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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Schie2011
    Schie2011 Member Posts: 5

    I hope so reworried about this one. Thank you Omaz

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Schie2011 - If taxol doesn't work for you it may be possible to switch to taxotere - they are both very effective taxanes as I understand it.  When I had my second opinion consult she recommended AC->T and said either taxol or taxotere for the T she wasn't sure which one she would use.  So I would think that hopefully you may have some flexibility if one bothers you. 
  • Hi all -

    I got my bloodwork back from the Osteopath.  I am very D deficient - I'm on a LOT of vitamin D.  I went immediately to my nutritionst and got a decent brand.  My estrogen and progesterone were super low - at post menopause levels, however at that time, I WAS having menopausal symptoms and things have changed now as I have ovulated and am awaiting my period any minute- wish it would just come already!  SO he told me to double up on the progesterone cream once the period's done.

    But what I'm most upset about is that my WBC count was only a 3.3.  I'm confused why this is low.  I've been exposed to tons of illnesses, colds, flus and such going around and haven't been sick once since October.  I've gotten lots of cuts and such that haven't become infected, etc.  I'm scared now that my count is low and I finished chemo in November.  I wonder if my bone marrow's messed up forever now?  Anyone else have low wbc?  He recommended 3000 mg of whole vitamin C per day and to have my levels retested in three or four months.

    Looking online I see that many other people have had this happen to up to a year later......

    of course, being the worrier that I am, I'm worried! 

  • Schie - I didn't have any dangerously awful problems taxol except for leg pains and there is a lot you can take for that.  They were sorta like stabbing pains but they only lasted for a couple of days after treatment.  IMO, the AC was a harder hit to take.  I never had any neuropathy but I took a lot of whole B vitamins during my treatment and I don't know if that helped.  I was so scared -my nutritionist made it a point to tell me that his mother had a very bad time with taxol back in the 1980's, so I was sort of holding my breath, but it never happened.  LIke I said though, with me it was the leg pains and I found that percocet took that away, but I couldn't tolerate the perc on my stomach.  I do know that some people on here had very good results with delaudid and other antinflammatories.  

    Hang in there-  you're in the final stretch~! :)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Cal - This is an exerpt from interesting article on Vitamin D and sun exposure.  I have wondered how much vitamin D you get from exposure to the sun vs. supplements.

    Therefore, it is time for a paradigm shift and recommendations of health campaigns on sun protection should be moderated, representing a more balanced view of positive and negative effects of solar UV-exposure. As Michael Holick reported previously,we have learned that at most latitudes such as Boston, USA, very short and limited solar UV-exposure is sufficient to obtain "adequate" vitamin D-levels. Exposure of the body in a bathing suit to one minimal erythemal dose (MED) of sunlight is equivalent to ingesting at least about 10,000 IU of vitamin D and it has been reported that exposure of less than 18% of the body surface (hands, arms and face) two to three times a week to a third to a half of an MED; (about 5 min for skin-type-2 adult in Boston at noon in July) in the spring, summer and autumn is more than adequate. Anyone intending to stay exposed to sunlight longer than recommended above should apply a sunscreen with a sufficient sun protection factor to prevent sunburn and the damaging effects of excessive exposure to sunlight. 

  • I've seen these studies - I try to spend 10-15 minutes lying in the sun on sunny days.  :)    Perhaps they were low since it was the beginning of April when I had the tests done.  I was just surprised it was so very low! 

    I always feel better after being in the sun and maybe that's why.  :)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - I do the same thing during the winter in AZ.  During the summer I can just look out the windowWink.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    I hope you all had a nice weekend. They promised sun here and they were a little wrong but at least we got 65 degrees!

    I must say last night I was very happy to hear Osama was gone. He killed my boyfriend, countless friends and acquaintances, made me move back to CT basically out of fear and affected my business tremendously. I am very glad he is gone. I am also glad, at least in part, our soldiers can come home from Afghanistan. It was odd that I was so relieved. My first job as a broker was in WTC and I also worked in WFC for Lehman Brothers. I loved the entire financial plaza downtown and that entire event took a huge toll on me both mentally and emotionally. I have pics from the day after 9/11 of the ruins that once were the towers. My greatest memories in life were working on Wall St and my love of the financial industry and the whole experience and essence downtown. I missed it so much when I moved back to CT although I was still working in NY. I was just afraid to live there anymore. I missed my boyfriend so much and was having quija board sayonces trying to contact him! The only I made contact was a wine bottle! That rented so much space in my head, it was awful. In any case, I will be in NY this weekend and will be taking updated photos of ground zero. I will share if anyone is interested. I miss the towers and I miss my life as it once was. In long, and again, I am really glad he is gone and they buried him at sea so no martyrdome could get started.

    Schie2011: welcome! There is so much to expect but I would not want to scare you with caveats. Everyone is different. As things happen, come here and talk about them. We will support you through it but don't want to mismanage your expectations with telling you things that perhaps you will never come to experience. I had 6 rounds of TAC. Just stop in if you are feeling something and talk with us. Again, I hate to tell you a bunch of stuff that, hopefully, will never come to pass for you. In long, we are here for you! Best of luck.

    Omaz- my wound is gross, thanks for asking! I got it cultured last week...we will see. I am so looking forward to getting this leftover TE out, a TE in the wound (!), and final implants. By the time they take the other TE out it will have been in over a year.

    I hope you are having a nice day out in the desert! Nice heat. It is still chilly barely 60 today but it is much nicer than the 40's we were having up until recently!

    Sptmm: I am glad you had a nice day upstate NY. I was just remembering last night one year I flew to FL, purposely went into Orlando because I wanted to jump on a few rides at Disney, got in the rental and drove to Sarasota to see mom, Naples to see my brother and then flew out of Tampa. It was such a beautiful, hot, hot summer week! I remember driving along, crossing the Sunshine bridge thinking I love this incredible heat! All along while I was in NY I was lamenting going to FL in the summer because of the oppressive heat but when I got there, I decided it felt nice to be really warm! FL to LI...big change for you! I so look forward to retiring in FL. Nice, incredible heat!

    JSW: congrats on finishing rads... so nice to get this stuff behind us.

    Calamtykel: Really? The brand was no good on Vit D? That is awful. I am glad you went and got a better quality. I was wondering when I first started reading how you could be low on Vit D and still taking a lot? Don't worry about the WBCs just yet. One year on those as well. I don't know how the heck I got bronchitis but it cannot mean my WBCs are back to where they should be either. I just looked at my most recent bloodwork from Yale in April and they were fine but I think for a while, that number is going to go up and down until we recover fully from chemo.

    Have a good night all-
  • Lizzy - I think there are various qualities of Vitamin D just like with any vitamin.  There are synthetic forms and natural whole foods forms.  The kind I'm on is a systemic formula that contains 3000 mg D3, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin A, zinc chelate and Potassium.  It also contains turmeric (interesting!) Beta Glucan, grape seed extract, rna/dna liver and kidney tissue factors, L Carnatine, and a bunch of fruits and roots.  

    When I came home and looked it up, apparently, it has the liver and kidney tissue factors to make the vitamin D more bio available to the body.  I'm certainly learning a lot since having BC.  I regret that I didn't have my D levels checked way back last year when I was first diagnosed.  I was extremely low despite my diet and sun exposure.  I was surprised. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    lizzy - I would like to see the updated pictures of ground zero.  I am sorry you lost your boyfriend.  That was such a horrible thing.  I identified with it because anyone could have been on those planes.  I guess that is the essence of terror.  It was awful to me to think of those people in buildings that couldn't get out and those people in the planes.  I don't feel like I will ever really get over that.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: it was easily the worst day of my life.  The firm I was working for had an office in CT so I did not go to WTC that day.   My friend Greg, who could always be counted on to be late for work, is alive because of his tardiness.  My friends Nick and Tony are still alive because, for reasons unknown, their bond meeting at Windows (top of WTC) was cancelled.  My boyfriend had just gotten a desk job at Cantor otherwise, at that hour, in his previous position, he would have most likely been at the NYSE.  My family could not reach me and thought I was dead because I had actually been considering an offer from Oppenheimer that would have put me in WTC that day.   They were in FL and it is not like we were in touch every day (except me and mom!) but no one could reach me because that crappy wireless provider I had (not Verizon!) took 24-36 hours to get service restored.   I will never, ever forget that day.   I go to WTC just to see the progress they have made but I don't go to the memorials as I can't stand to be down there, on that day, blubbering like an idiot!  I am, however, going to the memorial this year.   I will email you pics. 

    I am also going to the Subway Series(Yankees v. Mets) in a few weeks and will take some pics of ARod or Jeter if you would like!!!!!!!    I have pretty good seats so that should be an easy one!  

    9/11 sucked.  That is all there is to it.   So very sad and devastating.  You never hear me squawking at the airport because I am only way too familiar with why all that is being done.   I will never complain of the extra few hours I have to plan for when I fly as I know it is for my own good. I am just glad he is gone even though cutting the head off the snake will spawn more aggravation for us, no doubt.

    I felt relieved so much after I heard the news that I realized I was still carrying it with me.  That really struck me.   I was devastated for months after that.  What was worse is we had a pretty healthy "happy hour" that was normally midtown because I had friends in advertising etc.. and Bull and Bear is there.  In any case, every now and again I would say to my friend Mike "where is so and so" and he would give me that look and slowly break it to me they were gone.  After that happened a number of times I just did not go to happy hour much for a while.  I was tired of finding out that yet another person I knew was dead. 

    I remember being in WTC in my boss's office one night and we were looking out at the water.  I told him, as we both sat staring, we had made it.  We were there, in the most robust financial market in the world and in the most revered towers of capitalistic intention ever built.  It was a night I will never forget and nothing will ever compare.  Those buildings were beacons of hope and I am happy they are being erected again.  I know every person who died in those buildings and was a part of the fabric that made up the financial industry would want that without a doubt.  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Wow Lizzy - you were really close.  Gives me goosebumps.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Ten years soon and Osama is gone, gone, gone. So sorry it was so close in your life Lizzy.

    Charlotte thanks for the update on LadyBama's area. 

    I am just back from Whidbey Island. A nice little stay with a friend at an Inn there. Actually stopped in some shops and spent some time at the shore. We watched some ginormous ships go past with containers on them. SImply beyond huge! We had a little sun and a little more rain. Haha! My first night out of town since last year in July when we moved here. 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    JSW:  Congrats on finishing regular rads!! The boosts are quick and will fly by!

    Schie:  Welcome!  I did T/C and worked the whole time through, so it is possible that you will do very well on it. But Lizzy is right, we all had a different chemo experience and yours will be unique to you.  Just keep pushing forward, you are half way through!! Let us know how you do, and please feel free to stop by with any questions!

    Lizzy:  My prayers go with you on your visit to the WTC site.  I am sure it will be a very difficult time for you.  While the news of Bin Laden death is a sort of satisfaction, it does not even begin to console those people who lost loved ones on that day.  It is a very hollow victory.  Two of my son's close friends lost their dads that day, a firefighter and an investment banker.  A total of five kids, the oldest of whom was 10 at the time, will grow up without a dad.  Nothing can replace those lost, but at least we can all feel a little sense that justice has now been served.  You are a very strong woman to have gone through that, and now have come through your BC battle with flying colors.  You have had your world rocked twice in ten years, and you are still standing strong!


  • Lizzy - I'm sorry for your losses.  Here in Jersey we could see the towers about 45 minutes from here on the top of a hill.  It is strange to drive over that hill now on a clear day, even now, and they are not there among the other buildings. 

    My husband's boss was in NYC that day - and we had many friends who watched it all from their roofs. 
    Here is something odd though - three younger children, 12, 8 and 7 aren't old enough to remember or have been around for it.  They had a million questions about Bin Laden last night.  And the towers, and the planes.  I was surprised at what I took for granted - that "everybody" knows about this - that they knew almost nothing.  So we started from the beginning and watched actual Youtube media broadcasts as it happened.  It really brought back that feeling of standing in front of the TV and seeing that second plane hit.

    Once I could tear myself away, I left for the post office and on the way in the car I heard the pentagon had just been hit.  The poor post office clerks didn't know and I had to tell them what I knew so far.  (this was before they had a TV there.)

    Saturday I'm chaperoning the youth group on a scavenger hunt to NYC.  53 people in all with metro passes -- I just hope and pray security is beefed up and that some lunatic doesn't do something stupid.  

    I didn't feel relief when he was killed - I felt  sense of vindication, but relief, not really, because this is not a one man operation.  There are countless of other Al Quaeda members who would do the exact same thing.  

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lizzy Hugs to you.  Thank you for sharing your story of your experience on 9/11.  After seeing all of the news coverage I still cannot imagine what it must have been like for people who were there that day.  In hearing the news of bin Laden's death I was glad that this might bring some comfort to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 but I agree with Debbi and Cal - this doesn't bring back the people we lost and there are still plenty of people out there who would like to do harm to the United States.

    I had my first rads "boost" today.  They drew a circle around my scar and took off all the other stickers I had - the ones by my collarbone were the most annoying to me so I was glad to be rid of those!  It took a little extra time today as they had to get it all lined up properly but now that I've got the circle drawn on they said it will be super quick for the remaining 7 sessions.  My rad onc also gave me a prescription for silvadene cream since I am starting to have a little bit of peeling, did anyone else use that cream?  I am also very itchy the last few days.  The worst of it is actually on my upper back, they said that the treatments to the nodes under my clavicle actually went through my body and came out the back, burning my back as well as my chest!  But now that the rads to that area have stopped I am hoping it will start to feel better soon.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    How are you all today?  I hope things are going well for you all.

    Ladyinbama: I sure hope to hear from you soon. I am still kind of worried even though our friend, Charlotte, stopped by to tell us of the electricity incapacitations in the wake of the tornadoes Alabama is having. Please check in soon! I hope you are well.

    Omaz: what is shaking in the desert today? Are you getting along better on the tamox now that you are taking it differently? Don't forget, there is always those Celexa muffins if not!

    Ginger: I must be honest when I tell you when we were all card-carrying members of chemoville (!) I was pretty worried about you a few times there. I am so glad as I feel you have come so far since those dark days of chemo and have really put it behind you. I am so glad you went away this weekend and had some fun. Just getting away is healthy also. I am very happy for you and I love that you have enjoyed some outings with your family and your grandbaby brings you so much joy. These things are good for the soul and I am just so happy you are doing well.

    Sptmm: it does not console but it does, at least, put to rest that the man that killed almost 3000 people in this country, the charismatic leader so many gravitated to, is now gone. I had a meltdown in a cab one night when leaving an event on Wall St and going to my hotel in midtown. I was in a cab and it was not my finest moment. I still have my business cards and memo pads with my name on them from WTC and a total scrapbook but most of what I have are memories and those that I will never forget. One night in particular, I left Lehman about 6:45 (early!) and would have had to wait until 7 to get car service. It was a beautiful, March evening and I just decided I would walk to the 5 and take that to GCT. In any case, the sky was purple and orange and the buildings of WTC and WFC just looked brilliant as I walked across WTC plaza. It is just an evening I will never forget. There is so much about all of my days there and the fun I had and the wonderful spring and summer concerts in WTC plaza and the Wintergarden in WFC. The WIntergarden in WFC was just majestic at Christmas. It is like it was yesterday. Then there was cramming onto the catwalk across Vesey to catch a glimpse of the Yankees on the roll through the canyons! At the very least, I do have memories.

    When do you find out about your galactogram? Now that I think about it, as busy as you are and as much as you work and run the kids around to their activities, a spaceship would be a proper segue from a traditional vehicle for you!

    Calamtykel: vindication is a very good word in this case. Surely there are others who can take over but he was the charismatic leader that was able to cultivate such a following, I hope his death has some impact on their abilities to organize in the long term. Short-term, however, they will undoubtedly come together to avenge their leaders death. We are more in harms way now than we were over the past number of years but I am glad he is gone just the same. Can you see any hint of the new buildings over the crest of that hill yet? I believe one of them is up to floor 60 or so.

    When are you getting your Vitamin D levels tested again? Did you find any good deals at garage sales this weekend? I am always stunned by what I find at these garage and estate sales. Speaking of 9/11, I went to an estate give-away as it were, and the woman was a photographer. She had pics taken from Brooklyn with WTC in the background and a few other photos of WTC plaza and I brought it to their attention and they urged me to take the photos just the same! Unbelievable. I am not inclined to stop at these sales generally but there was a spot in front so I just stopped. It was serendipitous!

    OMG...a youth group on a scavenger hunt in NYC this weekend?! Geez, you really do like living on the edge! I would not be worried about security as much as I would LOSING one of them!

    JSW: there are tons that want to do harm to us. Now the protests in Pakistan about our going into their country to "get" him basically without warning. I will admit that was bold but, at the same time, you mean to tell me they had NO idea he was living there? They were harboring him as far as I am concerned.

    Good luck on boosts....this is almost all being put behind you. YAY!

    Well, a neighbor put a flyer in my mailbox that they have lost their cat so I am going to go cruising the neighborhood to see if I can find little Abby!

    Good day, all-

  • Lizzy - I go back in September or so.  I was also pretty upset when I glanced at my ph levels -they were very low!  I have been living on green things, olive oil, etc., and other alkaline foods.  Cancer thrives in a high acid environment.  I ordered some ph test  strips so I can test myself regularly -- I have to have a look at the blood test results again to be sure.  I left them with my np yesterday - I'll have to make an appointment to meet with him to see what's up. 

    About NYC - my 14 year old wanted to go - I felt better helping out if she was going to go - I probably won't be in her group though.  We are splitting into six or seven kids each and two adults.  Supposedly one of the two adults will know the city pretty well (that's not me!)  It's going to be a 12 hour event - this is going to be crazy!

    Spent the day in the sun today - first in the garden this morning, then over to a state park with my younger kids - fell asleep on a bench while they were on the playground.  Then we went for a hike on the trails.  Have to go out and mow -- the grass is insane!
    Is anyone else at that "awkward" stage for having hair?  Like the bangs are too short -the top is too long and now suddenly I have these two things that look like cup hooks by my ears.  I am not cutting it though, as I want to grow it out!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all!

    We are way too talkative a group for me to catch up right now on the past week.

    Yes,  Huntsville did get the tornados. More than 250 people have been killed in north Alabama. We were without power from Wed. to Sun. I'm blessed, both houses ok, all my family & friends are pretty much ok; the ones with damage had relatively minor damage like roofs blown off. But the damage up here is unbelievable. We left and went and stayed with friends in Dothan (south ala. almost to fla.). Came home Sunday night. I had my first chemo for my ov ca today. I'm exhausted!!

    Just wanted to check in and let you know we are ok and I love you all and appreciate your prayers and concern. I'll try to catch up later in the week.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady so glad to hear from you and you're doing okay...

    Vit D- i know i should take it everyday but sometimes i dont- they did labs last week and when i see the dr on thur i will see my levels.... I get a LOT of sun so my vit d levels might be good. Also thanks Calmity for letting us know about the difference in pills- i def need a better quality one, it has really low IDU or whatever the messure is for meds so i really should be taking 2 pills twice a day to get what my dr wants. i only take 2 pills 1x a day if that.... i am not good with pills even the tiny tamox makes me gag...

    Lizzy- Reading your story made me tear up, i think as Americans and North Americans we all feel connected someway to 9/11 but for those who actually lost someone i cant imagin the pain.... I wish we lived close i so would give ya a hug!

    I will never forget where i was when i heard about it- i was asleep (i lived on the west coast) and one of my husbands friends from back home called to see if my husband was okay- he was in the Army- and because he was stationed in WA (state) his friend thought we were by the pentagon... I didnt lose anyone close to me on that day, but i did lose friends that went over to fight... Really good guys ya know- i pray and thank God everyday that my husband didnt go (he got out before they sent anyone) there was a LAV roll over into a creek or something and the back door was padlocked and the top hatch was blocked cuz the vehical was upside down. Those guys didnt have a chance... SOmetimes i feel guilty that my husband was here, not that that would have changed anything but it sure makes you thankful for what you've got.... If it were up to my husband he'd re-up in a heartbeat he's so HOOAH, but i honestly would lose my mind if you was overseas.... Sorry just took a stroll down memory lane...

    Lymphademia- does it hurt? i am starting to get a little tenderness near my "dog-ears" and it dosnt feel like fluid build up or anything but who knows...

    I am so becoming a hyprocondriac- every little pain has me worried, still gettting bad headaches btw- gonna talk to my dr about that on thur....

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone! 

    Lady:  SOOOO Glad to hear from you, we were getting worried.  I am glad you, your family, and friends are all okay. You are too funny though...minor damage like roofs blown off...that seems pretty major to me...LOL!  Anyway glad you checked in.  I didn't realize you were starting the chemo so soon.  I hope you are feeling okay this morning!  My prayers are with you!

    Lizzy:  Lovely memories of the WTC....hold on to them!  I get the results of the galactogram on the 17 when I go back to the surgeon.  The radiologist was pretty confident that my body had found a way to connect my ducts to a seroma I have from the surgery and was draining it that way, so I am confident that everything was okay.  She was going to take a closer look at the pics just to make sure and then send her final report to the surgeon.  Any luck finding Abby?  How did the wound culture wind up?

    Texas:  That is so sad about the soldiers you know, especially the LAV crash.  How horrible.  I am so glad that your husband got out before he had to go overseas. A police officer is dangerous enough, don't need him hanging out in Afghanistan!

    Ginger:  Your weekend sounds fantastic!! Glad you were able to get away for a while, you needed it.  How is that grandbaby doing these days?  She must be getting big, they grow so fast the first couple of years.

    Calam:  I am with you on the hair.  Mine is starting to curl....all over the many different directions...LOL.  And I HATE my hairline, but my hair is still not long enough to cover the part I don't like...ARGH!! Like you though, I want to grow it out, so I don't want to cut it.  No matter how good people say I look in short hair, I miss my long hair!!   I am thinking however of going to a friend of my son's who is a hairdresser this weekend for some styling tips...there has to be something decent I can do with it! Good luck in the city, I am sure it will be a lot of fun.  Nerve wracking, but fun!

    JSW:  I didn't use Silvadene, I used Aquaphor.  Really greasy but worked well.  I too, got burned on my back from the radiation to the supraclavicular area.  I have a permanent tan line now...front and back..its funny you can see the radiation field.  I wonder if it will ever go away.  Glad you got your stickers off, you must  have felt like a little kid's art project...LOL.  I healed very quickly after rads, hope you do too!

    Omaz: the window comment!  But honestly, I am dreaming about that Arizona sun!!  This winter/spring here in the Northeast has been especially dreary and sunless and I am in serious need of some sunlight!!! Maybe you can send some of that warmth and sunlight over to us....PLEASE!!!

    I have the same question about the lymphedema as Texas, hopefully maybe Omaz knows??  Since I had the galactogram (which involves a mammogram), my left breast is very sore and now very swollen.  I am wondering if having two mammos in two weeks caused some breast lymphedema.  The breast is very hard too.  I think I will wait a couple of days and if the swelling doesn't go down I will move up my appointment with the surgeon.  After the galactogram they told me to watch for signs of infection, but there is no redness on my breast and the nipple where they put the needle looks normal.  It is just really swollen, hard, and very sore. 

    Okay, gotta get to working now.  Have a great day everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    This is a really good book about LE

    Lymphedema: A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing

    Debbi - I am thinking your breast might be sore from the procedure !  If swelling starts to move out from the breast I would call.  Keep an eye on your temperature.  I got cellulitis about 10 days after surgery.  My temp went up to about 100. something and I got swelling but it never got red.

    The book is nicely written and very informative.  They really present LE as something that can be managed if it occurs.  Also the speak up step out website has lots of information.  Two women here, kira and binney are both experts in LE, you can check their posts for information too.

    Personally I think all women who have had biopsy/surgery/rads treatment for BC should get a consult for LE and get followup periodically. 

  • Schie2011
    Schie2011 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you all for given me so much information on what to expect. I have been stuck in bed thanks to the pain in my legs. Really hope that it goes away when I get off the Chemo. I start the T/C tomorrow. I am really scared about this one. My hubby wants to go fishing for mother's day and I hope that I am going to be able to go. I will let you all know how it goes. 

    Aging Thank you All.

    Happy Mother's Day 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Omaz, I am going to look for that book tonight and check out the website. With all the hot flashes, I hadn't really thought about my temp.  But I will check it tonight.  I think I am going to insist that the surgeon give me a referral to be evaluated for lymphedema as this has been a chronic problem since rads in one area of my breast.  Over the past couple of days, it has gotten really bad.  I am in as much pain/discomfort right now as I was immediately after surgery! I too, had thought about infection or cellulitis, but as I said there is no redness, just swelling and pain. 

    Thanks for the resources,


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - I hope it feels better soon!
  • Schie2011
    Schie2011 Member Posts: 5

    sptmm62 I hope you feel better. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Schie!  My prayers are with you too as you start T/C tomorrow. Like I said before, it wasn't that bad for me, so hopefully you will  have an easier time than you did with the AC.  I hope you feel well enough to go on that fishing trip...sounds like the perfect, quiet and relaxing Mother's Day!  Keep us updated on how you do with your treatment.


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lady So glad to hear from you and glad you are ok.  I have seen a lot of pictures from Tuscaloosa and the devastation is unbelievable.  It sounds like Huntsville fared better and I am hoping Birmingham is relatively ok too!  My husband and I are going up to Birmingham in 3 weeks to look for an apartment so we'll see how it looks.  I hope your chemo is going well so far, get some rest and check back in with us to let us know how you are feeling.

    Hair I am a bit jealous of those of you dealing with unruly hair right now!  Since I finished chemo a bit later than most of you mine is still super short and not totally covering my head.  I'm only 12 weeks post chemo and still wearing my hats because I can see a fair amount of scalp underneath, especially on the sides.  I have been taking pictures every week and I can see that it is improving so I'm hoping that in a couple of weeks it will be thick enough (and I will be brave enough) to go topless.

    Today was rads #28 of 34!  Only 6 boosts to go and the boosts really are super quick.  Since yesterday was the first one it took longer for them to get me lined up and make new markings for the boost radiation area.  Today I was in and out so fast the other people in the waiting room were amazed I was done so quickly!  Debbi I have heard good things about Aquaphor but my rad onc was very specific that I should only use lotion that they give me.  They gave me one called "Special Care Cream" that I have been using throughout and then yesterday she gave me the prescription for Silvadene because I am starting to peel a little on my back.  I looked it up and Silvadene is an antibiotic cream so I think the idea is to be sure to prevent any infection as the skin heals.

    Tomorrow is my diagnosis anniversary date.  I didn't think I would feel too bad about it but as it approaches I am getting a little depressed.  I also got in the mail this weekend a letter from the local Women's Imaging Center reminding me to schedule my annual mammogram (had my first ever mammogram at this time last year after finding my lump).  The letter had all these facts about breast cancer, especially focusing on women in their 40s and the importance of early detection.  Considering that I actually received my diagnosis from the radiologist at that facility and I am in my 30s the letter felt sort of insensitive.  Anyway, I'm sure you ladies understand so thanks for that and thanks for being an awesome source of support over the last year.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    I hope you all are having a lovely day.

    LADY!!!!!!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!! Whew....even though our nice visitor Charlotte told us about the mayhem in your town, I was still quite nervous when the days dragged on and we did not hear from you. I am so happy you are back! GREAT to hear from you!

    Calamtykel: that is a great idea to test yourself with the Ph strips. I knew that about cancer and the high acid environment but, as you know there are so many things to keep track of with this, our conversations are reminders so thank you for that. I will be off to CVS to get some strips today.

    Have fun in the city with the kids....I will be praying for you that everyone has fun and you go back over the GW with as many as you started with!! Just joking....I am sure everything will be fine. Sounds like fun.

    Hysterical your explanation of your hair with the cup hooks!!! Yes on the cup hooks, as my hair is curly naturally, and I am also sporting some sideburns....very disturbing at best!

    Texas: I am so glad your husband is ok and was not one of our casualties of war. I am also very glad he is not there now as you really need him and I am sure he needs you and those adorable kids need their dad! I am just glad that joker Osama is gone. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. Last night on JKL he showed a caricature of Osama in hell and that 13 year old girl that became and internet sensation with that song "Friday" (I think her name is Rebecca Black?...I forget) is singing that song over and over and that is his hell!!!!! It was hysterical!

    BTW, I am a ceritifiable hypochondriac these days! Every pain is mets in my head! It is a wonderful life!!!!

    Sorry to you and Deb, I have no info on LE. I lift weights and stretch every day...I am paranoid about getting it.

    Sptmm: I did not find little Abby. I even told my cat to keep her eyes open (forgedaboudit!!!!) for little Abby and she promptly went to bed!!! Now news on the culture yet. That is really cool that you had the galactogram, that such a test exists and that it seems as if preliminarily results put you in the clear. Good stuff, woman!

    Deb, as 2 women with naturally curly hair, I think by July we will look as if we could join the original cast of "Welcome Back Kotter!!!" Do a google on that show and when you see the photos that come up, we will be eligible to be photoshop'd into it by July with the NE humidity helping out!!!!!

    Omaz: I totally you are correct in that we all should have an LE consult but my BS did not feel it was necessary when I brought it up. Fight the power, read the book, do everything it says to manage it. It is funny because I am so aggravated that I can't seem to get this "stuff" in my lungs up (thanks bronchitis!) that I considered getting an inversion table, flipping myself upside down with a heating pad strapped to my chest to loosen it and let gravity do it's work!!!!! If I had LE, I would again consider and inversion table to let gravity try to deal with some of that fluid. It is a banal line of thinking but it is mine just the same!!

    Schie2011: I hope you are able to go fishing on Mother's Day but remembering my days on TAC, smelling fish and being in a boat...YIKES!! I sure hope you feel good enough to go, however. Consequently, and unless you enjoy fishing, I hope that on Father's Day he is going to the spa with you!

    ALL: let's rally together once again and cheer our fellow BC sister, Shie2011, on as she starts TC tomorrow. Let's all send good vibes her way and help her get through this. Also, we need to send good vibes to JSW to help her get through her cancerversary tomorrow. Two big events tomorrow and we need spiritually rally!!!

    JSW: I am only a few weeks ahead of you on the hair and now I have full coverage, it is about ½ inch long and it is now beginning to grow into swirls!!!!!!! Lovely, very attractive look for summer!! More to this point, unless you have naturally straight hair, enjoy your final days without a fro!!!!!

    As for the letter, send it back and say you think it was sent you in error as you are NOT in your 40s and you have bc so perhaps they should change the tone of that letter! That should do it! Personally I really think they have to stop so that people younger women don't have to beg for attention when they have lumps. Poor Tex went through hell trying to get someone to pay attention to her because of her age. They really have to stop making it a middle-age to older-woman disease. This is also causing mammos to still be doled out based on age. Again, I urge "Fight the power!!!"

    Well, girls, I am going to get moving on my daily chores. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Perhaps I will do some more hunting for that little Abby today as we have coyotes out here.

    Good day, all-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Haha Lizzy...I am aiming for the Vinny Barbarino look and hoping I don't end up looking like Horseshack!!!