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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I don't think the mammos ever show the full story.  I mean they are great because they find these masses but like mine was 1cm according to the mammo and was 2.5 cms 2 months later when they took it out?  I sadly believe the needle biopsying gets them growing.   As soon as they get in there with that needle and wake it up, all hell breaks loose.  That is my opinion.  I also think the radiation from a mammo will get it going *if* it is there already.  I don't think it will start it. 

    It is hard to say what fueled the growth but them messing with it and then discounting it as a non-cancer event could have "woken" it up.   Bottom line, if cancer is in our bodies it's only mission is to grow.  Don't think it was you or your lifestyle.   Cancer has a life all it's own.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Hot flashes... did someone mention them?  Anyway, I thought I was having a slight reaction to chemo after the 3rd tx... flushed and warm but not drenched.  Then I realized I haven't had a period this month and it might be hot flashes!  I've never had them.  I'm a little dense!  (c:

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I wondered about that too.  I went into the core biopsy without any info, so upset about the 60% chance it was cancer comment from the radiologist.  Didn't even really think that a biopsy would disrupt things and increase a chance for spread.

    Adey - I wasn't having any hot flashes before chemo - now I consider myself hot flash momma.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lisa: that worked, great pics. I have to disagree with Lizzy, you are MUCH prettier than Joy Behar. Are the eyebrows yours? Mine are starting to get thin in spots and my bottom eyelashes are about gone, though I still have a few top lashes. I love the color of lipstick you are wearing, do you know what it was?

    Congrats to those who are finishing/finished chemo this week. My 5th of 6 is Monday. Almost there!

    Diane: I sent you a PM about my experience with FEC, which was mostly good. Rachel, Shelley and seems like one other on this thread did FEC also so maybe they'll weigh in on it also. good luck with it.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Oops, the note to Diane should have gone on another thread. Hard to keep it all straight!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Wherria--Congrats on your last chemo. One more thing down and done!

    I am heading into my last chemo next Wed. My last Taxotere--I won't be sad to be done that horrible drug. Compared to some people, I have had probably medium side effects on Taxotere. There is definitely no nausea, my fingers--although numb at the tips--are fine in the nails. The joint/bone pain is tolerable--I don't take painkillers unless it is really bothering me. However, the fatigue is pretty bad--it really takes about 7-10 days post chemo for me to start feeling less tired. I have really stuck close to home this last chemo as I had that terrible cough before my last chemo and it is still hanging around. Bad enough with two school age children potentially bringing home germs--try to keep myself out of areas with lots of people.

    RE: Flu shots--My Doctor hasn't spoken about the flu shot. I had the flu shot about 8 years ago and had a terrible reaction in my arm where my arm was practically immobile for about 2 weeks--they said I had allergic reaction to one of the binding agents in the shot. I know they change the shot all the time--but I am concerned of another similar reaction. For now--I won't get it but will see after this last chemo. I have my CT simulation for rads on Dec 22nd and start rads on Jan 4th and I have heard that your blood count can also be challenged during rads. I'll wait and see.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: I get the hot flashes.   They confirmed yesterday I should be getting them since TAC is designed to stop our cycles...nice treat!   Also, I am ambivalent on reporting so far I feel a little better on E than A!   Of course, Friday through Tuesday tells the real story.  We shall see but so far seems I am feeling a bit better.

    Rachel: Done next Weds?!  That is great.   Time is flying.   I, too, don't venture out much.   Even my GP, who I love and miss dearly, has advised me to not drop by during his afternoon open office hours because of the amount of large numbers of sick people.  I know you are going straight into rads which I think is good.   I have to go to my PS in between to replace a failing expander, get my fills which I never got post bmx b/c of an infection, then another surgery with the final implants and then rads.   After rads one more surgery with the plastic so my entire journey should come to completion (hopefully) around July/August or roughly 1.5 years since it all started on St. Pats.  Do you know if they are doing your chest wall or just your nodes when you start rads?   I am wondering about that.   I really prefer just the node area.  I don't want them doing my chest wall.  We shall see...!

    Off to do more laundry :(

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lizzie--My RO spoke to me again last week about the radiation. I am having 25 radiation plus 5 boosters. My radiation will be on my right breast and will also cover my axilla area. That seems to be the most "controversial" decision as I only had 1 node positive---there are no studies to indicate that radiating the axilla area/node area will improve my recurrance rates. However, he did say that there are some new studies out of Europe that do indicate that the younger the person is when starting rads (below 40) there is some evidence showing that radiating the node area can improve your recurrance by 1 to 2%. The challenge is that radiating the node area also increases your chance of lymphedema by 20%! Although the RO so out of those that get it, only about 5% actually have it severe.

    To be honest, on my radiation approval form it indicates right breast with right axillary node area--it doesn't say chest wall. Is that when they radiate the breast? If so, then Yes--I am getting that done. I only had lumpectomy--not mastectomy--therefore radiating breast is a must for me. This whole radiation thing is something new to learn!

     Yep--Next Wed==last chemo. Everyone keeps asking if we are going to celebrate--have a party. Nah, not yet. Once rads are done -- then we'll have a party but like someone else mentioned--celebration will come with time when the checkups show no cancer......

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: chemo is the toughest leg of this journey but I think all of us, in realizing this road is long, find completion somewhat anti-climactic as we venture on to the next chapter.   My celebration is going to be getting back to working out 5 days-45 cardio, stretch, abs and some lifting.  I also bought Zumba and a new Pilates video.   I like aerobics class type of workouts and taught Reebok step some years back.   Zumba looks fun.  I just want my breathing back to par and this bedraggled fatigue to get lost!   BTW, on the chest wall radiation, you will be getting your breast radiated because of your lumpectomy.  I, because of having had a bmx, will be getting my chest wall radiated, I believe.   Can't be sure just yet.   Thanks so much on the lymphedema information with rads.   Perhaps I won't push for it but, then again, with my sentinel node having been in pretty bad shape, I am sure they will want to go there.   The whole radiation thing is new to learn!   A whole new class for us!  

    Ladyinbama and Lisa: Joy Behar just turned 68 and I think not only is she accomplished but she looks damn good for almost 70.  I don't much take to the "pretty" words when it comes to describing women as they are traditionally misused, based on perception, and the long held torch of the divide-and-conquer aesthetic movement.  I did not mean anything bad by it.   The hair and eyes just made me think of Joy. 

    One more load of laundry then nap time then off to Subway!   The one thing that I can deal with on chemo!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I don't mind being compared to Joy Behar - she looks damn good for 68. :-)  The eyebrows in the pics are mine, filled in with a lot of pencil.  Mine are currently really blonde and very thin.  My eyelashesa are also really thin and blonde (except for a couple of normal hairs hanging on for dear life.)

    I had a really bad night last night - the worst one on chemo.  Leave it to me to save the worst for last.  I was shivering all night and really thought I was going to puke, even after having taken the Zofran and Ativan - plus my body felt like it weighed about 300 pounds.  Luckily, I finally fell asleep and feel somewhat better this morning.   My nails REALLY feel like someone took a hammer to them.  I can't do anything with my fingertips without pain.  Plus, my ankles have been swollen since Tuesday.  Wow - Taxotere just really wanted to make sure I got the full treatment this time. Today is day 4, so hopefully, this is the worst and it can only get better from here.

    Re: Hot flashes - Anyone else notice that you never get hot flashes when it is really cold?  Just when I want them, they won't come. 

    OK - Back to Netflix.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I was told my BC started only 4 years ago. I had a fast grower…5.5cm in 4 years is fast.

    lizzymack1 I know all about Stop & Shop, Shaws etc. I'm originally from the Boston area. Ironically my last job I worked on several mailers for Peapod. I remember having to change stuff around when the new Stop & Shop branding / logo came out.

    BTW my arm was just a little sore after the flu shot. No other SE.

  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    Rachel: Last chemo next Wed. for me too. As for celebration, I think Thanksgiving will do the trick. It will be a double thanks for my family and I to be done with the 2 out of the three phases, surgery, chemo[hopefully the most difficult]and rads. To All: For the first time in my life I am grateful for my teeny tiny impossible to find veins. I'm pretty sure they have kept me from the evil nail side effects from Taxotere, cold hands and feet are now not such a bad thing. To all you youngins who are suffering the hot flashes, hang in there. I've been thru the dreaded menopause and opted to take the drugs to aleviate them and maybe now am facing the consequences with a 98% estrogen fed breast cancer. Doc told me time in between stopping the drugs and cancer discovery was over the time frame to declare a link but it's just another probability to consider as to WHY ME.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lago: my mother lived on Narrangassett Bay in RI and I was still living in CT.  I used Peapod to deliver her groceries all the time!  I love the service.  I think it is great.  Small world that you worked on their ads.  Shaw's closed a number of stores in CT recently.   Stop and Shop, however, still dominates with growing competition from Traders and Whole Foods, however.

    Onemonga: I can officially say that "stinks" about the meds increasing estrogen to help you through menopause and thereby potentially, or seemingly literally, being a catalyst for you to develop bc.  Being such a heavily-driven estrogen bc, that should make it pretty easy to stamp out, however.   At least they are absolutely positive what caused it for you.   It is so weird that estrogen is the devil in so many of our details with bc.  You are correct in that Thanksgiving will be a bit of a party for us all in just being healthier (even though we don't feel it!) than when we started chemo.   Our bodies have been cleaned let's have some tryptophan!

    Lisasinglem: when I look at the photo of you on the tracks it reminds us of how far we have come.  We all we living 2 seperate lives without realizing it.   The cancer being was on one track and we were on the other.  Eventually our docs would let us know what has been happening and they merged us onto one united cancer fighting track.  It is like you have confronted the enemy and are back to a unified, far more healthy being.  Although with the last taxotere sucker punchk, I am sure you are not embracing that notion!   That sounds like a flu-like reaction.   What a way to finish!  Glad you don't mind being likened to Joy...I don't much care for her on The View but I do like her show on HLN.

    I think I am going to watch "The Elf" tonight!  Will Ferrell is just great in that movie!

  • It's been a stressful front tires need to be replaced; but more than that, DH came home from work with a new benefits package.  The company dropped United Healthcare and we now have Aetna - at a significant cost increase.  (Apparently they couldn't even negotiate with UHC because the cost went up so much.)
    Now I'm scared that Aetna won't cover my "pre-existing" condition.  We are in NJ; I'm not sure how this works.  Don't know how we are going to manage not only the cost increase to us but also if they won't cover any of the cancer stuff.

    Dh has been overdue for a raise/review since April.  They keep putting him off.  Not sure where they think we have the extra $ each month to shell out for benefits....UGH!

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Lizzymak, I gave in and realized that I dont have the stamina right now to go grocery shopping so I used pea pod this week as well. Didnt think about the germs I was avoiding. Just a word of caution, there is a learning curve required for pea pod. I ended up with some small cans because I didnt know the correct size and got some cheese in wedge form instead of sliced because I was in the wrong section. Could be chemo brain too. lol. The nice man did carry everything into my kitchen for me, but than I wasnt wearing a wig....

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good news, surgeon is 99,9 % sure it is just fatty tissue. He removed it and showed it to me then sent it to the lab. He said make sure you have anything you find checked out no matter what you think it is. Very relieved,Sue

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    That's great news Sue, what a relief!!!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    That's awesome Sue. This is what we like to hear.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Great news, Sue!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    I am slipping into the TAC/TEC sludge pit rapidly...!

    Onward: I made those Peapod mistakes!  Chunk cheese...been there...where are my slices, man?!   I have also ordered the wrong size of things but once you get the hang of it, it is a great service.  I have not done it in over 3  years, however, so thanks for the reminder.

    Sue: very good news!  What a relief.  Glad to hear.

    Calamtykel: I believe pre-existing conditions are not a state but rather federal mandate and regulated by the fed.  I believe if the company has more than 100 employees they cannot pre-exist you.   This is way too much for you to have to deal with.  So unfortunate that there was a change.  A few years ago I was really thinking about moving to Ireland as I have dual citizenship.  I really wish I did.   I met someone from across the pond on these boards and her experience, socialized as it is, is fine  Things are going along well for her.  This healthcare situation in this country is just nerve-wracking.   When I get these bills I am stunned.  I am only pretty sure you are going to be fine.   Certainly it would be nice if they got back to your husband about a raise but in this precarious economy, and with your health issues, I would totally not push on that one.   These are indeed scary times.  I am with you on the tires only I am going for 4!   And 650 on the snowblower and now a letter from the pharma about Emend and they don't want more info as to why I need it.   Long/short is instead of a 75 copay I will go to 300 if we can't get this worked out with faxing of forms etc... Unbelievable.   I really don't think you have to worry about being pre-existed.   My heart goes out to you.  It is just one thing after another these days.

    I am falling into my chemo sleep days, girls!   I will check in after my next nap!!!!!

  • Thanks Lizzy!  We heard today that his benefits person says 99% sure it will be covered.  She also has pre-existing conditions.  At least thank GOD my treatments will be done and I don' t need rads - so next year, God willing, should be follow ups and such.  (Plus getting my port out.)

    So I'm feeling better.  It was just overwhelming -we never had any debt until now.  Now not only do we have two cars that we had to buy (DH had an accident last year and my van died the year before!) and have debt for but now we're behind on our property tax (NJ is the highest in the nation - property tax is practially a mortgage payment each month!)  and are slipping into debt with the rising cost of everything.  

    I could spend more time working on my online stores (thank God I have three orders to go out today) but in all honesty, with chemo WHO HAS TIME for anything?  My "extra" time is spent trying to catch the kids up on schoolwork on days like today.  Next week will be shot so they're hitting the books hard today.  I think things will get better once the "chemo weeks' are taken out of the equation.  Between doctors visits and everything else - the days are packed!  

    BUT I am thankful today.  Seriously thankful.  I feel very reminded of what God has done for me; a friend just had her first two chemos for cervical cancer and her kidneys shut down.  She was hospitalized and they don't think they can continue the chemo.  :(  She doesn't sound like she is doing well - she seemed to be doing okay after the first one.  I have taken much for granted and I'm very thankful.

    So it's just a re-shifting of priorities - they money thing is always there it seems - now it's just even moreso.  But I'm thankful!
    Hoping everyone has a great, side effect free day.   I'm sleep at night without any sleep aids or benadryl - and I'm sleeping all night.  Still getting the night sweats --but no other side effects at all.  It's so hard to go back for a Taxol on Monday. But it's the last one!   I bought a Santa hat and Snoopy Christmas shirt to wear to my last chemo, at Five Below yesterday.  :D

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Sue: So glad for you!

    Enjoy your nap, Lizzy!

    Cal: That is good news too! 

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Radical me checking in!

    Today I completed session #5 of 28 rads.  Saw the RO today.  I've been pink since #3 and he said this is way too soon and that I'm going to have a reaction.  He prescribed a lotion for me to use twice daily but says we'll have to watch it and that we may need to stop halfway and then take a break before completing all 28.  Said I must burn easily in the sun ... ummm, not really, but it is an area of the body that NEVER sees the sun!

    I go for #6 on Sunday since the office closes Thurs-Sun next week.  I was glad because that meant that #28 would be on December 23. What a nice Christmas present to be done.  But now it seems I won't be done.  I'm not going to complain though.  I feel good.   :)

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Great news Sue!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Great news Sue!  

     My chemoo is cancewlled due to my numb feet and fingers. I suppose walking around with a booklight in your slipoper and not noticing scores pretty high on the numbness scale.  I have no idea what else the Doc will want to do.  I have been doing all of this to avoid a recurrence and now I don't knowwhat is next.

    Laters friends


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - My Onc referred me to a neurologist for nerve conduction studies for my numbness from the taxotere.
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Ginger - there are also drugs that can combat neuropathy, if that is indeed what it is.  I've been taking Gabapentin and L-Glutamine (which you can buy at health food stores) which has helped my numbness quite a bit.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I too have been taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500mg daily. Granted my left heel still went numb today but so far the left palm seems OK.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Also, vitamin B6, vitamin E and omega-3 according to onc nurse are helpful for numbness problems.  L-glutamine has been researched quite a bit.  I have been using these since just after treatment 1.  I didn't take the gabapentin since I wasn't having 'pain' and it doesn't apparently prevent the problem more treats the symptoms and thank goodness there is something for that.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Yeah they just called from the surgeon office and b9 it is. It is called lipoma.