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Calling all TNs



  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Juanita - sorry for all that you're going through, but Pam said it best - take it one day at a time.  Adriamycian is hard, but they do monitor your heart with scans and test before, during and after. 

    Bubbalu - welcome - you'll find a great support system here.

    Cathy - I may not have choosen the right words when I said arm exercises.  It was more stretching and movement to keep things from getting too tight and to loosen up the muscles.  Glad things are going well.

    heidi - not sure if you're interested, but my Mom and sister take a lot of supplements and one that my Mom swears by is Milk Thistle, her dr told her to take it years ago.  Recently I've come across several articles saying that Milk Thistle is good for cleansing the liver.  I guess there must be something to it. with everything talk to your dr first.

    Love Senor MacFry and his side kick Baba Looey...

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    kad22- yikes! Five times? That is discouraging. I can't believe you have had AC and all that Taxol without having a port. Seems like a lot to put the veins through. I thought a port was required for A...?

    Your Dx is similar to mine. I has CT x 4. I had Aloxi for nausea given as a pre-med before infusion. Seems like a lifetime ago...

  • Dravastorm
    Dravastorm Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2011

    ACK, sorry if I posted in the wrong area....I'm new on here and still learning to navigate and what areas are best for me. Thank you for the guidance.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2010

    Dravastorm - Your on the right thread. All of us TNS stick together!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2010

    HI - have not been on the website for awhile.  Kind of been down in the dumps.  Thursday is my 3rd out of 4 Taxotere treatments (was alergic to Taxol).  I had been doing fine with SEs until this last treatment.  Everything from my waist down hurt.  I had chemo on Thursday and ended up spending all of Sunday in bed.  I felt pretty bad the whole rest of the week but I was able to get to and from work.  The onc said it was mostly from the Neulasta shot.  Strange since I had Neulasta with all 4 AC and never had SEs.  Then the next weekend my nose bled every day, once a day for about 4 days.  So, for the girl that was breezing through chemo, it finally caught up with her.  Now I am dreading chemo on Thursday.  The doc gave me a prescription for Vicodin.  I'll see if that helps if the SEs get as bad as last time.  I hate taking drugs if I don't have to -- ha-ha -- too funny from someone who now takes more drugs than they probably have taken their whole life.  Anyway - how about something fun.  I won a trip to Las Vegas over the Labor Day weekend.  Luckily it was in between chemo so I felt fine.  I went for the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy telethon.  The company I work for raised over $300k for MDA and they asked us to come to Vegas to present the check at the national telethon.  I was on TV and wore a pink hat.  It was fun, although I left ALL my money in Vegas and since I get tired pretty easy I did not get to walk the strip which I usually like to do whenever I go to there.  But a free mini-vacation is great!!!  Gotta straighten up the house - the girl that cleans is coming tomorrow and I need to go to bed and get some rest.  Take care everyone.           

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited September 2010

    Hi Girls, hope all of you are doing well. I am ok , but extremely irritable. I can't shake it. What is going on? Anyone experience moodiness and irritability after treatment? Ugh! 

    Heidi: Are you the one in charge of the photo gallery? I am going for my consultation this coming Thursday about mastectomy. I am dreading it. Mbj said there is an access code that I can look at it. Can you help? Thanks Monika

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2010

    Monika - yes, I experienced moodiness (.,,just ask my DH. lol).  I think the bulk of the irritability was due to the steroid crash a few days after chemo.  Then I'd return back to "normal".

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    MonikaV- Sorry, I am not the one in charge of the photo gallery. I am just a TNBC nut with a passion for pink elephants and photography.

    However, I have heard people referring to it. Perhaps if you start a brief new thread entitled "Access Code for Mx photos" someone with knowledge will give you the information you need.

    Good luck!

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010

    Kelli,  Sorry about your veins but congratulations on only 2 left.:)

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    I had 4 ac and 4 taxol..did not have veins were and are fine..

    Swany..jealous of your trip to Las Vegas..I love it there!

    Oh and Heidi..I take Milk Thistle also..and folic acid..both are supposed to be good for the ol' liver.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Access Code- here's a snippet from another thread:

     "you would have to look up  under member list  a Timtam.  You pm her and ask her to enter the site, she will pm you the access code.  For confidentiality she checks the posts to make sure that you are a legit. member and doesn't grant access to those who have not been established here.  The process will take a week for her to get back to you."

    You could try that OR Google mastectomy photos on-line and select the "Images" link. I've done that before for DEIP procedure photos.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited September 2010

    I am having a hard time keeping up with all the new post. I've not been getting on during my normal time because I've been napping. 
    I'm wishing all the best to you going thru chemo. right now. I remember how brave you have to be just to get up on the morning of treatment.

    Thanks again for all your support during my liver scare. I'll go back for a MRI in October to double check. I feel like this is just to cover the surgeons butt.

  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010

    Hi Ladies,,

    wow ..very active group here... always something new to read everyday. So far im doing fine.. look like a plucked chicken is all.. head feels very sensitive... my wig feels like a bathing cap I wear my scarfs most of the time.  Hve an appt. on Friday to have my Legs checked again by the Dermatologist....  have that Erythema Nodusum  thingy.  Legs still very sensitive but look alot better than last week thats for sure. funny thing is... I lost my hair, my eyelashes and eyebrows are still there and one good thing is that my fingernails are growing like weeds....  I always was a nailbiter...hence the tips question long all of a sudden i've stopped biting my nails, and they are growing  and growing..... I love that effect  :)

    Go and figure ??!!

    Anyway therapy nr. 3 next week is a go ahead.. then I start with the taxotere therapy...

    What can I expect from that?

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Someone had an explanation for why nails seem to grow faster during chemo but I forgot what it was. Some help I am. BTW, I had no problems with Taxotere, beyond the typical metallic taste, dry mouth and occasional itchy palms. Annoying, but pretty insignificant considering all the potential for SEs. Hopefully you will experience the same!

    Headed to the beach..... yes!

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Well, saw my Oncologist for the first time yesterday.  Chemo starts Sept. 16.  In the mean time I have to go have the echo of the heart and the medi-port put in.  His nurses decided my veins wouldn't hold up and I was glad for that because I so hate IV's.  I would be such a basket case if I had to do IV's every time.  They will numb the port, wait an hour, get my blood work, wait for results and then do my treatment if everything is OK with blood results.

    I have to have 4 AC, every 2 weeks and then 12 Taxol, every week.  He said the neuropathy sets on at the end of the Taxol stage and if I've had 9-10 Taxol treatments and the neuropathy is getting worse, we'll stop with the Taxol as he doesn't want to cause a secondary health problem.  3 weeks after chemo ends, I start the 33 rads.

    He said I will have Emend and Decadron with the chemo through IV and I will be given a script for Ondansatron and Lorazapam to use the days after.  He gave me tips that I will be given ice chips during chemo and he wants me to suck on/chew them throughout treatment and they keep bowls of hard candies at chair side during chemo to help with mouth sores.  He allayed a lot of my fears and I'm ready to get started, to get it over.  I will lose all my hair within 17 days of my first treatment, only I won't.  If I feel well enough that first day, I'll go to the shop after my treatment and have her shave it.  I will NOT let chemo take my hair, I'll damn well do it myself thank you very much!

    So, it is here, it is happening.  Grrrrrr!  He told me by being TN, if I don't do chemo I have a 30% chance of recurrence.  With chemo that drops to 12% recurrence.  He told me TNBC is NOT a death sentence and also that my node negative and my 1.1 cm tumor shifted the balance a bit back in my favor and I had an 80% chance of cure.  That odd could be better but it's all I have.

    I'm gonna need all of you who have already been through this.  I really want to kick chemos butt rather then the other way around.  I hope and pray I'm strong enough to get through this.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Juanita...I like your sounds that though it sucks you have to do chemo, you are prepared to get started and get it over with..I also like your onc...He sounds like my onc..  It also sounds like your chemo center will be taking very good care of you.  As a warning though my chemo place gave me a lemon ice the first chemo..then they were "out" the rest of the time..hummm..they sucker you to get in there with lemon ices and then once they have you you are lucky to get ice chips!  Ha Ha..I did whine a little but it did no good...

    I can't remember why my nails grew either but they good side effect! 

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited September 2010
    hfheidi- So sorry that you are going to have to do chemo. but you sound ready to put up a fight. You'll do good! I hate I Vs too and that little device was a big help. Be sure to check into the "Starting Chemo. in Sept." topic. It's very helpful to communicate with other women going through chemo. at the exact same time.  My onc. didn't use the numbing cream. When I asked them about it they said they didn't see a need for it. Foot in mouth Anyways, right now it's scary we know, but you'll see, you are stronger than you ever imagined. Hang tough and fight like a girl!
  • Cathy559
    Cathy559 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2010

    Great News Path report back-- surgeon just called-- 17 nodes all negative. clear margins .. Woo Hoo!!

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited September 2010

    Cathy, that is wonderful news!!!!  Woo Hoo indeed.  How are you feeling now from your surgery?

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited September 2010

    Cathy559: Great news!

    Jwatrlily: You are doing the same chemo regimen I did. It's scary to start, but you'll get through it, I know you will!  Hopefully your SEs will be as minor as mine were.

    Sugar77:  I've been wondering how your first day back at the office went?  Hope you ended the  day with a reserve of energy - and a toast to your milestone.

    I finally have my first follow-up appt. with onc tomorrow (it's been 5 months); it'll seem strange walking back into the cancer centre after all this time... next up my annual mammo and MRI.   

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited September 2010

    Luah- I felt exactly the same way you do... walking into the cancer center kind of creeped me out. It isn't a place I choose to be, and it is/was a very big reminder of the most challenging moment in my life. Period. Nope, nothing else like the infusion room... I don't care how nice the nurses were/are.... it is NOT a place I want to be ever again. Which brings me to:

    Paulding- I think you confused me with Jwatrlily. I am NOT having chemo.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Luah- I felt exactly the same way you do... walking into the cancer center kind of creeped me out. It isn't a place I choose to be, and it is/was a very big reminder of the most challenging moment in my life. Period. Nope, nothing else like the infusion room... I don't care how nice the nurses were/are.... it is NOT a place I want to be ever again. Which brings me to:

    Paulding- I think you confused me with Jwatrlily. I am NOT having chemo.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011


    Hmmm... not sure what all that junk is after my message...

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010

    YAY Cathy!!

    Just a quick flyby to say "hi"!!


  • Cathy559
    Cathy559 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2010
    Jwatrlily -- a little rough.. mostly the drainage tubes suck as the swelling in my chest goes down I can feel them more and more. Noticed my muscles in my shoulders, arms, and chest are tightening but talked to my  surgeon today and he said to start easy range of motion and change to showering in morning when I get up to loosen them up. But overall its going well. My girls are taking good care of me. Of course the fentanyl patch is helping a whole bunch.
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Cathy..hang in will feel better...and glad your girls are taking care of you..I'm sure you have always taken care of them...time for a little payback heh?? can anyone get you confused with someone else?  You are the one with pink elephants and such...ha ha..

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Cathy - glad to hear the good news and that you are healing.

    Monika - I was also moody.  I was very irritable for a few days, ending with a self pity day and then I was fine.  It seemed to go with the flow of the steroids coming into and out of my system (((hugs))) and have a bowl of ice cream, that always makes things better.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    I still am moody...

    Get family are huge Ohio State Buckeye daughter just set her wedding date for next October..on a home OSU game...and my lovely family is already making comments about going to the game and not going to the wedding...!  My poor daughter..she doesn't like sports at all...

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2010

    Cathy - wonderful news!

    Luah - thanks for asking.  First day went well and I'm in again tomorrow for four hours.  I'm on a gradual return over a six-week period.  It felt good to roll up my sleeves and do a final edit on a project yesterday!! 

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2010

    Wow this thread is really active just posted 24 hours ago and so much to read.  Chemo tomorrow afternoon.  I think I will be fine.  Sunday will be telling for me - that is when the SEs start for me.  Hope all are doing well.  Have a great day.