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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Best wishes to you Sherry - it can be difficult at times but we need to kill any cancer cells that may have snuck out of the breast.  Chemo is designed to do that.  Drink lots of water, eat lots of protein. keep exercising as best as you can tolerate, take what meds you need to manage any side effects you may have.  (((Hugs))))
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  That survivorship clinic sounds fantastic.  I want to move to CT now because that is exactly what I need right now and I can't seem to find it.  I am going to a "Casting for Recovery" weekend in July, hopefully I will get a little bit of that there.  Please keep us updated.  Seriously, I am muddling my way through this, but I think I actually was in better shape emotionally while going through treatment than after.  But I am finding my way, getting better and less anxious every day.  I still get the dizzy spells which the onco says are mini anxiety attacks but they are getting further and further apart now.  As for Gabe Kotter...I am getting closer everyday...LOL.  It's curling in all different directions...LOL!

    Omaz:  My hair came in straight at first, that is the funny thing.  So I thought to myself I was going to escape the "chemo curl".  Then it got wavy, but I didn't worry because my long hair before was a little wavy, so no big deal.  But NOW..OMG..every day it gets a little curlier and harder to control...AAARRRGGH.  I can only hope it calms down as it gets longer or I will be looking like a clown..or GABE KOTTER!

    Sherry:  Welcome.  Like the girls have said, chemo is not as bad as you imagine.  As I started to get the diagnosis, all I kept asking was "but I am not going to need chemo, right?"  I was sooo worried about it.  When the onco finally told me that I probably would need chemo, even before they did the axillary node dissection, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.  After the appointment I sat in my car, trying to calm myself down, for 15 minutes.  But once I made peace with it I was okay.  And when treatment actually began, it was not what I expected.  I actually worked full-time all the way through and only missed 2 days of work, other than infusion days.  I wish you the best of luck.  My advice is to try to keep a positive attitude as I really think your mindset has a physical affect, and drink tons of water! Feel free to PM me if you like, or just keep posting here on the board.  We will be here whenever you need.  And I definitely would join the chemo group for the month you begin.  These girls here have been invaluable to me as I have gone through this.  They truly are some of my best friends. 

    Have a great day everyone!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sptmm - I am so excited to get the frizz cut off.  Maybe my daughter will stop petting me.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz:  Hopefully!  My daughter stopped petting me a month or two ago.  My hair is now normal texture, not baby soft.  It is nice not to be the family pet...LOL!

    Good Luck with the haircut and style.  I am going to make an appointment in a week or two.  I have to get some help with how to wear these curls...LOL!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I think that my hair is gradually going curly---it seems to have a mind of its own. I haven't had a cut yet but think that in the next couple of weeks, I'll give it a try and see if that helps--keep some sort of style. Funny enough, having this short hair seems much more work than when I had shoulder length hair--at least with longer hair you can throw it up in an elastic. I need to learn how to style short hair! I was going to go to one of those supercut type places to get a trim but someone at my support centre said to get a proper cut...I feel cheap to pay a lot for a haircut when my hair is so short.

    Lizzie--My support centre also offers a survivorship program--I will have to check it out. I am in a couple of courses with my support centre so will have to check out that program when one of the others comes to an end.

    My back to work program is behind schedule due to my work and all other parties coming to an agreement. Looks like I won't be back -- even with gradual hours--for at least another 8 weeks or so. That's OK--now that the weather is getting nicer--I can enjoy the sun and outside.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Rachel:  I agree 100%, this short hair is much more work than my long hair.  I actually have to blow dry it...LOL!  My long hair...just shower and air dry!  But I guess it will be cooler for the summer.  Sorry that your work plans are delayed, or congrats on the vacation extension....however you see it.  How's the soccer going?  My son's team is playing in the semifinal of the NY State Championship tomorrow.  It has been a lot of travel this Spring but they are doing well.  My daughter will play her last soccer game ever on June12. She has been on the same team since she was 10.  There will be a ton of tears at that game, probably more than when the girls graduate high school two weeks later!  LOL.  I saw your son's football pics on facebook.  They look cool in the all black!  Really tough looking!  Is he enjoying it?


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    HAHAHA its funny how we are treated like pets when our hair grows in- glad to see i am not alone as to being petted :)

    BTW i changed my profile pic to these ribbons i made to symbolise metastatic breast cancer- i would post a link to the thread but apparently i dont know how to do that LOL its in the stage 4 forum titled metastatic ribbon i think...

    Anyone want one let me know :)

    lizzy that clinic sounds fun,

    Sherry- if you go to the first few (or 100 or so) pages you can read our worst side effects which for some were very mild... I second you visiting that thread for your month- you will make bonds with people who are going through exactly what you are at the exact same time. Nothing like it!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, CANCER WARRIORS!

    I have decided we all deserved a new group name!!!!   We are now the warriors!!!  As most of us (those left!) are done with chemo and rads, we needed a new moniker celebrating the NEW FRONTIER!!!!!

    Sptmm: is there really something called "chemo curl?" Should I infer most people have their hair come back curly after chemo? Mine was curly before and one of my docs was telling me that you generally get the opposite of what you had going into chemo so I was hoping for some straight hair! In any case, with the excellent flat irons I have, it really does not matter as I straighten it with ease when it grows back in! Those swirls are starting to grow even all looks so weird! As for the ease of short hair, I think it is easier for me now, at this length, because I just shower and go. I know in a few months, however, and with the NE humidity, I am going to have a rat's nest on my hands!

    As for the survivorship clinic, I am very happy with it. I think it is wonderful that I can start my list of questions now and by the time I go back, be able to get some answers to the eclectic mix of questions that plague my mind.

    They told me there aren't any plans for scans. I guess they just go on how I feel and, if I am feeling something weird, then off to the scans I go. Geez...there is a big part of me that wishes it was a bit more definitive! Cancer has several monikers and I am not going to share with you the one I am thinking about right now!

    Omaz: your hair looked great a month ago so I am sure it is time for a chopping! It is so exciting our hair is coming back and you actually have enough growth to get a hair cut! Hey, I did not realize until later you were on the coffee thread the other day! I am so tired of conflicting reports about the damn coffee business! I have been off coffee for almost a year. Sometimes I want to have it again. I am thinking I might have 1 cup on Sundays and will do Starbucks decaf. I do kind of miss coffee.

    Rachel: ENJOY the time off!!!!!!!! Another 8 weeks gets you over ½ way through summer....relax and soak it up, sister! The survivorship clinic is wonderful but you spoke of "courses" in your post. What courses are you taking? I think a more comprehensive clinic with courses would be great but you have heard me time and again casting aspersions at our grotesquely capitalistic healthcare system so I am sure it is good ol' money that causes us not to be able to have some classes to take!

    Tex: Send me the link for the ribbon. I will change my avatar to in support of you. This is a ridiculous segue but I must tell you! When I was talking to the PT, as I said these people are all cancer survivors, I asked what kind he had and it was testicular. He was happy to report his wife is now pregnant and they are so very happy! He is blessed to be having a child and I told him I look forward to pics on my next visit as I think his wife is due in the next month. In any case, I asked him if he saw "Dodge Ball" and he quickly responded with ‘that was the best cameo I have ever seen!' referring to Lance Armstrong when he is in the airport bar in Vegas and he meets Vince Vaughn who is down on his luck, about to give up. That is when Lance says something like "well, I was about to give up when I was diagnosed with testicular, brain and lung cancer but I fought through and won the Tour De France again!!!" It was hysterical! I hope you are a "Dodge Ball" fan and, if you are not, please hop over to NetFlix and rent yourself a treat! If Lance Armstrong could do it, so can we! OMG...speaking of Lance, it is now coming out, I think in an upcoming 60 minutes, how he was "on something" when he won at one point or another. It is some tell-all book by a slime ball looking to make a few bucks. In any case, a lot of that stuff has carcinogenic properties so we are ahead of him on that note!

    Well, we have 5 minutes of sun so I should hop on outside and make hay!!!  Speaking of hopping, my *indoor* cat was on her perch going bananas as the cutest little bunny made it's way across my backyard!  It was sooo cute!  

    Man, we have been in a pattern of rain for about a week. Oh well, when I think of the tornadoe devastation in the south, I am happy that all we get is rain up here. Those poor people and now the floods on the is sad for the people who seem to run the risk of annually losing everything. In long, I will take CT and it's no-Spring, humid summers and lightly snowy winters (****normally!!!!).

    Speaking of tornadoes, does anyone understand why first the people in the South, who have been through quite enough, now have to deal with Charlie Sheen?!   Additionally, and I know this is a ridiculous question, but does anyone else's brain squeeze a little bit when you hear him say "torpedoes against tornadoes??!!"  It just does not make a lick of sense....not that he does anyway!   Someone put a fork in him...he is done!  He should leave those poor people alone!  They have been through enough without his nonsense!  

    Good day all and GO SEE BRIDES MAIDS!!!!!!!! Laugh a little!

    Fight the good fight, Warriors!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    "Warriors..... come out and playayay....."

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    love the new name for us- yes i feel very warrior-esque

    adey- is ur skin healed from rads?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    TR- Much better, just a slight tan.  I have my post tx muga on Monday and will get soft boobs on 9/01, woot.  Nice work on the ribbon!

  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63

    Hey ladies, I heard from IowaSue's sister this afternoon. She went to the hospital to see Sue this afternoon and said that Sue is looking and feeling great after her surgery.  She will be released from the hospital tomorrow.  Woohoo!!!  We are all looking forward to hearing from you when you get home Sue!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Adey:  Great to hear from you.  Glad you are healing well from the rads.  Good luck with your exchange surgery. 

    Texas:  Love your ribbon.  I would love to post it in support of the brave Stage IV ladies. and of course, friend. BTW:  Loved that Hoochie Mama picture from a couple of pages ago.  I finally looked at STUFF! How's the kick ball going?

    Lizzy:  On the scans.  At first I was alarmed and wished they would scan regularly.  But after this last round of MRIs because of the spot in my hip I think I understand why they don't.  The problem is nothing short of a biopsy is definitive.  And because we have had cancer, they assume the worst when they see something in a scan, something that if they saw it in anyone else's scan they wouldn't even investigate. (I think I remember something about a spot in your skull prechemo too, right?) It leads to a lot of tests, radiation, and anxiety.  And now that I know that spot is there, I worry about it.  If I hadn't had the original x-ray I would have been blissfully ignorant and I think I would have preferred that.  There is nothing worse then knowing the doctor's are probaby right and it is nothing, but always wondering, what if they are wrong? Oh and check this out.  My mother was here for Mother's Day and had lunch with my aunt, who remembered something about a birth defect I had when I was born with my hip that caused me to wear a cast for the first six months of my think they could have remember this earlier!!!! Unfortunately my mother couldn't remember what hip it was or what the problem was, so I don't know if it is related to that spot, but it would have been nice to have this detail a couple of months ago...LOL!!  Kind of like the family history of breast cancer I never knew I had....until I told my mother I had been diagnosed with breast cancer!  Oh well..that is my rant for the day.

    I am off to blow dry down my "chemo curls"!  Have a great day tomorrow everyone!  It is my daughter, Taylor's. 18th birthday.  Geez, I am beginning to feel old!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My hair is crazy curly, crazy I tell ya! 

    I went to my first "regular" doctor appointment in years yesterday. We just moved out here to the Seattle area last July and so I had no Doc, or Dentist for that matter.    She has me coming back in two weeks for a complete physical. I liked that she wanted to further investigate some possible meds for me rather than just prescribing what she knows.( I have night terrors, always have.) I was surprised at how anxious I felt, really shaky.   Now I need to go to the Da da da dum um Dentist.......oh I am dreading that. Have to find one first though.  

    I hope you all have really fun weekends doing some thing you want to do. 

    Hugs GInger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Ginger!!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie---the cancer support centre near me offers lots of different programs--exercise training, yoga, tai chi, meditation/relaxation, back to work programs, survivorship. I am taking a meditation program that is also talking about spirituality--i really enjoy it. I have found that by signing up for all different things--stuff that I probably never would have done pre-cancer, has really helped my recovery. Here--there are lots of programs once you start looking.

    Debbi--Yep, my son is playing football this summer--all in black--in the heat--should be fun. He has his first official game today and it is sunny and hot. Remember--he is used to ice hockey so this is a definite switch. My youngest is playing soccer and both still play a little hockey throughout the summer. They are both so active and competitive so they love team sports--we have stopped them a little this summer as we want to have more time for family vacation etc--which as you know, is very hard when they are on competitive teams throughout the summer as attendence is required!

    On scans---my onco said same thing--only scan if you have something that is bothering you. My problem is when is it something that is "normal" and when not. My shins are hurting but more than likely it is just my return to exercise...I wake up in the morning and it takes a bit for my legs etc to get moving--is that Tamoxifen? I don't want to have unnecessary scans etc but at the same time, I sometimes worry that an ache or pain that I am thinking is normal--maybe isn't. Granted pre-cancer--these aches and pains would be chalked up to something else--our mind instantly goes to cancer after.

    It is a long weekend here in Canada--the sun is shining today--we are heading out for the day and then to visit friends. Unfortunately it is supposed to rain tomorrow--go figure. Have a great weekend!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: That is exactly how I feel about Sheen. When he came to Ala. to look at the tornado damage, I was like "wtf? Why is he here???" It's all for his own publicity.

    Well, ladies, I am bald again. My hair, what little of it I had, was starting to fall out and last night DH had some hair in his dinner :( So I went ahead and buzzed it off. I just held it in my hands and said goodbye to 6 months of growth. You think you don't have much hair until you shave it off. It wasn't long, but it was thick. There was a lot of hair there! I have my second chemo for the OvCa on Tuesday. I'll let you all know how it goes.

    Glad to hear IowaSue is doing well.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lady sorry about your hair and that you have to go thorugh this again. It is just not fair! I hope your treatments are not too hard on you.


    all - we are off to the advocate today in prep for the battle to get services. Yesterday was a rough day. He had his 6 mo check up with the neuro. He is recommending a muscle biopsy at Columbia/Pres as he thinks both kids are now showing features of a muscle abnornality. The good news is that it is the dr.  feels it is not progressive and will force the school to provide the services they need. The bad news is that there is something'wrong' with my babies and I just feel so angry at God. Anyway, I have to put together copies of all their specialist reports (Aidan alone has two binders), progress reports, school correspondence ...etc while dealing with chemo brain so I may be out of touch a little. Uggh, I know this will pass but just feeling sort of woe is me today.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day cancer WARRIORS!!!!!!!-

    I hope you all had a restful night's sleep!  I, on the other hand, awoke from a nightmare that Charlie Sheen was living with me and he would not move out!!!! I tried everything and he just would not leave and he wouldn't wear his fake teeth in the was awful...just awful! In any case, while I was up I remembered an old song from the 80's and developed our new mantra!

    I present our new warrior mantra taken from the song by the eighties group "Scandal" aptly called "The Warrior!": "Shootin' at the walls of cancer, bang, bang, we are the warriors
    Well we are the warriors, and heart to heart we'll win and we will survive
    as warriors"
    For those of you unfamiliar with this song/group, here is the link to the video:

    Adey: I really thought you were going for the Scandal song and subconsciously you planted a seed!!!!!!!! How are you these days? New boobs in September...yay!

    Lady: you see how much he scares me?! I am having nightmares about him!? I feel really bad for you guys that you are subjected to crackpots at a time when so many have lost so much through natural disaster, not cocaine, and here comes satan trying to improve his image on the backs of those who have lost so much. It is a travesty. Whatever he did not snort should be used to buy an island anywhere but here where he can his barely legal hookers and live cocaine-filled ever after!  Alas we have a younger, very handsome cutie pie with his real teeth and no known drug habits on 2 1/2 Men!  Everything works out! 

    I am sorry about your hair but only a few more txs and you will be in regrowth again. Actually the timing could not have been better as you will have the least hair in the hottest months and your hair will be back just in time for the coldest months....not too shabby!

    Ckptry: BEST OF LUCK today. I will be sending good vibes. It is such a double-edged sword that the fact that something "might" be wrong will also get them the services they require. Perhaps there is nothing wrong and these tests will just serve to get them the services they need. My heart goes out to you. This annual rough patch shall pass. Let us know how it all turns out.

    SAMayo: thanks so much for the Iowa update. I really appreciate it and it is so great to hear she is doing well!

    Sptmm: that is so funny about how they remember *after* you have been through all the scan madness AND their memory is sketchy at best! You are correct about the scans etc... but I just hope that some day we have a less radiologic way of determining if cancer is resurrecting itself in our bodies. Oh well...some day and I will probably be long gone....oh wait, isn't that today?!?!? Do you know people actually made money off of this guy's lunacy? Some people started a business telling people they would take care of their PETS after they were gone and that business, as of last night, had almost 300 clients!!!!!!! Reality has it all over Hollywood!

    I hope Taylor has a lovely 18th! I hope you have a great weekend, Gabe!

    Ginger: glad you had a good experience with the new doc. My friend is a pharmacist and finally found a doc that actually asked for *her* opinion before prescribing something!!! My friend was flabbergasted! It is the first time in her 40 years a doctor actually consulted her first so I think it is wonderful that your doc, in the same vein, is not relying on the standard and is going to do some research. Finding a doc that does not feel they know it all is helpful. On the dentist, ask at least 10 people with great smiles who their dentist is! That is the best way to find a great dentist unless, of course, you already have found one! Good luck-

    Rachel: at the Survivor Clinic they told me the aches and pains must, for the most part, be attributed to non-cancerous sources. Shins will hurt in the first few weeks of getting back to working out. If you are running outside obviously that is a huge catalyst. Also, if you are using a treadmill never hold on. Always keep your posture correct and your arms either at your sides or moving. Holding on causes incorrect posture and, as a result, other problems. A stretch that can be done on stairs to loosen the shin area is step up and then drag the one foot you left on the floor up against the stair below you until your toes are in line with the lip of the stair and hold that stretch. Sitting on your heels will also stretch this area out. Definitely stretch for 10 minutes before working out. I made a stretching play list and that helps to get me through stretching and also regulates the amount of time I am spending stretching. Down dog with heels to the floor will also ameliorate that shin situation as times goes on. Best of luck to you ending those shin pains as I am no stranger to them and know they really suck!

    Alright, so I told you all about Mark's book, right? Well, I have been following along for a few weeks now and with all the protein I am getting, I have noticeable improvement in the healing of my wound and I am pretty sure I, too, might have new boobs by September!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Mark's whole point is to fuel the body with food. That book was such an epiphany for me.

    Speaking of fueling our bodies, the other day at Survivorship Clinic, I was given a bunch of handouts. I have been reading them all week and last night stumbled upon this little nugget: If you take a piece of paper and make a chart with 4 rows and 3 columns and label the first one "acidic", the second one "herb" and the 3rd "flavoring" you can create a list of mix-n-match marinades. It is so cool. Here goes: Under the heading in column 1 called acidic you list lemon juice, orange juice and vinegar. Under the second column labeled herb you list tarragon, dill or cilantro (in the same box), and thyme. In the 3rd column you list garlic, chopped green onion and peeled and grated fresh ginger root. You can combine any one ingredient from each category to make a marinade and you just make it to kind of marinade recipe!! Isn't that fantastic!? For those of you who want the actual table, email me and I will send it to you. Also, for those who like ginger root (I love it), it can popped right in the freezer and taken out and grated into whatever dish you want, and then just toss it right back in the freezer.

    I hope you all are having a good day-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - thanks for the tip  on the marinade!  The book came into the library today and the zumba DVD too.  I'll report back.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!!! 

    Carolyn:  So sorry to hear that there might be something "wrong" with the kids, I can imagine how that would be a tough pill to swallow.  But, there is nothing you can do to change it.  If there is something organically wrong, not knowing about it will not make it better.  So, better to find out now and get them the help they need to function the best possible for them.  It's all about their future and getting them what they need.  You sound very organized and I hope you go in there and get what your children need!  Sending tons of positive vibes and hugs your way.  Your children are very lucky to have you and your DH in their corner!

    SoMay:  Thanks for the info on Sue.  So glad to hear she is doing well!!

    Lady:  Sorry about the hair, but glad to hear that you fared well with the first treatment.  On the least now that you have been through it once you know it will come back, so that must make it a little easier.  Hopefully the second treatment will go just as smoothly for you!

    Ginger:  Hi!! Great to hear from you!  So, glad you found a good doctor.  I think that going forward, having a good PCP is going to be very important. I am still looking for the right one. 

    Lizzy:  LOVE THE SONG!!!  I am glad to hear your wound is progressing.  Protein is great for wound healing.  I am going to go get that book later on today, but it will probably take me longer than you to get through it, so keep up the updates.  New boobs in September...WOO HOO!! Seriously though, it will be nice for you to finally reach the end of the whole process.  Can't wait to hear your done, its been a long road.  On the crackpot...the one thing that really pisses me off about the whole thing, is that it is so pervasive in the media that it gets back to the kids.  As adults, we can write him off as a crack pot, but the kids get worried.  Thanks for those shin stretches!! Taylor has problems with her shins, I am going to recommend those stretches to her.  And the marinade idea sounds great, I am going to give it a try.  I love ginger, but never used it in a marinade.  Going to try this week with some chicken...see what I come up with.  Hope you are outside enjoying this great weather today!

    About Sheen:  The only thing that really gets me about the whole thing, is that I feel bad...kind of like we are all watching a train wreck in slow motion and feeding it along but not trying to stop it.  I know he is a grown man, but seriously there is something really wrong with the people around him that they haven't stepped up to get that man some help!

     Anyway...going to ice the cupcakes to bring to Taylor's soccer game tomorrow.  18-years-old and she still wants cupcakes...LOL!!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Carolyn: I'm praying for you and your family.

    Debbi: Not to get into this too much, but C.Sheen has had tons of people try to help him. I've seen his dad crying with frustration that Charlie won't accept help, and I can't even remember how many times he has been through treatment. He is in an extreme state of denial, and unfortunately, he may die because of that. It's a shame because he is a very talented man who has been given much.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - I'm sorry about your hair.  I hope the next chemo goes easy on you!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Thanks Omaz. I uploaded a new avatar. This is how my hair looked last night before I shaved it off again. This was 6 months pfc.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Your color Is so good!  It'll all come back again, just gotta get through this next stretch!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Bama, how are you getting along?  libraylil. 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Yeah Lady I have seen that too.  I guess what I was referring to is, us, as consumers feeding into the media hype, watching the TV shows that feature his stories, buying tickets to his live shows, and generally giving him a platform on which to rant and rave.  He has obviously surrounded himself with flunkies who will go along with anything he does or says as long as he is paying for the party.  But personally, I believe that he is mentally ill and really needs help.  Not just treatment but serious psychological help and as long as he continues to make money and he is in the spotlight he will never get it.  Anyway, I know he is a grown man doing what he wants, but personally I feel bad watching him self destruct.  But that's just the way I am. 

    Good luck with your treatment this week.  Hope it goes as well as the last one!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors:

    I hope you all are having a nice weekend.

    Omaz: I think you might like Zumba. It is so fun and low impact. It is really all just Latin dance moves but it is so much fun! I find myself smiling right through it! The marinades are great. They are so easy for someone like me who is rather inept in the kitchen. Actually not inept but a lot of marinades are full of fat, sugar and sodium so I never really gravitated toward that type of cooking. Quite frankly, if I can toss it on the grill or under the broiler, I am good! For this reason, I found these marinades both manageable from an unwanted calorie and ingredients perspective as well as tasty combinations.

    Also, when/if you get Mark's book, the best thing about it is that he stabilizes the blood sugar and as we all know cancer loves sugar, I found this to be a huge benefit that I gathered from reading his book.

    Has anyone else heard about cancer and "charred" food? I read an article a few days ago how if you have had cancer you should not be eating charred or blackened food when it is cooked to close to the flame like grilling and broiling. I was kind of surprised to read that but then, somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I seem to remember learning something about that before. Anyone else know about this?

    Carolyn: good luck at the school. I hope it all works out.

    Relays: has anyone gotten involved in relays and, if so, how did you do it? I go to the ACS site and quickly get frustrated. It is hard to find relays and then when you do find something, it is closed etc... . I am going to try, try again but if anyone has any "relay" links, please send them! I am getting to the point where I would like to go out and socialize with other victims of this mad disease and I am finding it hard to find them....except for in the waiting room at Yale! I am going to Yale in early June and hopefully I can learn more there and I will call the ACS sometime this week but if any of you know something more, please let me in on it!

    Sptmm: You are going to love his book. The thing with Mark is that he was in good shape all his life and then put on 60 lbs as he got a little older and he took the weight off but he felt like crap because he was starving all the time. After much research and deliberation over his mother's lifelong battle with weight, he found out the reason why people are so hungry when they reduce calories to lose weight. What he shows you how to do, and not with the big recipe nonsense like you find in South Beach etc..., is to eat small amounts of whole foods in a synergistic way all day to stabilize your blood sugar so you are not ravenous. I really think he needs to run the Dept of Obesity in this country! I am serious, after you read his book you will realize it is all so simple and you don't have to buy 100 is all just real basic stuff.

    As for the shins, yoga will fix those. Down dog and just before child's pose you normally sit on your heels, trying not to let your toes point in, and this will stretch the shins out.

    As for Sheen, I do feel bad because he is deeply troubled and it is like watching a "Faces of Death" video in slow motion, I agree. It is sad. I do sincerely hope he straightens up but in the interim he should not terrorize people in the south who have enough to worry about and probably look at his arrival as a tsunami coming after the tornadoes already wrecked the place!

    It is great that Taylor is 18 and wants cupcakes. I think these kids grow up way too fast these days and for what? Nothing, that's what!

    Lady: your avatar is so cute! You look like a little kid eager to open a present!  I love it! I am looking forward to your Christmas photos when you hair will look like that again ;) I hope chemo goes ok this week. Good vibes to you, woman!

    Texas: I hope you are having good times down there in good ol' Texas!

    As for me, I have been lazy today. I even took a nap this afternoon! Sunday is truly my day of rest. I was also on YouTube lamenting the "voting off" of Haley Reinhart from Idol.  Now we have those 2 teenage country crooners left(no offense to country fans!)!  That girl is talented.  I hope she gets more deals.  I mean she did Zeppelin ...who on Idol can even do Zeppelin?! She was fantastic on "House of the Rising Sun" too.  She also did a fantastic job on Adelle's I(I initially wrote Lady Antabellum as I was watching a commercial for the Billboard Awards and tyepd their name!)  "Rolling in the Deep" and likewise with "Benny and the Jets."  I hope she gets a record deal.  Her style is remarkably that of Lady Antebellum, only the most popular artist in the world right now! 

    Have a good night, all. I am going to hunker down and watch some wonderful TV!

    Later, gators-

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Hello Warriors!

    I am home from my vacation, I had a great time.  The lacrosse tournament was fun, though the weather was bad.  It was in Denver and one day there were bad thunderstorms and tornado warnings but we all survived.  My husband was busy coaching part of the time but my parents also came out and it was good to see them again.  

    I'm glad to hear that Sue's surgery went well and hopefully she will be feeling well enough to come post here soon.

    Debbi I'm glad to hear that the surgeon confirmed your drainage was from a seroma.  It sounds like you are feeling good these days and a happy belated birthday to your daugher!

    Carolyn I'm sorry that you are struggling with the problems with your kids.  It sounds like they are getting good medical care but I understand your frustration and anger that there is something "wrong" with your babies as you said.  Big hugs to you!

    Lady It is too bad that you had to shave your head again but hopefully you will just breeze through the OVCA chemo and then you can grow your hair out long and luscious over many many more years!  

    Texas Your new ribbon avatar is great, I continue to be awed by your energy and spirit in the face of a stage IV diagnosis.

    Rachel Your survivor programs sound great!  And I hope you are enjoying your time away from work, I bet these 8 weeks will fly by and you'll be back at work before you know it!

    Lizzy Love the new group name and theme song!  Also the survivor program you are going to sounds great!

    This morning I had another Herceptin treatment and saw my onc.  Now that I am done with rads he has given me the go-ahead to start Tamox.  He recommended trying to take it at night if I can sleep through the hot flashes, otherwise take it in the morning.  So I think I will take my first one before bed tonight.  I'm feeling a little nervous!  Also he suggested taking a baby aspirin a couple of times a week.  Has anyone else heard this suggestion?  He said there has been research where they asked people if they took a baby aspirin 2 to 5 times a week and the people who said yes had better outcomes - this was for breast cancer, esophogeal cancer, and one other type that I forgot.  He said it seemed strange that it helped these 3 totally different cancers but since taking such a small dose of aspirin only a couple times a week probably won't hurt anything he likes to recommend it to his patients.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    jsw--I haven't heard about the aspirin--but my onco didn't really go into any details of things like that with me. I take my Tamox in the AM and haven't really had any problems of any significance. I do have some aches and pains and certainly, I do think that my joints are a little slower but overall--not too bad. Like everything, it is hard to determine what is actually a side effect from the Tamoxifen, left over stuff from chemo/radiation or just plain aging/lack of exercise/weight gain!!! Good luck on the Tamoxifen.