onwards and upwards.  Thanks once again.  Annie