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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady- I am going to go in and talk to an advisor next week :) i had talked to her before, she was the one that told me how to get everything done and what they needed from me (like my last college transcripts)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hope everyone Had a nice Mothers Day, I did.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sue - How are you doing with the bone pain?  did you talk to your onc about the herceptin?
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    I hope you ALL had a lovely Mother's Day and certainly, for those dx'd before Mother's Day, I hope it was better than last year.

    Tex: if it is a long drive to the college, don't even bother wasting your gas going to see an advisor!   I understand why there is a shortage of nurses after trying to deal with these programs, deadlines and the fact that, at least in CT, they start one nursing class per year.  

    I can't believe the "12 items or less" drama...what are people thinking?! 

    Omaz: did you invite your family to the compound for Mother's Day?!  I hope you had a good one.

    Calamtykel: how did the scavenger hunt go?  I hope you had fun.

    Sptmm:  Good Mother's Day?   Did you get out and enjoy the weather this past weekend?  It was so nice out.  I am just looking for the 80's now.  I really need to feel some real warmth!

    Ckptry: did you have a nice Mother's Day?  I hope so.  I hope you have treated yourself to some help from the PTA also.  BTW, I went to a new PS today.  Very nice, deals with a lot of bc patients.  Here's to hoping! 

    My sleep is still not right as I got to sleep about 3 and had to get up at 6 to shower and make it to the doc appt so I think it is nap time!

    Happy trails, all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - what did the new PS say about the wound?  I had a low key mother's day.  Went swimming, did chores, worked.
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Carolyn It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day - the tea at your daughters school sounds like it was a lot of fun and your son's t-shirt sounds adorable!  I had heard about biotin helping hair and nail growth, maybe I should pick some up. 

    This weekend DH and I were leaving the house to go out to lunch and I realized after locking the front door that I had forgotten to put on a hat.  I asked DH if I looked ok or if I needed to go back in for a hat and he told me to get the hat!  Then later I asked him how much more hair I needed before I could ditch the hats and he said 3 inches.  I had to explain that 3 inches would take several more months and there is no way I am going to be wearing my hats that long!  It is getting to be really hot here (high of 90 today) so I think the hats are going to go soon.  I was thinking about it this weekend and originally I wanted to wear my hats until my hair grew out enough that it looked like a short haircut.  Right now it still looks like regrowth - really short and not very thick.  But at this point wearing knit hats in summer looks just as obviously not normal as my hair looks, so I may as well at least be comfortable!  So I think in honor of my last day of rads on Thursday I will also go hatless and see how it goes.  If people start running away screaming I will know to put my hats back on!

    Lady Glad to hear your new round of chemo is going ok so far.  Hopefully you will breeze through it!  How many treatments will you have total?

    Lizzy Thanks for asking about the house, someone came to see it Thursday and then another person last night.  Haven't gotten any offers yet but I feel a little better that people are at least looking at it.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    jsw - my new 'trainer' who is fabulous and I am certain has never had a day of sick time in her whole life (: has very short hair.  I mean less than an inch long.  It is curly dark and molds around her head.  It looks good!  Just go hatless, who cares!  Personally this treatment has been incredibly hard I think and I wear my LE sleeve as a badge of strength that others can see.  Same thing with the strange hair.  I still look like a dandilion gone to seed!  I am proud of myself for making it through all this stuff and still making it through since we are still getting infusions of herceptin and taking the tam or AI.  (((hugs)))
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw it must be a guy thing! I asked dh the same thing and he had told me to wait a few more weeks but I was having hot flashes and ditched it. I actually think people are nice about it - I didn't believe them when they told me I looked good w/ a salt n pepper crew cut, lol, but I think they almost feel better b/c it means you're done with tx so they assume you're better and they haven't been able to give you complements before that (e.g wow you're rocking that anemic no eyebrow look!)

    lady glad to hear the chemo went okay and hope you get through this quickly and painlessly . How long do you have to take it?


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yeah it has to be a guy thing, mine even criticise my hat choice! He says "nope not that one makes you look like an old lady, or a cancer patient!" LOL i just say forget it and wear it anyhow! my fav one is the one i got from breastfriends that says "my baldness is temporary but my beauty is permanent" DH hates that one! LOL

    Did the LGFB meeting and HAD a blast! They showed us how to put on and chose a wig- so i went and got 2 today- yeah i know a bit late since my hair is growing back, but i figure next time i go through chemo i will be prepared!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sorry doesnt seem to be working (adding pictures) not sure if y'all can see them

    First pic is me with the short sandy brown color wig, second is with the darker brown bob... does it look like i am wearing a wig?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895 me with sandy color wig me with  the dark brown wig me with nothin- notice my hair just wont stay down or in place! (Hairl gel isnt working lol)

    For lizzy- this is my dad - o esta es mi padre ;)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    texas - try again, I want to see the pics!

    My dear friend at work just told me she has endometrial cancer today.  I am so sad.  She is a strong independent woman.  She is going to the same oncology office as I do and I am going to go with her for her CT scan.  That sucks.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    omaz i edited it...

    Y'all be honest- does it look like i am wearing a wig??? Which is your fav?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    texas - YOU are adorable!!  Of the two wigs, which are both cute as can be, my fav is the dark brown.
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    and just for shits and giggles me b4 cancer- i totally did this pic as a mock cuz my nieces do this pose for myspace LOL my sil did my make up and i borrowed her top.... (yeah its that scandalous that i had to explain)

    BTW i just want to say how AWESOME i feel after today- i feel less manly! i just wish my hubby was home to see me!!!! I really totally needed this day- made me feel like a million bucks!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks omaz- the dark one is my fav too, but i like the other one too cuz it has multi colored highlites which make it look more like what i would do with my hair

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    texas - you are too funny!!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    that day i was going out for my 26th birthday (it was the last time i had drank it was 11-01-08) i was still living in AZ but had come home to visit my in-laws for my sons bday which is halloween. My bestie who is also born on halloween suggested we go have some drinks- before this i hadnt drank since 2005- anyhow cuz my bday is 11/2 we did it the date between- i think it fell on a sunday so everything was DEAD lol

    SO long story short, my hoochie mama sister in law said "let me do your hair and make up" then of course my face was over done for what i was weraing (tshirt and jeans) so she lent me clothes and my big 'ol size Es were falling out of her size Bs! THEN she did this mini photoshoot for like 30 minutes!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemsabes and radicals:

    I saw my new PS today...wonderful! Unbelievable what a great reputation she has AND, as I am sitting in the waiting room, a woman and her mom come out and just started chatting with me. They were saying how wonderful she is and when they found out it was my first appointment, they could not say enough good things about her. I am so happy I found somebody who is so highly regarded. I spoke to a woman a few months ago about another PS in the area and she told me how one of her implants was under her arm, the other one the nipple fell off!!! It was horrifying. This PS, however, all I hear is good about her and for that, I am grateful!

    Ginger: I hope you and your daughter had a nice Mother's Day!  Stop in and file a report! 

    Tex: great pics! I, too, like the brown short one. Isn't LGFB a blast?! I have to tell you, I was having a good time. Some of the women at mine were really sick, or just miserable, and they were kind of a drag so I felt bad laughing at times but it was all in good fun.

    That last photo of you in the SCANDALOUS top was just that!! Joking-you look great! As for the wigs, I think the dark brown is best but, to be honest, your own hair, I think, looks really good. It is entirely feasible you might be able to just skip the wig. People keep telling me how "cute" my hair is coming in! I guess that means the Mohawk and "swirls" that are showing up are just adorable!!!!!

    JSW: the end of boosters this Thursday...YAY! I will definitely be praying that you sell you have a lot of lookers at your house! May the force be with you! As for hair, mine is about ½" to ¾" now. I am only pretty sure that I will be going without a hat soon. Although, to be honest, I love baseball caps so perhaps I will move on to visors next!

    Ckptry: you would not have been able to, with great aplomb, take a compliment about your hairlessness?!! Geez....!!!!! I am just looking forward to a nice short do and I have actually been thinking about my "stops" and how I will fashion my hair on my way to a longer look (probably 2 years!) In any case, good for you on ditching the hat during hot flashes!

    Omaz: I am so glad you liked your training session! Speaking of dandelions, I really don't like using RoundUP and the other weed killers but those dandelions are coming back up mighty fast after the mowing! In any case, I am sorry you *look* like a dandelion gone to seed!

    Lady: how are things going? How is chemo treating you this time? Did you have a good Mother's Day? I hope your friends and family were spared loss in those tornadoes and am very happy everything was fine for you.

    Well, I have become a television head and "Dancing with the Stars" is on! Then tomorrow night is "The Voice" and then Weds and Thurs is Idol...bc has made me a total TV head!

    Good night, all

  • Well, here's one I Haven't seen on here yet!
    My eyelashes FELL OUT!  I mean, they fell out when I finished taxol.  Then they grew back with a vengence.  They were nice and long and suddenly over the course of the past few days they have all fallen out again!  I have stubby new growth coming in but not much to be able to put mascara on!

    Anyone else!  SHEESH I feel like I'm back on chemo!
    I wonder what gives!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Texas both look great. However, your hair looks good. You have great eyes. You are totally cute either look. Libraylil

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    cal - I don't have much in the way of eyelashes so I can't even tell what they are doing but I think I remember reading that normally the eyelashes fall out randomly or are on different cycles of fallout but chemo puts them all on the same schedule.  Anyone else read that?
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady---Hope you are doing well. Sending you hugs through your chemo treatment.

    Texas--You look great--you have great eyes. I also like your hair--as is---but the dark brown wig looks great--they are completely different looks--each looks good--the colour changes entirely what you look like!

    I am completely without any wig/hat/scarf etc for about a month now. My hair is steadily growing back in--I will try and post a picture. I need to put product in now to get it to take some sort of shape. I haven't had a haircut yet but maybe in the next few weeks to try and give it some sort of style?

    I am still struggling with weight loss--or lack thereof--I am pretty active--gym/walking/exercise with trainer at support group but the scale isn't budging...I am watching what I eat but not depriving myself either. Have to get it in gear as I have no summer clothes that fit and with the gorgeous weather---it sucks thinking that I may have to buy new clothes! aarrrggh. That being said, if it is the worst thing right now---no big deal :)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Tex u are a very pretty girl, but if I have to pick, I like the lite one.I hope you all had a great Mothers Day, I had an awesome one with my daughter. Here is a pic we took.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing pictures, I love to look at the pic. please share yours.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    omaz- about the lashes, no i havent read that, but that makes sense! mine are still sparse... my eyebrows are getting busshy again but not thick enough to get waxed just yet cuz then they'd look too thin!

    thanks for the compliments everyone! BTW texted dh the pics (hes 7 hrs away in dallas) and he said he liked them but when we're "talking" ;) i cant wear them LOL such a guy thing to say!

    rachel- i also am having that issue, not so much of not losing weight but not losing inches where it matters... i totally have muffin tops and my blouses start to ride up exposing my hips! Annoying and NEW i hate it! dont want to buy new clothes yet cuz i hope to kick it up a notch and get ridof the stubborn last 15 pounds!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    very nice pic SUE! love your hair, totally looks like you got it cut like that and not a re-grow!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sue - Beautiful family!  How are you feeling?
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: I am seriously thinking about working out 2 times per day now!  It is stubborn but we must keep it going!   Speaking of working out, where is Zumbalicious Sptmm?!??! 

    I hope you had a nice Mother's Day, Tex.  You totally deserve it.

    Tex, dh says NO wigs during "talking" time?!  What's up with that?!?!?

    Sue: nice photo and I agree with Tex, your hair does look like a choice, not a sentence! 

    Rachel: if you have not tried Zumba, get it for Wii or if you don't have Wii, get the discs on Amazon. It is great and so much fun.