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Calling all TNs



  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited September 2010

    Gilly I am so jealous. Joni is one of my favorite people on this site. Have a great time at the wedding.  Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together some where, some time? If I win the lottery (LOL) keep an eye on your inbox for a ticket!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2010

    I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes about 2 months after I finished my TC chemo. But they grew back in within 2 weeks.

    It's 4 months now and I just stopped wearing my wig. I get many compliments on my curly pixie haircut :)

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2010

    Lynn - Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you.

    Paulding - Still keeping my fingers crossed for you, waiting on good news!

    I lost my lashes and brows while on DD Taxol. Still have all my toenails but I went for a manicure last week and they felt really "weak" when being filed. I'm going to hold off on doing that again for a while, it was a really weird feeling.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited September 2010

    yeah, you can't believe how much money I've saved this summer, going without manicures and pedicures! 

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2010

    MBJ:  Thanks for the links about melatonin, those were interesting to read.

    Claire82:  That's good to hear that your eyebrows and eyelashes came back within 2 weeks.  That's not too long.  How nice that you don't have to wear your wig anymore.

    I just finished my 7th Taxol, and I noticed this morning that I do have some hair coming in.  It's really hard to see, it looks like peach fuzz.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Ah...soo good to hear you guys having hair coming in...that is so exciting..even if there is just a little bit there it is a start and the good thing is..IT WILL KEEP ON GROWING!  Soon you will be able to toss that wig in a drawer and go TOPLESS!

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010

    Hi there.  Is anyone else getting neuropathy from the taxol.  all of my toes are now numb along with me heals and I get funny tingling sensations in my fingers throughout the day.  Gonna talk to my onc on Friday when I go for treatment and let them know that it has gotten worse since last week.  Just feels like the toes and heals are "asleep".  Just wondering anyone experiences with this and if it goes away after time.  It is really anoying.


  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Drava - so sorry for what you're going through (((hugs)))

    Paulding - sending a (hug) your way to let you know I'm still thinking of you

    JenC - Yes, I had terrible neuropathy with Taxol - it didn't start until the 4th or 5th treatment and for me it got worse with each treatment, hot/cold sensitive and sharp pains in my fingers and toes, in addition to the numbness.  I am 8 months PFC and it's much better, but at times it still flares up. 

    Gill - have a great trip!

    My hair started growing back towards the end of Taxol and that is about when my eyelashes and brows fell out.  The good news was that they started growing back about 6 weeks later and boy did they grow.......and grow.......and grow. 

    Summer - I did a pedicure while on chemo and while I enjoyed it, I found that my feet and toes felt tender for about 2 weeks afterwards.  I guess our nerve endings aren't too happy during chemo and don't like pedicures during that time.

  • Hotkat57
    Hotkat57 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2010

    I am 57 and was recently diagnosed with TN stage 4.   I had a lumpectomy in Nov. 2008, C & T chemo in four treatments in the first quarter of 09, followed by 33 radiation treatments. I was on Femara for a year.  In May of this year I had pain in my pelvis which my gp diagnosed as tendenitis. Turned out I had a tumor on my bone which broke the bone I then had radiation for it. A PET scan found tumors on my lungs, kidney, skull and hip. I am on Xeloda and start infusion chemo next week.  From the boards I have great hope and so should you. I will be getting a second opinion though.

  • HolliColorado
    HolliColorado Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2010

    Thank you, everyone, for telling me about how your eyelashes and eyebrows fared post-chemo.  We'll see what happens with mine.

    Hotkat57 -- I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and my prayers are with you.  You have found a highly supportive group of women in this discussion group.

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited September 2010

    I'm slowly losing my eyelashes and brows.  I am getting very creative with eyeshadow and liner and brow liner.  Anything so my eyes don't disappear (I have light colored eyes). 

    I really hope I don't lose my nails.  I am putting tree tea oil on them every day.  I have black  circles growing on my thumb nails and when I changed my toe nail polish this weekend, I noticed I had a black spot on one of my toe nails. 

    I am so tried, but wired from the steroids.  Taxol #4 of 12 is over today.  I'm a third way there.  Good night girls!  :)

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited September 2010
    JenC, I've had 6 of 12 Taxols now and my toes hurt some, particularly at night. The bottoms of my feet were hurting, but accupuncture seems to have fixed that. The accupuncture helps with the toes but hasn't completely removed the symptoms. This week the accupuncturist decided to work on my constantly bloody nose, after I bled on her pillow. Amazingly I've had no nose bleed since she worked on it. I don't understand the process, but it helps.
  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010

    Jenn3 - Thanks for the info.  Mine started after #4 and like you is getting worse slowly.  Still mostly with the feet but some tingling in the hands.  The joys of chemo Tongue out

    Hotkat57 - so sorry you are going through this.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Mitymuffin - I may just consult an accupuncturist.  I have also started with the bloody nose but only in the morning when I blow it, other than that I have not had any.  I have #^ of 12 tomorrow.  1/2 way there. 

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited September 2010

    Hotkat57-you sound like a very strong woman and a great inspiration to us all.

    Couldn't sleep last night due to back and leg pain. We will be working on that problem next week after I find out what's going on with these liver lesions.

    Right now I'm feeling guilty of some of my past behavior. Does all this BC crap come from something I've done in my past? I did go through a spell of being a party animal in the early 80's and I generally enjoyed  a cocktail or glass of wine after dinner. I guess right now I want to blame someone or something.   

  • Tabatha00
    Tabatha00 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2010

    I love and HATE this thread!!!!  lol   I HATE we have to have it but LOVE the fact we can share and encourage each other.  This is my story:

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess (that would be me) and she was going to have a breast reduction and had been having regular mammos since the age of 27 because the beautiful princess had a beautiful sister diagnosed with breast cancer at age 29.  Anywho, the mammo found a 2.0 cm spot and the princess jumped on the crazy train and off they went.  lol

    Seriously, I had chemo first (4 A/C and 12 weekly Abraxane) then I had surgery and 26 radiation treatments.  I guess I should mention that I'm 39 with 2 wonderfully beautiful talented children.  Aren't they all?  ha

    This is the part I HATE.........when something doesn't feel good your mind automatically goes to places it shouldn't be going.  When I was diagnosed with breast cancer they also found a tumor in the bottom pole of my kidney.   Kidneys have poles???   Perxactly what I thought.  Anyway it was renal cell carcinoma grade 1 which is the slowest growing kind you can have, blah blah blah.  Needless to say they took it out everything is good no treatment necessary.  

    Here comes the HATE part........I live in the South and the hot and humid weather is KILLER down here.  I started noticing my foot and ankle swelling on the cancer side so I went to the Dr.  I had an ultrasound done of my leg and it showed no blood clots.  Now I have to have a cat scan to rule out any blockages.  UGH!!!   CAN SOMEBODY JUST KILL ME NOW????   I don't wanna have a cat scan.  The nurse in the Dr's office was telling me about the lymphedema in her leg and we have the exact symptoms.  I'm gonna go ahead and have the cat scan but I'm gonna be scared and probably cuss a little bit. 

    If ya'll could send up some prayers for me I would sooo appreciate it.  I don't have a date for the Cat scan yet and quite frankly I'd be fine to just wait until I see my kidney doctor in 5 months for my regular yearly cat scan. 

    The life of a cancer survivor.  Never a dull moment.........DANG I WANT DULL!!!!


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Good story Tabatha...we are all princesses and yes..all of our children are beautiful and talented!

    Are they checking your heart?  Did you have AC?  All I know is my onc asks me about ankle/feet swelling when I see him..I was assuming it was due to having taken adriamycin.

    And I live in Ohio and it has been as hot as heck here DH is getting really grouchy...we have had enough!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    (((pauldingmom))):  There is no blame in having cancer.  I was a party animal for a couple of years in high school and I seriously doubt that had anything to do with me having to go through this.  I think that if we drink during chemo it's important to drink lots of lemon water to cleanse our overworked organs.  I think it's important to eat easily digested foods during chemo and avoid slowly digested foods, also to put less pressure on our hard working bodies.  But, there isn't any blame:  woulda, shoulda, coulda and here we still are.  I know that you are very strong and we are all here for you hoping for the best and also to help you fight through the worse. 

    kittycat:  I am glad you are close to getting done and I hope the Taxol isn't as bad as the AC.  I had four nails go dark and only one, my thumb, has been a nuisance, the rest are growing out fine.  I so hated trying to draw on my brows and using eyeliner because I didn't have eyelashes.  Taught me a few new makeup tricks, though.

    Tabatha:  It's always something, isn't it?  Are they going to send you to a PT to help relieve some of your symtoms.  Cancer sucks but we are here for you every step of the way.  sorry you have to go through yet another thing. Hugs.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2010

    kittycat:  I just bought some tea tree oil for my nails.  I hope it works, there are alot of us here on the weekly Taxol, aren't there?  Congrats on being 1/3 done.

    Hotcat57:  Sorry you are having a reoccurance, I hope the Xeloda works well for you, good idea to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion also.

    Tabatha:  You are so right, never a dull moment for us.  There is always something to worry about.  I hope your scan goes well so you can stop worrying.

    PauldingMom:  I have spent a lot of time wondering why I got this.  I guess we may never know?  I also wonder why I couldn't have caught it earlier?  I had just had a mammogram a few months earlier.  Please don't feel guilty, I think most of us have been "party animals" at some point.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Just back from MSK and skimming the posts..

    Paulding- thinking of you... B9, B9, B9... Smile

    Eyelashes/eyebrows- lost mine also but the good news is that they really did seem to grow back quite fast. Surprised

    Tabitha- you may be a beautiful princess but I am the Cween of Cuss...Laughing

    Me-clear mammo (but man, that sucker *hurt* this time) and good check-up with surgeon. Guess the seroma is why it hurt more this time. Now that I understand them more I won't feel quite so panicky (like last week) when I have a new tender area now and then. As explained to me, they are pretty common after radiation. I guess when the lymphatic system is altered/damaged after rads it only makes sense that one would have occassional fluid build-up with associated tenderness. Stil feel like I am continuing to dodge bullets though...

    Best wishes to all! 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011
    Lynn18- TNBC is considered to be an "interval" cancer, meaning that it can occur between regularly scheduled mammos. That's why I continue to emphasize (to anyone willing to listen) the importance of knowing your own body and conducting self-exams. Mammos are great, but they aren't the silver bullet we all hoped they would be; it's still important to be in tune with your body and not develop a false sense of security because of a "clean" mammo. TNBC is sneaky...
  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2010

    Only 3 taxol's left!! Nothing going on in my feet or hands (knock on wood)! Bloody nose in the AM when I blow my nose, very tired, and now have lost my eyebrows and may be losing my eyelashes for a second time!! UUGGG!!  Just want my ***m hair back!!! 

    Just read the book - You Can Do This and even in there they say it is not your fault for getting cancer but, for some reason we want to blame ourselves or something!!

    PauldingMom - thoughts with you still, hope you find out soon.

    Tabatha - prayers and thoughts going your way!! Hope everything is good.

    Well the first 2 days of school/work are going well - although I feel like I am getting a cold now!! Could that really happen soo fast? Plus I come home and go to bed and tonight was my daughters first VolleyBall game of the season and I feel sooo guilty for not going!! I know that she is only in 10th gr. and there will many more games but still....

    Take care,


  • Pamelajo
    Pamelajo Member Posts: 124
    edited September 2010

    Well girls, haven't we been burning up the boards since last I checked in.

    Had #9 of abraxane last week.  Told the onc nurse about my worsening neuropathy in my feet.  She talked to the onc and he said we'd take it week by week but if it got up "let's say  to the arch", they'd be inclined to stop treatment since I only have 3 left and it's all about the "quality" of my next 30-300 yrs of my life (who knows how long I'll live or well preserved my body is with all these chemical dumps in it) :) lol

    So, last night, I stepped out onto the patio to listen to the froggies croakin and thankin the Lord it wasn't me croakin, and I stepped on a thorn.  It went right into the fold of my big toe.  I sat down in my cushy gravity recliner, and stared at that thorn.  I couldn't pull it out because touching my numb feet with numb fingers make me wanna hurl, so I thought "heck, I'll scrape that sucker out on the side of the gravity chair".  I immediately noticed I wasn't feeling any of my foot.  LMAO's gone.  both of em.  Just big wads of meat on the end of my legs.

    sooooooooo, I stumbled in the house after thinkin "maybe this is why my calves hurt?  I've been guarding my walk trying to compensate for not feeling my feet".  Yea, that's it.  So, I sat down and had Dennis rub my feet.  I'm numb to right above my ankles.  woooooooooooooooweeeeeeee.

    I proclaimed in a very certain voice "I'm tappin out".  No more abraxane for this little engine that could.  Since being dx as stage 2a last July, and the recurrence, which everyone agree's isnt a true recurrence but a missed cell or two from the mastectomy that persevered.......I've had a grand total of 6 cytoxan, 2 Taxotere, 2 Adriamycin, 1 Taxol, and 8 Abraxane treatments.  I've got 30 radiation treatments left.

    If that regime doesnt kill anything in there....or anywhere else.........well, it's meant to get me.  I've went through more chemo than most stage 3 gals.  I had two barely involved nodes.  They were cut out.  No boobs..........cut off.  I'm done and I'm feelin pretty damn good about it.

    I want my feet back.....I long to know what it feels like to crack a toe on the end table to the point you wanna pee yourself. 

    HAIR......  My hair started coming back in on TX 3 of A/C.  or C since they took away my red devil.  My eyebrows and lashes shagged town around TX 4 of abraxane.  No sign of them coming back but I do have about 1/8 inch of red straight coppery hair, baby fine.  Used to be black.  Before that it was auburn, before that blonde.  Yep....this is my 4th time growing hair from nothing.  GO ME.  I do nothing in short measure apparently.

    I've been painting on eyebrows to match my shirt.  I wore purple today :)

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011
    Pamelajo- good for you. Now you can be foot loose and fancy free.....Tongue out
  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Pam, I am so sorry to hear about the neuropathy, but I would venture to say that with the amout of chemo you've had I think those damn little cells have been killed off.  I'm sure you know what to do, but be careful with yourself while your feet are so numb.

    Lisa - don't beat yourself up for what was done in the past, there isn't anyone of us that is perfect or that has lead a perfect life.  I know you're logical side knows that this is a crap shoot - people that eat right, exercise, etc end up here just like those of us that may have had a little too much fun when we were younger.

    Tabatha - prayers are headed your way and I'm sorry for what you're going through (((hugs))).  Your princess story reminds me of the book/movie "A Little Princess" and there is a line when the little girl she says "all girls are princesses, didn't anyone ever tell you that?"- we are princesses.

    Hotkat - welcome and I'm sorry you had to find your way here.  You will find plenty of support from the women here.

    kad/kitty - congrats on finishing another Taxol, before you know it you'll be posting that you've finished.

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010

    Pamelajo - sorry that you are having such issues with your feet.  Hope the feeling comes back soon.  My onc has been keepting track of me to. right now I have no feeling in my toes or my heals.  Hoping it does not spread anymore.  You do what you have to do and you have been a 100% trooper through everything.  Chin up and smile on your face.  You ARE a survivor.  (((HUGS))))


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in and catching up.  Thinking of everyone going thru tx, checks and all that stuff.

    My hair is thick and curly and soft.  I stopped wearing my wig long ago, since it was hot (tho cute).  My eyelashes are thin, as are brows.  My toenails that turned black and thick are growing out.  I say "I've been better, but I've been worse."

    Thanks for the info/links on melatonin.  I went to get some today.  And "interval" cancer.  That is interesting.

    I heard the dogs barking and went to the door to find an old friend who moved away a few years ago.  She came to town for a funeral and wanted to stop by to see if I were home.  It touched me so much.  She brought me a pink ring that says "forward."  I haven't been much for the bc marketing/pink thing, but I will wear this.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Retriever MIL gave me a cancer bracelet..did you know that the colon cancer bead is brown?  Yes..really.

    Heidi..believe you about the interval cancer thing...I think on this thread itself we talked about finding our lumps and most of us found them ourselves..with a clean mammo in the recent past...I'm not supposed to have a mammo for a year from this past May but it really doesn't bother me because I'm not sure a mammo would find anything anyway....I just make sure I get felt up every 3 months plus check my breast onc gives a mean my BS does too...if there was anything there they would find it I really believe that. sound like you are going through hell...maybe it is time to stop...and purple is my favorite GO GIRL! 

    Hugs to you Paulding Mom!  And being a party animal..whether now or in the past has nothing to do with it....We all know tons of party animals that are perfectly healthy....and some are not....

    I lost one little toe nail during was ugly anyway...the "new" one is much better...I used to have pain in that toe but it is gone now..I actually have "normal" feet! 

  • mrsnjband
    mrsnjband Member Posts: 64
    edited September 2010


    Yes, I have the same diagnosis.  IBC, triple neg.  I just recently realized the triple neg part.  Doctor never refered to it that way.  I had 4x dd AC.  8 single dose Taxol, 3 1/2 dose of Taxotere.  The BLM and the Radiation.


  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited September 2010

    Pamela - The thorn in your foot - Wow!!!  Ouch! 

    I am so tired, yet cannot sleep - steroids... ughhh....

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited September 2010

    Heidi - I totally agree with you with the sneaky little TNBC and those self exams!  I had a BMX and 8 months later, I found my little ugly cancerous lumps, while in the shower, just moving my foob aside to shave my armpits. 

    Do your self exams girls!!!!