Calling all TNs



  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited January 2013

    Hi Kathy!!!  So good to hear from you!  I can't believe you're still waiting for your insurance to cover the tree damage...that's horrible service!  I know there were lots of claims, but still...

    No word from Inmate in a very long time.  She has a Facebook page that someone checks on, but we haven't heard an update in a long time.

    I hope life settles down for you and that your mom is comfortable.  And that you're squeaking in some fun every once in a while.

    Love and hugs,


  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    maggie u little ripper - mine too, today scans/bloods were all good, celebrating with a glass of red.


  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    obxk just having a laugh when i read 'you got your hands on report'

    well today i got sprung, before i had my bloods done i wrote all these marker tests that i thought would be useful, cea, ca27-29 & 2 others that i cant remember now, already had the ca15-23 on there.

    when the bloods detective had a look at the paper, he asks, what this?, he was referring to two of the marker tests i had placed, shrinking in the chair, he proceeds to tell me that he is going to ring my onc to see what it was supposed to be because one he had never seen before and the other one was for   prostrate cancer and looks at me with 'wtf'.   his off sider could tell  im the culprit as im just about to pass out with shame and tells him "dont worry about it, just cross them off' saved!


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited January 2013

    Inmate posted a pic on FB on Dec 29 but nothing else since  I think of her often...what a fighter she is!


  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited January 2013

    LIV and MAGGIE - I am so happy for you, what exciting news....big sigh, nice glass of wine and just so happy and proud of you.  Keep it up.  xoxo

    Lauren - at my infusion the lady brings the containers with ice and water.  I don't bring anything.  I personally would not go to a nail salon unless it was of high quality and I would still bring my own equipment.  I know my chemo class lady said they can not use the cuticle clippers (fear of clipping too much, bleeding and plus infection) or the devise that looks like a cheese grater it has to be the stone.  Regarding the dogs - I have 2 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats (two too many asses IMO) and have not changed anything aside from washing the dogs bi weekly now vs monthly and my dh changes the litter box and the kids are just germ bombs so they wash their hands in the car with the wet wipes and then change their clothes when they get home and wash hands. 

    Back from chemo round 2.  I was dehydrated to start so got fluids today - then again the rest of the week.  My BP was low so he wants a full week of BP results to determine if we need to reduce the dose...I hope not I want to hit this shit head cancer as hard as I can.  MY WBC were higer than the 1st round so that made me happy.  He does want to talk to be about being anemic.  I have always had issues with it, especially when I was pregnant both times.

    Probably won't be online much but will catch up soon.  Chins up my friends!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited January 2013

    mags- So glad you had a good report. Go bake yourself a cake!

    Kathy - Please don't tempt fate by saying "what next". I hope your world calms down soon.

    liv - That cracked me up. Nice try!

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    thx jen ((hugs)) you sound very much like me as far as treatment, really tough chemo your having and like you i was the same,  completely dehydrated after 2nd dose and became very emotional because i couldnt settle down, it was almost like i was manic and collapsed eventually through exhaustion.  then i learnt after that 2nd treatment to stop everything and just rested and knew exactly what was going to happen on what day. again same as you my blood pressure was so low but they wernt too concerned and let me have chemo. 

    it will be over soon, you know you can do it so darling just rest and drink heaps of fluids and go to bed with a full water bottle of whiskey, no only joshing water and perhaps pop a hydra lite tablet in to replace the electrolytes.

    take care and be gentle on yourself.


  • Lauren15
    Lauren15 Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2013

    I feel like that too about the chemo - bring it on!  I hope my body can handle the TAC that starts Thursday.  I want to hit that sucker with everything there is.  I think it's a strong cocktail that I pray works.  I have no clue what plan B is, and I hope I don't have to find out.  My BP is normally low, and I get dizzy easily if I get up too fast, so I guess I'll just have to see what happens.  I had 3 quarts of water measured out today to get myself hydrated, but I barely had a few sips.  Tomorrow I have surgery for the port, so I won't have the opportunity to even drink anything until after 2 PM, and I'll probably just want to sleep.  Basically, I will be going into my first chemo dehydrated, so I pray they give me fluids first, during, and afer.   I am SO NOT a water drinker.  I can barely get through one water bottle even when I'm working out.   As soon as I drink water, it's like there is a straw in me, and it goes right through me.  Those muscles down there don't work as well as they used to, and I need to RUN, so I've really try to avoid water.  I might as well just live in the bathroom from now on.  I was actually planning to have that operation before I was diagnosed with BC.  Wish I would have before this.  It would have been easier to drink.  I just hope I lose some weight through this all.  At least that will be a plus!!!  Do most people lose?  I'm hearing of weight gain from steroids, or is that just temporary? 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited January 2013

    Lauren - I lost weight on chemo and I am losing with weekly Carboplatin.  The problem is I don't need to lose weight.  I get just a small dose of steroids so it doesn't affect my appetite.  As for liquids, drink anything, eat melon, frozen juice bars, etc.  Try not to go into chemo dehydrated.  IV fluids will help and you'll get some, but drink anything and chew on ice cubes during your infusions.  Good luck with your port surgery - when I had mine, I walked out of the hospital and went out for lunch.  I felt just fine afterwards.

  • MichelleV
    MichelleV Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I'm new to this and hope I can still join you ladies. I am 45 and was diagnosed September 28th. I had a lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy and port placement on October 19th. I had 4 rounds of AC every two weeks starting November 7. I had my first taxol treatment on January 2 and have 11 more weekly. Going for my second treatment tomorrow. Radiation will follow.

    When I first heard TN I was scared but this site and you ladies give me hope!

    I have a 17 year old daughter and 9 year old son. I will beat this and be here for them.

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2013

    OBXK ...good news for you! Yay!

    Lauren.. I would stay away from the salons. It's so hard cause I'm one of those that gets a pedicure every 8 weeks. But because of bacteria, I've been told to stay away. I've been using Sally Hansen's hard as nails and so far my nails are ok.

    Michelle..welcome to our group. TN is scary, however, I have met so many people lately that are either TN or they know of someone who is and they are all doing great.

    Liv...Funny story!! Congrats on your scans too. for you too on clear scans!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies

    I'm now back from my holidays worse luck and back to work. 

    For all you ladies who have lost a child you have my heartfelt admiration in the fact that you still keep on going through life and what it throws at you.  I don't think I could if I lost one of my girls.  I can only imagine  what you all went through and that is probably an insult to you because it is probably a thousand times worse than what I imagine. You are all an inspiration to me and it's a priviledge to know you all.  

    I went to my friends funeral today that we lost through cancer (Lung).  She lost her only two children to a berry aneurysm and cancer a few years back and every day since her first child, a son died at 23 yrs she has cried for them.  Her daughter died two years ago at age 22 yrs with cancer and every single day she has had a smile on her face because she didn't want people to pity her but when you looked into her eyes  all you could see was the complete sadness. She always said if she got cancer she wouldn't fight it because she wanted to be with her children and that is exactly what happened.  No treament when diagnosed in August and now she has passed away.  I couldn't even cry at her funeral because I knew this was just what she wanted and was now happy.  There was two little doves sitting on a power line and I thought that is Kellie and Daniel come to take her home.  My friend always loved butterflys and just as I saw the doves so a monarch butterfly flew all the way through and around the crowd of people so I knew she was at peace at last. 

    Karen and Mags great news on your results.  Way to go girls, keep it up.

    As for the icing of fingernails, not bloody likely.  When I went through chemo it was winter and so freakin cold so there was  just no way I would have stuck my fingers in ice.   However, although I didn't lose my nails they are a funny color and I have to keep polishing them as to me they look a bit of a dirty colour and I hate them.

    To you ladies going through treatment keep drinking.  I wasn't much of a water drinker either but I learn't how to be one quickly as it helped so much.  I ate water melon until it was coming out of my ears and I was given EMEND for three days which I took religously because sickness was my biggest fear.  I was fine and only had to put up with the constipation which was a real shit (pardon the pun) and the aching and flu like symptoms over the third to fifth days. I still have a blocked nose, a  cough and not much taste but other than that I feel fine, at the moment. Still have those 'what if' days but they do seem to be getting a little less as I get further on from treatment.

    Now the port.  I loved my port. Had no trouble until today.  I went for my monthly port flush and was telling my onco nurses that my surgeon had scheduled a date on the 29th January for its removal.  I also said that I wasn't too sure about having it out yet as I didn't want to temp fate.  Well the onco nurse was getting everything ready for me and then he started to inject the first lot in.  I started to get pain which just increased in intensity until it was really very sore.  He stopped injecting and the other onco nurse came over and they said oh christ its bulging.  Well  that freaked me right out. I thought this is it I'm on the way out and I have a funeral to go to in two hours which might turn out to be mine lol.  They said it might be a blood clot so they took me straight round to emergency and the docs there did some tests and said they didn't think it was a blood clot but that the port had given up as it only had a certain amount of life time. They said I would be ok (Hope they are right) and to get the port out at the end of January. So that was my decision made for me.  Can't wait for it to go now. When will these hiccups with everyone stop. We only just made the funeral by five minutes which was lucky.    

    As for Kathy. Well done,  bout time you flitted back on here armed with excuses of course (only joking).  You left us without a word of warning so now we want regular updates even if it is only about your bloody cracked window screen. 

    Time we had another post from Titan too. So show a leg or two girl. 

    Bernie's now left us cause she said she can't keep up with everyone and I am missing Tazzy greatly.  We need some humour in our lives ladies so it's time we had a few laughs again.

    Thinking of you all with all your side effects but us oldies on here (no offence ladies, only meant to the thread lol) can tell you that you will get through this.  Hard to imagine I know but you will come out the other side.  

    Catch you all later. Big hugs. Annie  


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2013


  • Loafer
    Loafer Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2013

    Hello ladies ~

    Agree with all comments regarding hydration. This is critical for your well being. I drink 5 water bottles during my chemo infusion alone. I did use cold cap treatment so I was there 8 hours. DH insists I will die from over hydration. Not likely!

    With regards to weight, I gained 10 pounds during chemo treatment and I never took the steroids provided by pill. Just steroids during pre-chemo IV. Of course the stress of cancer caused me to lose 7 pounds initially, so I netted +3. I never had problems with nausea so eating has not been a problem.

    For those who have had a lumpectomy, do you experience any lumping or cording near lymph nodes? My breast has all kinds of things going on which I'm not sure are all normal. I have strange lumps, indentions, cording, fluid, slight pain - ugh! My breast surgeon said I was good til May, should I mention to Onc? Finished last chemo on Friday so moving to Rads next month.

    Good luck to you all!!

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back Annie!

    Off to chemo

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    lauren - bring it on and get it over with - great attitude, well done.

    michelle - welcome and yes its terrifying and then somehow you adjust and start to accept whats happening, we are here for you.

    hope- thx and luvs to u.

    loafer - i had full mastectomy and had lots of cording and bits n pieces happening where the nodes were removed.  through loads of exercise and stretching the arm through the pain barrier it has sorted itself out.

    and anyone else reading and a bit scared to join in, dont be, we were all there once and now we chat away and learn from each other.


  • Mrsrenicka709
    Mrsrenicka709 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013

    Hello Ladies, I had an Lumpectomy and have one more treatment of chemo before I start Rad. I considered a Masectomy after i learned that i was TN, I took the BRCA testing and my results came back negative so should I still consider a Masectomy ? My MO said there is no need since my concern of reoccurrence will be somewhere other than the breast.....does this sound similar? Please advise

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited January 2013

    Welcome Back Cocker...missed you! 

  • kidsandlabs
    kidsandlabs Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2013

    Last chemo treatment is under way!

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited January 2013

    Mrsren - yes, sounds familiar and makes medical sense. TN is more likely than ER+ cancers to recur in distant locations - and that's the real concern (no one dies of cancer in the breast as my onc says). That said, most TNs do not recur at all.

    Each of us makes decisions -- based on medical, emotional or other considerations -- and they can be different, obviously. We just need to feel comfortable with whatever we decide. Hope that helps. 

  • Loafer
    Loafer Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2013

    Mrsrenicka7 - I have your exact same scenario. Triple negative, lumpectomy, with negative BRCA results and have just finished chemo. I plan to move onto radiation and am very comfortable with this decision. Good luck to you!!

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited January 2013

    Kidsandlabs - congrats on finishing chemo.

    Mrsrenicka - many of us had lumpectomies.(And feel fine about doing that) It is common with TNs.

  • kathyrnn
    kathyrnn Member Posts: 366
    edited January 2013

    LuvRv - thrilled to hear you're heading off for vacation.

    OBXK- waste no sympathy on "what next" for me, you're living thru much worse than my piddling problems. Glad to hear the goods results. Hug!

    Mags - thanks for the update and glad to hear your good results too.

    Cocker - big smooch! I've missed your humor in my life. Don't worry to much about your port, sounds like it's blocked and has outlived it's use. **does happy dance that you're getting rid of it**

  • Mrsrenicka709
    Mrsrenicka709 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013

    Thank you Ladies, I felt comfortable initially once I received my negative BRCA result but of course I have a loving family member that knows somebody that knows somebody that didn't get a Mastectomy and so on and so but she is standing firm with the advice to just get rid of them! Trust me I will be the first to say if the have to go I am willing to but why now looking at the big picture? Some people do not understand and don't do the research but some how become experts! Uggggh! Once again thank you!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2013

    Cocker: I know I have been MIA - still reading the posts though and posting on a couple of other threads.   Did you have a good holiday.

    first day back at work for me today - only did 4 and a bit hours and boy is my brain frazzled.... but did it feel good to be part of something other than fbc. Lots of hugs and welcome back's which made me feel special indeed.

    Although sad, that is a wonderful story about the doves and butterfly.  So glad your friend is finally at peace.  I don’t have kids but knowing my Mum’s love for me, I cant even imagine what it must be to lose one.

    Welcome to all the new ladies here – you really will not find a more comforting place.   You can release whatever emotion you are feeling and will not be judged.

    Like I said I have been lurking and reading only, so want to send hugs and positive mojo out to everyone.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2013

    Cocker: I know I have been MIA - still reading the posts though and posting on a couple of other threads.   Did you have a good holiday.

    first day back at work for me today - only did 4 and a bit hours and boy is my brain frazzled.... but did it feel good to be part of something other than fbc. Lots of hugs and welcome back's which made me feel special indeed.

    Although sad, that is a wonderful story about the doves and butterfly.  So glad your friend is finally at peace.  I don’t have kids but knowing my Mum’s love for me, I cant even imagine what it must be to lose one.

    Welcome to all the new ladies here – you really will not find a more comforting place.   You can release whatever emotion you are feeling and will not be judged.

    Like I said I have been lurking and reading only, so want to send hugs and positive mojo out to everyone.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited January 2013

    Hi Tazzy...and so happy you were able to return to steps.  Glad to see you back


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2013
  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2013

    Annie..Good to hear from you! So sorry about your friend but glad she is with her kids. Beautiful story about the doves and butterfly. Gave me goose bumps!

  • bexH
    bexH Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2013

    Hey all!  I don't think I managed to post on here for my TNS that I'm officially in remission with 9 rads to go! 

    Welcome to all the newbies!  We are glad you are here but wish you didn't have to be here either!  you know what I mean!  Chemo brain is still alive and well....but, getting somewhat better.

    I haven't been able to deal with logging on here's too much sometimes.  I'll feel okay and then I read abt you and it reawakens my fears and anxiety.  I'm seeing my counselor still and it helps a lot.  Sometimes being in denial can be a good thing Undecided.  I seem to be handling things worse not better....I guess I'm not normal (never was).

    Minxie...I hope you are doing okay.  I've really been worried for you.  I just didn't have the strength to be here for you and I'm sorry.  We all worry that those who are here for us will walk out on us at some point because it's just too much.  I know God has a plan for each of us and I should've said that to you earlier.  Overwhelmed and trying to be hopeful for each of us.

