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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Texas - awesome about the apartment!  Enjoy!  Glad you're back!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: Hooray for no rads! Texas: Glad you are settled and that you're loving the apartment. Sweeney: I'll be starting tamox in about a month, so keep us apprised of how it's going for you. Weight/bloat: I swear I look pregnant. I was looking at myself in the mirror tonight and thinking about how pregnant I look and then I had a horrible moment when I thought "what if I am?" I haven't had a period in months, I've got this huge belly ... then I remembered, Hey, you're 53 years old and your husband has had a vasectomy. Pregnancy is not the likely reason you are fat! Anyway, my question is for those of you who've had the bloat, how long does it last? I'm not sure bloat is much of my weight gain, but it would be nice if it accounts for some of it.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lady - I got the same thing, looking like I was pregnant.  I am 4 weeks out from last chemo and I still have extra weight from the chemo, especially in my belly but I don't think it sticks out so much.  How far out are you from the last chemo?

    Tamoxifen -  Sounds like a lot of us will be starting it in the New Year.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz:  I just had my last chemo on 12/6. When I gain weight, it's in the belly, so I guess that is just my curse to bear until I'm able to get back to exercising and eating right. I'm still eating whatever tastes decent, even if it's something fattening. My taste buds are still screwed up, so not a whole lot tastes good. The good part of that is that a lot of the Christmas goodies I usually endulge in are not appealing.

    Ladies, let's all promise that this time next year we are all going to feel good and eat all the chocolate Santas and Christmas cookies we want!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    LadyinBama the pregnant thing crossed my mind initially but considering I have never been pregnant in my life and been married for 16 years (I swear I'm not a virgin) I realized that pregnant wasn't a realistic concern.

    But I have put on 10 lbs since chemo less than 3 weeks ago. That's bloat. No  one puts one that much weight in 3 weeks.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    TEXAS! You are baaaaack!!! YEAH! Glad the apt is good and, yes, no rent is a huge perk! How is the kitten? Did you keep her/him? It is so good to hear from you. I am glad you are doing well. What a great holiday gift that you are settled and happy! That is good stuff.

    Lago: a woman at a local grocery store I regularly go to said "I can tell it's you even though you are wearing that hat and glasses...I can recognize those big eyes and smile anywhere!" At least chemo left us with something recognizable!

    Calamtykel: I felt kind of weird when she told me she would not necessarily advocate rads because of some new schematic they developed over the past few years blah blah but, at the same time, I was cautiously elated that I was being told not to do it. I, just like you, am going to go on faith that it is the right thing to do.

    Lady: it is such a total travesty that we have to GAIN weight, be it water or poison or whatever, during chemo. I remember my father probably lost 30 lbs during chemo. Of course that was 12 years ago and he was constantly sick. I feel like such a cow and I can't get by this feeling. I cannot wait for Jan 15 because my ass is getting right back to daily workouts and I am dumping this weight. I am so aggravated. Today I went to 4 stores and on my way to the final store I had to stop and take a little break because my breathing was getting to me AND my lower back hurt (sort of like the "you period is here" lower back pain) and I have been getting that for a while. Believe me, I am as frustrated as you are with this entire mess. May you no longer look pregnant in 3 months when the assault on your body has stopped and you can exercise again. I can't stand is just so aggravating! I actually had a dream that I was rail thin and I had hair...I never wanted to wake up!!!!!!!

    Neulasta: I never had any bone pain from Neulasta but today and 1 time last week, while laying down, I started to get pains in my ribs and my breast bone. It hurt but it was sort of like a slow-moving, sharp pain thing? It sort of felt like what people describe when they are having a heart attack but it was no where near my heart. Anyone want to explain what their neulasta pain felt like? I am also 2 weeks since the shot so I thought it was weird that I might get pain now? Who knows....!

    Well, I finally finished Christmas shopping and got my last gifts in the mail today. I am so glad that is done. Now tomorrow I wrap and clean the house, do a little grocery shopping and go to the local "free" donation center. They take in clothes, small appliances, canned goods etc.. and they allow people in need to come in and take it for free. A friend of mine and I were talking about Goodwill and the Salvation Army and how some people don't even have the few bucks to pay to get the things they need so I am donating a bunch of stuff again to the free store. Oh yeah, I also go to the local "no-kill" humane society to donate 20 lbs bags of food. Tomorrow is all about altruism. My cat I have now was cared for by the humane society but they did a trap-neuter-release (TNR) so she had her poor ear clipped (code for a TNR) and she lived by the highway! That poor cat broke my heart but I was still happy the humane society neutered her even though they had to release her because the shelter was full. Now she has the best home ever!

    I hope you all have a lovely evening and may we all get rid of the *&^%*((^$ WEIGHT!


  • Lizzy - I heard somewhere that people have thought they were having a heart attack and it was neulasta pain.  My sternum pain was different - mine hurt if i touched it.  If I rubbed my ribs or sternum it was a stinging pain.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I found the neulasta pain to be different depending on where it was originating from. I also had lots of shooting pains that hurt alot. Some pain was aching. I now wonder if they were neulasta or neuropathy. I do have to say though that I haven't had any in weeks, and I am off of neulasta so I suppose it must have been the neulasta. I needed stong pain killers to deal with them.

    I had the pain in my thigh bones, shoulders, and hips big time, also shoulder blades, sternum, and more. I took neulasta 6 times and will be glad to not need it again. 

    Take the pain killers on a good schedule. Don't try to "deal with it" I did and it was dumb of me. Next round they gave me a schedule that started before I had the shot so I was laready on the medicine. It worked.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Hope everyone is feeling well today. 

    Lizzy:  YAY on the no rads!! It really was a pain in the a**.  I have a friend locally with Stage III breast cancer who had neoadjuvant chemo (4 rounds of Taxotere and Cytoxin), bilateral mastectomy, then more chemo (4 rounds of Abraxane I think), and finally will be starting rads at the beginning of January.  So, every time I feel like I have been through a lot, I thank GOD that I did not have to do what she did and I feel lucky!  

    Texas:  So glad to hear from you! Glad to hear the apartment is nice and everything is working out so well!  Hopefully your doctors will also have some good news on your treatment plan for the new year.  How's the kitty and the kids?

    LadyinBama:  I have a feeling after everything we have been through, that next year will be a great year for all of us.  Even this Christmas for me will be extra special! I can only speak for myself but after facing my own mortality this year I have a new appreciation for everything I have.  It may not be much..but I have a job, great kids, wonderful friends, and now my health back.  So as far as I am concerned I have it all!

    Neulasta:  My Neulasta pain was mainly in my thighs, hips, and calves.  Achy like when you are getting the flu or you worked out too hard.

    On Hair:  I am thinking of going topless soon.  I think maybe start the new year with no hats/scarves.  I have full head coverage, baby hair.  It's growing fast.  I am trying to decide which pity I want... the "sick lady pity" when I wear the scarf or the "wow, whatever was she thinking with that haircut" pity if I go topless.  I am not sure.  Anyone want to go "au natural" on the head starting New Years Day with me??

    Tamoxifen:  I meet with my oncologist again on January 18 and will start Tamoxifen right after that.  So, keep us updated on the SE for all of you who already started. 

    I finished rads last Friday.  SO GLAD that is over with.  I have surgery to remove the uterine polyps on the 29th then I have a follow up Breast MRI on January 5 (some questionable, but most likely benign findings in the other breast on the one I had in June).  Not looking forward to that MRI, but I will persevere!! 

    Well I have to get back to work.  Hope everyone has a great day...Oh, almost forgot, I finished my Xmas shopping yesterday...YIPPEEE.  Tonight, will go home and wrap,,,yuck.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Suepen just started a January 2011 Rads group if you are interested.
  • Does anyone know - now that we have had BC, do you have mammograms or breast MRI's now?  I'm scared to have a mammo on the remaining side - I had a breast reduction and it's always been tender, like when you're about to get your period.  I have been doing massage which seems to help desensitize it, but frankly I cannot imagine getting it squeezed in a mammogram~! =:O

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - I was told I would get mammos.
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Omaz---Had my radiation simulation this AM and it went really easy--people were great. It took about 30 minutes. Laid on bed--positioned me--wrote on my right boob with sharpie and then CT scan and then they did 4 tattoos--they didn't hurt--they are pretty tiny. Now the planner has to confirm the treatment plan--and as it is holidays--my start date may be delayed from Jan 4th to the following week. They were really good at making sure I was completely comfortable--as this is the position for 6 weeks. Joy oh bliss :)

    Weight--I have put on weight and feel crap--my bloating seems to be going down in the face but I still feel it in the neck and abdomen. Hoping that it will go down gradually. I need to get my butt moving also..our weather is crap here so that is giving me an excuse!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

        Just wondering if anyone has their hair growing in strangely. I seem to be growing hair on Taxol, but it's very fine. For some reason in the front of my head it's barely growing, so I look like I have that fringe with the receding hairline.  I may have to shave it again when chemo ends so I don't look like I have male pattern baldness;-) I remember when this started I was so stressed about not having eyebrows, now I go out with half an eyebrow; the more tired I get the less I seem to care which I guess is good in a way:-) Well tomorrow is Taxol # 10, the treatment center is closed on friday so I get treated a day early. I volunteered to bake cupcakes and help out at my son's kindergarten holiday party tomorrow before chemo b/c his birthday is on Christmas, don't know what I was thinking! Oh well, dh is off Christmas Eve so I can get a nap in then. Uggh - I just realized that's his birthday and I haven't done anything. Total chemobrain here.

    Hope everyone is well!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I can't remember if it was here or another thread, but I promised to let everyone know what they eye doctor said about my tearing eye.

    If anybody else is having this, please get it checked out by an opthamologist. He said it is a fairly common SE of taxotere. The tear duct slowly closes up; you get the tearing and crusting. AND it could be the cause of my nosebleeds too! He drew me a picture and showed how the tear duct connects with the sinuses, so the taxotere that is affecting the tear duct also causes a problem with the mucous membranes in the sinuses, which can lead to nosebleeds. If you treat it early, it can be reversed. All I have to do is use a steriod eye drop several times a day for 2 weeks; that should clear it up. But, he said if you let it go, you can end up with a permanently closed tear duct that has to be surgically fixed. Ouch! I told him No more surgeries! So I hope the eye drops work.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Carolyn - My hair is growing in just the same way!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    omaz, glad I'm not alone. I've been reassuring myself that I don't see too many women with this  hairstyle so hopefully it will fill in as it grows. It's going to make me cover it up a little longer though b/c it's not a very attractive look on me:-)
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I have probably beat you all in the wt. dept. I have gained 20 lbs. in 5 months since being diagnosed in June wow, this is so foreign to me I have never weighed over 135 except for being pregnant. All my Onc. has to say about it is nobody waste away with breast cancer, geee thanks. I still wear the same size pants but have bought sz L in tops. Frustrating, feel like I have no control over it. I am looking forward to DIEP reconstruction so they can take most of the fat off my belly. I have such a moon face, I hardly recognize myself in the mirror.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Carolyn - I have a hair appt early Jan to get my leftovers trimmed close.  I don't know if I will be able to go completely hatless by then, but maybe.... I am just so exicted to see something growing back.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I feel some baby hair coming in!  Yes, hooray! Sort of ina Julius Ceasar pattern .


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue--I have the same "moon face". Not sure how much I am going to enjoy being in pictures during this holiday season. I am hoping that it will go down--hoping for a few weeks now--it seems to be a little better but not great. I have put a lot of weight on aswell--not feeling great but hopefully will go away with time.

    Carolyn--If any consolation--my hair seems to be growing on the sides but not as much in the front. At this rate, I will have a great clown hairdo in a month or so. I'm the same as you--sometimes going out with only 1/2 an eyebrow (nice look!)Laughing

    Lady--Thanks for the info on the eyes tearing--I did see my Eye Doc during chemo but before Taxotere. I will make appt with him for him to take a look and see.

  • SunDiego
    SunDiego Member Posts: 40

    My wife started in August with you all, finished 6 rounds of TCH, rescanned, and will now be doing a total of 9 rounds of TCH (7th done last week, 2 more to go).

    Anyone else do more than 6 rounds of TCH??

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Debbi: I will definitely join you on the 1st! I prefer the "What was she thinking?" over the "sick lady pity". I too meet with my onc on Jan 18 about starting tamox.

    Cal: Like you, I am terrified of having a mammogram. I have TEs and I cannot bear the thought of them getting squished. I cannot even deal with the pressure that a bra puts on them. I'm hoping that my replacement surgery will come sooner than the date for the mammogram. My onc has mentioned both an MRI and a mammo and I don't think he has decided for sure which I'll have. I think the protocol though is a mammo.

    Carolyn: I too have less hair in the front.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Ginger -Julius definitely has the right clothes for chemo!! and cancer treatment in general, don't you think?  We'll all look great with our Ceasar-do.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    My hair definitely started growing in faster on the sides than at the top, and I too wondered if I was going to suffer from male pattern baldness for the rest of my life.  But, eventually the top began to grow in too, and evened out.  So, have faith girls, it will come.  I have decided, however, that I have the weirdest hairline ever!! And a very large forehead! I couldn't see all these defects before with my long hair. 

    Also, on the hair, mine is baby fine and very soft right now.  And for some reason my 17-year-old has decided that she likes to pet my head because it is so soft.....really annoying!  Anyone else have this problem?


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    YES!  my daughter likes to pet my head when I am on the computer!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    Calamtykel: a small part of the reason I did bmx was b/c of the need for mammos on the right breast. I did not want them poking and investigating every shadow on the mammo. So, yes, mammos are necessary on the breast that you have left.

    Rachel: you are one step closer to getting it done! Good for you. At least you have your markers and, actually, it is great that you might not start until after the New Year. Enjoy the holidays. Do you have far to travel for rads? With the Canadian winter and going daily for 6 weeks, I hope you don't have a long ride.

    Ckptry: I do notice that some parts are growing, faster and longer, than others. The top still looks porcupine-ish and the back is growing and over my ears is growing. It is fine also. I never lost my brows or little treat. I never thought I would be watching my hair grow! I do seem preoccupied with it, however. BTW, this messy growth is NOT an attractive look on anyone!

    Lady: thanks so much for the report. I have tearing eyes, morning "eye crusties," blood coming out of my nose at every sneeze and blow, and now your information makes me want to rush off to the opthamologist. I am going to get it checked. Such good info-thank you.

    Omaz: already with the hair appointments in January! Good for you! At this point I think we can all go to a barber shop!

    Sundiego: I had to do 6 TAC. I have not heard of more than 6 TCH but I am sure people have had it. Best of luck to her.

    Ann97: did you have a bmx? Why would you still be getting mammos? Perhaps you had an mx? Just wondering.

    Omaz: NICE PIC! That is us! Hot, hot photo, man! We are collectively startlingly attractive!!!!

    Iowa and Rachel: we will all have moon faces this year in the holiday photos but wait until next year's photos and we can then compare about how we no longer have big, fat, moon faces!

    Sptmm: I don't have a 17 year old who wants to pet my head (!!!) but I do have that baby soft hair....very short and soft. I do like to pet my own head, however!

    Well, I am still wrapping and getting ready for these holidays but, and so thankfully, I don't have to go to any more stores Laughing It is so nice to be done with this.  I am so looking forward to resting on Xmas Eve and day, I just can't express it enough with words!  

    Happy trails, all

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Lizzy congrats on the "no rads". 

    all  I survived the last day of school.  Have my sub scheduled for my surgery "vacation".  Completed preop stuff today so I am ready for lift off on the 4th.  Weird to go to the oncology clinic just for bloodwork and not have the laptop and all my trappings with me.

    hairgrowing: Sounds like Omaz is the one to beat.  Mine is starting to turn sideways ever so slightly in front.  The gray is just disturbing on so many levels.  I can't wait to get my sunkissed color back. Beth

  • Ann-- If you have TE's or reconstruction, do you still need mammos? 

    the idea of a mammo terrifies me - has anyone heard of the thermal imaging that they do now?  My nutritionist was all excited and he showed me an ad he found in a magazine for a facility that does it near us.  No radiation exposure and it is supposedly highly sensitive.

     This article explains it - it seems to imply that it is more sensitive than a mammogram-- but that it can be used WITH mammos --  Definitely seems to have better detection than an MRI. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    If you have had a BMX then no more mammos. If you had an MX then you will not have a mammo on the MX side.