Calling all TNs



  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Posts: 409
    edited July 2014

    All sorts of good news from you ladies today...Love it! 

    Regarding weight - diet will only get you so far, exercise will get you the rest of the way.  I hate exercising (I mean I really hate it, don't enjoy anything about it - I don't get those endorphins) and have just started again this week.  I'm only doing 15 minutes or 20 before work, that's really all I can commit. I agree with Radical - genetics are a contributor.

  • LPBoston
    LPBoston Posts: 73
    edited July 2014

    Great Job Mags!!! That is Awesome News!!

    Great news Meadow - Keep on healing!!!!

    Going in for the breast MRI tomorrow - taking drugs and going into a different machine - feet first!!  Hopefully this will be all good when done!  Vacation next week and want to leave with good news.

  • navymom
    navymom Posts: 842
    edited July 2014

    Yay Mags!  Yay Meadow!

    Good luck tomorrow, LPBoston.  

    Where are you Cocker?  Titan?

  • MomMom
    MomMom Posts: 334
    edited July 2014

    So happy for you Mags!!!  You too Meadow!!

    Yes, good luck Boston!!!

  • meadow
    meadow Posts: 998
    edited July 2014

    Thank you all so much

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2014

    ROCK 103's photo.

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Posts: 409
    edited July 2014

    Good luck today, LPBoston.You can do this! 

  • slv58
    slv58 Posts: 486
    edited July 2014

    Meadow fabulous news, so very happy for you!

    LPBoston, good luck today, keep thinking of that vacation!

    I'm still waiting to hear about my brain MRI. I called Friday and told the nurse navigator I'm really anxious about results and she passed this on to MO, but still haven't heard. Waiting sucks. I'm off to yoga, I just started and am finding it really makes me feel good and is helping me keep sane. 

  • allydp
    allydp Posts: 361
    edited July 2014

    Meadow - sorry I missed your last post. Wonderful news!! 

    Shari - I'm so sorry you're still waiting. I hope you hear something shortly. 

    So it must be MRI season. I've been having headaches and neck pain, so my onc referred me to a neurologist who is ordering a brain MRI. I've had a couple in the past and usually do okay, but I have a condition unrelated to cancer called Spasmodic Torticollis. I have a mild form, but basically my neck muscles spasm and pull my head to the side uncontrollably. It's been flaring up lately, so keeping my head still might be a challenge. I just hope I don't have to repeat the scans a zillion times to get a good image. The most bothersome part for me is really the noise. The last breast MRI I had the tech (and myself) forgot the earplugs! I had to squeeze the ball after the first scan and tell her! 

  • CatWhispurrer
    CatWhispurrer Posts: 193
    edited July 2014

    Mags - wonderful news!

    Shari - I hope you get good news soon.

    Cocker - thanks for asking about me.   I am still getting taxol but getting more side effects, feet are numb, finger tips and nails hurt, and SO much fatigue.    I am going to the cancer center at the University of North Carolina next Wednesday to get a second opinion with a Dr. that researches a lot about TNBC.   Then, my MO and I will discuss a new treatment plan.   My lumps and nodes are staying about the same so I am ready for something that will put it in remission!

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Posts: 148
    edited July 2014

    Boston, in your pocket. I agree think of  your upcoming vacation. 

    Mags,  Fantastic!!! Happy Dance!!

    Meadow, So pleased for you. 

    Shari,  holding good thoughts on results. Waiting SUCKS!!  Glad you joining the yoga group. I get so much from my practice. Definitely helps sanity. Namaste!

    CatWhispurrer, they will find something. Keeping you in prayer.

    Next massage is Thursday & yes I need it. It took over 8 weeks to get this messed up it will take a bit to correct it. 

    Wishing all a good day!!


  • LPBoston
    LPBoston Posts: 73
    edited July 2014

    Well made it through the MRI with flying colors - really not a pleasant experience.  With all the technology you would think they could come up with something a bit easier to deal with.  Anyways now to wait for the results - didn't get a good vibe - they weren't warm and fuzzy when I was done - just very quiet which worries me but I worry about everything.  Next visit Friday morning - GYN - a very little bit of bleeding two months in a row but not since - Nurse practitioner thought it was enough to see the GYN - better safe than sorry - do we ever catch a break?

    Thank you all for the well wishes

    Cocker as someone above mentioned - where are you?  I miss your inspiration and off the wall pictures and quotes - you make me laugh!!!  God knows we all need a laugh around here.

    SLV58 - all is good or they would have called you.  Prayers and happy thoughts for you!!!

    AllyDP - thinking of you for your upcoming MRI

    To everyone else waiting and wondering - keep the strength and stay strong!

  • meadow
    meadow Posts: 998
    edited July 2014

    Ally do you take medication for the ST? has it been flaring because of any side effects from breast cancer? Sorry you are having to deal with this

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Posts: 476
    edited July 2014

    Thinking of all you ladies waiting on results. Hugs and prayers for everyone. 

    CatWhispurrer, if you're talking about Dr. Lisa Carey at UNC, she is supposed to be wonderful. I was treated at UNC by Dr. Muss. He's wonderful also. Nurse navigator's are awesome as well. UNC is wonderful. I can't say enough good thing's about them. Keep us posted. 

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2014

    The choice is yours <img class=" src="" />

    This made me ponder for a while.

    Hello ladies I'm here.

    Last year towards the end of winter I thought I would treat myself to a new pair of boots.  Saw a smashing black patent modern pair in the shop which cost an arm and a leg, but they had my name on them.  It clearly said Annie!!0. So then of course I had to buy a new thick winter coat to go with them.  (Winters in Taupo with the mountains are bloody freezing).     

    Then my little Chloe (Dog) hurt her leg and the vet said she had to have an operation, just a cool thousand dollars he said.  The old feller said it's cheaper to put her down and buy another one !! well of course I couldn't do that so in she went to hospital.  Then had to buy an expensive cage to put her in as she wouldn't be able to run around at first.  One evening I was sitting by the roaring fire and I thought I'll give her a little break from the cage so got her out and gave her a nice brush then she wanted off my lap.  I was so busy watching TV and didn't notice what she was doing until I noticed an odd sound. When I looked down she had bitten the frigging heel of my new boots and made a bloody big hole in them.  I tell you if she hadn't have been an invalid I would have wacked her bloody arse.  So I went up to bed thinking it would have been cheaper..................... But just in case anyone wants a dog I know where one is going cheap.  The vet shaved her little leg so much it looks like a chicken leg. My daughter said there's more meat on a drumstick then her.  

    Anyway ladies enough of my problems because you've got your own. 

    Great news Mags, just brilliant. Onwards and upwards now.  Plus you could go out and buy some new boots to treat yourself after all you deserve them.  

    BAK big ladies, little ladies, you are what you are and its attitude that counts.  I'm quite small but I have many (Larger for the want of another word) friends.  They are at peace with their size and have a marvellous outlook on life.  I love them so much for their humour, generosity towards others, and their gentleness.  Personally I don't think diet's last in the long run because the minute you stop,  back on goes the weight.  I think toning is more beneficial and you can get that with swimming which is an all over exercise or when you go out on your bike.  BUT I do know this,  I would love you if I met you regardless of size.  Anybody who loves animals like you do is a beautiful person inside and out and size has nothing to do with it.

    Cat I am so sorry you are going through all those side effects.  I can understand how you feel my ring finger and my little finger on the left hand are still numb.  It's so hard to type at times that I keep putting a z instead of an a which is a pain.  Still got my left weepy eye, my bunged up nose and my left arm lymphoedema from taxol.   I guess it's with me for life now. Sending big hugs  and hoping you get relief soon.

    All those waiting for test results, MRI's etc my heart goes out to you.  The tests are so awful and waiting for results is more anxiety  than a person should have to bear. 

    Love to you all with big hugs.  



  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2014

    Bugger that picture was there when I wrote my post.

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2014


    The choice is yours <img class=" src="" />

    See if this one works

  • allydp
    allydp Posts: 361
    edited July 2014

    Meadow, I'm shocked someone here knows what ST is! Most people, and even health professionals, have never heard of it. I hope you don't suffer as well? I was diagnosed in my early 20's and took Klonopin for it for years. I hated that pill and eventually went off and now do botox as needed. It's always been pretty mild for me, but something with the chemo has definite flared it. And now, what's weird, is it's only when I lay down. The second I lay down, my head turns to the side, so sleep has been extremely difficult. I'm praying once this chemo gets out of my body I get some relief. My last chemo is actually today!!!

  • simplelife4real
    simplelife4real Posts: 341
    edited July 2014

    LPBoston....thinking of you as you wait for your test results.  I also really notice how the techs respond after a test is finished.  Keeping my fingers crossed that they are just not "warm fuzzy" people and it had nothing to do with your results.  ((hugs)) Kay

  • slv58
    slv58 Posts: 486
    edited July 2014

    Allydp, congrats on last chemo!! Hope you ring that bell really loud and go celebrate your fabulous accomplishment!

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Posts: 476
    edited July 2014

    LP,  I had a neck ultrasound about a month ago and the tech asked if I was supposed to see my Onc for results and she looked concerned but they found absolutely nothing. Don't put the cart before the horse. Keeping you in thought. Hang in there!

  • meadow
    meadow Posts: 998
    edited July 2014

    Allydp great day for last chemo!I am constantly amazed at you girl.. You are something special and are quite something to know in life outside this forum I am sure.God has given you strength beyound measure. I do not suffer from ST, I have a family member who does. And I just remember stuff! ha! I saw on another thread as I was cruising around that you are cyber friends with Jules_NY, we are too from an IBC thread. Tell her Meadow says hello!

  • CatWhispurrer
    CatWhispurrer Posts: 193
    edited July 2014

    Luvmydobies - Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. Lisa Carey at UNC next Wednesday.    I am so happy you said that they are wonderful because it has been very tough getting an appointment.   They weren't calling me back, lost my records, etc.     I was starting to doubt their facility.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2014

    I do not come on here often, but just wanted to let you all know - it has been over 9 years, I am still alive and kicking. And so far (knock wood) no recurrence. I have lymphedema, but I deal with it and refuse to let it run my life. I just wanted to post because we all need hope, and people gave it to me when I was first diagnosed. Hang in there ladies. Peace and love - Nordy

  • meadow
    meadow Posts: 998
    edited July 2014

    Nordy thank you so much! And so happy for you

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Posts: 476
    edited July 2014

    Cat, I had a little trouble in the very beginning too, such as getting an appointment. They took awhile to call me so my surgeon who was in Raleigh had to call and get their attention. That was the registration department's fault though, NOT the doctor's. They are wonderful and they make me feel like I'm the only patient they have. It is like a big family. Once you get there, I think you'll be happy. Keep us posted. 

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited July 2014

    Nordy your post was very welcome. 9 years that is awesome.  I hope cancer never touches your life again.  Keep on living girl and come back when you are 15 years out to give us more hope. 

  • placid44
    placid44 Posts: 179
    edited July 2014


    Yes, I have seen Dr. Lisa Carey all over the place (internet) talking about TNBC. She seems to be one of the top specialists in the country.  Best wishes for your appt.

  • Stupidboob
    Stupidboob Posts: 330
    edited July 2014

    lilyrose I still have my port and I was so glad that I kept it because my cancer returned 2 years later and I would have had to have it put back in.   I have pushed my flushes to 10 weeks.   They don't like it but I have done it and I usually always wait at least 8 weeks.

  • Stupidboob
    Stupidboob Posts: 330
    edited July 2014

    LPBoston I had a breast MRI 3 years ago and I told them I can not do it again.   I now get the 3D mammograms.  It is the next best thing, so I am told.  


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