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Calling all TNs



  • Cydz
    Cydz Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2010

    Eileen. you are amazingly strong! And an inspiration!! Thank you.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2010

    barbbasile:  Hope your day is going better.  I too have spent a lot of time looking up stuff on the internet.  Some of it is scary, but some is good news.  I love yorkies, after all my treatments are done I plan on adopting a 4-legged friend.

    Cydz:  I think this disease might make a hypochondriac out of anyone.  I wonder how people deal with all the worry,  I think seeing a therapist is a good idea.

    Eileen1955:  Congrats on being a 7 year survivor!   

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Catching up on these really good posts--great points concerning loneliness/helpfulness/& breast changes.  The idea of leaving a lunch or soup on someone's doorstep during chemo is one to remember (similar in the memoir Making toast, where the community of survivors helps out by bringing dinners for months). 

    I have been the strong one all my life and feel very fortunate to have a DH (second time around) who lets me lean on him when I'm a basketcase over all this.  Still, he doesn't understand the way those with bc do.  My DS headed back to college last week, and I'm feeling his absence more than I did this time last year, I suppose because the past 10 months have been filled with concerns about dx & tx.  Maudlin me.

    Michele--I'm anxious to hear how you are doing.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    Wow - a lot of catching up...

    Laurajane & Swanny - so sorry to hear about disappearing friends.  I think our dx scares them and they don't know how to react to us.  It's not an excuse and it hurts like #!#%, but it happens.  (((hugs)))

    Meece/Eileen - you both went through a lot and have come through with a willingness to reach out and help others.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited September 2010

    I hope that in some way I can encourage others.  Eileen, I am only about a month behind you.  I kept my BC a secret so Ex would not try to use it as a way to get the kids.  So I had to act as normal as I could.

    Cydz, I have FCBD, and have had since I started developing breasts.  That first year of having breasts I was sure I had BC, but was afraid to tell my mom.  It makes finding the real lumps more difficult.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited September 2010

    So, Michelle, how are you doing?  Everything went okay?

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2010

    Meece, I should say congrats to you also.  Looks like you are also a seven year survivor!

  • Cydz
    Cydz Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2010

    Meece, I also have FCBD. My 3.2 cm tumor removed in May of 09 grew in some dense tissue that I have been watching since 1986, almost 24 years! That dense tissue made it hard to distinguish. Thank goodness I did my self checks. When I was first dx, an onc I went to for a second opinion thought the tumor could be as big as 11 cm! I almost hit the ground and thankfully that was not the case. It just makes me wonder how long it was hiding in there. Although being TN, we know these guys kind of grow overnight too. Who knows, but the FCBD certainly does add another layer to the whole deal.

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010

    doing fine.  easy-peasy.  I haven't had to take a single pain-pill. It is sooooo nice to be squishy and not rock hard.  I'm still woozy from the anesthesia (and nauseated too) but have been up (and down) all day.  I got DD ready for soccer practice (including sunscreen), packed 3 sets of lunches for school tomorrow, answered a few work emails, and am getting ready to bathe DD.  So... my evening is pretty normal.  The boys even forgot I had surgery today and didn't realize 'till they saw DH taking DD to soccer instead of me.  (AND, I told DH to get the kids McD's for dinner... that ALWAYS clues them in that I had some sort of appt!)

    Thanks so much for the well-wishes and prayers!


  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010

    PS.  My fears that something was "lurking" in the pocket were unfounded.  I told my PS about them before the surgery and he promised he'd take a good look (eventhough he told me there was no cause for concern). Nothing, nada, zip. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Yay..Michele!  Sometimes doing the 'normal" stuff just helps normal..wouldn't you say?  My card club brought us meals after each and every husband and kids looked forward to it..and so did I!  I tried to get them to bring meals for my rads but no go! I was like..come on..only 33 times..didn't work...I was always excited for the food..but unfortunately..the foods they brought are not foods I ever really want to eat again...

    Is FCBD..dense/fibrocystic breasts?  If so..I'm there!  Hoping that since chemo forced me into menopause that they would get FAT and maybe easier to see things.

    MIchele..I'm a soccer mom too!  Love that sport! 

    Juanita..know you are freaking but can't believe it is anything...but have someone look at it for your piece of mind...

    Guess life goes on whether or not we have BC doesn't it.divorces, kids..whatever...

    Good to hear from you Heidi!  I miss you when we havent' heard from you in awhile but figure you are looking at Tom Brady's **ss8*..ha ha! I'm thinking that the junk below your posts are actually you swearing..come on..admit it..! 

  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2010

    WOW alot of posts on here -just trying to catch up!

    Michele - so happy for you! I can't wait until this winter to get my exchange done.

    Went to #11 of Taxol today - ONLY 1 LEFT!!!!!!! Yeah!

    Heidi - I am with Titan on this one and I think you are trying to trick us and those #'s are your way of hidden messages to us!! :-) LOL

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2010

    Hello ladies - I've been reading your posts and haven't really had much to post myself this week. I hope you're all doing well.  I go for my first post-treatment mammogram next week.  I hope it doesn't hurt too much and I hope they don't find anything that shouldn't be there!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited September 2010

    Michelle, you need to take it easy.  You may think you are okay enough to be doing all those things, but you shouldn't.  Take the time to relax, recouperate ad heal.  At least for a couple of days, let someone help you out.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2010

    Michele - sso glad you are through surgery and feelinjg so well. But Meece is right, take it easy, don't try and be supermom for a few days at least! Hugs to you!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2010

    Jw - Did you call the the Dr. What did they say.  Wishing good thoughts for you.

    No constepation this time - the runs instead.  Never seen someone so happy to have the runs but I hope this does not continue also.

    Had the nicest surprise last night.  Sitting home, feeling bad when I hear a know at the door.  One of my friend from (she has MS) was at the door and came over to visit for about an hour.  What a nice surprise.  She brough a muffin and we ate and watched TV.  So, I guess for all my recent complaining, my thoughts got out to the universe and I had two friends who came through in the last couple of days.  Very nice.

    Oh, I played hookie yesterday.  Had some errands to run and Dr. appt.  My legs hurt from the Neulasta shot but did a couple of errands also.  Then went home because I was exhaused.  But it was nice to play hookie (first and only time).

    One more chemo session to go!!!!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2010

    Sorry - my spelling was bad.  Thought I would clean it up.

    Jw - Did you call the the Dr. What did they say.  Wishing good thoughts for you.

    No constepation this time - the runs instead.  Never seen someone so happy to have the runs but I hope this does not continue also.

    Had the nicest surprise last night.  Sitting home, feeling bad when I hear a knock at the door.  One of my friends (she has MS) was at the door and came over to visit for about an hour.  What a nice surprise.  She brought a muffin and we ate and watched TV.  So, I guess for all my recent complaining, my thoughts got out to the universe and I had two friends who came through in the last couple of days.  Very nice.

    Oh, I played hookie yesterday.  Had some errands to run and Dr. appt.  My legs hurt from the Neulasta shot but did a couple of errands also.  Then went home because I was exhaused.  But it was nice to play hookie (first and only time).

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010


    Thanks for asking and the good thoughts sent my way.  I did call my surgeon but they didn't get back to me and I will call again when they open today.  I suspect they were just waiting until today to see if there was a cancellation as she had a packed schedule today.  I go back up to Peoria this afternoon to be there for my Echo and Power Port placement tomorrow a.m. bright and early so it is totally doable that I could see her this afternoon if they can fit me in (Hubby would just have to leave work earlier).  In my wildest imagination, I couldn't even have dreamed up a recurrence (IF that is what it is) within one month of a successful lumpectomy with wide, clear margins.  If I do have, that might be a record even for Triple Negative!  I'm praying like crazy.  I just want to get on to chemo.  Ever see anyone wanting so badly to start their chemo??  Found out my sick meds through IV the days of chemo will be Aloxi and not Emend like I thought.


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010 take the Emend by pill approx one hour before you start treatment..then you take one pill the next day and one pill the day after that...I always waited to take it after my blood results came back and I was ok' for chemo because I didn't want to waste a pill!

    They should give you a prescription for it.

  • Lynne3times
    Lynne3times Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2010


    I am having anxiety about going to onc surgeon tomorrow for post surgical hysterectomy/omentumectomy/abdominal lymph node removal appt and getting path reports. This surgery is supposed to be last step of of removing places that this nasty BRCA1 gene can reside and wreck havoc. I don't want to be triple negative about it (pardon the pun) but after 3 primary BC and most recently Fallopian Tube CA, I want so desperately to believe the Dr who told my family after surgery that things looked good. But I have had Dr's be overly optimistic before (and wrong!) and have learned that the path reports tell the real truth.

    On the good side, being almost 6 weeks post chemo (taxol/carbo), my hair is starting to grow and I now have a 5 o'clock shadow where my eyebrows used to be.

    I love the idea about delivering soup to people doing chemo, that would have been wonderful. I make really good soup, maybe I can do that for someone...... As far as friends disappearing, I was very lucky that mine were around and offered their help in anyway. However, one of the best conversations I had was a 3 hour phone marathon with a younger woman I met in chemo, love that part, she thought I was her age and I am 11 years older, hee hee. We never sat next to each other in chemo and pretty much said hi and watched each other nod off and drool, however, there was some sort of connection there as we exchanged phone numbers/email addys and actually called each other. During our marathon we just poured our hearts out to each other and our catch phrase to sum everything up that we both had been going through was that we had been served a "Supersized McCrap Sandwich". I still laugh at that phrase! I think that only those of us who are going through it can truly understand, don't be afraid to find "new" friends. This new friend truly knows more about me and I of her then some folks I have known for 20 years.


  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010


  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2010

    Oh is to good news from your onc. is time for some good news!

    Oh..and love your cat!   He looks thoroughly disgusted!   

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    Lynne:  Good luck with your apppointment tomorrow-we will all be thinking of you.

    Michelle:  Hope you are taking it easy and realaxing.  Afterthe first2 days I was up and about but I am still exhausted from all of this plust the iron bra that is extending it's stay for 3 more weeks, yuk!  I hope you are happy with your results, but give them time to settle. I'm still waiting though the hamburger effect is gone.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2010

    I'm going to make today a great day! I have a group of people coming to see my display gardens this afternoon. Looking forward to selling some of my rare plants. Felt great yesterday to actually work out in the gardens and get them all spruced up. Taxol is so much easier.

    Just love reading all of the sharing.

    Kittycat-Congratulations on being 1/2 way there. I'm getting #4 on Thursday.

    Meece- I hope your divorce ended up being a good thing. I'm still sorry you had to go thru all of this with all of the additives.

    JenC- I feel the same way. I was "The Life Of The Party" till all of this. Cancer is indeed a great way to filter out so called friends. My so called BF's were and have been gone in a flash. I am the kind of person that will try and do anything for someone. It's my nature. What is nice as Lynn3times said new friends come. A couple of women I just knew casually have called regularly and offered help. So unexpected.

    Eileen- Cheers to you! Love hearing "7 year survivor". I'm so happy for you and all of the other survivors out there.

    Titan- I am so glad you started this post. I can't really put into words how comforting it is. When I feel lonely, scared or sad or happy whatever it is I feel even better when I sit down and come to this site.

    MichelleS- So glad you are doing so well. I'm happy for you. Take good care of your self.

    Lynn3times- Hugs and positive thoughts sent to you. Hope things go well. I love the "Supersized McCrap Sandwich"

    Jwatrlily- I'll be thinking of you. I too wanted to hurry and start my chemo. but I really wanted surgery first to just get this cancer out of me. Now I want to hurry and get this chemo done so I can have surgery. At the same time I am scared to death of surgery.

    I'm wishing everyone a great day! 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2010

    laurajane:  I am so glad to hear you are in good spirits today.  Chemo will really help your odds in clearing the margins and geting the best possible results.  You are right, when we get sick people have a tendency to dissapear, yet people we harldy even know step forward in thier place.  I tend to be a bit of a gypsy and make new freinds easily, and I try and surround myself by only positive, uplifting and encouraging people.  My very best friend is my DH, but the women here are absolutley priceless!  That's whay I try to show up every day to see if there is anything I can offer to anyone. Have an amazing day.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011
    I'm busted. Yes, it's true. I have been visited by Aliens, and their message follows:
  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011
    And yes Titan, I have been watching Tom Brady's *ss--- closely. It's tattooed with:
  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited September 2010

    lol! heidi, how funny!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited September 2010