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Calling all TNs



  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited November 2010

    PinkPee:  I have to say, I cannot imagine being stage 4 and doing only holistic means--TN is so aggressive.  Best of luck to her.  I also do the alternative stuff with regular treatments.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2010

    Hi all. Should of listened to you. I guess my BS thinks I have an infection. Drain juice turned from semi-clear to yellow and now stinky brownish and milky.I've been prescribed antibiotics. Did anyone else have this happen? I still have my drain and probably will for another week. Still have about 40ml a day. My BS told me to stay active. I see him again on Thursday.

    Lynn- How are you both doing. I'd recommend you take it a little easier than I have like all of these women on here told me. That's funny about your Holloween costume. I bought tons of candy and only had about 12 trick-or-treaters. I need to staaaaaaaaaaaaay away from it. Ha!

    MBJ- You are right it is so hard to remember not to lift. It's amazing how we are used to lifting and than that pain shoots as a reminder. Thanks for the info I haven't had a chance to really look at it.  Are you back doing your interior design work?

    Claire- Found a shop today. I still can't wear one yet but thanks for the idea. She was real nice and man it felt so real when she showed me the fake ones. Wish they could just implant them now. LOL.

    Heidi- I just love you!! Kisses and hugs!

    PinkPee- I'm sorry you are going through all of this also. Loved your blog and hope you'll consider writing a book. You put into words what so many of us TNs deal with in a unique way. I am sending beyond positive thoughts and well wishes. I love this site too! These wonderful women on here help me in so many ways.

    The best thing that happened to me today is that this landscape job we started looks "Fabulous". It is for the President of IU and his wife.  We should be done on Friday. Let me recomment it is looking "BEYOND FABULOUS'. Lovin' the work.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2010

    CCnp4g- Good evening. Hope you are doing well. I've never heard of this.

    Monika- Sounds like you're feeling good. Glad to hear it. I wish I could have saved my nipple. BS wouldn't hear of it when I asked he explained why but I was all drugged up by that point. Oh well. I'm trying to not visit the past too much at this point.

    Titan and MBJ you both are an inspiration. By the way, thank-you, thank-you thank-you Titan for starting this post.

    Hey Sugar- Hope you're having a fabulous day.

    Ladies-  Whats the best thing that happened to you today? 

  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2010

    Hi All - It has been a while since I have been on here!

    Congrats to LJ!!

    Welcome to Pink Pee!!

    Went to the Breast Cancer Retreat through Breast Cancer Recovery - Infinite Boundaries. Held here in Wisconsin. It was wonderful. I met 11 other women who had some type of Breast cancer, we talked, cried, and laughed. We did yoga, water aerobics and many, many other wonderful exeriences! I loved it. Wish everyone could go. Although, they didn't allow you to use cell phones or computers! So that is why I am just getting on now.

    My eyelashes are finally coming in - same with the eyebrows - just wish they would be faster, same with my hair too! O-well at least I am finished with Chemo! Yeah!


  • Blindsided
    Blindsided Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2010

    Had my first chemo today and so far I'm feeling great!  The first person I met this am was a chatty pleasant woman around my age who is also triple negative, and there to get her third TC treatment.  She was very helpful in explaining the routine to me!

    But here is the problem: I had my lumpectomy 9/2/10, with a sentinel node biopsy.  The breast incision was fine, although I had to have a revision 3 weeks later to achieve a larger clear margin on one side.  that went ok too.  The sentinel node biopsy wound has been a real problem though.  Post OP I had a lump about the size of a grapefruit, which was very uncomfortable.  A week later, the incision opened up, and started bleeding!  Its now been nearly 9 weeks, and the darn thing is still draining!!  At least the swelling has gone down a lot.  The radiologist and the oncologist are very concerned about this, but the surgeon is incredibly nonchalant, says it will eventually heal and doesn't even want to follow up on it!   They delayed the start of my chemo by 3 weeks, and only very reluctantly agreed to start it today.  Apparantly this wound is very depp, and the oncologist describes it as large, but o ne the hole only looks about 3/8th of an inch long on the surface.(High risk of infection and potential for lymphedema)  lately the drainage has been pink with some mucus in it, and occasionally a pretty big chunk of old clotted blood comes out.  They definately can't start radiation with it like this, but that would not start until the end of January 2011 so I guess I still have time.

    I plan to call the surgeon tomorrow and demand that she do something!

    My question is, has anyone else had this problem?  How did you or they deal with it?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2010


    Yes, I had that problem and it turned out to be a doozy that I wouldn't want to see anyone go through.  I had a very large lumpectomy.  Went from middle of the right side of my right breast up to and around the nipple and back down and through the middle of left side of breast to sternum.  My freaking 1.2 cm nodule was 5 cms below the nipple, hence the "bat wing" surgery.  I healed pretty fast but in that one little corner where it met at my nipple and began to go up and around the nipple, I had a tiny scab left.  All my doctors, BS, oncologist, vascular specialist that put in the port, all said I was fine to start my AC.  Well I did and the second night after the AC infusion, my breast was beet red, extremely painful and hot as hell. I began to run a fever as my blood counts were crashing to below ground and developed febrile neutropenia with cellulitis of the breast.  I was in the hospital for 6 days on IV antibiotics and when released, had to have IV infusions for 6 weeks everyday before work and on weekends.  It was a freaking nightmare.  They delayed my second AC for three weeks, and boy was I frightened even thinking of having it.  All other 7 rounds of chemo after that I had to be on antibiotics two days prior to each infusion, and for 7 days after each infusion - for each of the remaining AC's and the 1 taxol and 3 taxoteres.  It was disgusting.

    Moral of story - listen to them please - three weeks will not change your course, but will make the rest of the journey soooooooo much less painful and easier.

    Wishing you all the best.


  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    Blindsided - glad to hear all went well with today's TC treatment.  Do let me know if you have any questions. I had sentinel node biopsy, too, and still find that area gets tender and my surgery was Oct. 30 of last year. Hard to believe it's been a whole year.

    The best thing I did today was snuggle with my dog before I had to get up for work. It felt kind of cold this morning in the house and I had put fleece sheets on the bed yesterday. My husband let the dog out just before he left early for work and it was frosty outside. When the dog came in the house, he ran upstairs, jumped in bed and curled up in a little ball under the covers. He's a bichon-poodle and was so snuggly.  I didn't want to get up!! 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited November 2010

    The best thing that happened to me today was to get my ugly reconstruction re-done by the best plastic surgeon in the northeast. Yes- I have my TE back in along with a drain, but I'm on my way to looking so much better!

    And as with every surgery I've had, my kitty who doesn't cuddle all that much won't leave my side.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    My DH has been out of town for a week.  Tonight I made one of my favorite dishes (that he doesn't like) just for me.  I got yacking on the phone and burned the garlic, but just started over and had a great meal.  And since my son isn't home, I have leftovers :)

    Laurajane:  My older sister went to IU.  I well remember the woodsy areas around campus.  Bet it's pretty in the fall.

    My puppy's been sleeping with me.  For such an active girl, she is quite still at night and a good foot warmer.

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited November 2010

    The best thing that happened to me today was something that's been a regular thing since my mastectomy. My cat, Imp (all 17 lbs of him) has turned into a snuggler. I get in bed, smooth out the sheet beside me and he lays right up alongside of me and purrs me to sleep. I've started setting the alarm 15 minutes early because he wants to snuggle me awake, too!

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited November 2010

    MonikaV:  I am glad to hear you are doing well.  I saw my surgeon today and she said everything looks good.  We should be in pretty good shape in time for the holidays, don't you think?

    Laurajane:  I guess the best thing that happened to me was that I got my drains out.  I am happy they are out but I'm a little sore now.  I am sorry you have an infection.  Good that you started antibiotics.  It sounds like you have been working alot, that's great!  Thanks for the advice about taking it easy, I think I will for a few more days.  

    MBJ:  Like you, I didn't have any morphine,  I had a pain pump that delivered some local med into the area.  I think that made recovery quicker for me. 

    Kad22:  The retreat sounds wonderful.  I wish we all could have gone with you.  I am also getting some eyelashes back, I am very happy about that.   

    I am glad so many of you have a four-legged friend to snuggle with.  My eighty pound golden retriever loves to cuddle with me in bed but he is so darn big, lol.

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited November 2010

    Hi guys... thought I'd post the best thing that happened to me today.  I left the cold weather of Ohio and am in warm, sunny California for a few days!  I dislike winter anyway and am looking forward to walking in this gorgeous weather! 

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited November 2010

    good morning everyone! started off the day with a PET scan! Woot! 

    hope everyone has a great day!!


  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited August 2013

    I am *surrounded* by pussies every night! One at my neck (under the covers), one at my side (on top of or under the covers) and one at my feet. The one at my neck loves her "suckie shirt" time (kneading/sucking my pjs and purring), the one at my feet occasionally feels the need to attack them (OK, I'm awake now), and the one by my side just plays dead (*nothing* will make him move or roll over). The dogs, however, get crated at night; in fact, I can't trust them around the cats.

    Today's humor:

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2010

    Hello Everyone.

    Just thought I would check in and let you know I am still Alive and Kicking.  I start my radiation treatments on Monday.  Good news is that I should be done the week before Christmas.  Yeah!  Take care all and enjoy the upcoming holidays with your families.

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2010

    HeidiToo - That one made me laugh.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Nothing to do with BC but it is really funny!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited November 2010

    Heidi - that's hilarious.

    My dog Brandie also gets crated at night.  Looks as though the snuggling yesterday morning was a one-off thing.  He was more interested in sniffing around for Halloween candy in my daughter's bedroom this morning :(

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2010

    Hey Swanny, we are on the same radiation schedule. I will start on Tuesday.

    I'm checking on everyone, and thinking about you all, just not posting because (thank goodness) I don't have much to report.  I'm going without the wig, and exposing my little head to the world. I look like a baby chicken, but greyer.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited November 2010

    baby chicks are beautiful and so are you!

  • kad22
    kad22 Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone!

    MicheleS - wow - why a pet scan, if I can ask?

    So I have a question for everyone who has finished chemo - did anyone else's bones feel like they have arthiritis? My hands hurt so bad all of the time! Other bones hurt too but my hands are the worse and since chemo my hands have swollen and I can not wear any rings?! Just wondering?

    So it is getting cold up here in Wisconsin and the mice are coming in out of the cold!! YUCK! So we have two cats and a dog. The cats love my daughter who is 15 well today they brought her a present to her bedroom upstairs. Waking to screaming because there is a dead mouse with it's head off!! HE-HE Digusting I know but we have a corn field in the back of our house so go figure!! LOL

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2010

    Oh, Heidi - that was a good one!

    MityMuffin - it's not gray - it's "platinum".

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2010


    I'm 11 months out of chemo and some of my bones that never hurt before chemo - still hurt from time to time, especially in yucky weather.  My onc says it's all normal, of course, she politely doesn't add that I am also getting reallllllllllly old!  Since my diagnose, it's probably the only time in my life that I am now loving getting older!!!!!

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2010

    Lynn18: Glad you are doing well. Smile

      It is normal to feel as if I have an elephant seating on my chest ? The TE are bugging me. Does it get easier with time? Please tell me yes! 

    Have a great evening ladies. 


  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2010

    Heidi I love your postings. They make me smile.Smile

    Laurajane: You are right the past is the past , just focus on your bright future ahead. ((((HUGS))))

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited November 2010

    Kad......aching joints, bones yep, all "normal"  My  joints ached so bad and were so very stiff that my Onc sent me for a rheumatoid arthritis/Lupus work up.  Thankful that it all came back negative.  But my feet and hands did hurt.  And  if I were to sit in one place for anything longer than just a few minutes I had an awful time getting up and moving.  I really looked and felt terribly elderly.  I am 11 months PFC and things do seem to be getting better.  I am still stiff but not as bad and not as much pain.  Onc said that it takes the body at least 12 months to recover from chemo.  And even then SE can linger.  Good Luck.  Hope you feel better soon

    And hello to everyone else, too!!!


  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited November 2010

    Monika- I have had a TE since 9-15. Still a pain in the butt. Sorry, i know that's not what you want to hear. I can't lay down very well as the TE puts pressure on my ribs-makes them feel like they are fractured. My PS said it was normal and just try to sleep more upright!! Yeah right-I'm a side/stomach sleeper!! I still feel the elephant on my chest feeling-just when I get up in the morning. I've heard we will have to deal with this until exchange time. Between the port on the left and the TE on the right-I am practically sitting up to sleep. If anyone has any other suggestions-we'd be grateful!!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Kad:  My hands hurt, especially first thing in the morning, but warming and rubbing them does help, as does a hot shower.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2010

    Hey everyone!  I have 2 appts. with onc. one with not want to go..but just want to get it over with...

    We have two "pussies" is old, one is young..My little boy hogs our bed but I enjoy having him there...our old girl is getting fat (like her mom!)..and likes to puke in places that are difficult to get to..oh well..gotta love them! is hair..glad you have some..I bet it is beautiful..people say I look really smart and sassy with my short hair and glasses...definitely a change..but I like it!

    Good luck with the rads Mitty and was tons better than chemo for me...go in, get zapped, then you are out of needles...or hanging around the cancer center..that was good! 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    OK, these are just to good to parcel out over several days....