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Calling all TNs



  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2010

    Cathy, glad all went well and you are home resting.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Cathy - glad to hear you're doing well.  Remember to do your arm exercises - very important.

    I am one of those that didn't do well on Ambien, but my sister swears by it. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    Cathy:  A speedy recovery to you and it sounds like you are in very, very good hands.  Congratulations on making it through!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited September 2010

    Cathy, rest can be one of the best things for you the next few days.

    Happy Labor Day, everyone.  Stay safe

    Saw this and thought of you, MBJ

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2010

    Happy Labour Day!! (...we spell Labour differently here in Canada)

    Cathy, glad to hear you've had your surgery and are on the mend. We look forward to your updates.

    I'm geting mentally geared up as I return to work starting tomorrow.  I'm ready and am looking forward to getting back to "reality" again.

    Take care everyone.


  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Sherri - good luck upon returning to work.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    Meece:  That's great!  I was trying to place where that is--I got to admit--I am stumped!  Happy Labor (labour) Day everyone!!!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    I went into GNC the other day and saw a multi-vitamin that also contained Melatonin. Silly me forgets why the guy didn't recommend it...

    Was really there to buy Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSN/Calcium supplement I use and thought the Melatonin might be a good way to combine the vitamin. I think he said his wife used it and the doctor told her to get off of it, as she was having to use more and more to get the same effect. Thoughts anyone?

    I switch between Ambien and Ambien CR on those nights I need to get a good rest. Now that my anxiety level is down I only use Xanax on occasion (my GP had me take 2 at night when I was waking up with morning headaches).

    Mostly though, with the exception of a statin, I am off of all the prescription meds. I hate asking my liver to detox all this stuff, and no longer feel I need them. Feels good.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    hhfheidi:  My dr recommends taking melatonin by itself because you do need to build up to where it works for you and you probably don't want to up the doses on the other items!  Life Source is a good brand to try.  Knocks me out in 30 minutes.

    btw:  I tried Ambien years ago and even though it made me sleep for a full 7-8 hours, I always felt like I wasn't processing my day to day stuff and eventually I found myself getting very angry while awake.  I had a very stressful job at the time and wasn't sleeping at all.  Melatonin is better for sleep and better for those of us with BC.

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2010
    Hope your recover goes well Cathy, take, care get lost of rest and bear wresteling for at least 3 weeksSmile
  • bubbalu
    bubbalu Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2010

    Just posting to your site as a newbie:  I've had the chemo, 4 x AC and 4 x taxotere, I've had the LMX and have moved into radiation, although that's not going so well.  I'm on a break until we can determine what's making my neck/chin burn.  They are not in the radiated area.  Getting a second opinion Wed. 

    What I wanted to share with you is this about chemo.  YES tea tree oil works, use it twice a day, stinks like crazy but be faithful with it and you won't lose your nails.  Mine got horizontal white stripes in them, at least 4 in each and it looked like the nails were going to split off but they didn't.  They are almost all grown out now, it's 2 months post chemo.

    Neuropathy:  I had it from taxotere in my toes and fingertips.  While it is a royal pain it does gradually go away.  That's almost gone now and I'm taking nothing for it.  B Vitamins will work but check with a physician.  Tepid baths help too.  Only have trouble now turning on/off light switches and opening bottles of water.  I play piano daily and it's okay.  It will go away at different times for different people.

    Ankle edema:  Had that too from taxotere, the last 2 tx.  Suffered with that for a long time but it too is subsiding.  Dr. said no lasik, just elevate and walk.  When you have to stand for long periods keep going up on you toes.  Tepid baths only.  Used to keep me up with the aches and pains and night some nights.   This too will pass eventually. 

    What I want to get across to you is that these PIA's will gradually pass, patience and concentrate on the good that's being done with the chemo.  Mine was 97% successful and I'm TN and 70 yrs. young!

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    Hope you all have enjoyed your weekend.  I have for the most part.  Now, I am a hot mess (ha-ha, a term my daughter uses a lot for her 3 year old diva daughter when she is tired and out of control) because I see the Oncologist tomorrow for the first time (He is not a new Dr. to me as he is also my husbands Hematologist) and will be finding out what my chemo is going to be for the TNBC.  I am scared to death of Adriamycin because I have read so much negative stuff about the cardiac problems even years after because of it.  I'm just scared beyond belief.  Do Dr.'s do CMF chemo anymore?  The side affects of it doesn't seem as bad as with TAC.

    I'm not even sure about another issue I've had.  I had a change in my bowel habits back in March (diagnosed with the BC in June) and I had recent stool studies done and all of those came back normal and no blood in stool so colon *should* be OK.  My Dad had colon cancer in 2004 at age 78.  But, since March things have just not been "normal" in that department and even though I had a colonoscopy in 2003 and again in 2008, just 2 years ago, and both were just fine, no polyps or anything, I'm wondering if I should be having a colonoscopy again before this chemo starts??  I'll ask my Onco Dr. tomorrow but geesh, maybe my fears are just taking hold.  My family practice Dr. told me the changes could be due to me getting older and I had a very rough bout with constipation back in March starting all this.  He told me after that it could take months before the colon would get back to normal and recognize what it's job was.  I can lay a finger on that time as I had not been watching fiber and had become very, very sedentary.  However it still isn't normal all these months later without me having to take stool softeners or Mira lax not every night but regularly it seems.  It's like my colon has forgot how to contract to push things along.  I still have bowl movements every day but they are not like before.  I'm sorry to gross you all out with this but I'm worried and maybe if there is something wrong the chemo for the breast cancer will kill whatever that might be.....  I have a lot of gas anymore and my family practice Dr. says it's because I've got more fiber in my diet now.  He also told me that colon cancer and breast cancer are not related and that one does not cause the other, and that since I had a totally clear colonoscopy 2 years ago that it takes 10-15 years for a polyp to grow into colon cancer.  Oy Vey but I don't need this since some chemos cause diarrhea and or constipation.  I do not need that!!!!!  At times since my cancer tumor was removed from the breast, things in the colon department have been somewhat normal but then they aren't again.  Maybe the cancer being present caused some issues unknown to man or woman and now that the cancer is removed (Dr. said she got the whole tumor) my body is trying to find it's normal again???


  • Pamelajo
    Pamelajo Member Posts: 124
    edited September 2010


    Take a deep breath doll and wait.  What you are looking at with the worst fear will not happen.  Your doctors will fill you in on the what if's and should i's, and you will get good guidance.  Our minds are our worst enemies as we begin our journey through this process, but you will find, like many of us did, that if you come here and read the boards there is good information for you from others who have been where you are right now :)

    Deep breath.  It's gonna be ok. :)  Much love.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2010

    Cathy - Glad your sugery is over and you are resting. Another notch on the belt of recovery!

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2010

    Juanita - Pam's advice is rhes best. Take it one step at a time. Yes, Adriamycin sucks, I have my second date with the Red Devil on Wednesday and the first sucked! But I am determined to get through this and get well and you will too! Love and hugs!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited September 2010


    Chemo is hard on the digestive system.  I kept a bag of prunes around to snack on, and worked on a high fiber diet.  When chemo stopped things up, they really stopped up.  My bowels have not been the same since.  I have also heard the chemo can give you diarea, but never had that problem.

    MJB, I am guessing that is on the 10 heading West, but not sure.  I usually don't take the 10 if I can help it.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2010


    I'm glad you found the boards, and wanted to say hi.  Sorry you are having some issues with the Rads...I'm having potential secondary stuff.  Boo.  Is the burning visible, or is it a sensation? I hope this resolves quickly.

    anyway, I am a lover of the tea tree oil.  I didn't know about the fingernails, but have brushed my teeth with it, washed my face with it, and put it in my fish tank (in appropriate forms :)  Good stuff.

    maybe you meant newbie to the TN threads....I just saw this isn't your first post.  thanks for sharing your info., will you keep us updated on the Rads issue?


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2010

    MBJ - how much melatonin do you take?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2010


    I was treated with Taxotere and Cytoxin only....Certainly all of this is incredibly stressful....and do try and be good to yourself. Be open with your fears with your Onc...(if I may offer some advice.) I just kind of feel fears have less power once they to into the ether. Or get splatted on your Onc.

    I am familiar with Miralax and Colace (my dear friends.) My bowels actually kicked into higher gear during chemo...didn't need anything, but no diarrhea either.  My Cole-rectal MD recommends 25 grams of fiber a day, and it is clear you know the benefits. I got the gas X prevention pills and take it before I eat anything with beans in it, and it helps.  gas X is also good if things are cranking up...(no I don't own stock in Gas X)

    so anyway, I wanted to say hi, and let you know not everyone does Adriamycin, but I can't say why some do and some don't.  My nodes were clear, so that may have added to this decision.  Good luck tomorrow, and let us know how it goes.


  • Cathy559
    Cathy559 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2010

    JennC-- arm exercises?? All I was told was not to raise my arms over my head. But I have been doing gentle arm side to side exercises like I teach my open heart recovery patients. And yes my shoulder and arms are starting to get stiff a real concern of mine. So do tell me about these exercises?

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2010

    Cathy - I was at my PT about 2 weeks after my MX. They have exercises there that they give you. I stayed with her until my exchange as the TEs can tighten everything up and may give you clogged ducts. I also saw her post exchange a couple of times to loosen up. Your PS should give you the script for that. Make sure you ask because some wait too long to start you. Make sure you ask for a lymphodema specialist.

  • bubbalu
    bubbalu Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2010

    squidwitch42;  yea, meant Newbie!  The burn was tomato red, very much like I had laid on the beach all day w/o sunscreen and lasted 5 days, with chills and ended up peeling!!!

    For the adriamyicin ladies:  I had no nausea, thanks to Emend and other bags of drugs, day 3 it hit me with the tiredness so I slept.  Ate little the first week, was constipated but ate prunes and took colace, by 10 days out I felt decent just in time to go back for more.  My WBC bottomed out so I got Neulasta shots the day after txs and a chest port to make the txs go better.  Lost my hair after the second tx and my DH gave me a buzz cut.  It's just starting to come back as I had 4 taxotere txs after A and cytoxan and it gives hair loss too.  I'm 3 months post chemo and I'm getting my hair back slowly.  Have a nice selection of ball caps, night caps, bandanas and scarves.  I'm not a wig person so I didn't wear one.  If you are, get it while you still have hair.

    Know that it's not easy but you can survive and you will get thru this.  Keep your eye on the prize and count down to the end - it WILL end.  The chemo was 97% successful for me and that is worth all the difficult days I had to put up with.  I had the best oncology nurses that are.  They are your lifeline, trust them.  Ask them anything, your oncologist won't be bothered with little stuff, they will.  It's not little stuff when it's happening to you.  You can do this............

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement.  I will post again after I see my Oncologist tomorrow and know for sure what is facing me as far as treatment, kind, duration, etc.


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Glad things went OK for you sleep and take it easy sweetie! 

    Barbasile..will think of you on Weds with your date with the devil!  I called it red devil and the nurses said that they had never heard it referred to that way before...The first time I had AC one of the nurses dropped a bag on the floor and some spilled out..immediately they all had their Hazmet gear on...I was freaking out to my DH..saying they are going to put THAT in my body???? are your veins doing..OK??

    Juanita..chemo does mess with your bowels..that is for sure..I think I had constipation with Ac and the exact opposite with Taxol! ..Over a year later I feel like I'm pretty much back to really didn't take that long though.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2010

    Hey Titan - I have a port, which I have a love-hate relationship with. Its saving my veins, but I am not really comfortable with it, its still sensitive and I feel the wire in my neck, feels like it kinks a bit when I sleep. But, since its saving my vens, I guess thats a good thing.

    My onc didn't give me a choice. If I got AC, I had to have the port. I had terrible nausea after my first treatment, even with the meds they gave me. They are going to make some changes this time so I hope its better. My insurance doesn't cover Emend, so I'd have to pay $100 a pill for it. Its awesome expensive. So Ill deal with the SE's. I get constipated too and have managed it pretty well with diet. The worst was the bone pain and headaches I got on day 8 after chemo frlom the Neupegen shots. They are going to adjust he dosage there too since my blood count was ok.  Looking forward to one more day (tomorrow) before chemo to feel human. Oh ya  my head is burning a little so I imagine my hair will drop out soon.  Just counting down the days!!! This will end and I WILL get my life back and so will all of you! Hugs around!

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2010

    barbbasile, my insurance wouldn't cover Emend in pill form, but had no problem with any drug given via infusion. So my chemo nurses got around it by getting the onc to order a double dose of Emend via IV before the infusion started. The first time, I starting getting nauseated two days later, whereupon they had me come back in for 'fluids for dehydration' that included another dose of Emend. After that, I was OK with the doubled Emend with chemo and Zofran 3 times a day for the next 3 days after chemo.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited September 2010

    Lisa - so much else posted on this thread since your B9 news. Joni filled me in on Saturday - so pleased for you!!

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2010

    barbbasile, I also (like riley702) got Emend put in my IV during infusions... my insurance covered some of the cost, but I got the impression that the infusion centers know how to get around non-coverage sometimes. (my insurance covered much of the cost for the pills too)  I also had ativan, which worked pretty well for breakthrough nausea -- it made me drowsy though, but it worked much better than compazine for me.  Don't be afraid to ask to try new things... sometimes it pays to tinker with combinations. And what worked for me in the beginning didn't necessarily work for me towards the end... Also, I found miralax to be really easy to take (couldn't taste it at all) and gentle :)   Hang in there! 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Thought it might be time for another pink elephoto...

    Senor MacFry in Mexico.. with side-kick Baba Looey:

  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2010

    Well today had # 10 of Taxol and they had to stick me 5 times - my veins are gone!! Too late to have a port put in - oh well only 2 more to go!!

    Emend oh my friend during AC I too had it through IV and think that all of the above ideas everyone has mentioned is good - DO NOT feel you need to put up with nausea as a SE - we should be way beyond that today - talk with your Onc.

    Hope everyone has a good SE FREE week!
