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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Last day euphoria As I get closer to the last chemo I'm also missing that giddy feeling I thought I would have.  Maybe it is because friends say "well you are almost done". Don't make me start about that comment.  I think we all have this whole process divided into chapters.  When the chemo chapter ends another (hopefully easier) begins for us.  Rads, surgery, something.

    hot cold flashes:  oh yes.  They seem to appear right after chemo and definitely after the Herceptin.  You are right they come from the inside out.  I keep a little fan in the bedroom.  Not blowing directly on me, but it seems that the cool air circulating helps.  Hot, face flushes and incessant talking also accompany the "little green crazy pills". 

    Lizzy I always tell the dr and  nurses that as a rule all of us C patients are very suspicious.  If anything deviates from the norm I want a explanation.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Cal and Lizzy: My understanding is that A and E are basically the same, but that E is a little easier on the heart. I have heart issues so that was a big concern of mine.

    Lizzy, I think my chemos (FECs) cost around $3000 each, so the cost is not bad. I'll try to remember tomorrow to look at my paperwork. I think it cost $5500 but the ins paid 3000, which is the agreed reimbursement.

    I'm doing ok, the Taxotere is a bitch compared to FEC, but I'm better now. Next one is next Monday.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Yay!!! to those done, can't wait to join you !!! I will take hot and clod flashes any day over the month;y cycle I had been having, they were miserable heavy, Hope to stay done with them !!! for good.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ladyinbama: remember when Ross Perot ran for President?!  Do you remember him with him referring to deficit reduction attempts as "fuzzy math?!" Well, when I open my insurance statements regarding chemo, the statement says the insurance company is being billed $31000 for my chemo and are getting paid roughly $22000!  I am not joking.   I spoke with another woman in the chemo room today who is on 2 types of chemo and she is getting statements for around $22000.  I guess it is Northeast Yale costs!   I think you are right in that E has less potential for heart detriment later on. 

    Steroids: I totally forgot to take the second 2 when I got home and just took them now!  Hello 4AM, here I come!  

    Adey: Energy?!  As soon as these joker steroids wear off I am going to be watching the inside of my eyelids for many hours, woman!

    Parking garage: well, I sent a complaint letter to the head of Yale and today I did not see one familiar face in that garage!!!!!!!  There was even a guard standing at the ticket machine telling us where the cancer center parking is located!  This was NEVER the case.  I passed 7 guards and not one did I recognize.   Perhaps that moved some people around.  Consequently, the new staff was much more professional.   Hallelujah!   The last time I was leaving after LGFB that animal guard called out "u r an effing bi**h!" after the gate went up and I was driving away!  Without provocation, no less!   She definitely needed another job....either at the WWE or at a prison!

    TEXAS...where r u?!  Probably moving and getting your computer hooked up again.  I hope you are settled by Thanksgiving.

    Happy trails....I hope you all have a good night's sleep....I won't be!! 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lisa, those are amazing!!! Beautiful!!!Thanks for sharing,

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lisa,  you look great!  Amazing pictures!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Lisa, you're going to kill me but I think you look better bald ;-) seriously it brings out your eyes. I bet you would look great in a short cropped cut.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I know my responses are gona sound old LOL i have been away for a while (will explain in detail in a bit)

    Debbi- I am glad you can say you never lost all your hair through chemo! Its like a jab at cancer- haha on you cancer! I am mildly looking forward to radiation if it is better than chemo!

    IowaSue- Praying for you for tomorrows visit!

    ckptry- Your ramblings make sense LOL I will try ice packs, walking and being active help the pain too so maybe streching would help like in your case.

    Calamity- Just a quick question or questions- Where do you get your sasha dolls to repaint/repair? and how long does each doll take you about? BTW looked at your page and loved the dolls... My grandmother had a few hundred dolls that she was restoring when i visited her- she since sold her property and moved i wonder what she did with all of them.

    WOW 103 pages i am still working through them just finished page 100.... Note to self if i want to save an hours time dont stay away for so long!

    Sohard- Glad to hear you're DONE!!!! whats the next step for you? Sorry to hear you're teary eyed though- i've been like that too as of late. I cried listenin to a song on the raido this morning LOL

    Lisa_ Whoop whoop for your final TCH!!!! Whats the next steps for you? LOVED THE PICTURES!!!! the one you used for your thumbnail is my favorite!!!

    Ginger- SOrry to hear you're still having pain :( Your brave friend sounds like an awesome man. How long hae y'all been friends?

    Wherria- Today is the FINAL treatment!!!! So glad to hear that!!!!
    Ann- Agree, when we get used to NOT exercising in our normal fashion it is hard to start that back up again! I've gain 20 lbs since starting cheo and my Onc was straight up with me- same caloric intake with less burning calories equals weight gain LOL

    Thanksgiving- i was suppsed to have my tx on thnaksgiving but we posponed it to the following monday (the office is closed LOL) And i am cooking a small turkey, sweet potatoes, pecan pie for us nothing major

    adriamyacin- what doesnt come down to money in thi country????  If i have to take that in mylife time (i doubt i will) i will def opt for the other and pay the differrence. Herceptin already could damage my heart no need to add more stress to it!

    Lizzy- So funny with the guards sitiuation!!!! Yeah squeaky wheels always get the grease! Noe not moved yet :( sadly it will be the week i get my TX that we get the keys... I think i'll be up to moving though!

    OKAY UPDATE ON ME :) i spent a 4 day weekend in San Antonio on a whim- DH had gotten the weekend off plus his reg monday off so we left friday after my daughter got out of school and stayed til mondy after my dr appointment. Did a little shopping but mostly stayed low key BBQing and hanging out! It was awesome. So so my dr on Monday an they got the results of the bone scan, no cancer in the left hip so prob just reg joint pain. Said keep taking OTC meds for it unless serious i have viccodin. Thats good news, but the not so goood is that the scans still showed the right side with cancer and the rib sternum area as well. (it was just a bone scan so not sure about the lungs) Well he seemed to be leaning towards stopping at 6tx so we get to the rads quicker. But he said we'll know for sure AFTER the 6th tx, which is monday the 29th.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Here is my treatment thus far...

    May 24 - Went to a GYN appointment for uterine fibroids and doctor found lump.

    June 2 - Breast ultrasound and Mammogram, discovered two clusters of micro-calcifications in left breast

    June 9 - Met with Breast surgeon, she gave referral for biopsy

    June 16 - Stereotypic Biopsy            

    June 21 - Diagnosis: 06/21/2010, DCIS, Grade 3 & IDC, Stage II, Grade 2, PR+ HER2+ER+

    June 30 - Lumpectomy, 2 cancerous lymph nodes removed

    July 7 - Pathology report stated 11/13 positive lymph nodes; in addition, my margins are not clear.

    July 14 - Met with medical Oncologist, he wants me to start chemotherapy before another lumpectomy or mastectomy surgery to clear margins.  He gave me a BCRA test. 

    July 20 - PET scan

    July 22 - PET scan results... 2 additional lymph nodes detected (possibly)... did not spread past lymph nodes and BCRA test results...

    July 24 - Muga test

    July 26 - Port inserted                                                                                           

    August 2 - Chemotherapy (hemoglobin 11)                                                                            

    August 4 - Zolodex shot      

    August 23- Chemotherapy, iron was given with chemo (hemoglobin 7.1)

    September 3 - Zolodex shot (hemoglobin 8.6)

    September 9 - Pelvic MRI

    September 14 - Chemotherapy (hemoglobin 11.1)                                                                                 

    September 16 - Flu shot, DNC Laparoscopy, to check for endometriosis (Negative)

    October 5 - Chemotherapy and Zolodex shot

    October 7 - FINALLY...uterine fibroid embolization...  I went to the doctors about this issue when they found cancer...

    October 26 - Chemotherapy

    November 16 - Last Chemo

    December 7 - Herceptin

    December 13- Bilateral Mastectomy/ Delayed Reconstruction

    Radiation date to be determined...  (Approx three weeks after aforementioned procedure)

    Then Tomixifen...

                    We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lisa - you look great!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lisa: I can't see the pics. Do I have to be a friend on Facebook to see them?

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lago - You are not the only person to tell me that I look better bald.  There is a website, a woman who went through ovarian cancer who is an actress and model.  After her chemo, she just kept shaving her head. - So, we shall see if I want to keep shaving.

    Sohard - Wow - that is a HUGE treatment plan you are going through.  I hope that the worst of it is over and that the surgery, radiation and Herceptin will be much easier to deal with.  Right now, you can concentrate on healing from the last chemo.  Worry about the other crap later.  Hugs to you!

    LadyInBama - You definitely don't need to be MY friend on Facebook, but maybe you need to have an account?  Let me see what I can do to put them somewhere else.

    Edited to add:  try this link:

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Bald makes you look a lot younger

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, You look great beautiful eyes.  However, I love the sassy red auburn hair too. Beth

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lisa:  You look great!!

    Texas:  What a great weekend!! So glad you guys got away for the weekend, must have been fun. 

    Lizzy:  I'm really glad there were changes in response to your letter.  Restores my faith that a single voice can be heard when it is used!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I didn't need any pain meds today!!!! I also feel somewhat more human.

    Texas, my brave young friend has been a part of my life since July 2001. We met in a Kareoke Bar in LA.  He is the person who Baptised me in Aligator Pond in December that year. I was not a believer then, I worked for Elimidate, haha. When God decides to tap your shoulder He doesn't mess around. He is now the Director of our mission in Haiti, Clean Water For Haiti. If you go the web site you might want to link over to the Rollings in Haiti blog and read Earthquake Day that Chris wrote. 

    I know if I had BC in Haiti I would not live. Sometimes I feel bad about complaining about my pain but I am human and fragile, as we all are.

    I go for my next treatment on Monday, it will be #7 and  wonder if they will change anything?  My  toenails look about the same. The aches and shooting pain has been similar. I am definitely have increased numbness in my feet and hands. Did I tell you all IU was walking in the house the other morning and my husband noticed a cord sticking out of my slipper. It was attrached to my book light which was in my slipper. I couldnt even feel it!!!!!!! How crazy is that!!!!!!  

    Everyone I am so grateful you have been here on the days after my treatments when the pain starts. It is a bizarre experience to be using so many drugs and feeling unsire of what I am doing. I think the book light in the slipper gave my husband notice that he needed to pay closer attention. I would agree, a booklight in my freakin slipper!! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - booklight IN your slipper - too funny!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals!  

    Texas: soo good to hear from you! I am glad you had a nice 4 day weekend shopping and bbq'ing! As for the news, cancer is a part of us and even those undiagnosed, as we all know, are making the cells every day. "Our" bodies and these meds have combined to become cancer cell killing machines. Look to #6 and starting rads. I think your attitude is great and that will only benefit you. I say look to the best possible outcome. They monitor you more closely than me but I don't know where this stuff is at now?! Who knows! My last scan was before chemo was started. Look to the future, Tex with your great spirit and I send you the best vibes and thoughts every day. Also, no FB and nut job relatives! You are hereby on a steady diet of avoiding those 2 things!!!

    Lisa: great photos! I like you with and without fur! You are going to kill me after Lago but I think you look like a much younger Joy Behar with your red locks! I am remind me of her. The shot on the tracks is riddled with defiance. I really think that says something in particular about the fight we are all in. They are photos and statements as well. Thanks for sharing.

    Sohardbnme: Just a few days ago I was thinking of asking everyone if they had good chronological records of what has occurred to date. I promised myself I would make better notes and keep track but I failed to do so. I mean I can piece it together but I have to say, you have done a fine job. Now let me tell you why I was thinking about all of this: when I first found I was pm'ing with a long, long time member. She gave me wonderful advice and great tricks etc... but there were times she admitted she had gone through this all so long ago and that she just could not remember. She was so wonderful and supportive and I appreciated everything she told me.  It was through that experience I decided, as a means to be able to quickly reference my records and help others yet to join us in this battle, I would keep contemporaneous notes. I think you have done a wonderful job doing what I was supposed to! I wish you the best on the next steps that lie ahead for you.

    Sptmm: Yes, one voice can make a difference. Apparently the new President of Yale Hospital has earned herself a reputation for responding, with vigor, to complaints. Quite frankly if the guards were not behaving in such an egregious manner, I probably would not have written but they were just out of control. As for you, I am really happy for your progress and you seem like you are in such a better place these days than the spread-thin, work-o-rama, struggle through chemo madness that engulfed you just a few short months ago. I am so glad that is behind you. Welcome to the new frontier!

    Ginger: don't ever apologize for discussing your pain. Not here anyway. We are here for you....and the lights in your slippers! That is a very funny, albeit moderately sad, example of this neuropathy business but, as they say, if we don't laugh...! Elimidate and you were not a believer?!? Did I miss something?!?! I am so happy to hear you did not need pain meds today. That is liberating. I hope you have a good #7 next week and certainly a small space in time here where you can enjoy a few pleasant days before that next tx.

    Omaz: How are you doing? I hope things are ok for you.

    Nails turning black: Sadly, one of the SE of TAC is finger and toenails turning black! Mine are starting....I am hoping to get through the next 2 without losing my nails. BC and chemo combined are truly the gifts that just keep giving...and giving....and giving!

    I am doing a fine job of sleeping off chemo again. I just got up about 1 hour again from my post-neulasta shot and subsequent trip to DSW...a girl needs shoes!!!!!! Oh yeah...went to Whole Foods as well looking for their pretty, colorful reusable bags and all they had were some with pumpkins on them....not happy! I purchased them anyway!

    Flu shots: has anyone been offered or had one? I have never had one in my life and with 2 txs left, I really don't want to have one. They were sort of strongly encouraging me on Tuesday but I was able to politely decline in the chemo center. How do you all feel about them? Have you had one? How did you feel after? Just wondering...

    As always, happy trails to you all. May the force be with you!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I always get flu shots. With our weakened immune systems Flu can kill us. I say get one.

    Yes, I was not a Christian then but the process began while I was working for elimidate.  God sent along this scraggly looking young man who was wear cut off dress pant and a very faded and stretched out Grateful Dead shirt. Hisbrother was a frind of my daughter, He was from WA and me from IL. A very unlikely meeting. If someone had come and preached at me I would have been gone in a flash. It is a longer story. 

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Lisa: Wow, one hot babe! I can see you on a huge board over the expressway saying dont let cancer derail a self check! Hmmm actually that would really rock!

    Ginger: Glad you didnt need pain meds yesterday, may it continue.As far as chemo brain, when I booked last weeks getaway for me and my husband, I booked it in a wrong state....we went anyway.

    So Hard: This will so help others understanding whats involved. When I was diagnosed in June, I really thought that treatment would include, surgery, chemo, rads and aridemex, and I should be done in a few months. Maybe at that time for me it was a blessing. Had I realized that this would be a full year of treatment and than 5 more years on pills, I truly would have been less positive. But here I am in mid November and looking back really has gone quickly. Come back often, we will all be there for you after surgery as well. Onward

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Well, I finished my last chemo yesterday! Yay!!  It too five hours and then I had to go to the pharmace, only to find out that my onc's office had not done what they needed to do to get pre-authorization on my Emend, so all I have is compazine and zofran.  Zofran never works very well for me, so let's hope I'm not throwing up all day.  I'm very glad that chemo is over, but it's hard to feel too celebratory when I know I have three weeks of feeling bad to look forward to, but still, at least I'm not looking forward to another Tx.  I go back in 3 weeks to get checked out and start aromitase inhibitors.  

    Hop everyone has an easy se day!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

     I know I mostly lurk but just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their experiences. Hang in there.

    lizzymack1 I did get the flu shot at my 2nd tx per my onc's request. I never had the flu shot before.Typically I get the flu maybe once every 5-8 years. Considering it's flu season and I still want to be around people (food shopping, gym, stores etc.) I felt it best to take her advice. Even if I only had 2 tx left I would do it. Our systems will still be wiped out for a while. I know when I dod get the flu I'm wiped out for at least a month.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Wherria - CONGRATS on finishing chemo - wow, you did it!!!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy- I did get the flu shot a month after my last treatment.  I had never gotten one before either as I just don't trust medicines in general and the flu, while uncomfortable, would not kill a healthy person.  They recommended one when I got my last treatment, but I still wasn't comfortable.  I have to go back monthly for B12 injections, so when I went for the B12 the next month I got the flu shot.  I don't think it is dangerous to you because then the doctors would not recommend it.  And like someone said before, we are not healthy, so the flu could potentially kill us.  That is why I got one this year (and was fine by the side effects).  But I have to tell you, I won't get one next year. But next year I will be my normal, healthy self...YAY!

    Wherria:  CONGRATS ON FINISHING!!!! I know it is hard to be happy when you feel like crap, but just concentrate everyday on the fact that every day when you wake up you will feel a little better, and you will NEVER have to feel that way again.  It's over, and after three weeks when you feel better, you will not be facing another treatment to make you feel like crap! You will feel better from now on out...a little bit every day.   

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Flu shot I didn't get. I work at a nursing home and they usually push the shot, which I have gotten 1 x in 4 years. I rarely get the flu and after that shot I had the flu every 1x every 3 month for a tear, I said never again. One of the times I had it during that tine was the worst case of the flu ever, I seriously thought I was going to die. I normally have a super strong immune system that rarely gets anything, any thing normal that is. I have learned a long time ago not to mess with it and not to try to fix it if it isn't broken. My blood counts have done very well through chemo according to onc. 

    BTW I love the idea of Lisa on a billboard with that slogan, Don't let breast cancer derail you....self exam. Lets put her to work!!!!

    Have a great day!!!! I'm off to the BS with fingers crossed and lot of prayers being said.

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Wherria: WOOT WOOT! You rest, we will rejoice for you! I still have months to go, but will probably feel like you when it's over. Not planning any big balloons of course I will get a 3 week break before I get to begin rads. In my mind I see a big check list. Surgery-done, A/C-done. Still have so much to do before I get tested again. I think the one year, five year, 20 year mark will be cause for a party. But, for you my friend, I am doing the happy dance. Feel better soon. Onward

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Wherria-  Congratulations!  I'm joining you in the land of clean houses today and can't wait to have my house cleaned for me.  (c:

    Lizzy-  Blood tests good and I will join you in the swamp tomorrow for TAC number 4, only three days behind you now!  I DON'T WANT TO GO!  BUT OF COURSE I WILL.

    Onward- Hope your first Taxol was uneventful.

    Take care all.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals-

    Wherria:  I am so happy for you that chemo is OVER!   I am glad you fought to get the additional 2 txs (I really think that was smart) and you stuck it out but what a relief it is over, right?   Emend-I hope they get that fixed for you soon.   That is one thing I would not want to be without is my very expensive 3 pack of pills.

    Adey: Oh...welcome to the pit!   I doze off constantly.  I have some laundry and sorting to do today.  I am trying to work it in between naps!   Glad the blood was good but that is your ticket to this gross swamp! 

    Ginger, Lago, IowaSue and Sptmm: thanks for weighing-in on the flu shot.  Lago, like you I got the flu really bad in 2008.   I was very sick for 3 weeks.  I had not gotten the flu in some 10 years prior but they did say my bc started in roughly 2005 so my immune system was undoubtedly, and unbenknownst to me, compromised by that battle.   You all make good points and I am going to reflect on it.   I might get it when I go for #5...not sure.   I am really trying not to go out much....we have a grocery store in the Northeast called Stop and Shop.   They have a great grocery delivery service called Peapod.   I might be using that until January.   I don't want to live in a bubble but I am going to try, at all costs, to avoid germvilles!

    Good day to all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Its interesting that you were also tole that your BC started a few years ago, I was told 5-8 years earlier.  I spent some time thinking about that, trying to place it together with things in my life at the time.  The other thing in my case is that it grew so much in a year.  The area was only a suspicious 1cm area last year that they cleared with follow-up mammo and ultrasound, yet a year later I found the 2+cm lump.  I have to wonder what fueled the growth in the last year.