Calling all TNs



  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited December 2012

    Annie - I am thinking of you and hope you are having a lovely holiday. I miss your humor!

  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012

    Just stopping by to wish everyone a Happy New Year. 

  • PinkyWI
    PinkyWI Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2012

    Oh, Anita, first of all congratulations on your 14 year anniversary!  Also, thank you so much for sharing that with us.  I have been wallowing in self-pity, fear, denial -- well you get it.  My thoughts when anything about the future is mentioned are "if I'm still around", if I see an ad for something that I like, my thoughts are why bother - I won't be around to enjoy/use "it".  I know that I have to shake these feelings/thoughts but until I read your post, I just didn't know how.  You truly don't know how much your post means to me, I have c/p'd it so that I can refer to it when I am down.  Thank you!  Thank you!!  Thank you!!!  Kiss

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2012

    Morning all you wonderful Ladies, have been trying to catch up.  My niece Abbey is over from England so having great catch up time.  Another sad story, parents divorced, mother threw her out when she supported her dad now he has a new girlfriend and no time for her.  What is it with people.

    Other than that, hope you are all keeping well and praying for a safe and peaceful New Year for us all.

  • Loafer
    Loafer Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2012

    Anita - very powerful and inspirational post for all of us! Congrats on surviving BC for 14 years and living a normal and carefree life surrounded by a loving family. I especially like the healthy lifestyle without the restrictive diets, supplements, and excessive exercise! You're living your life to the fullest! Enjoy it all and happy new year!

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited December 2012

    Anita: So kind of you to post with such excellent news!  

    Ladies: Have been offline for a while over the holidays. Hope you all doing okay, especially those struggling through treatment, may your SEs be few.

    Re taxol, it is pretty commonly recommended now. Some recent studies have shown it to be especially effective against TN.  

    Best wishes to all - and good health in 2013!

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2012

    Just another note about follow up - after the 3 year mark and to date I see my MO once a year for blood work, tumor marker and clinical exam. Also do the breast ultra sound once a year. That might change to MRI due to the DIEP reconstruction I did this year. Not certain about that yet. I always get my follow up over with in January too so I can spend the new year worry free.

  • Loafer
    Loafer Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies - I just received my BRCA test results back which are negative. I am very thankful I don't have to make decisions about additional surgery and can move on to rads after chemo. Are there studies on the differences between BRCA positive and negative TN recurrence rates? Is the molecular makeup different? What should I do with this additional information? Appreciate any insight. Ginny

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited December 2012

    Very happy you are not BRCA +, I wish those were my results :)  That tells you you have less risk of ovarian/fallopian cancer and less risk of the other breast getting cancer.  I would have to dig up my booklet about it.  Enjoy being negative!

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    QueenKong -- sorry ithas taken me so long to answer your question. I have not been on the site for a while. It took about a month for all the purple, yellow, and green to go away. The knot at the surgery site didn't go away for several more weeks. In fact it got infected after my first chemo treatment when my WBC went down. I took antibiotics for 10 days and a few days later the knot was gone.

    I am continuing to struggle with SE after treatments. They gave me a continuous wear patch for the nausea when I took my treatment on Thursday and that has really helped the nausea, but my head still hurts and just feels messed up and weird -- hard to explain. My eyes are watering a lot also.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2012

    hello all you Trip Neg luvlies XXxxXX

    here we are the end of 2012, what a whirlwind, there i was in january overseas getting silicone implants put in, there i was april same year getting them taken out and diagnosed with bc.  overall so far, touch wood  it sorta been ok this horrid journey, well as ok as anything to do with cancer can be.

    dont know whats next and to be honest im not a fool to kid myself that "the bum" will come back and have another go at me, its all a matter of keeping "the bum" at bay and me keep running so fast he cant catch me and hopefully in the near future they find something for us Trip Negs to give us a little more confidence.

    the best part of the journey is that i converse with you all and i cant thank you enough for all your words and support.

    my goals for 2012 last day is to go out tonight with a blast and drink and be merry to welcome the New year 2013 in with joy and love.

    my goals for 2013 are

    1) to be alive into 2014

    2) to love my family even more than i do, blessed still have mum and dad with me and couldnt have asked for better parents.

    3)  to get fitter and fitter as the chemo will take a lot away, i reckon if i get as fit as possible that will make the chemo not as destructable as it could be to my body.

    4) yoga, budihism and pilates.

    5) light weight training every day.

    6) beach beach and more beach.

    7) smile, laugh. love. music.

    8)  im alive today, get on with it and give "the bum" a run for its money.

    9)  Breast reconstruction

    10)  my ultimate 2013 dream would be, to be in love.

    11) cant do no.10 unless i do all the others

    sisters wishing you all the best new year and hopefully for anyone doing it really tough wishing that 2013 brings you some peace and happiness and sisters lets keep writing anything that you feel or has helped you in any way even if its not considered standard treatment...keep talking.

    lets face it if the professionals knew it all there would be a lot more of us around.

    love to you all


  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited December 2012

    Liv thank u for an uplifting post. In hospital with infection in port incision. Nice to feel positive and hopeful. Love the goal "be alive in 2014" thanks

  • EnglishRose75
    EnglishRose75 Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2012

    Happy New Year everyone!  Thank you all for the support, comfort and encouragement you have provided me over the last several months.  It's been a lifeline for me.  Wishing you all good health and happiness in the year ahead.

    Now, the real question is what colour shoes should I wear with my little black dress this evening?  Red or nude?

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited December 2012

    EnglishRose - red, for sure!!!

    I don't normally make resolutions, but I can't resist making just be alive in 2014.  Love it!

    SherylB - I hope you are sprung from the hospital very soon!

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited December 2012

    Red most definitely!!

  • HopeFaithCourage
    HopeFaithCourage Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Can i still get my chemotherapy on Wednesday if i have this chest cold still brewing?? I feel so much better but puny still. I have too much to do to be sick! My sweet mother is going to buy us a new mattress! My bed is not a " plain" but has " hills and valleys" lol. She can't come for my surgeries but I'm so grateful for this. Now to go get a latch to keep the dog off when I'm not home. They push my bedroom door open. Love to all. I'm scared of this new year. Terrified in fact. But my mother's words play in my heart. Fear is not of God and good and evil cannot not reside on the same place. So chase away the fear and ask for Gods peace. I pray for peace and Gods grace for us all.

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited December 2012

    EnglishRose: Red...It shows you have power and are a winner against this crappy BC. Now go click those red heels together and have fun tonight! Or is it tonight there already?

    Sheryl: sorry, your in the hospital with an infection! Hope you get out today!!

    Liv: love your list..I'm going to steal some of it. I also am TN and I have to tell you I have been reading about all the research and findings "they" have been doing an it gives me great hope for all of us!!! So, you will be here way past 2014, add that to your list!

    Happy new year everyone. And I want to thank all of you for being here for me. Even though my family has been awesome, I cannot do this without all of you! Sometimes, I feel I talk too much "cancer talk" and they get tired of hearing it. But you guys understand.



  • minxie
    minxie Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2012

    time for some emotional spew, apologies in advance. I had briefly gone to a BC support group, on and off. I'd skip half a year, then show. Anyway, one of the women there, a lovely young woman, a puppeteer, so supportive - her BC came back 2 years after diagnosis. The last time I saw her, and I am ashamed to admit this, I did not say hello. It was in the doctors office and I was running in and out and I saw a patient in a wheelchair, weak, frail, a scarf on her head - I try to avoid looking at these people at the cancer center. I am a shallow, horrible person. But when I looked closely, I saw it was her - her face ravaged by all she'd been through, but indeed it was her. And I should have walked up and said - what? "How are you doing?" sounds do trite when it's obvious she's dying. Argh I am so upset with myself for saying nothing. Because today I read she died over the weekend. And I never had a chance to tell her what a kind, helpful, thoughtful, wonderful person she was. Because I was so afraid of saying the wrong thing to her, so afraid of looking my deepest fear in the eye - dying of cancer.

    I am supposed to have my TE placed on the 21st of Jan. Now I have all these dark thoughts in my head - what if when they open me up they find more cancer, again? I am having PTSD attacks just thinking of that hospital - waiting in the chair for the IV, the curtain around my with the leaf pattern, the stupid socks... how many times have I had surgeries now, I've lost count. I don't want to do it again. But I would like my boobs back. If I was sure my husband loved me and was going to stick around, I wouldn't do it. But I can't trust him or anything he says. Ugh, I'm a wreck. And I bet my therapist is nowhere to be found today.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited December 2012

    (((Minxie))) Don't be so hard on yourself. We all rant about how insensitive/stupid etc others from the non-bc community are and get upset at the things they say . The truth is it is hard even for us to always know what to say. We have all been in this position. I'll tell you my story. 

    I owned a preschool when diagnosed with bc. The building's handyman told me his wife had had bc and was doing great (also TN) and offered support etc. A couple of months later she had a recurrence and was stage IV. To cut a long story short I closed my preschool and did not see him for about a year when I bumped into him in the store. We chatted, but I never asked about his wife because I thought it likely she had died and I didn't know how to react or what to say.

    It is hard. You are not shallow or horrible. You are dealing with things as best you can.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited December 2012

    Englishrose:  Definitely red.

    Wishing each and every one of you and your family a safe and happy, healthy 2013. 

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2013

    Let's all put on our red shoes, kick up our heels, and toast a healthy New Year!!!!!!!


    And has anyone heard from Dawn?

  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2013

    Happy New Year!  Can't tell you how much you all have meant to me!  I read much more than I post, but I don't think I could have gotten through this past year with out this board!

    Hugs and a festive and healthy new year!

  • Sandlake
    Sandlake Member Posts: 108
    edited January 2013

    Happy New Year ~ I'm going to live each day in 2013 like it's the best day in the yearSmile 

    Cheers to all for a healthy new year! 

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited January 2013

    Minxie - oh, sweetie, I hate that you are feeling so anxious. I agree with Gill, don't be too hard on yourself.

    EnglishRose - I hope you went with the red.

    Sheryl - speedy recovery wishes.


    Happy New Year!

  • HopeFaithCourage
    HopeFaithCourage Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2013

    Happy New year to everyone! I'm so grateful for this sisterhood and all of the wonderful humor and positive energy. Here's to a new year being warriors and slaying the monster!!

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943
    edited January 2013

    Hello minxie

    I read your post and felt so sad about this awful disease. Please do not be so hard on yourself and take great care.

    Only have the expanders if you feel you want them for yourself. I am so sorry you do not have more support.

    Thinking of you and trying to give you a bit of moral support.

    Best wishes.


  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943
    edited January 2013

    Hello everyone and a special hello to Gillyone.

    Wishing all of you on this thread a Happy, Healthy New Year.

    Best wishes from the UK.


  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    sheryl b -  hoping your doing ok and wishing you a better 2013

    and just to let you know completed my first goal to see out 2012 with a blast,

    done n dusted, got home 5.30 am after dancing in the club and on the street with all mixed generations and cultures and ethnics. slept till lunch time then down the beach for a few hours.

    lets kick the critters ass in 2013



  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited January 2013

    Hello and Happy New Year to everyone and a shout out back to Sylvia representing the UK thread. It's great you are keeping it going and providing support and up to date information.

  • yananma
    yananma Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2013

    Happy 2013! Best wishes to all chemo sis! Start 2nd round TC on 1/3/13! Ready!