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Calling all TNs



  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Gillyone- Actually, my cancer had no response to any of the chemo (AC & Taxol) I did and actually continued to grow throughout. But luckily it has worked for many TNBC's. You are right it's ridiculous reflecting back. Although I am hoping this so called "Standard Of Care" will soon change and a new standard protocol will include testing the biopsy to see what will work. Here's hoping carboplatinin and/or anything else new out there will touch what I have. Still thinking positive though so glad to have my surgery done. Thank-you.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2010

    Hi Titan- My dog thinks cats are for eating. I love to see other peoples cats and even pet them. I use to have cats and I did love them. You have their diverse personalities to a tee.

    Congrats on your crunches and Wow! 2 miles thats fabulous. You give me incentive. I think that is great. I look forward to healing a little more and starting to do the same. I use to work out regularly and it kind of got put on hold this summer. I think that is why it feels so great to be back working again. Well, not like I was, but hopefully soon will be. Have a great evening.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited October 2010
    LauraJane - my onc told me about a fairly new drug for TN called Ixempra. He told me of a study where a women had one very large tumor and several smaller ones and after taking the Ixempra (don;t know how many doses), the tumors were completely gone. He said the major drawback to it is that is can pose a higher risk of long term nueropathy vs. a taxane drug. He did not recommend this for me as I had  Bmx prior to surgery and everything was removed with clear margins. Best wishes to you!!
  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited August 2013

    Monika:  Hope you are continuing to heal without too much pain.  Wonder if you are at home now?

    The best thing that happened to me today is that I took a shower! I had to have a little help. LOL

    Laurajane:  I hope your dream is a premonition and that your scan is indeed negative.  I have been having vivid dreams also.  Also I have my days and nights mixed up. About the A in the AC, I have heard it can be hard on the heart but my onc said the amount I had was low and did not pose much risk.  I hope that is the case.  I think we TN/s need to be tested before to see what kind of chemo works best for us, you are right about that.   

    Titan that is inspiring to hear about how you have been running and working out.  I hope I can get back into shape pretty quickly.  Good night everyone.  LJ, hope you have a good day tomorrow.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Ugh... time for the repeat liver and lung scans. (I've got a call into my onc, since it is/was my GP who brought them up, and the radiologist who recommended them). How did 6 months go by so quickly? I hate this sh*t, but I'm afraid to not get them done.

    Stupid f*cking cancer. You just can't jump off the roller-coaster. Even a Rumrunner and chocolate doesn't help. Now *that's* just wrong.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2010


    The scanxiety is always the worst part and I hate you have to go through it, but you won't be alone - we ALL will be right there with you, promise!  My onc does no scans unless I have symptoms or I personally request it.  I'm sure my time will come, until then, keeping my head in the sand!!!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane:  Always the sunny and optimistic one!  I really just love your energy. Wasn't the vide of the cats hysterical??? Crazy animals!   I hope, too, that your dream is a premonition and the cancer hasn't progressed anywhere else. 

    Best thing I did today was go for a 5 mile walk through my neighborhood.  Stopped at the Korean market and bought fresh shrimp and mussels for Paella and it only cost $2 for both.  Love my neighborhood.  the Paella tasted just okay but it was fun making it.

    Sugar & Swanny:  Look  at you two getting taken out to a nice lunch! Yumm! I have this thread and have it marked as a favorite!

    Titan:  I hear ya on the weight only in the middle.  My problem is I am skinny everywhere else.  At least now I have foobs that stick out further then anywhere else.

    hffheidi:  We are all here for you!  I was just telling my DH that I am do for an MRI or something!  My year anniversary was a month ago and I have been so scared lately.  Maybe I just have PTSD.

  • Kelley41
    Kelley41 Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2010

    Just wanted to stop in and share....I finished chemo June 16th and have been wearing a wig.  Over the weekend my 10 year old daughter wanted to know why I take the time to put a wig on when "it doesnt matter whats on the outside, it only matters whats on the inside"  She made me so proud that I wanted to cry....I have not worn my wig since!  Have a great day everyone....

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    I had "abnormal" scans for liver and lung. Radiologist was not too concerned, but still recommended repeat.

    Unfortunately, "normally abnormal" still = STRESS.

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010
    Good morning ladies, I am home now. I am doing ok. Smile
  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010

    Monika:  Glad to hear you're home!!  Rest, take your meds, and heal!

    Kelley:  You're daughter is wise beyond her years, and completely right.  

    I'm curious, since I'll probably have to have chemo (4 rounds of TC)... How long does it take before new hair growth appears?  I've read some posts, and I know it varies.  That's the one thing (outwardly) I hate, because you can't hide the fact you have cancer to anyone.  

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2010

    Good Morning Everyone!!!!

    My dream came true! My sweet friend Doc Bill called me and woke me up with the most wonderful news just like in the dream I had the other night. He was shocked, amazed and extremely happy to give me the great news that my pet scan was "Clean as a whistle!". I can't wait to tell my surgeon today when I go for a check-up. I believe it has a lot to do with all of the positive thoughts, prayers and well wishes from all of my wonderful friends on this board. You guys are the first ones to share my good news with. Ohhh! What a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! I've got this wonderful feeling everythings going my wayyyy! Yup! I'm singing this song out loud. I hope everyone has a great day.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2010

    cc4npg - I did TC and can also send you some tips if you do end up doing that regimen.  I finished in February and stopped wearing my wig in May.  It was short but nobody looked at me strange.  There is a good thread I followed during treatment called "Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?" The threat is still very active and everyone who posts there is getting the exact same regimen. I had also suggested this thread to TifJ and Blindsided.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    Good morning ladies, hope everyone's having a good day.

    LJ: Glad you're feeling so well and hope the seroma disappears soon. Take it easy and your fluid output should diminish too.  Fingers crossed on your PET.

    Titan: Agree, the risks of A to heart are slender, compared with the risk of recurrence for some tumours. Just wondering, did you have MUGA scans before and after AC? My score was 57 and that's exactly where I was at the end too. Your fitness efforts are bound to pay off too. 

    Heidi:  Sorry you're feeling such anxiety.  Perfectly understandable. I'm sure you'll get through it, and get good news soon though. Hang in there (sounds lame I know, what else can we do?)!

    Kelly41, your daughter sounds like an absolute gem.  You must be very proud.  

    Sugar:  I know what you mean about diving in and doing all the things you might have put off before.  I signed up for weekly lectures at U of T, am going to start learning Spanish in the winter, and finally volunteer with a literacy program at my local library!  Also some trips planned.   

    monikav:  Glad you're doing okay, rest up and keep us posted.

    MBJ: Your paella sounds so good!  Best thing I did yesterday was take my sister out for her birthday to our neighbourhood pub.  She is 2 1/2 years out from her diagnosis.  We are truly sistah survivors!

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane, That is the BEST news! I've been thinking about you all morning and I'm so happy for you.

    Heidi, Let us here your results, and I'm keeping fingers crossed that all is fine. Usually the radiologists know. Its like the world just thinks we need a little more stress...

    Last night I made my debut without wig. All dressed up, with dangling earring and highest heels, and white/grey hair 1/2 inch long. I've never been good at fixing hair and I'm just sick of the wig. I felt as vulnerable as a baby chicken.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    LJ:  That is wonderful news!  I'm very happy for you, too.  I am too computer unskilled to post a happy dance, but I am doing one for you.  Actually, I will go outside and walk (despite the cold; there's snow on the mountains now), and think of you and my other sisters.

    It was hard to think of a "best thing" yesterday, as things kept going downhill all day, but I'm off for my 6 mos post-chemo check today and expect only good news.

    I liked my really-short, white/grey hair days.  I thought I looked chic.  But this in-between, growing it out curly stuff goes everywhere.  I've tried a straightening product, but I'm too impatient to blow-dry pulling each strand up inch by inch.  I didn't wear my wig for long; thought scarves were much more comfortable.

    I did TC, too, 4 rounds.

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010
    Laurajane:  What fantastic, miraculous news!  I am so happy for you!  It is a beautiful morning... no matter what weather.  I hope your doctors now realize they don't hold the keys to telling anyone how long they have left.  That's just not up to them.  And I'm glad it's blatantly evident now!
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    (((((((Laurajane)))))):  I knew it in my heart when you told us about your dream that you were going to be okay!  Such very good news!  I cannot tell you how truly happy this makes me! YES!!!!

    hhfheidi:  I cannot tell you how many times I have had an irregular test that upon a second test was fine and I am hoping the same for you!  We will all be sending you good thoughts  that it's nothing to be concerned about.  Hang in there and let us know what happens. Hugs!!!

    mittymuffin:  I remember my first day wigless, and I felt so exposed but also it was very liberating!  I had about a month where I had really cool, short, white hair, but I am glad that I am now looking a bit more like my real self.

    Kelley:  Out of the mouths of babes!  You taught your daughter well and you should be proud of her. 

    MonikaV:  Glad to hear you are home!  Rest and heal up and you will be up and about in no time!  Gentle hugs.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane:  There's a bright golden haze on the meadow .  . . haha I am so happy your dream came true and I love the song you chose to celebrate with.  Now I will be singing it all day.  It is a very bright sunny day here.

    Monika:  Glad you are home and can rest in your own bed. 

    Mitymuffin:  I bet you looked wonderful with earrings, high heels and no wig.  I too am getting tired of the wig.  I am really liking how my hair is looking also,

    Hheidi:  I am hoping you get good results soon.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    Laura jane:  That is fantastic news - I am so happy for you!  Nothing like proving those silly doctors wrong!!  

  • Blindsided
    Blindsided Member Posts: 28
    edited October 2010

    Just got back from the gym, my Onc told me that weight loss and regular vigorous exercise are important to prevent recurrance, so I have been working on both of these goals fanatically!  I've heard that many people put on weight duirng chemo- have any of you experienced that?

    Tifj: I hope that your treatment went well today and that the SE's are staying far, far away!

    Sugar77:  Thanks again for all the helpful hints!

     laurajane: thank you for the words of encouragement, but more importantly, CONGRATULATIONS on your PET scan results!  What wonderful news!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Yay for L.J.!!!!  Wishing Heidi GREAT scan results!!

    To everyone, enjoy each day to the fullest!! I have been soooooo emotional lately, can't wait for this month to END!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Hi guys- I'm still in limbo land waiting to hear from my medical oncologist.

    I'm not really freaking out. I think it's more just the nasty inconvenience/reminder of how you are never truly confidant you will (or have) beat(en) the  beast. So, no firm date for the CTs (six months if NOW for the liver, but March 2011 for the lungs). Trying to decide if I should do liver now and lungs later or both together (and condense the time-frame).

    LJ- life is good! So happy for you.

    Off for a night owl walk at the nature center now.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited October 2010

    Blindsided- treatment was easy and I had no immediate reaction to the TC. My vision is blurry, due to the steroids (they make the lenses on your eyes thicker) The nurse told me days 3-5 are usually bad days- I hope she is wrong and there will be no bad days (of course there will be, but I'm trying hard to be positive). Thanks for thinking of me!! Have a good evening!!

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited October 2010

    LJ - so glad to hear the news - I'm doing the happy dance..............

    Monika - glad to hear you're home and doing well

    hheidi - (((hugs))) while you wait in limbo land

    Sugar - I am in New Orleans and if you're interested in information, hotel recommendations, where to go or not to go, restaurants, need help or want to meet for lunch send me a PM. 

    I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great day.

    Hhfhiedi- I'm sorry you or any of us have to wait for results. Ugg! I'm sending beyond positive thoughts your way and look forward to you singing as loudly as me when you hear the good news. I love the sound of owls. I hope you had a great walk. Is it cold there?

    MBJ- Thank-you, thank-you, for the hugs. By the way "You look fabulous, darling" 

    cc4npg- Thank-you also. I can hear you singing. You are right we kind of all make up our own minds as to what the weather is. Glad you had a glorious day.

    Mitymuffin -Thank-you too. I think it is inspritional to go without your wig. My hair is also growing but I haven't quite found the balls to go commando. Just might though! You are so beautiful in your photo as I am sure you are radiating that beauty with or without your wig.

    Retrievermom- Thank-you too! How fun to see snow. I typically spend a lot of time in Park City, Utah during the winter and I heard they now have snow too. I started ski lessons a couple of years ago and finally got off the bunny hill last year. I always go out there for the Sundance Film Festival. Are you far from there? 

    Teka- You are right about Bill being a good luck charm, but even he was in a state of happy shock this morning as was my surgeon when I saw him too. I have to keep my drain in another week but who cares? Not me. My surgeon told me to stay as active as I can and I have. Funny his nurse said if I slow down a little I could reduce the drainage and have it removed sooner. Ha! For me I'd rather stay active it keeps me sane. Well almost. LOL 

    Lynn- I can hear you singing! How are you feeling? I can feel your sunshine I hope that means you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.

    Luah-  You're right. I believe you were one of the first to tell me not to listen to a so called prognosis.  Well I can't cry over wasted tears when I am so happy now.

    Blindsided- Thank-you. I lost too much weight on AC but quickly gained it back on Taxol. I was told a lot of it was water. I haven't had any chemo in almost 4 weeks and it has kind of stabalized for me.  Congrats on the gym. I can't wait to get back to it. I'm going to wait until my last drain is removed unless all of you gals think I could start now? 

    Fmakj- Thank-you. Emotional is good! As these gals know I am an emotional rollercoaster. I just try and keep the up side a lot heavier. My motto: Life is good but we can make it great! 

    Sugar- Thanks for the positive thoughts.

    Swanny- I think your filet sounds marvelous. Glad you had a great time at lunch;

    I guess you all know the best thing that happened to me today. I did have a great time with my son and he even went to the wholesale plant nursery to help me purchase plants for the job we are starting, it is nothing he like to do. So it was really special to me that he wanted to spend the day with me doing what he likes least. We had a nice lunch too. You should see the smile on his face and in his eyes after I got the news. Thanks again to everyone. Have a great evening. I'm looking forward to a busy day tomorrow with an even bigger smile on my face. 

    Wow! A long one! 

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010
    Laurajane:  You go girl!
  • Cleb
    Cleb Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2010

    Hey Kad22,

    Apparently you're not 55 yet.  Sorry about the lashes and brows.  I just had to bump my 3rd round of A/C due to unidentified infection.  But I couldn't help but think (with tweezers in hand) LOL, I may have a bald head right now, but those doggone chin things will haunt you, I think they are chemo proof.  I should be thankful I only have 2.  I made my mom and sisters promise me if I becomeincapacitated or hospitalized, they will do tweezer duty.  I hope your lashes return soon.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2010

    LauraJane - what great news....sure is time to do some celebrating!!

    Jenn3 - I will send you a PM...that would be really nice to meet up for lunch.  I have lots of questions about New Orleans.

    Kelley - I love the story about what your daughter said. It's so true and sometimes the younger ones have so much clarity when it comes to things like this.

    Heidi - sorry to hear about your tests.

    Fmakj - I like your photo. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2010

    Hey Everyone!   Heidi..I really don't think you have anything to worry about!  Dang those scans some of the others I don't have to have one unless symptoms present..and so far so good...My onc. said that the anxiety would be too much for ME..they know me's better to keep Titan quiet than Titan freaking out!  Yes I could have one if I wanted..but I don't..I honestly don't think I could handle the anxiety anymore..I just couldn't do it. They said that scans pick up EVERYTHING...and that people have all kind of weird things inside them that are nothing at all...I'm sure that will be the situation with you..I just know it

     Laura Jane..when I read your post today I sang along with you....I've always loved that song!  great great the your doctor friend single?  I think he likes YOU!  I'm still a little ticked off at your other you that experation date!  If I wasn't a lady I think I would tell them off!

    Swanny..that filet sounds've got to treat yourself now and red meat is good for your red blood cells..nothing wrong with that! 

    Have a great weekend everyone..we are picking up my DS at college tomorrow..haven't seen him for 6 weeks..I'm excited... I'm sure he will be hungry and have lots of dirty clothes...

    I see my onc and BS one week from today...I'm OK with it..used to be..I would start freaking out about 4 weeks I really haven't started freaking out least too much...

    Can I tell you guys something?  I still haven't seen my final path report...I'm trying to get the guts to ask for it next week...I was just waiting until I was far enough out to be able to read it...hmm..maybe I will wait another 3 months..I just don't know if I'm ready for this.